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Orlion Blight

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Everything posted by Orlion Blight

  1. The way I look at it is that calling someone a "POV character" is misleading... I can't think of a better term right now, but it might be good to think of something else. All these characters have complex and mysterious pasts (sure, that wasn't clear with Shallan to begin with, but that's because she's a liar!) They also seem to focus on different cultures/countries. With Dalinar being a... *sigh* POV character, it would defeat the purpose of that second trait to have Adolin or even Jasneth as a main POV Character. And frankly, Adolin's past does not seem all that interesting... or rather, is character development is stuck in the present. And, if I can be frank,
  2. No neeeeed to get hostile, We're merely Pentecostal! We will not cramp your style! Marchin' rank and file, Being just Pentecostal! With no need for your bile!
  3. It helps when we all live in the fear of being struck down by Mod
  4. That's what I find interesting as well, Twi. I believe Sanderson is interested in telling a story, not proselytize (like, say, C. S. Lewis with the Chronicles of Narnia).
  5. I believe the issue is that having a catch-all "Christian" option would negate the OP's purpose in running this poll. He has a hypothesis that has not been expounded (if I were to hazard a guess, I would say it would be that a good portion of Sanderson readers are Mormon... what I find interesting are the number of agnostics/atheists). So having a non-denominational and an Anglican option might better serve the poll
  6. KAYMYTH.member: Will I...dream, Kobold? Kobold: I- *sobs* I don't know, KAYMYTH... KAYMYTH.member: Good-bye, Kobold And for reference:
  7. My mama said: "To get things done, you better not mess with Major Tom"

  8. Station to Station by David Bowie. This one has "Golden Years" which appears in that Heath Ledger movie...not that one, the other one...NO! You're hopeless! It's the one about a knight and a tale... It also has some of the best lyrics: "It's not the side effects of the cocaine/I'm thinking that it must be love!"
  9. I would be the deadbeat forum Uncle who only comes around when he wants his portion of the family stipend... complete with hair-brained, half-cooked ideas of "sound investments".
  10. I ordered Shadows Beneath from his site, cause I gots to have a book... an e-book is no book, no sir...but I digress... That is signed, but not personalized.
  11. A valid concern. I'm a fan of the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, and after the first trilogy there is a division about the quality of the books exactly because of this issue: Thomas Covenant becomes a background character in his own series! Didn't bother me, but it upset quite a few people (most famously, his then-editor Lester DelRey, who exclaimed "You don't make Jane the main character in a Tarzan story!") As far as Stormlight, I imagine we will mostly follow the same characters for the first five books, at least.
  12. I was raised on Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee... I remember watching that atrocious movie when it came out and believing Doctor Who would never leave Syndication Hell. I was delighted by Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, and I was fine with David Tennant. Still don't get the deal with Matt Smith, but I've also grown apart from the series. Could it be that I long for the days of old? That I'm a hipster that ceased to enjoy the NuWho once it gained mainstream recognition? Perhaps the Shadow knows, but only if the answers to these questions involve evil dwelling in my heart...and if I'm a man...
  13. Speak for yourself! That character steals every one of the few scenes he's been in! Of course, it is not set in stone (*guffaw*) and the Lost-Style POV could be another character... we won't know for a few months, I imagine. As far as maintaining the pace: remember, this will not be a flat-out 10 book series, it's essentially two five book series, which is more doable then if it was just a ten book series.
  14. It is a dismal world we live in when our Edible Rats are extinct.
  15. Looks like it's Brave New World, which is a very good choice. Out of all the dystopian books, I believe it is the most relevant. I liked Catcher in the Rye immensely, but I in my personal case I read it as an adult and I feel that made the difference... I don't think I could have read it in my high school years.
  16. But of course Have an upvote, you deserve it.
  17. Youth is a restrictive cage where one is poked and prodded and put on performance.... adulthood is open air and fending off the myriad eldritch horrors of the abysmal deep as they try to drag your life boat down into the Void... I actually much prefer the later. The struggle is my own, I am better able to define myself and break away from the chains imposed on me by family, society, and religion.
  18. A valid critique. This discussion (my reply being a top offender) is not really being conducted in a rigorous, scholarly matter to establish such absolute claims. I stand mildly rebuked and shall clarify that these are based on my personal awareness. You are correct, the terms Skaa, dark-eyes, mud-blood, etc. are used with an authorial intent to look at discrimination and prejudice towards less-privileged classes. My point, however, is that these terms are so far removed from racial slurs that exist in the real world that they do not create the same feeling of discomfort... to the point that fans will even adopt the terms to describe themselves/their own. So the question at hand is how separated from real life prejudices "half-breed" is... which we courteously disagree on (I hope at least, I'm not terribly confrontational in this discussion, and if I appear that way, feel free to call me out on it).
  19. Yes, two currently. Since Brandon has set a goal of one "big" book and one YA book a year, it's quite possible we might get one of these (mayhap both!) in between Stormlight books... but that's wishful thinking on my part.
  20. Why yes, I was. Some Making-of trivia: I prepared for the role by not shaving for a couple of days.
  21. Yes, the three graphic novels will tell the story of the "original" White Sands.
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