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Lord Pifferdoo

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Everything posted by Lord Pifferdoo

  1. I just wrote a way too short essay about Beowulf. I had to double check it for Super Bowl references. At one point, Tom Brady threw to Beowulf, but was intercepted by Grendel's mother ripping off Aeschere's head.

    1. Alvron


      That would've been an interesting game to watch.

    2. Lord Pifferdoo
  2. I feel like it would end up a lot like Calvin-ball, but the only one making the rules would be Hoid.
  3. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Easily Recyclable?

  4. The costume assigners from the eyes of whoever had to be a palm tree?
  5. In the spirit of the American tradition of watching a bunch of dudes give each other concussions on live television, I thought of a most elegant topic to post. Which one of Brandon's many characters would be the best at American Football? All powers and/or hallucinations are allowed. I'm torn between Kaladin (or any Windrunner really) and Elend, just because he could use his raw allomantic power to push all the opponents away.
  6. If Preservation were to be splintered and it's Splinters to turn into blades, it would make more sense for it to be shardknives.
  7. A note, written on expensive paper, is nailed to the front of Joe's front door. On the front of the paper is written: The Marquis de Piffletiff will be joining this jolly romp through the Cosmere In a slightly smaller font: May the House of Piff never fail to Piff the ever-living snot out of it's opponents! (RP to come soon, first I have to write an essay about Beowulf)
  8. Granted. One of your fingernails falls off. I wish for a super laser
  9. Would people be interested in a Sixth of the Dusk-based game? I'll help design it, but I'm not sure I'd have the time to GM it.
  10. Still trying to organize it. The problem is that one of my players lives half an hour away, and another one is my younger brother who still had a curfew.
  11. I suppose I should change my signature now... In all sillyness, this was actually really fun, and I'm already excited for the next one. Maybe I'll be a Viscount or a Marquis.
  12. Woe be to those whose Network Connection misses the word of Metatron OOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOO *cans jiggle, wiggle, and do the harlem shake*
  13. Just finished reading Beowulf (the Seamus Heaney translation), and I'm writing a short essay analysis of it for a class I'm taking. I'm currently making my way through When the Legends Die by Hal Borland, and I'm really liking it so far. It's getting pretty intense, and it reminds me a lot of American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The whole idea that legends are what we aspire to be and without them, we have nothing to live up to, is a very powerful message. "When the legends die, the dreams end. When the dreams end, there is no greatness."
  14. Woe to those who have molasses-brains and don't protect themselves against breakfast zombies. Also, I'm a ghoooooooooost woooooooooooooo I'll haunt all of your cans and can-like vessels till you fall to the spiiiiiiiiiiked *ghostly whoosh* *all cans in town jump up and down for three seconds*
  15. Granted. You lose the ability to speak, and if someone says anything involving the number three or triangles you will have a mental breakdown. I wish for the test I choose to fail to be for a class I am not taking.
  16. Granted. Stormlight 3 is released in New Zealand, Botswana, and Mongolia. Each book is printed in Ancient Greek. I wish for amazing dancing ability for prom when it comes up in a few months.
  17. Granted. Every other food that Jim Gaffigan has made fun of, however, now tastes just as terrible as hot pockets originally did. I wish to be alive again in the Elimination Game (much tears, very distraught. wow)
  18. Could Felt be Hoid in disguise? The Coppermind lists him as "lithe and short with a hawkish face and a drooping moustache." (Scadrial account)
  19. Granted. You no longer have a liver. I wish for a pet velociraptor. And the actual velociraptor, with feathers and all.
  20. Does anybody else realize that Unodus could also be the Rioter? And since I'm not the Rioter, that means that he IS the Rioter?
  21. Granted. You now have liver disease. Really, really bad liver disease. I wish to not be a fly anymore.
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