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Lord Pifferdoo

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Everything posted by Lord Pifferdoo

  1. Granted. You now have an extreme craving for seafood. I wish for the world to make sense.
  2. Shallan lying to Jasnah in Khabranth? Jasnah and Shallan debating the ethics of using a fabrial to kill?
  3. Traveling to Shademar in Kharbranth? Szeth Lashing about and almost killing Mr. T? Mr. T using the Boon to make the Diagram and create chaos and drain people's blood? Something with Kabsal?
  4. Mr. T and the diagram? Mr. T and the whole assassinating everyone thing? Soulcasting in Kharbranth?
  5. True, Brandon could go all deus ex magicka on us.
  6. The Dakhor monks twisting their bones and using freaky powers. (if anyone here follows seananners please read that in the neck twisters voice) Bloodsealing! By those one people who were pale and lived in the swamp and had bony minions.
  7. The whole shash thing could be because the languages developed from the same source: the shards. Like how English and German have very similar words at time because they're both Germanic languages. (at least, the peasant words, but that's a whole 'nuther discussion). That provides an explanation for Vasher knowing Alethi. He could've learned it the vanilla way, though, since he's been on the planet for a about a decade.
  8. Oh, yea, right. Soothing. Ha. What's your reasoning behind it being either you, Peng, or myself? If you're right, then it was Peng, because (not confirming or denying any kind of roles whatsoever) I did not Soothe myself.
  9. By the Lord Ruler's sweaty armpits. Crap, can you Riot people to not have a vote? I think that's what happened to me.
  10. Oooooooooo I like this theory. Quick! Clever people! Find a WoB that confirms/denies/RAFOs the fact that Adonalsium is a concise person/place/thing/idea/mineral/pop culture reference.
  11. Oh, ok. I'll try to act more innocent. Ugh, dammit, all my friends are dead, I'm like a Brontosaurus. Or Kaladin at the beginning of WoK (ouch bet you didn't see that angst coming)
  12. Oh hey, I'm here. Responded to what, exactly? Not posting? I didn't feel the need to, but I will say that I missed your post about me being suspicious because school and tiny french poodles and Almost, Maine. If you want me to talk more I can do that. I'm suspicious of lots of people, and one of them is Dowanx, but another one is Unodus, and there's also the little part of me that thinks that all of you actives are spiked and this is a cruel joke to all of you. And as for the comment about the spiked laughing to themselves, did you really think I was being serious?
  13. I usually rock my opponents with my Night of the Ninja deck
  14. Shin: Baby I'd walk on stone just to be next to you. Listener: Did you just attune to the rhythm of seduction or are you just happy to see me? Mr. T: I've seen it in the Diagram, we're meant to be together!
  15. I'm gonna need some good evidence to back this, if I do. I've kinda been watching dowanx, but not nearly to the degree that I was watching some others.
  16. Frickin' finally! Not to call upon hindsight bias, but I totally called that from at least day 2.
  17. Weiry. You've been on my suspicious list for a while, though I am hesitant. Last time this many people voted for one person, they turned out to be a villager. The Spiked are probably giggling to themselves on their secret document of evil.
  18. Could Honorblades have a different effect when held by Heralds then when held by non-Heralds? The Heralds are not native to Roshar, so their Spirtweb could be very different and be affected in different ways. Assuming that the Honorblades were created by Honor to be wielded specifically by the Heralds. Tangent: I'm partial to the theory that the Heralds from Braize, and that the Tranquiline Halls became Damnation when Odium showed up. They could also be native to Yolen, and traveled with Honor when he left Yolen and faffed off to Roshar with Cultivation. Which begs the question, does Cultivation have a Herald equivalent, or do they share the Heralds? I think I read somewhere that the Heralds are "of Honor" but this could be a situation much like the kandra.
  19. Yes, because even though shardblades cannot cut living flesh, once it severs the spiritual connection to the rest of the body, the body part is treated like dead flesh. For all intents and purposes, it is dead.
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