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Everything posted by natc

  1. I agree that the peaks may be his preferred route of entry. The description Rock gives as matter of fact about Lunu'anaki conspicuously includes a description of his mannerisms, as a "god of travelers and mischief who cannot hurt man". That last part is too accurate. He probably inspired the myth somehow. On top of this, he requests a date in the Horneater calendar from Rock upon arrival. Specifically. I mean, he knew he'd be in Unkalaki territory, but then he could've just asked for a date of any sort expecting to give the one they prefer. Hoid can apparently understand Horneater dates, then. And would rather receive a date in that form rather than in the Vorin calendar, which he probably assumed they would also know.
  2. And probably also because, at the climax of the grand master plan for killing Ruin, he needed somewhere to dump all the investiture that the atium is made from as a final method of forestalling him. IIRC to merge with Ruin, the atium must be in physical form. The sacrifices he made to set up the plan ultimately cost him any memory of what the plan even was, but hey, we are to believe that it was very well thought out and suitably brilliant. And it involves letting Ruin almost win up until the last hand of metaphorical poker was dealt, before betting it all and swiping everything from under his nose.
  3. Lash your shoes to yourself to not tie your laces at all.
  4. Well, IIRC, Spook was Survivor of the Flames for a bit. It was just one town though. The Words of Founding made by Harmony actually very clearly state that Kelsier has literally survived death itself, so while the origin of the church may be a bit of a lie they now know that they are technically still right. I think it still meant something that even a man like him was willing to die for this cause. Right after saving a noble too. He's still around now, but he's playing a different enough role that it's almost like something in him did die that day. Once you don't even have a life to risk for people anymore it's hard to be heroic . . .
  5. While bonds are not "inherent" by way of birth, since they generally seem to attach to one's soul, presumably a hemalurgist can steal it by spiking the (normally mundane) part of the spiritweb where said bond is "anchored", for lack of a better term. Of course whether the spren survives is a different matter entirely. That is a nonissue if they were already dead though, so a dead shardblade should be a fairly simple procedure if you can figure out how to stab them right.
  6. That's probably part of the costliness of aluminum in AoL, most of it is probably because aluminum production and refinement without electricity (which they only recently began developing technology for) is pretty damnation difficult. Even on Earth it used to be entirely impractical to mass produce. IIRC in the 1800s aluminum was more valuable than gold.Aluminum prices will almost certainly drop in another generation or two.
  7. You can even calculate the diffraction of a brick, IIRC. We clearly have to stop somewhere.
  8. Maybe captivityspren actually need you to be bored to show up? Axies spent his imprisonment looking for them and all, he's clearly preoccupied.
  9. Though he does fit the description rather well. I think Rock even points out his inability to harm people?
  10. As I understand it, judging from the name "primer cube", you steelpush with the cube on you to make it start steelpushing itself, then you stick it into the slot where it contacts the actual block of ettmetal that powers the ship, which then starts steelpushing too. Don't want water on the engine and all, gotta keep it covered. I'd imagine that the primer cube only does short bursts due to some sort of built-in timed shutdown to stop it from being burned away too fast. The ship itself can be shut off at will, so there must be a way to do that. Raw ettmetal possibly goes on forever.
  11. Her people doesn't cover their left hands! Must be really exotic in the bedroom! Vorin culture can be weird at times. . . . did he just kill an assassin, pull the knife out, wash the blood off in his drink, and use it to eat steak?
  12. . . . compounders don't really burn their proper metalminds though. Or even have to. You just need to store in whatever steel you swallowed (they're Inquisitors. They always have steel swallowed) and burn it off, then store the overkill amount of speed you get from that away for later use. Whether their primary metalminds are safe to burn is completely irrelevant.
  13. Hrathen had a good one. He came to the city with the intent of saving Arelon. Circumstances took a turn for the strange, sure, but when it came time to choose sides he decides to give up his allegiances and . . . save Arelon. Lightsong is up there too. He certainly kept his flare for the dramatic.
  14. To begin with, electromagnetic waves are formed from photons that originated from electrons, while lightning and electricity would be the electrons themselves. Soulcasting things into lightning is probably easier.
  15. It feeds back because the future is literally being decided by knowledge about that very future, in an endless loop of foresight. Atium has never, at any point that I know of, been described as having to do with intent in any way.
  16. Well there should be a difference. Tin savantism results in the allomancer being physically dysfunctional in all aspects affected by tin. The side effects of the damage appear to be metal-specific. While both forms of tin do deal with senses in some fashion, both forms of steel are completely different.
  17. Four and a half year necropost. You're really digging far back now, man.
  18. Well, atium shadows are continuous. Once you stab them it has to reset at some point, or the shadow is now inaccurate. If the shadow is a visual representation of spiritual connections (as is suggested) then it should actually account for everything except for that person's intentions. Where would you even draw the line at external input? Someone nearby attacking you? Some half a mile up the mountain sneezing and burying you in an avalanche? If the shards decided to make the planet spin faster would it ignore that too?
  19. I could've sworn I read a WoB once where the compounding only lasts while you're compounding the parts of the metal with charge in them . . . possibly feruchemical charge isn't evenly distributed?
  20. How you got that much feruchemical charge without involving shards I won't ask. But allomancy is shard-powered.
  21. If it seems obvious then they won't be a very effective spy now would they?
  22. For the record, lashing things together with adhesion is full lashing, while drawing things to a point is reverse lashing. Which is entirely gravity.
  23. . . . no they'd definitely find it odd. Humans don't do that.
  24. I'm more concerned with why you would think it is Terris in the first place.
  25. Be Lift. Use abrasion to help be a bit more sure you don't die from choking on food. . . . congrats, you just used stormlight derived from food to help swallow food that you'll use for stormlight for the next piece of food.
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