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Everything posted by natc

  1. Investiture goes in and out of aluminum all the time. Case in point, every aluminum ferring ever.
  2. Well, with electricity, if you need a bunch at once you just generate more, with some resource investment. Stormlight has to be recharged by a predictable but periodic natural phenomenon. Batteries are also probably cheaper than gemstones. Just have an Elsecaller transmute someone into an explosive from shadesmar and we have a recipe for inhumane slaughter.
  3. They don't. At all. But since they arise naturally, it stands to reason that, with all that future sight, one can predict what systems will arise if you create a planet at a certain spot with a certain combination of shards.
  4. Well, I kinda neglected Dox on account of being dead . . . And right, he's married to a noble too. At least he's several generations down the line himself though, IIRC? It's also somewhat probable that several houses are not of pure blood I suppose. Speaking of blood: due to the concentration of allomancy as opposed to skaa, nobility is technically a race to a certain extent yes? The classification would be difficult to eliminate early on; though allomancers seem prevalent in the commoner populace of Elendel as well if we're running courier jobs and soothing parlors. The bloodline has definitely thinned within a few generations.
  5. Well actually I'm pretty sure they mostly stop way before they approach zero due to the whole dying thing. Storing in steel conspicuously doesn't do anything to thought. It's weird.
  6. I had a teacher who watched Dexter in high school. Interesting class sometimes . . .
  7. Judging from units, wouldn't the speed of light be wavelength multiplied by frequency? Proportionate to at the very least. You have to change both if you change one.
  8. In all honesty you don't want peasant farmers or whatever to run government. That leaves nobles, and leaders of skaa organizations, which there aren't many of besides thieving crews. Technically all of Kelsier's team is part-noble anyway.
  9. Requirements to become a magic user range from "shard decided and it was so" and "just born that way" to specific behavior patterns, seemingly random and arbitrary, or in hemalurgy and forgery's cases absolutely nothing. It never checks out. At all. Where the power comes from is really all you can use, because you sure as heck can't judge them by what they actually do. As nearly all magic can aid in bloody murder somehow.
  10. To be honest storing literal speed is kind of a ridiculous notion since it's just a number described to represent rate of change of displacement and is utterly meaningless without being totally arbitrary with reference frames. Well, @Pathfinder you can't actually stop your heart from beating, and in actuality feruchemical strength manipulates muscle mass. Storing breath also deprives you of oxygen internally, and your senses operate nonstop even if they sense nothing unless physically neutralized somehow by damaging them.
  11. So basically he was already insane and broken enough that the things that normally break people fail to worsen it at all? That sounds rather dangerous.
  12. Well, one of those nobles was Breeze. Lying bastard. And well, when most of the population is dead, and some people had some experience with leadership and administrative duties, you take what you can get until the situation stabilizes.
  13. . . . so I'm not a physics person, but it sounds counterintuitive to be able to change the speed at which light waves past a certain point in space and have the frequency be exactly identical?
  14. To begin with all allomancers have a crack of some sort due to snapping, so even without Spook having been spiked Kelsier would probably have something to work with. Actually, I believe the mechanism of interfering with copperminds involved screwing up the feruchemist's memories as they are being transcribed? Perhaps both shards can only whisper, Ruin being a bit louder and clearer by virtue of not being Preservation; the spikes possibly strengthen the link to the point that he could have entire conversations and have hallucinatory presence.
  15. TenSoon has never even met Kelsier before. OreSeur is the one who digested him. And he's long gone as well.
  16. TLR was also an angry, discriminatory man as a mortal. For very different reasons on the surface, but hatred that deep usually has a more emotionally damaging underlying cause. I suspect something as painful as what happened to Kelsier and Mare may have happened because of Khlennium that sparked that worldview in the first place . . . He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.
  17. It's a pain in the chull to store to a level that enables spectacular feats, I reckon. Also, judging from showings in the Wax and Wayne books, physics!speed doesn't work the way feruchemical speed seems to.
  18. And yet for some reason, when the aon fails, it actually goes about halfway and then messes up like a misdrawn aon, instead of simply doing nothing like everything else missing the chasm line. Unless the Shaod actually defaults to zombie state or something. Shaod is weird. Still though, wasn't Elantris supposed to predate Arelon? Something is definitely up with it. Why does the distance decay become so drastic for Arelon alone?
  19. What cell types are contained within soulcast blood? I do want this answered someday, it'd have interesting implications.
  20. Well, something will probably drain of color obviously, so there's that. Awakening is somewhat of a low-expenditure technique since the breath persists for years even if you do something with it, and in this case you're not even animating anything, just altering memories. Feruchemists can lose memories without much trouble, and since memories in the physical are basically neuron connections it's not too far beyond the level of changing your hair color at will, which would require altering the chemical structure of your pigmentation.
  21. I actually kind of doubt he's involved with Trell despite everything. If he was wouldn't the Set have known where the "Bands" were from the beginning instead of being fooled twice?
  22. Besides, a shardblade to the neck should generally sever your soul from your body outright. Not sure if yoy can channel stormlight in that state. Hoid generally appears to have a method to regenerate himself without being functionally conscious.
  23. Well, AonDor itself has an apparent contradiction in its existence. Only Elantrians appear to be able to invoke the aons, but Elantrians themselves are initiated from humans by the Shaod, which is itself an aon-powered system as evidenced by the repair of Aon Rao. So there must have been something that created Elantris, that is not "Elantrian" in the modern sense but has that capability. What it is isn't immediately important. It somewhat stands to reason, then, that there was some entity or creature located in that monastery, with a Dakhor bone-rune that sacrifices humans somehow to cause the monks' skeletons to mutate and become able to use the power themselves. Something with a similarly self-contradictory origin. I can't imagine just randomly killing people will work, that happens all the time I'm sure.
  24. Well, why would the connection be gone? Allomancy isn't a physical trait, it's ingrained into your soul. It's just somewhat useless without a body.
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