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Everything posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. I will join. I must join! ...please... just accept my humblest of requests and let me be a member... Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. Not sure if I'm more of a Forumlurker or a Convertshaper though.
  2. Actually, yes! A good bit like that. I think it would be neat if the temperature was a little lower though, like 20-30 °F. I have this cool image in my head of icicles hanging down from the tree branches as the clouds above spill forth buckets of rain.
  3. I am also under the impression that a rainforest would be a great setting for this. I would say try and throw a unique spin on it somehow though. Possibly make it a tundra-esque climate, but one that still gets a lot of rain and has a lot of trees? Or maybe make it swampy or rocky instead? I dunno, I'm just throwing some ideas out there.
  4. I'm trying to decide if I should spend $100 on the complete Alcatraz Boxset or not. The only places I can find it are ridiculously expensive.
  5. I haven't even heard of it. What's the basic premise/who is it by?
  6. 104 A.D. The Romans built a couple bridges.
  7. I really like the soundtrack from the original Halo, but that really isn't old timey. Umm, Tetris? Does that count?
  8. When you seriously consider changing your name to Eighteenth of the Night for a few minutes.
  9. Oh? And how may I get to this wonderful land? Over the forest and through the river? Wait, that can't be right...
  10. Don't remember exactly, but the scene where Sigzil and Rock are arguing about the Horneater ocean. Anyway it was something like; Moash: You have an ocean on the top of your mountain? Rock: He is small ocean, Sigzil: It's a lake. Rock: HE IS OCEAN! And of course the scene with Shallan and Stick.
  11. When you're building a bonfire, and encourage the wood by telling it about how much fun it will have while on fire.
  12. Mostly I write fantasy, but recently I've been toying with the idea of a contemporary, but not just any contemporary, nay! One set in and around the lives of the members of a book club. I thought it'd be cool for readers to see how the characters enjoyed books that the readers themselves had read. Such as TFioS or SA or Mistborn. I think it would definitely be fun to play with the characters discussion of the books, making some really enjoy some, while making other characters despise them. I dunno, just a tiny idea I've had for a few weeks now. Although it is quickly taking up more of my attention. Alas, I may have to set aside my fantasy shortstory collection for an actual novel soon.
  13. My family and I lost to that thrice-darned Forbidden Island game again.
  14. Currently reading, First Lord's Fury by Butcher, The Republic of Thieves by Lynch, Elvenbane by Norton and Lackey, and The Lonesome Gods by L'Amour.
  15. I haven't read LB yet, but I really, really liked NA so hopefully I can pick it up soon! I'm excited to read more of Weeks' stuff.
  16. My local library had a huge sale the other day, paperbacks were twenty-five cents and hardbacks were fifty so. . . The Eye of the World and The Great Hunt, by Jordan The first three books and the prequel to the Shanara series (don't remember their names at the moment) by Brooks Elvenbane, Elvenblood and Elvenborn by Mercedes Lackey and Andre Norton (Ok, so I really enjoy 90's fantasy. So what? Sue me ) Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley Thr3e by Ted Dekker The Lonesome Gods by Louis L'Amour The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern And finally, The Hunger Games by Collins Yeah.
  17. (Insert applicable situation here) ...is like pulling teeth using dynamite. Definitely effective, just not necessarily the result you were hoping for.
  18. I always assumed that if you had blue/grey/green eyes, you would be considered lighteyed, but if you had any variation of brown eyes, you would be darkeyed. So even though I have some green in my eyes because they're hazel, I would be darkened because they appear more brown and, well, dark.
  19. Isn't Mandarin one of the hardest languages to learn? I've heard that Spanish is one of the easiest for English speakers to learn, so if that's the case I would stand no chance against Mandarin.
  20. A small mob with plans to tar and feather me may show up at my house later for admitting this but . . . I don't really like Nutella. In fact I kind of can't stand it. Now, whoever currently holds Szeth's Oathstone, I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me know if I should go hide in my underground nuclear bunker or not. Thank you. That is all. Have a wonderful evening.
  21. The only thing I really retained from two years of high school Spanish were the numbers. But on the bright side I can count to thirty-nine in a language other than English!
  22. The moment when you realize you've read over three hundred pages in one sitting. . .

  23. Also, how would you even get inside one? Unless, of course, you're a professional contortionist. I mean, it's not like the steel would have the same properties as cloth, right?
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