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Everything posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. Greetings, earthling! Welcome to the Forum! (A piece of friendly advice, avoid all the cookies. They nearly got me that way. ) Same here on the Spanish situation! Although I still can count to twenty-nine.
  2. Hemallurgy is such an awesome concept, and so much fun to learn about! That being said, I think Allomancy is my favorite. Just because it is so cool. I love the idea of Pushing and Pulling my way through the mists, and enhancing my senses and physical abilities. I also like Feruchemy. ........Basically just the magic from Mistborn.
  3. Whenever people start copying one another, I'm just like " Nope. Stop. Nope nope nope."
  4. Whoops, it seems I may have accidentally downvoted you, Can someone please fix that for me? What are your feelings on the word 'too'? And if you could only eat one type of cereal, what would it be?
  5. The Forum Gods accept indecipherable rambles in the form of text, audio and video. However, they prefer lengthy RPs about MLP and the Cosmere much more.
  6. Heh, my town has 2,000 people in it. Certainly not the smallest, but it's up there. On the topic of randomness, have any of you read Red Rising by Pierce Brown? It's brilliant. I've got about a hundred pages left, and if it keeps going the way it is now I think it will tie with Ready Player One for my favorite Sci-Fi. Highly suggested for any Sci-Fi fans out there. Edit: It's now 2:30 a.m. and I just finished Red Rising. That book was incredible. People, please read it. Please.
  7. Whovians, Sherlock, and Star Wars for TV/movies. Halo, Battlefront and Assassins Creed for video games. Cosmere (obviously), LoTR, Gentlemen Bastards, Kingkiller Chronicles, Demon War Cycle, Codex Alera, Obsidian Mountain, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson (basically just fantasy in general) for books.
  8. Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist are my favorite anime. Cuz you know, #mainstream. That being said I have a lot more of an indie taste in books.
  9. Yeah... I was supposed to be in a major role for a high school play at the end of my senior year, but I chickened out. So how did I solve the issue? I convinced my entire family to go on vacation so we would be out of town during production. I'm honestly still not sure if I'm proud or ashamed of this feat.
  10. I thought this forum was about random facts? Although I suppose the fact that Lark is an epic is pretty random...
  11. @ Honor Spren, my younger brother does that to me. My younger brother. On topic, when you have a pet stick instead of a pet rock.
  12. I just want to address the fact that you made Chaos the president. Read about Sponge-bob, army goes to Dora (because why not?) and Goku can have the presidency. Sadeas, Dracula, and Sauron.
  13. Well, I live in North Carolina so it shouldn't be too hard.
  14. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth. Next thing you know I'll be whistling all throughout a theatre.
  15. The only Shakespeare I've read is Macbeth. Lots of death in that one.
  16. Blurry Face by 21 Pilots. Don't really care for their older stuff but this one is pretty great. Also not music, but I'm also listening to Blood Song by Anthony Ryan. It's also pretty great. The reader (Stephen Brand) has an accent that I really like.
  17. I am now about halfway through The Desert Spear by Brett and The Necromancer by Scott. Also finishing up The Innocent Mage by Miller and just finished Thief of Time by Pratchett earlier today.
  18. When you go see Jurassic World and realize Chasmfiends are way scarier than dinosaurs.
  19. Was your top still spinning when the dream ended?
  20. The Battle of New Orleans, which was the greatest American victory in the War of 1812 occurred in 1815. The Treaty of Ghent, which was the treaty between America and Britain which ended the War of 1812 was signed in 1814. Way to communicate guys.
  21. Seriously though. That is a badchull scarf.
  22. This series is huge. That being said, is it worth my time reading it? Keep in mind that it will probably take months to read, and I have many other books I would like to get into as well. So......in your honest opinion, should I hold my breath and take the plunge or stay safely above the roaring river that is The Wheel of Time? (Yes I'm aware that I just compared a book series to a river. David is rubbing off on me.)
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