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Everything posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. ..............I honestly don't know how to react to that one.
  2. I would give the army to The Doctor... but that is a little scary, can you imagine what he could do with an army? So, read about The Doctor. I don't think Bomber would be a very good President, so I guess I'll give him the army. And thus the Oval Office goes to Pinky Pie. She's good right? (I don't Pony, in case it wasn't obvious.) And Player B's next three characters are Percy Jackson, Kvothe from the Kingkiller Chronicles and Sabetha from the Gentlemen Bastards.
  3. I would eat them, but the Dark Alley has kinda made me suspicious of all cookies I didn't make myself. Say, those cookies don't have spikes in them, do they?
  4. So it's a monster that is 1/4 Babadook, 1/4 Weeping Angel, 1/4 Mothra and 1/4 Raccon-demon?
  5. Guys. I'm home alone and something keeps tapping on my window. For rizzle though, if I never post again now you know why.
  6. Italian ftw! Who can say no to chicken parmesan? Also we should band together to make Shardcon a thing. We can have it on a gigantic cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic. Oh! Oh! Or we could hijack one of those oil rig platformy things (don't be ridiculous of course that's the technical term) for a weekend!
  7. Eep. You actually met Captain Jack Harkness? As in the Captain Jack Harkness!?
  8. Guilty conscious much? I kinda had a dream like that. I was being hunted by the C.I.A. and had to fight off half a dozen secret agents. I also jumped out of a four story building and landed on my feet perfectly fine. My ninja status is wayyyyy higher in my dreams.
  9. I'm of the same opinion as Kobold on this. Well. Except for Nine. I don't really like Nine. Sorry Lark. I only re watch his episodes because of Captain Jack. OH HEY! Can we please talk about Jack for a second?
  10. So I need some help. I like to make it a habit of using relatively unknown/unused fantasy races in my stories. I will usually take the base fairytale creatures, than kind of "rewrite" them and make them unique and my own. I've used variations of Trolls and Bugbears in two of my novels, and plan to use Ghouls and Werebears in others. Also trying to decide if I should use some kind of Harpy or Siren. But anyhow, I've run out of such races. Any suggestions, whether races or cool variations of races?
  11. Yeah, that dream is pretty weird, but honestly nothing new. It's not even the weirdest dreams I've had. ...my subconscious is pretty strange, guys.
  12. Ahhhhhh. I see. I got the new American version boxed set for Christmas last year and I was so excited. And thank you!
  13. This needs to be a poster. And it needs to be on my wall. Now, please. Also... those space onions are pretty strong. Don't feel bad for... for... a few tears shed here and there. *bawls eyes out*
  14. Ooooooooooo. Percy Jackson is a pretty dern good read. Might I suggest you read it soon? Also, I just applied to Books A Million for a job. Fingers crossed, everybody...
  15. Ah, good old 11. I do miss him terribly.
  16. Not really sure which is more frightening; this evil genius plan or the fact that I really want to see it come to fruition.
  17. When you realize that Kaladin is your biggest role model.
  18. Ready, lightning round! Would you rather never read another book, or have no technology whatsoever? (Phone, computer, television, etc.) Favorite Streetfighter character? The one food that should be thrown into the Abyss never to return? Favorite color? (Have to have one normal question) Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
  19. Finally finished First Lord's Fury! Really quite good although I do have one or two issues with it, but those are just personal things so if anyone is looking into the series I would definitely recommend it. I'm now reading Elvenblood by Lackey and Norton, The King's Buccaneer by Feist, and The Innocent Mage by Miller. I'm trying to decide between starting Lords and Ladies by Pratchet or The Eye of the World by Jordan.
  20. You let people do cool things such-as-but-not-limited-to flying, gaining super strength and seeing the future (kind of).
  22. Eleven is still the best, though.
  23. I'm technically an ISTJ, but my Sensing and Thinking traits are right on the line. They're not ver dominant at all, and I have a lot of Feeling and Intuition traits too. Basically I'm an ISTJ with horrible indecisiveness, because part of me is like "GO GO GO GO GO!" and the other half is all "Whoa. Dude. Slow down and think this through." Decisions are an issue.
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