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    Shardcast Season 1, Episode 1

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    We're back, and better (allegedly) than ever! We're switching it up, and now the main Shardcast will be our podcast where we go reading through each book. No, we aren't narrating every book--we know, you're sad--but Mi'ch, Josh, and Eric are here to give you commentary on the books, annotations, and everything! And try to make it entertaining, somehow. This episode's entertainment comes from meat. Vegetarians need not apply. You'll see.

    You know the sophomore slump, where the sequel is never as good as the first in a series? In this episode of Shardcast, we desperately try to avoid the sophomore slump with quotes and a better outline. Then, of course, everything Splinters. Fortunately, Kerry is able to put it together again and it's totally seamless. No awkward pauses or forced segues here, no sir.

    Now with introductions out of the way, we delve into the meat of Shardcast: Brandon news, discussion, and theories. This week, we're talking about basic Cosmere stuff. Have you been confused about Hoid or the Shards? Slivers or Splinters? Vases, and splinters of vases? We discuss this and so much more. This is not a drill, this is the real deal.

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