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Long Game 76: At the Forests of Madness


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1 minute ago, Azmine_king said:

I did not, I did it mostly as a reaction fish to see how they would react, most new scum tend to get quite worried when voted. They didn't really have a reaction which is NAI I guess.

If worried reaction = elim read and no reaction = NAI read, then what reaction = village read? Just from curiosity, because I would have thought with that line of thinking that no reaction would produce a slight village read.

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I'm about to go to bed, and I don't know how much I'll be able to pop on tomorrow before the day closes, so-- putting in a vote for Szeth Pancakes.  Not just as a badminton rival, but as a matter of attitude.  I'm reading a level of comfort of "it doesn't matter who I vote for, because I already know who is and isn't Elim."  Sorry if I'm wrong!  Subject to change tomorrow if more information presents itself, but I didn't want to not vote if I get too busy with work tomorrow.


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5 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

If worried reaction = elim read and no reaction = NAI read, then what reaction = village read? Just from curiosity, because I would have thought with that line of thinking that no reaction would produce a slight village read.

Eh, any nonchalant response could be seen as towny. Here I just felt it was more NAI as he completely ignored it

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Okay, first of all a current VC:

Dannex (3): Araris, Illwei, Matrim
Randby (1): Ash
Araris (1): Quinn
Quinn (2): Szeth, Jondesu
Illwei (1): Archer
Szeth (2): Azmine, Vonne

*sigh* Araris. I don't know who to vote for here, since the three leading options right now are myself, a new player, and Dannex (on whom I have no read whatsoever and who I'd feel bad voting off D1 again). Randby hasn't said anything, and Illwei... well, we all know what happens when I vote Illwei. I don't have any reason to believe she's elim, and I'd rather not start a thunderdome. Nobody else has really stood out to me, except for Araris, for whom nobody else seems will to vote. 

Oh, yeah, @Archer and @Jondesu, I thought I'd explained this clearly the first time I said it, but the whole few-to-no-PMs thing has been on my mind for a while and it will continue to be a thing in future games. I just don't like playing in PMs as much as I like playing in-thread, and I get pocketed far more often in PMs than in-thread. Add onto that the fact that "private" messages aren't necessarily private in this game, and I don't really see why I should bother. 

And finally: I'm getting my second COVID shot today, and I have no idea how or how badly I'll react to it, so I may be less active for the next day or two depending on how that goes. 

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Y'know I kinda expected a few new replies this morning but this is fine :P (As I type the below Quinn ninja's me. Nice. I'll reply to that after :P.)


  • Dannex (3): Araris, Illwei, Mat
  • Randby (1): Ash
  • Araris (1): Quinn
  • Quinn (2): Szeth, Jondesu
  • Illwei (1): Archer
  • Szeth (2): Azmine, vonnegut

Of those candidates, I'd be fine with voting out a whopping none. Here's why: Dannex and Szeth are the two I actually suspect in some way- Dannex for the Illwei vote/removal (mild) and Szeth for the comment about reasoning and slight agreement with vonnegut about their tone (though I don't think that matters a whole lot). But Dannex is Dannex and gets voted out D1 way more than he should for reasons as bad as that, so I'd really like to give him more time to be read. And Szeth is new, but that's the only reason. Out of the two I'd prefer Szeth.


As for the others: Randby hasn't shown up yet (Maybe I actually would be fine with that :P), Araris and Quinn both seem relatively normal to me (of those two I'd prefer Quinn though), and Illwei is Illwei and I always village read Illwei.

I'll edit in a response to whatever Quinn said if I want to.

Edit: She apparently posted a VC and removed her vote, making my count doubly wrong after my own unvote. So yay.

Actual VC:

  • Dannex (2): Araris, Illwei
  • Randby (1): Ash
  • Quinn (2): Szeth, Jondesu
  • Illwei (1): Archer
  • Szeth (2): Azmine, vonnegut
Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Randby (4): Ash, Illwei, Araris, Quinn
Quinn (2): Szeth, Jondesu
Illwei (1): Archer
Szeth (1): Vonne

Okay cool so Randby. I have no serious moral objections to this and it's better than me dying so I'll take it : P

Also seriously who the heck is upvoting all my posts??? xD (I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, don't get me wrong, but I am curious...)

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@Elandera The Order of Actions in the doc rules has something called Whisper to the Wind listed. Is that the Scribe action?

As we're in the home stretch, here's my breakdown of actions you should consider submitting by rollover! (There more you technically can do, but I've only listed the helpful ones)

Professor: Double vote

Surveyor: Dig for items

Scribe: Publish something in the writeup


Listen at the Door: Spy on a PM

Use an Item: Fenweed Poison (if you’re very confident), Pallid Mask (If you’re very paranoid)


Oh hello votes. This is indeed like the Dannex train, but I'm not entirely against it. 

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I finished reading through the mighty thread;
Alas, conclusions were not drawn or formed.
I thought the votes poor-founded, which is norm,
But then I saw that most of them were dead,
Retracted as the players gained their heads,
So then I found myself so very torn
Between not voting, as my oath I've sworn
Decrees, and eating secrets 'til I've fed.

And so I made the choice to stand my ground
And vote upon a person who would not
Be kind enough to grace us and be found
When their sweet presence we so greatly sought.
'Tis not the best decision for the town,
But then again, we'll see what we have caught.


While reading through the first game of this line,
I noted several action-borne results.
To truly see what secrets this game holds,
I must attempt a secret vote this time.
In interests of transparency, I find
Declaring my decision good as gold.
In order to maintain my ways of old,
I hereby say who I shall vote in rhyme.

I do declare a secret vote on Books
For not existing when the game's afoot.
Initially, the Ruby my hand took,
But then the ninjas offered their input.
I note this wagon for I am quite shook
By leaps to a dear player who ne'er put.

[OOC: Basically, I gained no conclusions by rereading the thread, most likely because my brain is defunct until finals end, so I wanted to test for secret rules by doing a secret vote that wouldn't break my tendency to not vote D1 by voting uselessly. I was planning on voting Ruby, but everyone suddenly voted on them, so I'm voting Books in secret instead. If you follow this vote, I'm obligated to be offended. This is by definition a vote that shouldn't do anything.]

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1 minute ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Hiiii I'm here now. I'm also in math class. But I'm here!

I’m in math class too :P

also I don’t think I like this randby train

i obviously like it better than a me train

but I’ve been on the receiving end of this, where you’re inactive for just D1 and that’s enough for people to vote you out

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I'm with Dannex- I don't really like the train (paranoid bells ringing at how fast it picked up :P) but I also don't like any other candidate, so killing an inactive is sort of like an 'oh well' for me. Like a too-bad-it's-the-best-option-cause-I-wish-it-wasn't kinda thing. If that makes sense.

I think I'll abstain from voting, honestly. Gears feels kinda strange though the fact that he's talking in poetry makes it really hard to tell how much of that is valid. 

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Just now, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I couldn't care less if Randby was voted out. I would definitely like it more than if you voted me or Dannex out, since we're actually active.

I'm not changing my Quinn vote though :P

Wait but I'm even more active than you and Dannex tho

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34 minutes ago, Archer said:

The Order of Actions in the doc rules has something called Whisper to the Wind listed. Is that the Scribe action?

Oops. That was a carryover from LG60. That particular action was removed in this ruleset. I'll adjust the OoA.


As a result, here is the new OoA:


Day Turns

  • Mists of Releh
  • Dyer/Danforth vote manipulation
  • Vote in the Crowd
  • Scribe anonymous note
  • Execution
  • Surveyor, Listen at Doors
  • Fenweed Poisoning

Night Turns

  • Mists of Releh
  • Discover the Hidden, Shade Expert
  • Scribe anonymous note
  • Kills
  • Silver Dust
  • Wrath of Shades
  • Unforgettable Horrors, Insanity consequences
  • Item pass


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