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1 minute ago, Illwei said:

1) You are shading me so much in this my man. You say you don't trust me enough, you attack me for misinterpreting you/intentionally

Okay y'know what I wanted to stay in character for this game but this is exhausting so I'm not gonna at this point. I have literally never once in this entire cycle so far intended to cast shade on you or say that I was genuinely suspicious of you, and if it came off that way then ig that's the character. So. To have that clarified. Stop saying I'm throwing shade on you, because I'm not. Do I disagree with your plan for the crossbow? Yes. But I don't think it's AI, just a difference of opinions.

3 minutes ago, Illwei said:

2) you don't vote on me. you're on Gears rn, for basically a joke. You attack me here and then don't vote me. idk. make sense to someone else?

I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your plan. That's why I'm not voting you. 

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Just now, Quintessential said:

I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your plan. That's why I'm not voting you. 

It definitely came off as trying to shade me.

1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

I notice that you, Illwei, have had no such qualms."

1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

I don't think that's a good idea,

1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

"I'm not sure why you're saying that this should have been the plan from the beginning, since it's not the plan that you've advocated from the beginning."

1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

No, of course I don't want to tell you. Certainly not when you keep misinterpreting, exaggerating, and misrepresenting my arguments like this.

These are all as shady as my large living room lamp. You are saying through these that you don't trust me, and that you do think I am intentionally warping your arguments to fit my personal narrative.

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Just now, Illwei said:

These are all as shady as my large living room lamp. You are saying through these that you don't trust me, and that you do think I am intentionally warping your arguments to fit my personal narrative.

First one was character, second was me attacking your plan not you, third was me noting a contradiction (which I'd still like an explanation for? but I don't think it's overly sus or anything), And the fourth thing was me being exasperated.

You are, in fact, still doing the thing that I was exasperated at you for--especially the exaggeration part. If I thought you were sus, I would vote you. That's generally how I operate, yeah? Apparently it's hard to keep up the "loyal hunter" thing without sounding like I'm casting shade on the people who disagree with me, though, which I guess I should have forseen. But to be clear, that's just the character.

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Unsolicited reminder that the elims have no C1 kill.

Also I keep wanting to do analysis and sus people but then I remember I know who the elims are. Or elim singular. You don't know. I love my job! 

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31 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

Why, just why?

TUO = lone wolf elim confirmed


Illwei @Illwei @Archer because you actually have no reason to be voting for me at this point, or if you do I can't find it, and the tone of your most recent posts feels off and way more... not even defensive, because I think I've made it clear that I'm not even attacking you? So there's nothing to be defensive about? I don't even know what it is, but it's there.

Edited by Quintessential
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2 hours ago, Quintessential said:

and the tone of your most recent posts feels off and way more... not even defensive, because I think I've made it clear that I'm not even attacking you? So there's nothing to be defensive about?

You're definitely projecting that lmao

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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

You're definitely projecting that lmao

I'm not, as it happens. Here are the things that I'm basing that off of:

5 hours ago, Illwei said:

I think that her voting ash/talking about killing ash can be justified as an Elim tell for her rn.

There are just so many things wrong with this:
- I have literally never voted Ash in an elim game. You can go back and check if you want. 
- Poke-voting Ash is not the same thing as talking about killing him. How often to poke-votes actually stick?
- I chose Ash at random. His name happened to be the first one I saw when I opened the player list. I'm sure your paranoid tinfoil state of mind doesn't believe me on that, but it's true.
- When you pointed this out you made it sound like a joke--in fact you made it clear that it was one, as far as I could tell (see quote below)--but now you're actually taking it seriously?



Wanting to kill ash again, are you?


5 hours ago, Illwei said:

Immediate shade on me, trying to get the village to keep away from actually voting on people by spreading paranoia

As I've said, this wasn't meant to even be shade at you. Just pointing out a flaw in your plan. And by the way, I assumed that plan was only half-serious anyway, since obviously everyone here wants to get the bow for themselves so repeatedly stating it doesn't do anything. So why are you getting so worked up about it? Feels like you're super self-conscious or jumping at shadows or something.

5 hours ago, Illwei said:

Still, more shade on me, indirectly, trying to push it aside.

This, in particular, is what I'm talking about. For reference, here's what I said that you decided was "indirect shade" on you:


"You appear to be missing my point; it applies not just to you, but to anyone we agree on publicly. We can catch the bait if they try to elect one of their own without us knowing, but what if they just convince all of us to vote for one of them? That seems like something those nerds would think of!"

I never once mentioned you in that post, I was talking generally about everyone, I was explaining why my first point wasn't shade on you. Could you be so kind as to tell me where in this post you see shade on you? Please and thanks.

5 hours ago, Illwei said:

Who ya votin' for then, Quinn? Oh, right. You don't want to tell us. No in-thread coordination. right.

Don't see why this is a reason to attack me specifically, seeing as you're the only one in this game so far who has expressed any willingness to announce their vote beforehand in-thread. I will inform everyone afterwards who I voted for. Basically, you're either a villager who's insanely tunneling on me right now or you're an elim trying to get a misexe? Like. This kind of point just doesn't mean anything. Because. It applies. To everyone.


5 hours ago, Illwei said:

that shoulda been the plan from the beginning lmao what was your plan, randomly vote? :P. Which is bringing me back to my point of trying to stop Thread communication

Okay, this I'm just confused by. Not like, "this is scummy" confused, since apparently everything I say throws shade on you unless I clarify that it isn't, so here's me clarifying that I am. Just confused. You should know what my plan was before, since you spent plenty of time criticizing it. And again, since you haven't answered this question yet, why are you saying it should have been my plan from the beginning when it's not the plan you've been trying to convince me to adopt this whole time? Just... weird phrasing? Or what?

4 hours ago, Illwei said:

1) You are shading me so much in this my man. You say you don't trust me enough, you attack me for misinterpreting you/intentionally

You seem to be laboring under the delusion that my comments are specifically directed at you. To be very very clear. They are not. When I say I don't trust you enough, I'm directing it at you because you're the one who's demanding that we give you the bow. The subtext, which apparently isn't obvious, is that I don't currently trust anyone. This is not a personal attack on you. This is not shade on you. This is me saying that I don't know who to pick, and that you don't happen to be on the top of the list if I had to choose right this second. 

You are misrepresenting some of what I say. Calling a post shade on you when I don't directly mention you is misrepresenting. If I'm trying to shade you, I'll say it--I'm not exactly the passive-aggressive sort, and anyway that doesn't get anything done. No one's gonna vote you for veiled shade, so veiled shade is pointless afaic, and I won't do it. Just so we're clear.

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1 minute ago, Quintessential said:

If I'm trying to shade you, I'll say it

that's not my definition of shade then :P.

I'm using it to describe you implying that I'm evil without explicitly saying it. Your posts were in response to me and you used things i did.

if you're calling that veiled shade then so be it but it has less to do with what other people think (which, they might subtly pick up on it who knows. Not like a "oh and now we're going to vote illwei" thing, but- you know) but it has more to do with an Elim trying to express suspicion without actually expressing suspicion. :P.

I'm not demanding that yall give me the bow lol :P. I just want it :P. And apparently I'm one of the only people comfortable enough in my villagery-ness (this point is seperate from other people being confident in my villagery-ness :P) to repeatedly say it in the thread :P.

9 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

why are you saying it should have been my plan from the beginning when it's not the plan you've been trying to convince me to adopt this whole time?

What plan have I been trying to get you to adopt?

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14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

What plan have I been trying to get you to adopt?

The plan where we all agree in-thread. I'm saying I'll decide for myself, and announce after.

14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

an Elim trying to express suspicion without actually expressing suspicion. :P.

...has elim!me ever actually done this? iirc most of my suspicion expressed as elim has been in the form of massive multiquotes or reads lists. and that just seems... rly pointless to me.

14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I'm using it to describe you implying that I'm evil without explicitly saying it. Your posts were in response to me and you used things i did.

To make a general point. My statements applied equally to everyone, you just happened to be the one who said things that merited them? idk how to phrase that. Yes, they were directed at you, but they weren't meant to imply you're evil. just, I disagree + here's why.

14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I'm not demanding that yall give me the bow lol :P. I just want it :P. And apparently I'm one of the only people comfortable enough in my villagery-ness (this point is seperate from other people being confident in my villagery-ness :P) to repeatedly say it in the thread :P.

Fair enough on that one. Seems like a waste of space and time to ask to me, since we all know we all want it and asking is one big IKYK, but you do you ig.

Edit: also seriously I'm gonna be pretty mad if I'm voted off C1 for... whatever you're voting me for at this point @Illwei could you explain why exactly your vote is still on me? What reasons do you have to leave it there?

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3 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Fair enough on that one. Seems like a waste of space and time to ask to me, since we all know we all want it and asking is one big IKYK, but you do you ig.

How is it an IKYK?

I can't die tonight. there's no kill tonight.

There's no harm in me asking :P.

it's a waste of space and time to do a lot, Quinn :P. Like claim Elim, and Banter, and RP :P. We still do it though :P.

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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

it's a waste of space and time to do a lot, Quinn :P. Like claim Elim, and Banter, and RP :P. We still do it though :P.

Great, lovely, this is not an argument I actually care about rn.

Why is your vote still on me? Why am I still tied for most votes? for that matter, @Matrim's Dice why is your vote still on me? You both live on the west coast lol Edit: ninja'd by Mat

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6 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Great, lovely, this is not an argument I actually care about rn.

it's an argument I care about :P.

13 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

What reasons do you have to leave it there?

I don't have much reason to move it off, now, do I?

Your vote's still on me, is it not?

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4 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Why is your vote still on me? Why am I still tied for most votes? for that matter, @Matrim's Dice why is your vote still on me? You both live on the west coast lol Edit: ninja'd by Mat

Heh that was a great ninja :P.

Oh, might as well Books. Forgot to do that earlier.

Or wait. They died D1 in the LG. Books. Got my eye on you, though...

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@Experience is receiving an inactivity warning. As a general reminder, remember to submit your votes for who should become Crossbowman by rollover in about 12 hours.  

Vote Count: (I think this is right. Let me know if I missed anything)

Gears (1): Flyingbooks

Quinn (1): Illwei

Illwei (1): Quinn


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Decided to read through the whole thread, as I was pretty stuck on who to vote for. Had to leave for awhile, got ninja'd a couple of times :P. But here:

12 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Right, the first order of business is to choose the Archer Crossbow person, and we can be sure the elims will all try to vote on one of their own so depending on their numbers they'd have 2/3 votes. So that's why voting on ourselves is probably not a good idea. Yeah, we don't have much to go on in terms of trust in D1, but it's better not to give elims an extra kill in a 12 player game. 

Alternatively, we could vote on yourselves and let elims choose their own Crossbow person as we do get to know the number of votes on the chosen person at the end of the cycle, and we can vote them out. Now that I've said, it might lead to IKYK and I personally prefer the former option rather than this one.

Revealing whom you voted for after the reveal might also help narrow down the elims and prevent them from lying about their votes. 

Edit: Ninja'd :P.

Was the first to bring this up, which I had forgotten about. At this point slight vil for TJ, because that's a village point to bring up.

12 hours ago, Illwei said:

Yeah really not liking quinn here yall should trust me on this

Go ahead and get after me and blame it on her new playstyle but I'm not going off of that.

She opens with saying that we can't trust anyone, and she's voting on herself, and then follows up with saying that no one should vote on me because "i might be an Elim" but like there's nothing there


Guys my ideas are so great that everyone seems to want to parrot me, pog.

Happens multiple times (Illwei insisting here) WHICH I'd like to clarify I still am decently sure Illwei is village but I also don't recall them pushing something like this so hard so early. It's either a new thing or a half joke and I don't know which.

12 hours ago, Quintessential said:

"Not true! Because of the first part. We all agree not to vote on ourselves. So the bait only has two votes, because if they want to win the crossbow then they have to avoid having unexplained votes that would make the person holding the crossbow look suspicious. Two of them can vote on the third, but since all of us loyal hunters will be using our best judgement about who we trust to hold the crossbow, and I would guess there will be someone that more than two people trust, it's only a slight advantage for the bait."

I dunno about you, but I'd prefer a plan that has no advantage for the bait. Like Reading's. He has my largest vil read.

11 hours ago, Gears said:

Alternate proposal: Everyone vote for yourself. We then X anyone who doesn't have a vote on them in the end tally. This only works if everyone agrees, so keep this plan in reserve until we all agree unanimously. @Archer, what happens if the Arbalist gets X-ed D1? EX: Everyone votes for Illwei like an idiot, Illwei also gets X-ed, do we just lose the Arbalist? Alternate alternate proposal: Pick a person who has died C1 recently or has been frequently NK-ed. Give them the Crossbow so they won't keep getting NK-ed. [Yes, I realise that this is basically asking to give it to Books or Ruby, but I do solemnly swear that I don't actually want to give it to them. In fact, I'd prefer to have it myself because I die a lot, but alas, asking to have the item of immortality is basically asking to not have the item of immortality] Very alternate proposal: We kill the Arbalist. X whoever now [since no vote minimum], X the Arbalist next time, a NK, and then it's 6-3. We'd have to get an elim 3/4 cycles, but that's fine. This is a terrible idea. Don't do this idea.

1. No, and I find the suggestion kinda strange. Unclear to me how AI that strange is though :P.

2. This could be worse, but it limits some choice.

3. Already been talked about, but since they directly said 'Don't do this idea' there's no reason (in my mind) to hammer down on it.

Conclusion: Reading's plan still the best one by far. Gears is looking less good to me for these plans on this reread, tbh.

10 hours ago, Dannex said:

"Hmm, well, I think the best plan is probably to just have everyone vote for themselves, and then we maybe vote out whoever wins. The Bait might vote to give it to one of their own, or they might give it to someone else. That's a 50/50 chance of randomly finding a bait, which is a lot better than the current odds of 3/12. I say that we should only maybe vote out whoever wins to make sure that we have some suitable ikyk going on. Because there's only a chance we vote out who gets it, the Bait has to actually decide to give it to one of themselves or one of us. Also @Flyingbooks your code phrase is "butterflies,". Sorry."

I know I said earlier that this seemed TWTBAW but wow it's incredible how many bad vibes I get from this. So many incorrect thingys. 

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

The whole point of the Arbalist is we give it to such a player who is dangerous as a villager, so the elims will not be able to NK them. Giving them the bow and eliminating them when they are supposed to be NK immune player doesn't sit right with me. Gears

The reason I disliked this was mostly because Gears disregarded the idea himself, which I believe TJ explained. It still feels like a strange vote though, but it was early into the game and I do remember their village point earlier. Unsure.

10 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Okay I didn't mention the other two because, the first is not an alignment indicative on your part and the second is basically covered by Illwei, which I forgot to mention I agree with.

First alternate proposal: If we force the elims, the elims will go along with it, leaving the crossbow received to chance, which I personally do not like. You may ore may not, which is NAI for you. 

Second: As Illwei said, I don't like how you've emphasize you die a lot, and the "vote for me" thing was uncomfortable to me.

There was no vote discussion going on, and you are my biggest suspicion

At this point I had sorta missed Gears' actual content, so I was confused as to why he was TJ's 'biggest suspicion'. Though I sort of understand now, even if I mildly disagree. Understand in a 'I could see where that is coming from' sort of way, which is better than what I had before.

9 hours ago, Flyingbooks said:

"I agree. The Random Bystander is free to go, but Gears is looking suspicious. I'm going to be quiet for a while now, the butterflies are being especially malicious today."

(OOC: I want to have exactly 314 posts on pi day and I'm getting pretty close to that number, so I'm going to try to post less and condense more things that I want to say into one post)

Just gonna say that if you hadn't died in the LG my vote would 100% be here :P. Acceptable reasoning or not, that is one fast bandwagon. And like Illwei mentioned, an elim!Books thing.

9 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

You forgot me! Or maybe you're just waiting for you total and complete trusts to me on the list. 

Quoting you to say get back over here :P This game needs more activity in the first place. Half the thread is Quinn/Illwei, which at this point I'm ready to call it v/v just to end it :P I don't know where they fit into this. Both of their points against the other stand imo, so they both sit at null for me. My gut sorts both of them into vil and both of them into elim so I really don't know.

Conclusions: Slightly less evil on TJ after reading Gears' post more carefully, though I still don't really agree with the train. Slight evil on Books (bit more than slight ig) and Dannex. Confusion on Illwei and Quinn. Wants more from everyone else.

55 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Hi welcome to static vote central

TJ Shade

Didn't see this until I had thought through the above :P. Want to join but idk man. Sheeping is great but like-

I think I'm abstaining for a bit longer. Conflicted between Dannex/Books/TJ and almost Gears for some reason xD

"And with that, my readthrough is done! I count ten comments I reiterated, which is a lot. Lucky I can count that high, Master did always say that I am the best at counting."

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Shard's mind didn't work. Not as good as it normally did. He did know he was supposed to do something. Something about.... Dragooons? Oh well, it didn't matter. He reached over for his flask but found that it was empty. Bother. 

Hiiii!!! Let me read through these 5 pages real quick, then I'll post. And most likely vote. 

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Voting go vroom vroom


or brrrrrr isn't that something?


Idk. TJ hasn't been voted out before on D1, right? :P.

Other than that- idk. sigh, I'm tired. Books is looking so incredibly suspicios. no thoughts there, just rules thoughts and then sheeping with the normal reasoning ya know.


I think the only reason to not vote books is to see if they get more villagery I guess. so we'll see.

I still don't think that not announcing who you're voting for is a good plan. I think that the more communication we have in thread the better.

I also would be find with killing Ash

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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

or brrrrrr isn't that something?

Ask Ash :P 

3 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Idk. TJ hasn't been voted out before on D1, right? :P.

I don't think so? Does that matter?

5 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I still don't think that not announcing who you're voting for is a good plan. I think that the more communication we have in thread the better.

*shrug* I said I was voting for my best village trust, you probably can figure that out...

6 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I also would be find with killing Ash

Why? Cause he's only RPd?

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"You know, with only twelve of us we should probably vote."

"Yeah... who?"

"The problem is there's a meta-reason to not vote D1 for... pretty much everyone. Books and Random Bystander just died. I want to see where Illwei and Quinn go with this. I kill Reading and Dannex too much... I'm me, Experience is inactive... let's see, that leaves Mat, TJ, The Unknown Order, and Gears."

"Hmm. That is a conundrum, now that you mention it."

"Perhaps we should narrow it down more?"

"Yes. But perhaps throw Dannex and Reading back into the pool; all their talk of phrases concerns me."

"Perhaps later. They did say their secrets were cosmetic. And we do kill them frequently."

"But can we believe them?... fine. Back to the others."

"TJ's only posted a few times, voted for Gears and seem unusually combative and... they did say something that made me a little concerned. Not saying what just yet."

"Like what Mat just posted?"

"Like Mat just... huh? Grrrr, ninja's are back at it. But no. A little nervous of TJ."

"What about Mat, specifically?"

"Mat feels... different? He's using lol and xD and things. It's like Illwei's mind controlling him."

"Don't think that's one of the secrets."

"Yeah, me neither."


"NAI as ever. Not many rules for him this game. Has good counterpoints to things though."

"That leaves The Unknown Order. Who... oh. Has said 2 posts with 22 words total. Yeah."

"Don't really feel a contribution crusade today. Not after Dannex. So... what else?"

"Books's vote is nervewracking but I think more Vil!Books than eVil!Books"

"... that notation is awful."

"Fine. Books makes me nervous but I think they're not bait."

"You know what, TJ Shade. Let's up some pressure. Illwei's voting there."

"Illwei just said she'd be fine executing you."

"Oh, well that's fantastic, isn't it. STOP NINJAING ME PLEASE."

"Sigh. Also, I have a recommendation. Whoever gets the crossbow, vote every cycle. If we're going to spend so much time figuring out if you're an Elim or not, I would hope that you would help us out and getting reads in a QF is hard enough without, what, 4 votes by the half-mark."


"Edit: yes, it's "------- go brrrrrr". "

"And yes, I just edited in dialoge. Fight me. But not with a crossbow."

Edited by Ashbringer
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