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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“Read between the lines,” the Survivor said dryly. “Tan speaks of me, not Saze. And it was my church everything went down in.

“Besides,” he added, “do you really see Saze setting up a con like that?”

”Harmony likes to encourage things,” Trésor agreed. “My lord makes them happen.”


"Which is why I said it makes way more sense." She said. "Besides, Brandon decided not to reveal that you were still around until book three, so I didn't even think about that."

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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

"Which is why I said it makes way more sense." She said. "Besides, Brandon decided not to reveal that you were still around until book three, so I didn't even think about that."

“It was mentioned in Hero of Ages, actually,” Kelsier noted, “and he said it in the annotations. Marasi tells MeLaan Survivorist beliefs - including my survival - in Shadows of Self, although Demoux said it first, back in HoA.

“Brandon was laying it on pretty thick near the end there on the off chance someone would miss it.”

”Considering how many people STILL missed it, perhaps he should have been more obvious,” Trésor said dryly.


I really don’t get how so many people missed all the foreshadowing. I thought it was evident from the HoA epilogue.


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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“It was mentioned in Hero of Ages, actually,” Kelsier noted, “and he said it in the annotations. Marasi tells MeLaan Survivorist beliefs - including my survival - in Shadows of Self, although Demoux said it first, back in HoA.

“Brandon was laying it on pretty thick near the end there on the off chance someone would miss it.”

”Considering how many people STILL missed it, perhaps he should have been more obvious,” Trésor said dryly.


"What?" Aghhhh! Curse you ADHD brain! Curse you! 

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Hoblim went to wash himself, then put on what he has for pajamas and went to sleep.


Expect my next post after we jump to the morning. I'm going to (probably) be up earlier than everyone else, unless someone else is an early riser.

And Kingsdaughter, I kind of followed Kel's discussion with Lilliana, but Hoblim didn't. I think that at least part of the reason Lilliana wanted to gatecrash the wedding was because she wanted to meet Hoid. She's smarter than telling that to Kelsier, though.


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4 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

"What?" Aghhhh! Curse you ADHD brain! Curse you! 

Kelsier smirked and stood up. “Thank you for the books, Lilli. They were quite interesting.” It had given him a starting point, at any rate. Scadrians had a stronger affinity for metal than Nalthians; now that he actually knew something  about Nightblood’s creation... Well, it had always been a matter of time.

Trésor put away her cards, sliding the pack into her robe pocket.

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36 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Kelsier smirked and stood up. “Thank you for the books, Lilli. They were quite interesting.” It had given him a starting point, at any rate. Scadrians had a stronger affinity for metal than Nalthians; now that he actually knew something  about Nightblood’s creation... Well, it had always been a matter of time.

Trésor put away her cards, sliding the pack into her robe pocket.

Lilliana was not paying attention. *internal screaming* WHY! Why did I have to miss something that freaking important?!?! She, being extremely frustrated, grabbed her rubix cube again. She messed with it, and it calmed her down.

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4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Lilliana was not paying attention. *internal screaming* WHY! Why did I have to miss something that freaking important?!?! She, being extremely frustrated, grabbed her rubix cube again. She messed with it, and it calmed her down.

By the time she had, Kelsier was climbing out the window and Trésor was walking out the door. “Try not to interfere with the plot any further,” Kelsier warned as he left. “Amusing as it is to watch, it’s rather annoying to set to rights.”

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16 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

By the time she had, Kelsier was climbing out the window and Trésor was walking out the door. “Try not to interfere with the plot any further,” Kelsier warned as he left. “Amusing as it is to watch, it’s rather annoying to set to rights.”

She visibly deflated. "Okay." A thought occurred to her. I've just got to stay alive until book 4. Then I won't know the plot, and therefore won't be able to avoid getting into the plot if that happens. 


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Okay. Now what? She started pacing through her room. I've got it! From what I remember in history, Scadrial should have microscopes. She grinned. I need to figure out how to make an electron microscope. After that, I know I can figure out how to make a vaccine. She paused, her thoughts going down a tangent. Actually, I don't think I need an electron microscope. The first vaccine was created long before the invention of the electron microscope. Whatever. I'll figure it out in the morning.

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4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Okay. Now what? She started pacing through her room. I've got it! From what I remember in history, Scadrial should have microscopes. She grinned. I need to figure out how to make an electron microscope. After that, I know I can figure out how to make a vaccine. She paused, her thoughts going down a tangent. Actually, I don't think I need an electron microscope. The first vaccine was created long before the invention of the electron microscope. Whatever. I'll figure it out in the morning.


So... Timeskip to the morning? Or do we wait for AmazingGoob to reply? Or maybe we wait for everyone to reply?


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1 minute ago, Trutharchivist said:



Probably a time skip. We don't know when AmazingGoob will reply. I have to go eat breakfast really quick, so I'll be back in a minute.

Lillian got out of bed, got dressed in the clothes she had bought the day before, and left her room. She started humming the tune to Hammer to Fall, and knocked on her companion's door.

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5 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Trésor sat down beside her companion and pulled out the cards, spreading the full 78 card deck out. “Take your pick,” she said quietly. “Three cards, for past, present and future.”


*raises hand* Um, who are you talking to? 

Oh, and because I forgot...


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22 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Lillian got out of bed, got dressed in the clothes she had bought the day before, and left her room. She started humming the tune to Hammer to Fall, and knocked on her companion's door.

Hoblim shoots from inside: "Just a moment!" After around a minute he opens the door, already fully dressed.

"Daryen is still asleep inside." He says.


Sorry if you see that as godmodding, @AmazingGoob! Hopefully it's not too bad.


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Just now, Trutharchivist said:

Hoblim shoots from inside: "Just a moment!" After around a minute he opens the door, already fully dressed.

"Daryen is still asleep inside." He says.



He can always wake up at any time.

"So..." She held out a granola bar and a water bottle. "Breakfast?" 

3 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Her companion turned away, plucking a card at random. “Reshuffle the deck,” he ordered. Trésor obeyed.


But, now I really want to know!


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7 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"So..." She held out a granola bar and a water bottle. "Breakfast?" 


"Is that all we got?" He asks. "Can't we... I don't know... Buy something? Fruits? Maybe bread?"


And now, another religious thing! Though this time it's actually much more personal taste than that. Anyway, it will limit a little what he can eat here. Which is to say, no meat or milk. He might force himself to eat the granola bar if there's nothing else and it's kosher.


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Come downstairs 

Trésor offered up the cards again. “The present,” she said as her companion chose, once again not looking. She began reshuffling the cards, not waiting to be told.

Not that it mattered. The outcome would be the same no matter if she used 78 or 22; no matter how the deck was randomized. He would always draw the same three cards.



Trésor has arranged food for you.


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4 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Trésor offered up the cards again. “The present,” she said as her companion chose, once again not looking. She began reshuffling the cards, not waiting to be told.

Not that it mattered. The outcome would be the same no matter if she used 78 or 22; no matter how the deck was randomized. He would always draw the same three cards.


Do you believe in future prediction through tarot? Or is this specific case about a deck connected somehow to spiritual Fortune?

Not that Hoblim knows, but it's kind of her to think of it. Thanks!


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8 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

"Is that all we got?" He asks. Can't we... I don't know... Buy something? Fruits? Maybe bread?"


"This is all we have right now. We'll be able to get more stuff later, but this is it for now." 


I too have dietary restrictions. I can't drink coffee, alcohol, or non-herbal teas. So as such, Lilliana also understands restrictions. :)


7 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Trésor offered up the cards again. “The present,” she said as her companion chose, once again not looking. She began reshuffling the cards, not waiting to be told.

Not that it mattered. The outcome would be the same no matter if she used 78 or 22; no matter how the deck was randomized. He would always draw the same three cards.


Please stop with the suspense! :P


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6 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:



IRL? No. In the Cosmere: there is a mild Connection between various minor forms of divination (cartomancy, tea leaves, certain Nalthian artworks...) and Fortune. In the case of the specific individual: yes.

Again: Trésor has food. Not bread for Hoblim though, because that runs into some bishul akum problems.


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3 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"This is all we have right now. We'll be able to get more stuff later, but this is it for now." 

"Oh, well." Hoblim says. He takes the granola bar, then searched on it for a sign of Kashrus.


Kingsdaughter? Can you give me some help here about Kosher granola bars in America?

Oh, and BTW, Random, are you christian? It doesn't sounds so, from what I know of christianity, which admittedly isn't much.


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Just now, Trutharchivist said:

"Oh, well." Hoblim says. He takes the granola bar, then searched on it for a sign of Kashrus.



I am Christian. (Although there is a very frustrating amount of people who disagree with that...) More specifically, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

"Do you have a notepad or piece of paper, and something I can write with? I have a plan, and I'll probably forget it if I don't write it down."

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2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Do you have a notepad or piece of paper, and something I can write with? I have a plan, and I'll probably forget it if I don't write it down."

Hoblim looks up. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. Wait a minute." He runs inside, then brings his whole bag with him. He opens it and takes a piece of paper from a nylon case there, after searching a little. "There." He says. "Would you prefer a pencil or a pen? My pencil is very short, and I'm not sure if I could find a sharpener here, but if you want to use it you may."



Perhaps I can just decide it was Kosher, but I prefer not to.

Ah, the LDS! The christians that always evade my understanding, and that populate the shard! Should've guessed. Up until now, nearly anyone who I assumed not to be christian was LDS.


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