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The lost Temple

Maddie The Survivor

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Just now, Mystic Syn said:

"It's not that I don't know," he said, scratching the back of his head with a blush. "It's just that... you look exactly like who I was drawing not ten minutes earlier. Even down to the color of your eyes."

"Really?" Glissando looked worried. "But you've never seen me before?"

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3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Really?" Glissando looked worried. "But you've never seen me before?"

"I've barely left my apartment when I moved here a few months ago. I'm betting no."

Edited by Mystic Syn
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51 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"So... it's not my place, but would you like to stay? I'll ask."

Adrastos paused, then looked back at the group. He weighed his options for a second, then nodded. "Was getting boring at home anyways," he mumbled.

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2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Sure sounds like it... drawing girls you don't know."

"Hey," he said, raising a finger. "I'd rather draw the images in my head rather than forget them. A person deserves to be remembered, even if they're a part of my imagination."

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2 hours ago, Mystic Syn said:

"Hey," he said, raising a finger. "I'd rather draw the images in my head rather than forget them. A person deserves to be remembered, even if they're a part of my imagination."

"No, it sounds exciting. Well, mentally exciting, anyway." Glissando stood wearily. "Okay, I'll introduce you. What did you say your name was?"

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1 hour ago, Condensation said:

"No, it sounds exciting. Well, mentally exciting, anyway." Glissando stood wearily. "Okay, I'll introduce you. What did you say your name was?"

"I'm Adrastos," he said, standing a bit taller. "But you can call me Adras for short."

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4 minutes ago, Mystic Syn said:

His eyebrow raised even higher. "With the looks you have," he said, "you're still on fire. To me, at least."

Glissando raised her eyebrows. "Sure." She stood up and walked stiffly over to the others. "Guys, this is Adrastos. Adras for short. Do you mind if he stays?"

@HaileyTheWindrunner @Exotwo @TheOnlyEdgedancersss 

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Hey sorry I haven’t posted in a bit,

“Uhhh.... why not? Do you promise you won’t expose us?” She said setting Vienna down on the couch , she had dozed off again. “I’m going to take Vienna to her room.” And with that Ella heaved Vienna onto her back the strode toward a door down the hall.

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10 minutes ago, HaileyTheWindrunner said:

Hey sorry I haven’t posted in a bit,

“Uhhh.... why not? Do you promise you won’t expose us?” She said setting Vienna down on the couch , she had dozed off again. “I’m going to take Vienna to her room.” And with that Ella heaved Vienna onto her back the strode toward a door down the hall.

"What's there to expose?" he said, pausing a moment before following a far off. "You have powers. Am I supposed to feel inclined to tell someone? You seem to not care if the world know about them by practically flaunting your powers out in the open, like how you were flying."

Also, you're fine. Rps sometimes go inactive for periods of time before they're suddenly active again.

Edited by Mystic Syn
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59 minutes ago, HaileyTheWindrunner said:

Hey sorry I haven’t posted in a bit,

“Uhhh.... why not? Do you promise you won’t expose us?” She said setting Vienna down on the couch , she had dozed off again. “I’m going to take Vienna to her room.” And with that Ella heaved Vienna onto her back the strode toward a door down the hall.

You're perfectly all right! 

"It's settled, then."

12 minutes ago, HaileyTheWindrunner said:

“Just well... never mind.” Ella said, returning from Vienna’s room yawing. “Hey I’m going to hit the hay, Want me to show you your rooms?”

"Yes, that would be lovely."

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2 hours ago, HaileyTheWindrunner said:

“Ok,” Ella said, leading them down the hallway. “You each have a cot and a nightstand. If you wish, you may decorate your rooms. Ah, the first one is Glissando’s.” Ella held the door open for her.

"Thank you. Good night, all!" Glissando slipped inside her room and smiled, closing the door.

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