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The lost Temple

Maddie The Survivor

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3 minutes ago, HaileyIsAWindrunner said:

“I’ve seen you use your powers,” Ella whispered “It’s rare for people to have them. My brother...” she took a deep breath, “My brother is Jackson. He’s the one that killed that Huge snake a couple weeks ago, anyways he needs your help, we need more members.”

"I don't know what you're talking about." Glissando shook her head. "You've got the wrong girl."

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"I don't know what you're talking about." Glissando shook her head. "You've got the wrong girl."

“I literally saw you burst alight with power then I blinked and you were gone.” Ella said under stress.

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Just now, TheOnlyEdgedancersss said:

Vienna burst alight, but not with the same power she saw Glissando use. It was lightning. She hovered about six inches off the ground. 

Ella stood there, mouth open, gaping. “H-how? I thought you were dead.”

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2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Glissando looked down. "All right, I admit it. And I can already tell you both have powers. What do you need me for?"

“Oh yes.. right. So, me and my brother are trying to put together a team. Well Vienna was on it Until we all thought- Never mind, So the three of us had a team for killing the monsters that have invaded our planet. We want you to join.”

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1 minute ago, HaileyIsAWindrunner said:

“Oh yes.. right. So, me and my brother are trying to put together a team. Well Vienna was on it Until we all thought- Never mind, So the three of us had a team for killing the monsters that have invaded our planet. We want you to join.”

"Why me? You both can fly. You've got awesome powers. In the 'awe-filling' sense of the word."

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Just now, Condensation said:

"Why me? You both can fly. You've got awesome powers. In the 'awe-filling' sense of the word."

“I’ve seen what people with your powers can do,” Ella said, “We NEED you trust me.”

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"Whatever you say. What's in it for me, joining you?"

“Uhh,” Ella said, “Maybe, no more monsters terrorizing this planet.” Ella felt like she was being rude as she said it, but she felt like it was the right thing to say.

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Ella looked over at Vienna, she was starring at Jackson in a loving way. hehe, I think you have a lover Jackson. Ella thought. She held tight to Glissando’s hand. “Where to?” Ella asked Jackson “Our base” he answered.

Edited by HaileyIsAWindrunner
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