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The Final Battle


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So I was thinking how will the last battle be.i was thinking  who will be fighting who in case it is going to a inter planet war. What if all of our main shard planets are not in same side aginst autonomy and/or Odium? What if by Mistborn era IV, Scadrians starts attempting dominating the cosmere and invaders other planets(hints already there) maybe sazed changes from harmony to discord (hinted in final empire) and cause chaos in cosmere and Rosharans Nalthis and others will have to team up against them for the battle? But scadrians superiors tech and their allies will be a match for them. Maybe autonomy will side with scadrians (maybe not) and other missing shards in both sides and a space war will take place. this is what i think ill happen. What do you think about this?


  • please excuse the poor grammar and structure, as English isn't mine 1st language.


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3 minutes ago, Nae'blis said:

So I was thinking how will the last battle be.i was thinking  who will be fighting who in case it is going to a inter planet war. What if all of our main shard planets are not in same side aginst autonomy and/or Odium? What if by Mistborn era IV, Scadrians starts attempting dominating the cosmere and invaders other planets(hints already there) maybe sazed changes from harmony to discord (hinted in final empire) and cause chaos in cosmere and Rosharans Nalthis and others will have to team up against them for the battle? But scadrians superiors tech and their allies will be a match for them. Maybe autonomy will side with scadrians (maybe not) and other missing shards in both sides and a space war will take place. this is what i think ill happen. What do you think about this?


  • please excuse the poor grammar and structure, as English isn't mine 1st language.


Yes. All the way yes. It would be awesome, it would be epic, and would be a grand way to culminate the main story of the cosmere. Not sure that is going to happen, but I am all for it.

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So for the endgame, edgli is planning something. We dunno what, but she has a master plan. Autonomy is also plotting and interfering with other shards. Odium I feel like might not be a endgame villain. I think he’d be dealt with by then. Harmony will probably be an endgame shard, being the first known dual shard. 

as for people, Hoid is a definately yes. Heck, he will probably spur the endgame into action! Then I think nightblood will also be there. He is POWERFUL. He (they?) is also probably part of endowment’s master plan. I think (mistborn spoilers)


Kelsier and marsh

Will be there kicking butt. I like the idea of Scadrial being the good guys, but given that it is the cosmere’s earth, they will probably go all imperialist and invade everything, like you said. Roshar might be a force of good, though!


also you might want to spoiler the identity of harmony.

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On 10/15/2020 at 3:10 PM, nbozb said:

Stick IS the endgame

Hoid/Autonomy/whoever the final villain is: “I am- inevitable”

Hoid/Autonomy/whoever-the-heck-ends-up-being-the-villain then tries to burn every Shard’s godmetals, but realizes something is wrong. He turns, and sees that Stick has started to become fire, and is burning the metals (which he somehow stole)

Stick: “I... AM... a stick”

All 16 godmetals burn, Stick ascends, the villain is destroyed, and all of the Cosmere’s greatest heroes lament and mourn the Stick’s apparent death 

Edited by HipsterStick
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I am not a fan of a final battle. its too clicheé and doesn't quite fit.

Hoid is the obvious proof that at least 1 cosmere wide plot exists. one that will carry great weight. I highly doubt it will end up as the worlds longest red herring.

I am hoping for a cosmere wide conclusion of the events, not a battle.


planet wide battles already happened an the planets were left intact. no need to push it further.

also, think about how this would look? the fight between Vin and Ati was already abstract enought. that doesn't make for a good read.

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5 minutes ago, Krox said:

Well you sure live up to your name! :P

well unfortunately my source has proved ify



Can we expect a Cosmere Avengers?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes and no. You can expect crossovers between the planets. My goal is not an Avengers-style, one character that you... like, if it were a true Cosmere Avengers it would be like, "Oh, we're going to have this character from this series, this character from this series," that's not what I'm going for. I'm going for more of a clash between the cultures and worlds. There will definitely be characters that you know that end up involved in that. But it's not, I'm not shooting for an Avengers-style thing, I'm shooting for more... It's more like imagine Star Trek, and retrograde back to all of the stories you're telling on the separate planets before they meet each other. Less Avengers, more "We're going to have an intergalactic... thing, going on." These are all of the origins of the cultures and peoples that are going to be involved in that. And since there are some immortals around, you will see people.

Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016 (June 11, 2016)


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7 hours ago, Frustration said:

well unfortunately my source has proved ify


That teaches us there’s not going to be some great Cosmere heroic ensemble- but it doesn’t preclude the possibility of a Cosmere-wide conflict. In fact, the quote does quite the opposite- it confirms there’s going to be some kind of “intergalactic... thing” going on.

In short: Cosmere ‘Endgame’? No. A Cosmere end-game? Potentially.

On 10/19/2020 at 2:30 AM, trav said:

I am not a fan of a final battle. its too clicheé and doesn't quite fit.

Hoid is the obvious proof that at least 1 cosmere wide plot exists. one that will carry great weight. I highly doubt it will end up as the worlds longest red herring.

I am hoping for a cosmere wide conclusion of the events, not a battle.


planet wide battles already happened an the planets were left intact. no need to push it further.

also, think about how this would look? the fight between Vin and Ati was already abstract enought. that doesn't make for a good read.

Sometimes, clichés are clichés for a reason. It’s because they work. Think back to the Stormlight Archive; how many of the main books end up with an epic battle? Yep, all three. A final battle type dealio is great as a logical zenith of conflict; if the conclusion of several series worth of books ends up being less epic than the conclusions of each of the individual series, I reckon there’s a problem.

I’m not saying the final battle should include everyone in the Cosmere, nor am I saying that it needs to be the ‘stereotypical’ final battle (a lá Wheel of Time or Endgame)- but there needs to be some kind of conflict, there needs to be stakes, and there needs to be a culmination of everything else that has happened so far.

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I've always assumed there would be a final battle happening in the end.

I have a crazy theory that part of what Hoid is doing is "tagging" people in a outraged attempt to access the spirit realm, but it has to be the right person at the right time in the right place (Spirit realm is wierd guys B)). His goal originally was to bring a person or people back from the Spirit realm.

Fast forward to this hypothetical final confrontation... the battle isn't going well and Kel, with his control issues gets into an argument with Hoid and Hoid is all like:

"You never did understand did you Kel.. this was never about you, it has always been about everyone" (this being a hard lesson that Hoid recently learnt).

And bam, Hoid does something... magical and brings all our favourite heroes and villains back for an assist. Unfortunately the cost of this is hoid is basically trading himself - another thing Hoid has been doing is gaining enough raw power for this trade..

And this is where I learnt to laugh and cry again :unsure:

P.s. I know its a bit of a take of the WoT horn of valere but as Brandon has said... there's no such thing as a new idea, its all about style (kel in secret history i think, and pretty sure Hoid says something similar somewhere else.

!~ HIF ~!

Edited by Hoids Imaginary Friend
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just because it isn't a 'Captain America, Thor and the GOTG team up to save the universe' type of 'Endgame' doesn't mean it won't be a 'Earth, Asgard and the Nova Corps' teamup deal. That's the take I got from the 'it's not an Avengers type story' quote.

Also, considering it's literally discussing the final battle of the Cosmere, I would assume anyone looking at this thread would either be up to date enough to not be spoiled or wouldn't care. It's like purposely flipping to the final page of a book and being angry that the ending got spoiled.

As for the original post, I'm not sure who would be on which side, although there's certainly a precedent for people from the same culture not all fighting on the same side. It's entirely possible Scadrians could be villain protagonists, or there's a rogue group of them wreaking havoc

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Harmony and scadrial as the big bad would be heartbreaking.  Personally I'm hoping the final whatever is the reason adonalsium was shattered in the first place.  Whether that's an opposition force or a bad outcome that wasn't completely avoided by the shattering, I want to see that.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/3/2020 at 1:56 AM, Chanarach said:

Harmony and scadrial as the big bad would be heartbreaking.  Personally I'm hoping the final whatever is the reason adonalsium was shattered in the first place.  Whether that's an opposition force or a bad outcome that wasn't completely avoided by the shattering, I want to see that.  

It’ll be a Mistborn series, so probably not. Roshar vs. Scadrial seems increasingly likely.

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