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RoW Chapter 12 Discussion


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Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

Adolin is the best! Roshar needs psychiatrists more than ever...

Rock leaving won't be the end of him, I bet ;-)

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OK.  Pull myself together.  So Rock is going off to his Novella.  Roshar's mental health system is completely ineffective.  Dalinar has not published yet.  Jasnah seems to be doing her job fairly well.  Kaladin needs to figure out himself.  Cord has shardplate!  Kaladin should absolutely date Dakhnah.

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First these things Brightlord Master Highmarshal Stormface  “I needed someone you couldn’t intimidate,” she replied. “That list at best includes three people. And the queen was likely to transform you into a crystal goblet or something.” Brandon you mad genius you took the darkness and made some levity appear!! Syl you always seem to know what Kal needs even if her won't admit it. Shallan explaining where babies come from, Veil that was mean!! Note to self have Veil teach Syl to gamble. Nahn's are being messed with. Jasnah what have you been up to. Adolin has not disowned his father that is a positive note. This chapter was so bittersweet. It's interesting how Veil and the three consider Kal a friend.  "You’re my only bridgeboy,” Adolin said with a grin. “Where would I get another?" Oh Adolin you are one of kind.

Rock go off my friend and have your novella. What do you know of Hoid? Hmmm.... 

My heartstrings could not take this chapter. Kal don't do something foolish.

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1) Oh look! Adolin, unlike a certain someone, isn't a terrible friend

2) A winehouse called Jez’s Duty, lol

3) oh look! A certain someone's other personas are better friends 

4) This is the most that I've liked Adolin or Shallan 

5) goddammit now I see Shallan, Veil & Radiant as different people. I'll be very sad to see them go if Shallan ever becomes just Shallan

6) Dalinar's autobiography is out?! That's it? That's all the reaction from Adolin and Renarin, sigh, right, they're responsible people, so less overt drama, hope we get enough PoVs from all three of them thinking on this, as well as Navani and Jasnah's opinions on the same

7) Adolin is becoming more Edgedancer-y after all... (go learn to write and give Roshar psychology and fashion books!)

8) oh so that's where the Rock novella comes in?

9) Uh... if they throw Rock in the "Ocean", we might get Worldhopper Rock someday...

10) wonder if Rock met Hoid, what did/will he say if he did/does?

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Dang. That was the strangest flux of emotions ever. 

First it was sad. 

Then it was the most fun chapter in the book till now 

Then back to a lesser sort of sadness .

But man the middle was soooo fun.

Veil is Bae. Also Adolin is such a great friend. His nod :lol:


damnation. I was laughing so much. 

Also Wit's back and in the Tower too !!!!!!

Oooof can't wait for him to interact with the Three. 

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1 minute ago, Honorless said:

5) goddammit now I see Shallan, Veil & Radiant as different people. I'll be very sad to see them go if she become neurotypical


10) wonder if Rock met Hoid, what did/will he say if he did/does?

Even if Shallan integrates and loses her alters she won't become neurotypical.

Rock has met him, when he came through the perp some time ago.

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1 hour ago, Agent34 said:

Rock has met him, when he came through the perp some time ago.

Oh yeah, he mentioned that. It's very strange to try to wrap my head around. Kaladin and Sigzil have both met Hoid too, and Rock's reaction is like... normal, like he and his friends met a god and acted casual

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6 minutes ago, Honorless said:

6) Dalinar's autobiography is out?! That's it? That's all the reaction from Adolin and Renarin, sigh, right, they're responsible people, so less overt drama, hope we get enough PoVs from all three of them thinking on this, as well as Navani and Jasnah's opinions on the same

No it is not.  He is still doing final edits.

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5 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

I wonder who goes on the dedication page. "To Odium, Your passionate efforts made all of this possible." :P

“To the Stormfather, your ground-shaking rumblings are why Oathbringer is still in the revision stage.”

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7 minutes ago, Honorless said:

1) Oh look! Adolin, unlike a certain someone, isn't a terrible friend

4) This is the most that I've liked Adolin or Shallan 

5) goddammit now I see Shallan, Veil & Radiant as different people. I'll be very sad to see them go if Shallan ever becomes just Shallan

7) Adolin is becoming more Edgedancer-y after all... (go learn to write and give Roshar psychology and fashion books!)


Seee told u they were awesome. The Three.. Veil , radiant, shallan , they are different ppl.

Man it would be sad if the Triarchy fell tho. I would be very sad to see Veil go , even more than Shallan. 

Adolin is soooo cool too. Even tho he is so privelaged he never was spoiled. I love him for that. 

But for the same reason I don't think he will become a Radiant. 

Radiance is a function of Pain and Adolin hasn't really felt any in his life. 

He has been in battles and stuff sure. But he hasn't been through trauma or loneliness like renarin or jasnah or kal . 

He's perfectly happy and I really Don't want that to change, even if it means no superpowers to him. He's happy and doing great as is. I think it's best to let him be. 

Cause it would require one of the Three or all of them to cease. 

Also yeah. Moash is a terrible friend. He really did want kal to commit suicide rather than turn him into a painless zombie and on Odium's side as I initially thought. 

Atleast kill him urself if u think he's suffering coward. Don't make him kill himself to feel better about ur choices. Yeah I hate moash somewhat. Not as much as the others but my opinion of him has fell a lot. 

P.S : Wit probably made fun of Rock again I think. In a nice manner tho. 

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10 minutes ago, Agent34 said:

Even if Shallan integrates and loses her alters she won't become neurotypical.

Rock has met him, when he came through the perp some time ago.

I wouldn't relate DID to neurology. It's a trauma response, which can rewire things, but generally when we talk about Neurotypical we're referring to things with a more genetic origin. Autism and ADHD and the like, where they're a function of how a person's brain is rather than a response to later changes. Shallan will always have a trauma history, that may have lifelong impacts. But it's a different set of terminology. 

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Rock was crying, but smiling. “You gave me back my life,” he said. “Thank you for that, Kaladin, bridgeleader. Do not be sad that now I choose to live that life.”

I think there is clear message to Kaladin and it may be instrumental in him getting over his big sadness.

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So much pain from Kaladin.... :( And Threefold Shallan is holding back a small flood of wannabe joinees. Kind of worrisome. (Not to mention, getting a bit exhausting to deal with as a narrative...)

Adolin is indeed looking Edgedancer-y, but in any case, his semi-bond to a semi-spren is indeed likely holding him back from forming a Nahel bond with another spren and he doesn't care. 

So, let's talk about Rock. He has not bonded a spren. But has become "something else" than a squire (though I assume he could still draw Stormlight while near Kaladin?) and is returning to the Peaks for whatever awaits him as a result of having taken up the bow.

I suspect it is not a death sentence but an honor, title, or obligation he deferred after the death of his older brothers.

What a beautiful farewell line for Rock to Kaladin. "You have had me. Now, I need me. It is time to return, my ula'makai. My captain. ... You gave me back my life; thank you for that, Kaladin, bridgeleader." (Remembering the first day that Kaladin took the center position from the surprised Horneater on a bridge run, then as a sour-faced Rock contributed his food in return...) "Do not be sad that now I choose to live that life."

Not to die. To live. But forever apart from meeting "in this world". Hmm.

And, a tragic echo and parallel to the words that Moash said to Kaladin upon accepting, instead of refusing, to take up Shards. "You're my captain, forever."

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