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Friends, Sharders, BoredBois, lend me your time.

I come to praise Boredom, not to bury it

The fun that men have lives after them;

The fun is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Boredom. The bored @I Am A Fish
Hath told you Boredom was bored:
If it were so, it was a boring fault,
And boringly hath Boredom answer’d it.
Here, under leave of @I Am A Fish and the rest–
For @I Am A Fish is a bored fish;
So are they all, all bored men–
Come I to speak in Boredom’s monologue. Yep, I literally copied a Shakespearean monologue onto here, then put my name in here...   
He was my friend, bored and boring to me: And you wonder why I'm bored?
But @I Am A Fish says he was ambitious;
And  @I Am A Fishis a bored fish.
He hath brought many BoredBois to this thread
Whose boredness did the general coffee fulfill:
Did this in Boredom seem bored?
When that the bored have cried, Boredom hath been bored:
Boredness should be made of sterner stuff:
Go find our origins
Yet @I Am A Fish says he was bored;
And @I Am A Fish is a bored fish.
You all did see that on the 17th Shard
I thrice presented him a bored award,
Which he did thrice refuse because he was bored: was this boredness?
Yet @I Am A Fish says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is a bored fish.
I speak not to disprove what @I Am A Fish spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did tolerate him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to be bored for him?
O Boredness! thou art fled to BoredBois,
And men have lost their boredness. Bear with me;
My boredness is bored here with Boredom,
And I must be bored till Boredom stops be boring.
Hello that must have been quite boring. Well if you're bored, join the BoredBois. The Shard's first guild dedicated to boredom. We go around the Shard being bored, and reveling in boredom, feel free to have long boring posts. 
To join swear the 6 ideals of Boredomness:
1. I will share in others boredom
2. I will chill with my fellow BoredBois during Borantine 
3. I will be bored for those who can't be bored themselves
4. I will glory in the many memes of the Universe
6. I will end every post with Hoc erat odiosis
Hoc erat odiosis
Edited by I Am A Fish
I was bored
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21 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

Where did oath 5 go?

It was a lie. Our gods lied. Oh, how they lied. The Quarantine comes. I hear its whispers, see its boredom, know its bored

Hoc erat odiosis


Edited by HemalurgicStickBreaker
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37 minutes ago, HemalurgicStickBreaker said:

It was a lie. Our gods lied. Oh, how they lied. The Quarantine comes. I hear its whispers, see its boredom, know its bored

Hoc erat odiosis


No, no that's not true, that's impossible!!!

Edited by Booknerd
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5 hours ago, Goatbringer said:

I only have a vague notion of what this is about but I'm sure my wife would approve

We don't know either.

56 minutes ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

Let's go BoredBois!

Welcome to the cult, uh what I mean club.

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On 3/30/2020 at 1:10 PM, Booknerd said:

Where did oath 5 go?

I was expecting a Monty Python reference here ("Rule number 6: There is no Rule number 6."), but that's prolly bcos I'm way old. Oh well, at least it gave me a chuckle. But that means I'm not bored, so I better "be somewhere else" (oops - Babylon 5 reference there ... leaving now.:P

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13 minutes ago, old aggie said:

I was expecting a Monty Python reference here ("Rule number 6: There is no Rule number 6."), but that's prolly bcos I'm way old. Oh well, at least it gave me a chuckle. But that means I'm not bored, so I better "be somewhere else" (oops - Babylon 5 reference there ... leaving now.:P

He'll be back- not sure what I'm referencing.

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  • 5 weeks later...
1. I will share in others boredom
2. I will chill with my fellow BoredBois during Borantine 
3. I will be bored for those who can't be bored themselves
4. I will glory in the many memes of the Universe
6. I will end every post with Hoc erat odiosis
Hoc erat odiosis
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5 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:
1. I will share in others boredom
2. I will chill with my fellow BoredBois during Borantine 
3. I will be bored for those who can't be bored themselves
4. I will glory in the many memes of the Universe
6. I will end every post with Hoc erat odiosis
Hoc erat odiosis

Ditto. (Too bored to say the whole thing)

Hoc erat odiosis

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