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How did you picture shardblades and shardplate when you first read SA


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So when I first read the books I pictured shardblades as these thin and long crystalline blades that elegantly cut through everything. As for shardplate I always pictured it as this bulky interlocking medieval armor, but instead glowing with constant stormlight.

how did you guys picture them when you first read the books?

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6 hours ago, EMB1981 said:

So when I first read the books I pictured shardblades as these thin and long crystalline blades that elegantly cut through everything. As for shardplate I always pictured it as this bulky interlocking medieval armor, but instead glowing with constant stormlight.

how did you guys picture them when you first read the books?

I pictured Shardblades like the Ultima Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts. The Shadeplade I more or less pictured as a very crisp and shiny Alphonse Elric



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I've never played FF, but I basically imagined them how Quantus said. Proportionally, the blades were much wider than normal swords, and the coloring had a special sheen. Shardplate was basically like power suits. Very bulky, and clearly impossible to move in if they didn't enhance one's strength.

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I always pictured Shardblades like large blades, that had some ornate designs or effects to them. Some were described as quite thick, so I always imagined them as bulky at times.

For Shardplates I thought of them as uniquely designed pieces of armor something similar to the Crest of Alpha Lupi from Destiny 2 (a little less ornate though):

Image result for crest of alpha lupi

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Funnily enough, despite having never played Halo, my mental picture for shardblades was that they were ethereal and translucent like the energy swords from Halo. I was quite confused when I started my first reread of WoK and finally noticed the description that they were metal.

Also @The Deity wooo fellow Guardian. I definitely have a post floating around about how Destiny and Stormlight are actually really similar!

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I didn’t have any specific image in my head for any of the swords except for Oathbringer, which looked like (and still looks like in my mind) Ganondorf’s sword from SSBU. Oh and I always picture Nightblood as Cloud’s Buster Sword, from SSBU. Smash Bros definitely influenced my reading:P

For reference:





Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 7.26.47 PM.png

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On 3/5/2020 at 5:05 AM, Quantus said:

Basically like Final Fantasy swords.  FFX, specifically, since they were particualrly elemental themed:

Given that Brandon has admitted being a huge fan of that game in the franchise in particular, I'm pretty certain he had those in the back of his mind when designing at least some of the swords. Like Oathbringer, whose description sounds ever so slightly like Tidus' Brotherhood except with the hook on the dull edge of the blade. It's pretty much how I pictured the sword even before I found the WoB where he mentioned liking FFX a whole lot. :D

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I originally mentally pictured the Shardblades as being crystalline rather than metal (like the Crystal Swords in Diablo 2)... maybe because of the importance of gems? I was surprised when I finally noticed that Shallan's drawings made them look basically like normal swords, though large (I read the books on Kindle so the pictures were maybe not as immediately prominent as in the hardback book).

The Plate in my head looks more "gonzo" than it's probably really supposed to look (though Shallan's drawings aren't in color), super brightly painted with the gems being hugely obvious blazing light sources.

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Always imagined them consisting of huge bulky metallic plates with visible power lines of glowing light that allow the stormlight to circulate around the whole armor, powering it up. When BS described the fight scenes, every time Shardbearers crushed each other Shardplates, i imagined them destroying those power lines so the stormlight leaked out of them.


Something like this:


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     I imagined the plate to look like 15th Century Gothic armor but with all around coverage and many smaller interlocking plates instead of mail. And perhaps a great helm instead of a sallet. So a bit like this but with a dull grey sheen and stormlight shining through the seams:5e6725b9531ad_images(3).jpeg.58d86fd71ba0926a739d5eeeece6d9dc.jpeg

     I imagined the blades to look like longer, broader, longswords and groß messers however colored in flat anodized aluminium-like shades, for example dull reds, blues, greens, silvers, tans, etc. Much like more massive versions of these weapons. Still elegant but far reaching and possessed of some heft.


In colors such as these.

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  • 6 months later...

I like many other people on this thread imagined the shardblades as final fantasy swords. But for the armor, before I saw any of Shallan's drawings, i pictureed them looking like armor that stormcast eternals in warhammer wear but with a more traditional helmet.


Edit: I also thought they might have looked like Reinhardt's armor.

Edit 2: I saw someone talking about how they saw Nightblood and I always imagine it as just a longsword with a hooked guard and an ornate silver sheath.

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