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  • 3 months later...
On 4/15/2020 at 11:35 AM, Sazedezas said:

I'm back! Mostly.

I need to refresh myself on what's happened, and also I lost the planning doc. Mind helping a brother out with that last part?

We're mostly innactive around here, I don't know if we could really resurrect it. 

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I'm up for it, but yeah, resurrecting might be difficult. The only idea I have is pinging everyone in the planning doc, but I've a feeling that might not be appreciated by the mods (or the people pinged).

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Same as breaking. I'm also not sure how easily I'll be able to go back to these characters and degree of intensity, since I've gotten pretty used to writing for stuff with much more explicit violence and swearing since. It was already a little weird, what was it? The summer before last? 

It's good to hear from you guys though. How's everyone holding up with the whole, *gestures vaguely at the world,* you know, everything?

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I'm doing pretty well. I mean, I had a part time job at a bowling alley, so I have to do odd jobs now, but I still live at home, so I've lived. Need a new job though. And all online school just shifted to the short schedule from early-out Fridays, so... Now I need to memorize a new schedule, because I never learned the Friday class times.

I wrote a pretty song with fairly clever lyrics - if I do say so myself. I'm currently scoring it, and next I'll be writing more for either an album or *finally* a musical.

On 4/17/2020 at 1:28 PM, kenod said:

Thanks. Though I actually stumbled across it RIGHT after while looking for something else. Smedryness, you know.

Edited by Sazedezas
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I wrote a little bit in the doc, to try to get things moving. @VanillaDCocoKing is the obvious one to respond, but someone else could notice Nicroburst's movement as well and recognize him. Or we could ascertain the status of @TwiLyghtSansSparkles's characters. Really just trying to get the ball rolling here.

In other news, the Jacklyn scene should be going up soon, so she can maybe enter the meeting and shake things up a bit. Seeing how she interacts with Kokichi's field will be interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/15/2020 at 11:12 PM, The Young Pyromancer said:

Well, I wrote a little bit in the doc, to try to get things moving. @VanillaDCocoKing is the obvious one to respond, but someone else could notice Nicroburst's movement as well and recognize him. Or we could ascertain the status of @TwiLyghtSansSparkles's characters. Really just trying to get the ball rolling here.

In other news, the Jacklyn scene should be going up soon, so she can maybe enter the meeting and shake things up a bit. Seeing how she interacts with Kokichi's field will be interesting.

I have responded. Also, what does Nicroburst actually look and dress like? How old is he? I had nothing to go on for that scene.

Also also, she ignored him. He can use that gate if he wants, or he can get offended.

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22 minutes ago, VanillaDCocoKing said:

Also, what does Nicroburst actually look and dress like? How old is he? I had nothing to go on for that scene.

Sorry. He's about average, dressed in fingerless gloves and a black jacket along with jeans. He's a young adult, maybe 27. A while ago, an Epic got wind of his powers, and started trying to 'recruit' him, so she might recognise him if she looks carefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Wanders awkwardly into the room...)

If there is a reboot, I may join. I have a few Epic ideas I’d like to see pulled off. But it depends how much free time I end up having between Alleyverse, SE, and... oh yeah, real life and stuff.

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16 hours ago, kenod said:

Um, agreed. I think @DrakeMarshall had an idea to deal with it though, and shelve the current characters/events, kinda like a soft reboot I guess? Allowing us to get new characters going?

Yeah, pretty much wiping the slate clean while allowing anyone to bring old characters over at any time.

That it's (possibly) necessary to do something like this may be indicative of certain flaws in the structure of how we set things up, but my prediction is it should allow people to move forward with the RP to whatever extent they want to do so right now.

It make take a little work to stitch together the current happenings into a series of events that causes a "soft reboot" to occur, but it doesn't really need to be anything too fancy. I can get started on that if you guys want to give the green light.

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There are probably some things I would normally want to see tied up, but:

In the interest of getting the RP back into the thread and out of docs, might I suggest we just start posting the contents of the Interrogation and Meeting documents into the WHiE thread?

I'll try and do my thing after that (I have some as of yet vague ideas taking shape for what to do there). But I think the first step is still to post the docs now.

Who is around? I am curious both because those are likely the people who might participate in a revitalized Reckoners RP, and because ideally everyone who is around who worked on the doc would get to post a part of it.

If you are checking in right now, feel free to just pull whatever sized chunk you want from the doc and post it, I think.

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2 hours ago, kenod said:

I don't mind posting a part, however, what should we do about the scene between Lord Kelvin and Arachnerd that @VanillaDCocoKing and @Hemalurgic Headshot wrote, since I think that might need to be posted first, since Lord Kelvin and Arachnerd appear at the stadium as well afterwards?

Oh wow, I had almost forgotten about this thread. Sure, whatever sounds good. If we can kick the Meeting into gear, we may declare it the conclusion (for now) of WHiE. 

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