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Feature Implementation   

32 members have voted

  1. 1. At the moment districts are mostly flavor; they don’t change anything about your gameplay. Do you want to implement a system where tributes get bonuses on rolls for actions relating to their district?

    • I would want to do that
    • I would not want to do that

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4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Anyone who can't find food for themselves will have to find their way here eventually... I say we stay. No need to hunt down everyone else."

“Speaking of food...” Wind shoves a whole apple in his mouth and swallows, he immediately begins to choke and then coughs the apple up. “That was ten seconds! New record!”

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Sorry, for not posting, but whatever I wrote felt so much like godmod ding as characters were already back at the starting point, before I even looked at the thread the first time. I was unsure how to handle the whole starting in that regard, because it all felt so godmoddy, so in the end I didn't post at all.


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12 hours ago, A Windrunner said:

“Speaking of food...” Wind shoves a whole apple in his mouth and swallows, he immediately begins to choke and then coughs the apple up. “That was ten seconds! New record!”

"Ten seconds of what? Pure stupidity?"

10 hours ago, Sorana said:

Sorry, for not posting, but whatever I wrote felt so much like godmod ding as characters were already back at the starting point, before I even looked at the thread the first time. I was unsure how to handle the whole starting in that regard, because it all felt so godmoddy, so in the end I didn't post at all.


Why don't you just post yourself at this moment in time of the Games, with an average-to-bad supply set? I doubt Doomstick would care if you were sitting by yourself in the forest with a backpack and a knife.


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15 hours ago, Doomstick said:

definitely, you have a pack and a spear 


okay, thanks. Could you elaborate on its contents or is it empty?

I close my eyes for a moment, do nothing but rely on my ears. There, the soft sound of a branch being split in half, of leaves being crushed beneath some weight. I nearly stop breathing when I hear the sounds coming closer, force myself to keep my eyes closed and to do nothing but listen. Listen. My fingers close tightly around the wooden shaft of my spear, sweat running down my neck. I'm hungry. The thought crosses my mind like a lightning bolt, fast and quick, jolting me out of my concentration. I open my eyes, immediatly get distracted by the wood, the leaves moving in the gentle wind, the bird staring at me from a tree over. Nearly hastily I close my eyes again, try to find the sound again, the soft steps. There. Moving to my left. I turn, slowly, open my eyes again but this time I force myself to focus on the sound. Carefully I take a step, try to move as quiet as possible. Then another one, edging towards the sound.

I hold my breath when I finally see it, an animal unlike any I ever saw before. It's large, far too large to be hunted with nothing more than a spear, but a spear it is. It's not like I have another choice. My stomach rumbles slightly at the sight of it, at the prospect of food, of something to make my hands stop shaking. And yet I hesitate, unsure how to do this, how to kill. How to lift the spear and throw it? Or maybe stab? It turns its head and stares at me and I throw. I don't know why I hit, or why I even tried, if it was too slow, or if I simply got lucky. But my spear sticks out of its side and it screams, a painful scream that immediatly makes me wish I hadn't done it, I hadn't tried. I could have run away, tried to steal food elsewhere, but this, this is worse, so incredibly worse. And yet I run after it when it finally moves tries to run away, without caring for noise or anything else I run after it, I run and run, my eyes set on the spear, on my only chance to defend myself, to do anything else but die. It's dark when it finally stumbles to the ground, when I pull my spear free and plunge it down again and again and again, until it finally stops moving, warm, red blood running over my hands and cloths. I don't have a knife so I use the tip of my spear to rip some meat out, try to avoid the stench of the pierced intestines, try not to gag at the sight of its lifeless eyes. Instead I stuff the meat into my mouth, force my self to chew and swallow, only to stumble to the side and to vomit on the ground. A slight buzz announces a nearby camera and I somehow I know that all of them will look at me, will see me vomiting after for the first time in - were it days? Hours? I can't even say. And yet I can't bring myself to care again, instead I wipe my mouth, wish for some water to clear it out, and try again, smaller bites this time, trying to ignore the metallic taste on my tongue. It's food. And I will die without it. But then there is no guarantee that I will survive anyway.

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On 9/10/2020 at 10:47 PM, Mist said:

"That Elend is having a difficult time. I think I'll send him something."



On 9/10/2020 at 11:12 PM, Doomstick said:

16, you can send a useful tool


On 9/10/2020 at 11:19 PM, Doomstick said:



Actually, food or water, I just realized. I haven't sent anything with this yet. I guess long-lasting food. How about jerky and dried fruit? 


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