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What's YOUR Talent?

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Best spy/thief/assassin ever. You could infiltrate everything-- why, you wouldn't have to infiltrate at all, just get in!


This.  Being a wallflower would be an awesome talent the way Schmedry talents tend to work.  Of course, it would have down-sides, but that's pretty much the nature of the beast.

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Ooh!  There's a word for being ignorable and I know what it is! Unobtrusiveness!


EDIT: I missed this whole page and posted this thinking it would be added to the end of page 3, which talks about the unobtrusiveness talent in a similar way.  Secondary Talent: Having Things Turn Out Anyway Despite My Total Obliviousness.


My talent is never keeping (or at least majorly delaying) promises!  Anything that I promise to do will never get done!  So I just have to promise to do all the things I don't want to happen!  I will most DEFINITELY betray you, friend!  I PROMISE to tell you where the rebel base is!


If you want an example of this talent in action, look at the first post of this thread, then come back here.

Edited by Silus - Shard of Flame
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  • 1 month later...

I have discovered my other talent. Which is I can't have more than 2 knots on my person at a time. For instance when I wear pats that have string to tie them up and I make the mistake of tying them up one of my shoe laces is guaranteed to come undone which is highly annoying.

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My talent would be making people think that I care about whatever they're talking about. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Every time I get into a conversation with someone they seem to dump piles of irrelevant info on me because they finally have someone to listen to them. 


I guess it would be useful for interrogations or distractions.

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Procrastination. I put off doing something and then get it all over with really fast.

I thought about it for a while, and I could do some cool things with it. Like not feel pain until I have to all at once (get stabbed, eh no pain for a few days. A few days later - shattering glass, that hurts ten times worse than it should.) Not moving until I move really fast all at once (Procrastinate going somewhere and then get there really fast. Useful for dodging, getting past things). Similar to Grandpa Smedry, but more diluted, since the longer I put it off, the more intense it is when I actually have to do it.


Dying - I am definitely dying with a bang, not old age or illness. It will be a complete surprise. Hey, come to think of it, procrastinate the effects of old age - don't feel old at all until I feel ANCIENT all at once.

Edited by 18th Shard
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got two. 


First I forget things it can be anything but names are especially easy.


Second I attract bugs I have no idea where the fly that's currently buzzing around came from since it's in the single digest outside and we keep my house clean but somehow they keep showing up and they always end up in my room buzzing around my head.

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My talent is to accidently slur my words when tired, excited, or... Basically any time I'm trying to convey important information. It's annoying.

But I wouldn't be able to tell the people interrogating me what they want me to tell them, because it's important info.

Edited by Seana
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Talent 1) I can sleep walk and wake up confused. 


examples: Sleep walk and immediately know how to fly a plane to where you need to go. Sleep walk and disarm a bomb. Sleep walk and knock out all the bad guys around me. -- then wake up very confused on how you did all that! ... Or you know go to sleep and wake up having painted everything in your house using a sharpie... 


Talent 90210) I can read things very loud and obnoxiously. 


examples: This would be on par with translator lenses. You could read any language out loud translated but it would come out as a cracky high pitch voice. Of course every time you read something out loud it would sound just awful. 


Talent $0.50) I am really bad at measuring. 


examples: Similar to being bad at math... Hey how far is it from Las Vegas to England? Oh I don't know, 8 miles? -- Boom one short drive and you travel super far. Of course, you might also be trying to get to the grocery store and you say something stupid like "But that's a million miles away!"


Talent ∑4) I burp very loudly during performances.


examples: This would be like a lie detector talent because when someone would lie or "act" you would burp very loudly. Also nobody would want to watch tv, movies, plays, or anything along those lines with you for fear of pulling their noses off of their own face.




Just some fun ones I thought of. Also I am STOOPID

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Number one, losing things. I'm sooooo good at that. Obvious potential uses. Also, scaring potential dates off. I feel like this would have a lot of good uses. Especially if it extended to all my enemies, not just men. (Bless my husband for deciding to be terrified all the time. Haha.)

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