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The Newcago Court


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Part 2


 Freezing gusts of wind buffeted Jack from all sides as he flew high in the thin air of the atmosphere. He couldn’t believe he had let himself be insulted like that, his time wasted, his trust broken. This Elsa woman really was acting like a child.He shook his head, clearing his mind of those thoughts, focusing instead on increasing his speed until the landscape below blurred in a grey and white mess, fading slowly to brighter colours as he crossed the equator into summer.


A few minutes later, he landed back on his glacier, and skated around the ice on bare feet, laughing out loud. It was good to be back.               


Although, he wasn’t supposed to be here in summer. But the ice lake where he had been born, so to speak, somehow remained cool all year. He felt like here more than anywhere, the moon watched over him. This was the place he always came to think.


He suddenly thought to surprise his children – the few who could properly see him. A smile lit up his face, and he shot off into the air, riding uncomfortably warm breezes to their neighbourhood. The moon and stars were obscured behind the clouds, and he landed on a painted wooden windowsill in the darkness of night. The only illumination came from a small nightlight by the bunk bed inside, spilling out the window onto his toes. Tommy slept quietly, thumb tucked into his mouth. Gold dust rose above his head, and Jack realised his fellow Guardian Sandman must be showering good dreams on everyone tonight. He smiled, the pushed backward off the window, flipped in the air and landed like a cat on the roof of the neighbour’s house. He leapt from house to house, and  warm pride swelled in him, to see all his favourite charges safely asleep and in good hands.

“There,” he whispered. “I’m doing good things.”


So why did he feel a sudden pang of guilt? He looked across at the distant horizon, out the city to Arendelle. Those women were foolish. They were irresponsible, and what was it Anna had said? Elsa’s powers were unpredictable and kept causing injuries? Of course they were having troubles then, but it wasn’t his problem.

But it was. Somehow he had found himself caught up in all of this. He floated in the air, staring into the distance, staff held to the side and legs dangling. And suddenly he knew, deep in his heart, what he had to do.

Jack Frost was a Guardian. His job was to protect people. From villains like Pitch Black. From harm. And now it seemed, perhaps even from themselves.


He rose and spun in the air, preparing to go back. Then a sudden thought occurred to him. Elsa had flown to his glacier fine. She displayed perfect control - if not power - in tying him up in ice ropes. In her distress, she had retained absolute command over her powers, when all...ice-benders, she called them? – knew that in times of great emotion it was hardest to stop your magic getting away from you. No, it must be something else entirely causing the snowmen to attack. Now more than ever, he had to return.




A short time later, Jack skidded to a stop in front of the open palace gates. As he flew, he grew only more and more assured of his decision. He’d been doing this for a long time. He was right about Elsa. If only he could figure out what was wrong.


The hallways were crowded with people who stared mistrustfully as Jack ran through, until he suddenly spotted Anna.


“Anna!” he called, only slightly out of breath. She turned around from a discussion she was having with Kristoff.

“Jack? What –I mean – How – I - ”


“I’m here to help,” he said. “I need to know where your queen is. You need to take me to her, please, I’m sure she’s got it all wrong and I need to help her.”


Seemingly shocked by this, Anna just stared. Kristoff stepped forward. “Thank you for the offer, Jack,” he said, “but we can’t possibly find Elsa. She disappeared hours ago, and Anna, Sven and I have our hands full looking after everyone. You’ll have to go on your own.”


Jack blinked, mind racing. “Okaayy then. Do you know where she’s gone? Somewhere she goes when she’s upset? I doubt she’s been overwhelmed by the snowmen, she’s too strong for that.”


“Um, uh yes. Yes of course.” Anna came back to her senses. “Go to the north mountain. She has a palace there she made some time ago, when she needed space. If she’s alive and just sulking, she’ll be there.”

Without another word, Jack turned and ran back out the door. He would find her. And they would protect her people.


 A few hours later, Elsa woke up slightly dazed. Elsa looked around. Her arms and legs were chained to the wall. She was in her ice palace she made with her powers then left it to rule Arendelle. This was the last place she wanted to be.


 It brought back bad memories. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. He stepped through the shadow. Elsa clenched her teeth. This was the last person she wanted to see... Marshmallow.


The snow was soft and powdery beneath Jack's bare feet as he charged up the mountainside. The wind blew past him, nearly blowing him off the steep slope. He couldn't ride it in this weather. It was too strong, and with all the snow in the air he wouldn't be able to see where he was.

He kept looking around, searching, searching. Som

e kind of building Elsa had made. Some kind of igloo perhaps, of snow?
A particularly hard gust of snow-laden breeze rushed through the air, and he bowed his head to plough through it. Then the whiteness of the air disappeared, and he looked up. What Jack saw took his breath away.
It was no igloo. Soaring turrets of delicate icework reached out at the sky from the summit of the North Mountain. Incredibly elegant, yet sturdy as the heaviest stone, the light reflected and refracted off the ice palace, causing dazzling patterns of light in the air and on the snow.

"Wow," he said. "That's just...that's just....wow."

The snow had blown off, and the air was crystal clear, though the ground was covered in the powdery whiteness. Jack leaped off the ground, staff in hand, flying towards where the palace doors must be. Then he heard a scream.


That scream belonged to Elsa. Elsa was still chained up in the ice palace. She was feeling completely useless and unworthy of who she was. Negative thought swirled around her head: Elsa, why are you bothering, you’re only going to loose. Give up Elsa! You've already lost! Why are you even Queen? Why are you trying to control Arendelle when you can’t even control yourself and your powers! That was the final straw. Elsa had enough. "JUST THROW ME AWAY MARSHMALLOW! I'M USELESS. ANNA WILL BE A BETTER QUEEN THAN I EVEN WERE"  As she said that. Marshmallow turned around. Elsa noticed that her crown was on his head and making a reflection. Marshmallow walked closer and closer to Elsa and pulled out a very sharp icicle spike. It was all over for Elsa.


The massive double doors rushed open in a burst of wind, banging into the walls on either side. Jack hung in the air, heart rate racing as he saw a monster standing over Elsa. With a massive icicle held high, ready to strike. Water dripped from its razor-sharp tip.

"YAAAAH!" he yelled, slamming into the ice monster, pushing away the sword that was perilously close to Elsa's beautiful white neck. She stared up in shock at him, blue eyes wide in fear, then the momentum pushed him forward, dragging the monster away. He immediately spun in the air to face the creature as it raised its arm again, face twisted in confusion and hate. The icicle came down, blindingly fast, and he felt the wind of it’s passing as he twisted out the way, rolling to the right. He leapt up at it’s face, trying to gather the wind to blow it’s head of, but the air couldn’t get to him from outside quickly enough. The monster shook it’s head, and Jack flew off, slamming into a frozen wall before he could think, head cracking against solid ice. He blinked, eyes watering, struggling to focus through the pain. The monster was lumbering forward toward Elsa again.
Elsa. Why wasn’t she doing anything? She was just staring in shock. Almost...acceptance?
Jack pushed off against the wall, flying in the monster again and wrapping his legs around it’s neck, grabbing it’s upraised arm in two of his own. He struggled to hold it back, face turning red despite the snow.

“Break free, Elsa!” he cried through breath strained with effort. 


She blinked, fear staring out from deep within her soul. She looked so vulnerable.

“I can’t” she whispered. “Don’t you see I can’t? I can’t control the curse.”

The monster flung his arm again, and Jack flew across the room. This time he caught himself on the wind, and again took hold of the monster’s arm, holding on as it jerked, the monster trying to shake him off.

“Of course. You can. Elsa!” he said, struggling for breath. He had to convince her. How could he convince her?

“You used. Magic. Fine on the. Way here.”

The snowman grew increasingly aggressive, roaring an ear-splitting shriek of animal anger. Jack shouted louder, legs dangling in the air, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

“You came. And bound. Me. You can-”

He was flung aside again. “-DO THISSSSS” he yelled as the air caught him again, halfway across the room. He landed hard, slipped and hit his head again. He blinked dazed, then his mouth caught in his throat. The monster had his icicle raised, about to plunge it into Elsa’s heart. He began sliding towards her, slick on the ice floor. But there was no time. He wasn’t going to make it.


“JACK!! My magic?” I can control it! I am the Queen of Arendelle. She suddenly felt a surge of determination and confidence.  I'M NOT WORTH LESS. I'M NOT WORTHLESS! She repeated to herself, now she truly believed in herself. She was going to fight these snowmen, no matter what it took. She turned her head to Jack and smiled. “Lets do this”. She clenched her fist and smashed the chains in two. The force was so much it knocked Marshmallow off his feet. "You came back! You cared about me! Let us finish this together, once and for all!” It was Ice benders vs. snowmen. Jack and Elsa smashed and shot with much resistance and determination.


The giant snowman was slowly backing down from the relentless icicles Elsa shot at him, combined with the wind and pure cold power of Jack. Their powers combined seamlessly, becoming something far more powerful together than they could alone. The massive ice beast stumbled backwards towards the giant doors, still open from when Jack had entered. Something glinted on its forehead, in the light. What was that...?
“SNOWMEN!” the beast roared. “COME!”


Wet slippery sounds came from outside. Elsa and Jack shared a look. This wasn’t going to be good. They were right.


A flood of knee-high snowmen poured into the room, shooting snowballs and ice ahead of them. The beast turned back around and roared, running straight at them. Jack rose in the air, and breathed in deeply of the cold air. His element was ice. Elsa’s element was winter. Together they would be unstoppable against creatures of their own element.

Then he saw an angry face with a purple carrot nose come screaming towards him, and his courage faltered. He gritted his teeth and flew straight towards it anyway.


Elsa gasped as Jack hurled towards the snowman. A crunch could be heard as Jack hit the floor and was swiped aside by the enormous hand of the snowman. Elsa screamed in alarm. "JACK! JACK!" Elsa ran over to him and held his head in her hands. "I'm okay Elsa," he said with a smile. 'Lets finish this off together! A competitive streak ran across Elsa's face. She wanted her crown back from Marshmallow. She was the Queen! No one else was allowed to wear the queen's crown but her! "It's my crown. And I want it back!" Elsa clenched her teeth and started to fight again. Jack was standing right next to the snowman. He moved next to Elsa. He had a determined look in his eye. "Let's finish this.”
Elsa and Jack fought determinedly through the snowmen. Eventually they got to Marshmallow, with many icy shots and finally a final blow with Elsa shooting ice into his head and Jack punching him in his snowy stomach, the crown fell off and Marshmallow was defeated. Elsa looked at Jack as he dived to retrieve the crown out of the remaining crowd of snowmen when he realised a peculiar thing. The snowmen were no longer moving.

He sat up, delicate crown clutched in his fingers. His fingers hurt where they’d landed under the crown, and he thought he’d probably bruised a knee and an elbow from that landing. The snowmen did cushion him somewhat.

Why had they stopped moving? Where they all part of the larger beast somehow? Did killing the one kill the other?


He pushed himself onto his feet, and then limped over to Elsa who was standing, trembling slightly in front of the massive white corpse.


“I created him,” she said, looking up, those clear blue eyes worried, her pale eyebrows drawn together in a frown.


Jack hesitated, then walked forward.


“Yes, but he went rogue.” Jack said. “We killed him. We saved your people, all because you worked out how to control your powers. Because you were amazing.”


He took her hand in his left, his right still holding the crown, and met her eyes. She looked aside.


“You have no need to feel bad about this Elsa. Yes, you made him. But he had to go.”


“I....I suppose you’re right.”


She looked up.


“It’s just – everything I do, I fail at. Everything. My own creature attacked my people.”


Her voice trembled. The wind howled through the open doors of the ice palace, bringing in fresh air.

The moonlight shone down on them in that moment, and Jack felt a moment of clarity. This is what he was sent for. This was that greater purpose he was looking for, something he could do to help. He met Elsa’s gaze again.


“Yes, but you’re their queen. And you deserve to be. As you deserve this.” He lifted the crown, and slid it into place in her pale silky hair.


Elsa looked into Jack's eyes, relieved. For the first time in forever, she felt at peace with herself. But as Jack slipped the crown on her head, her insides started to freak out. Her mind freaked out. Negative thoughts once again swirled around in her head. I... I can't believe my powers are being controlled. But how? I'm not perfect! I created a terrible monster! And then I killed him. Elsa took a deep breath. But the past is in the past. What matters now is the future. The present. I am Queen Elsa. Ruler of Arendelle. My kingdom is my future and I am ready to accept my future as Queen. She looked into Jack's eyes once more. For the first time in forever, she finally felt happy. 


Jack smiled back at her. The crown suited her perfectly.


“Shall we go back to Arendelle then?” Elsa asked, sounding slightly nervous. “I can feel the snowmen in my head now, I can command them.” As if to prove her point, the purple-nosed snowman walked up and smiled. It was still slightly creepy.


“There’s something special about the crown,” Elsa continued, “that seems to have given Marshmallow power over it. I wonder what....but we just need to go tell everyone it’s safe to come out now.”


How did the monster even get her crown? Now wasn’t the time to ask.


“Of course, Queen Elsa.” He said.


She gestured, and a cloud of glittering ice formed beneath her, lifting her into the air.


“Do you want to ride my cloud with me?” she asked shyly.


Jack slung his staff over his shoulder.


“Nah,” he said. “I told you before. I’m more of a blizzard kind of guy. Race you down?”


She giggled. “Only to beat you soundly, Jack Frost,”


He leapt into the air and chased after her as she shot out the door, snow buffeting at his face and streaming through his clothes as he rode the winds, feeling free, fulfilled, and finally happy. Elsa was little more than a streak of colour ahead, when Jack suddenly realised that she was winning, and he didn’t know the way back to Arendelle..


“Aw, hell,” he swore, and streaked after her, holding himself flat to avoid wind resistance. She glanced over her shoulder, a massive grin lighting up her face.


“I told you I’d beat you Jack Frost!” she called, her distant voice carried by the wind.


“We’ll see about that,” he muttered, and shot towards her.


 Within minutes, Arendelle came into view, a snow-drenched city that appeared all but abandoned. Putting on an extra burst of speed, Jack and Elsa flew across the lake and entered the city walls within seconds of each other.

“Beat you!” Elsa laughed, eyes bright and alive. Jack smiled. “Sure did. Come on.”

And he swooped down the streets, hands cupped around his mouth, shouting “People of Arendelle! You are free of tyranny and violent snowmen! Your wonderful queen has defeated their ruler and all are now under her command! Come out and play in the snow!”

Windows cracked open and small eyes peeked out, then slowly doors opened and people began to flood the streets.


Boys, Girls, Men and Women, young and old, began to crowd around Queen Elsa. "Our beautiful queen has restored peace to Arendelle!"

"WAIT.” A tall man in a cloak marched up to Elsa and Jack. "Where is Micka and Lein? They went missing hours ago, what happened to them? Also, how do we know you know how to control your powers and aren't going to make a mess of things! Errr, Your Majesty" he quickly added. The crowd gasped at the man's rudeness.

"Mr, Micka and Lein were behind the gate, we found them when we came back. I got taken to the lair of the snowmen and I always possessed complete control over my powers. The snowman had my crown, and it somehow gave Marshmallow control over the others. It's quite peculiar and odd. But I'm glad it;s over" Elsa lifted up her hands and beautiful large snowflakes began to fall from the sky. The crowd cheered and even the grumpy man seemed to smile.


Jack hovered just above the heads of the crowd, out of sight, watching Elsa and her people’s obvious admiration of their queen. She really did care for them, and they for her. He smiled, as the crowd’s cheers filled the cool air with a different kind of warmth. What a beautiful place this was.


A clang resounded through the air, and from his vantage, Jack could see Anna, her husband, the reindeer and what appeared to be another snowmen hurrying through the crowd. He swooped down next to Elsa and cleared his throat.


She turned to him, smiling again.


“Queen Elsa. I believe your sister would like to hear news of you.”


 "Anna!" Elsa smiled at her sister. How she had missed her so much. Anna ran forward. "Elsa! I'm so glad you're okay! Did you find out what was causing your powers to go out of control ? And you even found your crown you lost!"

"And what happened to the snowmen? added Kristoff.

"I was captured by a snowman and taken to the palace where we found out Marshmallow was behind everything. The crown actually gave Marshmallow some weird powers. I think they may have affected the snowmen but we destroyed them, including Marshmallow. I have always possessed complete control over my powers. But we never could have done anything without the incredible help of Jack. You are truly a hero to Arendelle.” Queen Elsa and Princess Anna both beamed at him.


“Uh, don’t worry about it,” Jack said, suddenly uncomfortable. “I was uh, just doing my job, helping people out, bringing joy and laughter back to places that seems dark and dismal, you know. But yeah. You’re welcome.”


"Jack, I would like to give you a gift, for your amazing bravery and heroism." Queen Elsa called to a nearby guard who handed her a bag and Anna a medal in her hand. “Jack Frost, this is for your incredible effort.” Queen Elsa placed the large bag in Jack's hand which was filled with gold coins to the brim, while Anna placed the medal around Jack's neck. "Your service to Arendelle is truly outstanding and we are eternally grateful." Anna linked arms with Elsa and nodded.


Jack sighed internally. This was tricky, and he didn’t really do tricky. He was more of a free spirit than someone with great social skills.


“Um, Queen, Princess? I appreciate the offer, but, well, no thank you. I can’t accept this.”

He removed the medal from around his neck, and held it out towards them, along with the bag of gold. “I’m a Guardian. I don’t need nor do I take reward for doing my job. The only reward I need is to see people happy, and there’s more than enough of that outside. Nor do I have any use for gold, and well, a heavy medal like that would only weigh me down in the air. My simple staff is enough for me.”  His grip tightened around the familiar smooth wood, as his other hand held out their gifts. He caught each of their eyes in turn, and smiled to show no hard feelings. But he also held his breath as he waited on their reactions.


Anna took the items from him. They understood. Where would he put them anyway? Elsa walked up to him. "Thats okay Jack, we understand, just please take this.” With one quick motion Elsa leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. Anna stood there in shock. She couldn't believe it! Elsa had kissed Jack! She suddenly broke into a excited squeal.

Elsa smiled at Jack. “Please Jack, Can you stay in Arendelle and help us work out the mysterious magic of the crown? We love having you here.”


Jack felt himself blushing, and swore at himself. Had the Queen seriously just kissed him? How was he supposed to react!


“I-uh-thank you Elsa!” Why did he always find himself at loss for words? The Princess giggling didn’t help, though her husband, Kristoff, shot him a sympathetic glance.

“I have to um, go back and check on my children. I’ve been away long enough. But sure, I’ll be back and help you sort out the crown. As soon as I’ve checked on the children.”

Way to go, Guardian, stumbling over your words like an infant. Jack blushed again, then bowed quickly and leapt up into the air, quickly leaving Arendelle far behind.


Some time later, he landed back on the comfortingly smooth ice of his glacier. As always, the moon reflected off the glassy surface.


“Thanks, Moon,” Jack said begrudgingly. He sighed. “Guess you did give me something worthwhile to do. I suppose I should go back soon.”


But what if the queen kissed him again? . He didn’t know what to think of that. Did it mean anything, or was it just her way of saying thank you?


The wind ruffled his long white hair, as if laughing at him. She was certainly fun to be around, and extremely popular for a queen. Besides, she probably could have awesome snowball fights.


Jack found himself smiling, and eventually gave in and laughed with the wind. He rose in the air, shooting higher, higher, breath exhilaratingly cold in his lungs and on his skin. “Alright, alright! I’ll go back!” he shouted to an clear and beautiful sky.

Then he returned to the ground, to check on his children first. After all, he was, first and foremost, a Guardian.


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Needs more pony.

Okay, seriously, I'll...read and critique these soon, little busy right now. In the meantime, have you considered posting them in the fiction setting?

At the least it would set precedent for me to spam that section with pony fiction.

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Needs more pony.

Okay, seriously, I'll...read and critique these soon, little busy right now. In the meantime, have you considered posting them in the fiction setting?

At the least it would set precedent for me to spam that section with pony fiction.

I did consider it, but since Jelsa was mentioned in this thread and because it was ridiculously late at night (read:morning) when we were posting, it went here. :P I suppose we could repost it in Creator's Corner if that makes more sense.

Next time we can have some ponies, perhaps.

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Part 2


 Freezing gusts of wind buffeted Jack from all sides as he flew high in the thin air of the atmosphere. He couldn’t believe he had let himself be insulted like that, his time wasted, his trust broken. This Elsa woman really was acting like a child.He shook his head, clearing his mind of those thoughts, focusing instead on increasing his speed until the landscape below blurred in a grey and white mess, fading slowly to brighter colours as he crossed the equator into summer.


A few minutes later, he landed back on his glacier, and skated around the ice on bare feet, laughing out loud. It was good to be back.               


Although, he wasn’t supposed to be here in summer. But the ice lake where he had been born, so to speak, somehow remained cool all year. He felt like here more than anywhere, the moon watched over him. This was the place he always came to think.


He suddenly thought to surprise his children – the few who could properly see him. A smile lit up his face, and he shot off into the air, riding uncomfortably warm breezes to their neighbourhood. The moon and stars were obscured behind the clouds, and he landed on a painted wooden windowsill in the darkness of night. The only illumination came from a small nightlight by the bunk bed inside, spilling out the window onto his toes. Tommy slept quietly, thumb tucked into his mouth. Gold dust rose above his head, and Jack realised his fellow Guardian Sandman must be showering good dreams on everyone tonight. He smiled, the pushed backward off the window, flipped in the air and landed like a cat on the roof of the neighbour’s house. He leapt from house to house, and  warm pride swelled in him, to see all his favourite charges safely asleep and in good hands.

“There,” he whispered. “I’m doing good things.”


So why did he feel a sudden pang of guilt? He looked across at the distant horizon, out the city to Arendelle. Those women were foolish. They were irresponsible, and what was it Anna had said? Elsa’s powers were unpredictable and kept causing injuries? Of course they were having troubles then, but it wasn’t his problem.

But it was. Somehow he had found himself caught up in all of this. He floated in the air, staring into the distance, staff held to the side and legs dangling. And suddenly he knew, deep in his heart, what he had to do.

Jack Frost was a Guardian. His job was to protect people. From villains like Pitch Black. From harm. And now it seemed, perhaps even from themselves.


He rose and spun in the air, preparing to go back. Then a sudden thought occurred to him. Elsa had flown to his glacier fine. She displayed perfect control - if not power - in tying him up in ice ropes. In her distress, she had retained absolute command over her powers, when all...ice-benders, she called them? – knew that in times of great emotion it was hardest to stop your magic getting away from you. No, it must be something else entirely causing the snowmen to attack. Now more than ever, he had to return.




A short time later, Jack skidded to a stop in front of the open palace gates. As he flew, he grew only more and more assured of his decision. He’d been doing this for a long time. He was right about Elsa. If only he could figure out what was wrong.


The hallways were crowded with people who stared mistrustfully as Jack ran through, until he suddenly spotted Anna.


“Anna!” he called, only slightly out of breath. She turned around from a discussion she was having with Kristoff.

“Jack? What –I mean – How – I - ”


“I’m here to help,” he said. “I need to know where your queen is. You need to take me to her, please, I’m sure she’s got it all wrong and I need to help her.”


Seemingly shocked by this, Anna just stared. Kristoff stepped forward. “Thank you for the offer, Jack,” he said, “but we can’t possibly find Elsa. She disappeared hours ago, and Anna, Sven and I have our hands full looking after everyone. You’ll have to go on your own.”


Jack blinked, mind racing. “Okaayy then. Do you know where she’s gone? Somewhere she goes when she’s upset? I doubt she’s been overwhelmed by the snowmen, she’s too strong for that.”


“Um, uh yes. Yes of course.” Anna came back to her senses. “Go to the north mountain. She has a palace there she made some time ago, when she needed space. If she’s alive and just sulking, she’ll be there.”

Without another word, Jack turned and ran back out the door. He would find her. And they would protect her people.


 A few hours later, Elsa woke up slightly dazed. Elsa looked around. Her arms and legs were chained to the wall. She was in her ice palace she made with her powers then left it to rule Arendelle. This was the last place she wanted to be.


 It brought back bad memories. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. He stepped through the shadow. Elsa clenched her teeth. This was the last person she wanted to see... Marshmallow.


The snow was soft and powdery beneath Jack's bare feet as he charged up the mountainside. The wind blew past him, nearly blowing him off the steep slope. He couldn't ride it in this weather. It was too strong, and with all the snow in the air he wouldn't be able to see where he was.

He kept looking around, searching, searching. Som

e kind of building Elsa had made. Some kind of igloo perhaps, of snow?

A particularly hard gust of snow-laden breeze rushed through the air, and he bowed his head to plough through it. Then the whiteness of the air disappeared, and he looked up. What Jack saw took his breath away.

It was no igloo. Soaring turrets of delicate icework reached out at the sky from the summit of the North Mountain. Incredibly elegant, yet sturdy as the heaviest stone, the light reflected and refracted off the ice palace, causing dazzling patterns of light in the air and on the snow.

"Wow," he said. "That's just...that's just....wow."

The snow had blown off, and the air was crystal clear, though the ground was covered in the powdery whiteness. Jack leaped off the ground, staff in hand, flying towards where the palace doors must be. Then he heard a scream.


That scream belonged to Elsa. Elsa was still chained up in the ice palace. She was feeling completely useless and unworthy of who she was. Negative thought swirled around her head: Elsa, why are you bothering, you’re only going to loose. Give up Elsa! You've already lost! Why are you even Queen? Why are you trying to control Arendelle when you can’t even control yourself and your powers! That was the final straw. Elsa had enough. "JUST THROW ME AWAY MARSHMALLOW! I'M USELESS. ANNA WILL BE A BETTER QUEEN THAN I EVEN WERE"  As she said that. Marshmallow turned around. Elsa noticed that her crown was on his head and making a reflection. Marshmallow walked closer and closer to Elsa and pulled out a very sharp icicle spike. It was all over for Elsa.


The massive double doors rushed open in a burst of wind, banging into the walls on either side. Jack hung in the air, heart rate racing as he saw a monster standing over Elsa. With a massive icicle held high, ready to strike. Water dripped from its razor-sharp tip.

"YAAAAH!" he yelled, slamming into the ice monster, pushing away the sword that was perilously close to Elsa's beautiful white neck. She stared up in shock at him, blue eyes wide in fear, then the momentum pushed him forward, dragging the monster away. He immediately spun in the air to face the creature as it raised its arm again, face twisted in confusion and hate. The icicle came down, blindingly fast, and he felt the wind of it’s passing as he twisted out the way, rolling to the right. He leapt up at it’s face, trying to gather the wind to blow it’s head of, but the air couldn’t get to him from outside quickly enough. The monster shook it’s head, and Jack flew off, slamming into a frozen wall before he could think, head cracking against solid ice. He blinked, eyes watering, struggling to focus through the pain. The monster was lumbering forward toward Elsa again.

Elsa. Why wasn’t she doing anything? She was just staring in shock. Almost...acceptance?

Jack pushed off against the wall, flying in the monster again and wrapping his legs around it’s neck, grabbing it’s upraised arm in two of his own. He struggled to hold it back, face turning red despite the snow.

“Break free, Elsa!” he cried through breath strained with effort. 


She blinked, fear staring out from deep within her soul. She looked so vulnerable.

“I can’t” she whispered. “Don’t you see I can’t? I can’t control the curse.”

The monster flung his arm again, and Jack flew across the room. This time he caught himself on the wind, and again took hold of the monster’s arm, holding on as it jerked, the monster trying to shake him off.

“Of course. You can. Elsa!” he said, struggling for breath. He had to convince her. How could he convince her?

“You used. Magic. Fine on the. Way here.”

The snowman grew increasingly aggressive, roaring an ear-splitting shriek of animal anger. Jack shouted louder, legs dangling in the air, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

“You came. And bound. Me. You can-”

He was flung aside again. “-DO THISSSSS” he yelled as the air caught him again, halfway across the room. He landed hard, slipped and hit his head again. He blinked dazed, then his mouth caught in his throat. The monster had his icicle raised, about to plunge it into Elsa’s heart. He began sliding towards her, slick on the ice floor. But there was no time. He wasn’t going to make it.


“JACK!! My magic?” I can control it! I am the Queen of Arendelle. She suddenly felt a surge of determination and confidence.  I'M NOT WORTH LESS. I'M NOT WORTHLESS! She repeated to herself, now she truly believed in herself. She was going to fight these snowmen, no matter what it took. She turned her head to Jack and smiled. “Lets do this”. She clenched her fist and smashed the chains in two. The force was so much it knocked Marshmallow off his feet. "You came back! You cared about me! Let us finish this together, once and for all!” It was Ice benders vs. snowmen. Jack and Elsa smashed and shot with much resistance and determination.


The giant snowman was slowly backing down from the relentless icicles Elsa shot at him, combined with the wind and pure cold power of Jack. Their powers combined seamlessly, becoming something far more powerful together than they could alone. The massive ice beast stumbled backwards towards the giant doors, still open from when Jack had entered. Something glinted on its forehead, in the light. What was that...?

“SNOWMEN!” the beast roared. “COME!”


Wet slippery sounds came from outside. Elsa and Jack shared a look. This wasn’t going to be good. They were right.


A flood of knee-high snowmen poured into the room, shooting snowballs and ice ahead of them. The beast turned back around and roared, running straight at them. Jack rose in the air, and breathed in deeply of the cold air. His element was ice. Elsa’s element was winter. Together they would be unstoppable against creatures of their own element.

Then he saw an angry face with a purple carrot nose come screaming towards him, and his courage faltered. He gritted his teeth and flew straight towards it anyway.


Elsa gasped as Jack hurled towards the snowman. A crunch could be heard as Jack hit the floor and was swiped aside by the enormous hand of the snowman. Elsa screamed in alarm. "JACK! JACK!" Elsa ran over to him and held his head in her hands. "I'm okay Elsa," he said with a smile. 'Lets finish this off together! A competitive streak ran across Elsa's face. She wanted her crown back from Marshmallow. She was the Queen! No one else was allowed to wear the queen's crown but her! "It's my crown. And I want it back!" Elsa clenched her teeth and started to fight again. Jack was standing right next to the snowman. He moved next to Elsa. He had a determined look in his eye. "Let's finish this.”

Elsa and Jack fought determinedly through the snowmen. Eventually they got to Marshmallow, with many icy shots and finally a final blow with Elsa shooting ice into his head and Jack punching him in his snowy stomach, the crown fell off and Marshmallow was defeated. Elsa looked at Jack as he dived to retrieve the crown out of the remaining crowd of snowmen when he realised a peculiar thing. The snowmen were no longer moving.

He sat up, delicate crown clutched in his fingers. His fingers hurt where they’d landed under the crown, and he thought he’d probably bruised a knee and an elbow from that landing. The snowmen did cushion him somewhat.

Why had they stopped moving? Where they all part of the larger beast somehow? Did killing the one kill the other?


He pushed himself onto his feet, and then limped over to Elsa who was standing, trembling slightly in front of the massive white corpse.


“I created him,” she said, looking up, those clear blue eyes worried, her pale eyebrows drawn together in a frown.


Jack hesitated, then walked forward.


“Yes, but he went rogue.” Jack said. “We killed him. We saved your people, all because you worked out how to control your powers. Because you were amazing.”


He took her hand in his left, his right still holding the crown, and met her eyes. She looked aside.


“You have no need to feel bad about this Elsa. Yes, you made him. But he had to go.”


“I....I suppose you’re right.”


She looked up.


“It’s just – everything I do, I fail at. Everything. My own creature attacked my people.”


Her voice trembled. The wind howled through the open doors of the ice palace, bringing in fresh air.

The moonlight shone down on them in that moment, and Jack felt a moment of clarity. This is what he was sent for. This was that greater purpose he was looking for, something he could do to help. He met Elsa’s gaze again.


“Yes, but you’re their queen. And you deserve to be. As you deserve this.” He lifted the crown, and slid it into place in her pale silky hair.


Elsa looked into Jack's eyes, relieved. For the first time in forever, she felt at peace with herself. But as Jack slipped the crown on her head, her insides started to freak out. Her mind freaked out. Negative thoughts once again swirled around in her head. I... I can't believe my powers are being controlled. But how? I'm not perfect! I created a terrible monster! And then I killed him. Elsa took a deep breath. But the past is in the past. What matters now is the future. The present. I am Queen Elsa. Ruler of Arendelle. My kingdom is my future and I am ready to accept my future as Queen. She looked into Jack's eyes once more. For the first time in forever, she finally felt happy. 


Jack smiled back at her. The crown suited her perfectly.


“Shall we go back to Arendelle then?” Elsa asked, sounding slightly nervous. “I can feel the snowmen in my head now, I can command them.” As if to prove her point, the purple-nosed snowman walked up and smiled. It was still slightly creepy.


“There’s something special about the crown,” Elsa continued, “that seems to have given Marshmallow power over it. I wonder what....but we just need to go tell everyone it’s safe to come out now.”


How did the monster even get her crown? Now wasn’t the time to ask.


“Of course, Queen Elsa.” He said.


She gestured, and a cloud of glittering ice formed beneath her, lifting her into the air.


“Do you want to ride my cloud with me?” she asked shyly.


Jack slung his staff over his shoulder.


“Nah,” he said. “I told you before. I’m more of a blizzard kind of guy. Race you down?”


She giggled. “Only to beat you soundly, Jack Frost,”


He leapt into the air and chased after her as she shot out the door, snow buffeting at his face and streaming through his clothes as he rode the winds, feeling free, fulfilled, and finally happy. Elsa was little more than a streak of colour ahead, when Jack suddenly realised that she was winning, and he didn’t know the way back to Arendelle..


“Aw, hell,” he swore, and streaked after her, holding himself flat to avoid wind resistance. She glanced over her shoulder, a massive grin lighting up her face.


“I told you I’d beat you Jack Frost!” she called, her distant voice carried by the wind.


“We’ll see about that,” he muttered, and shot towards her.


 Within minutes, Arendelle came into view, a snow-drenched city that appeared all but abandoned. Putting on an extra burst of speed, Jack and Elsa flew across the lake and entered the city walls within seconds of each other.

“Beat you!” Elsa laughed, eyes bright and alive. Jack smiled. “Sure did. Come on.”

And he swooped down the streets, hands cupped around his mouth, shouting “People of Arendelle! You are free of tyranny and violent snowmen! Your wonderful queen has defeated their ruler and all are now under her command! Come out and play in the snow!”

Windows cracked open and small eyes peeked out, then slowly doors opened and people began to flood the streets.


Boys, Girls, Men and Women, young and old, began to crowd around Queen Elsa. "Our beautiful queen has restored peace to Arendelle!"

"WAIT.” A tall man in a cloak marched up to Elsa and Jack. "Where is Micka and Lein? They went missing hours ago, what happened to them? Also, how do we know you know how to control your powers and aren't going to make a mess of things! Errr, Your Majesty" he quickly added. The crowd gasped at the man's rudeness.

"Mr, Micka and Lein were behind the gate, we found them when we came back. I got taken to the lair of the snowmen and I always possessed complete control over my powers. The snowman had my crown, and it somehow gave Marshmallow control over the others. It's quite peculiar and odd. But I'm glad it;s over" Elsa lifted up her hands and beautiful large snowflakes began to fall from the sky. The crowd cheered and even the grumpy man seemed to smile.


Jack hovered just above the heads of the crowd, out of sight, watching Elsa and her people’s obvious admiration of their queen. She really did care for them, and they for her. He smiled, as the crowd’s cheers filled the cool air with a different kind of warmth. What a beautiful place this was.


A clang resounded through the air, and from his vantage, Jack could see Anna, her husband, the reindeer and what appeared to be another snowmen hurrying through the crowd. He swooped down next to Elsa and cleared his throat.


She turned to him, smiling again.


“Queen Elsa. I believe your sister would like to hear news of you.”


 "Anna!" Elsa smiled at her sister. How she had missed her so much. Anna ran forward. "Elsa! I'm so glad you're okay! Did you find out what was causing your powers to go out of control ? And you even found your crown you lost!"

"And what happened to the snowmen? added Kristoff.

"I was captured by a snowman and taken to the palace where we found out Marshmallow was behind everything. The crown actually gave Marshmallow some weird powers. I think they may have affected the snowmen but we destroyed them, including Marshmallow. I have always possessed complete control over my powers. But we never could have done anything without the incredible help of Jack. You are truly a hero to Arendelle.” Queen Elsa and Princess Anna both beamed at him.


“Uh, don’t worry about it,” Jack said, suddenly uncomfortable. “I was uh, just doing my job, helping people out, bringing joy and laughter back to places that seems dark and dismal, you know. But yeah. You’re welcome.”


"Jack, I would like to give you a gift, for your amazing bravery and heroism." Queen Elsa called to a nearby guard who handed her a bag and Anna a medal in her hand. “Jack Frost, this is for your incredible effort.” Queen Elsa placed the large bag in Jack's hand which was filled with gold coins to the brim, while Anna placed the medal around Jack's neck. "Your service to Arendelle is truly outstanding and we are eternally grateful." Anna linked arms with Elsa and nodded.


Jack sighed internally. This was tricky, and he didn’t really do tricky. He was more of a free spirit than someone with great social skills.


“Um, Queen, Princess? I appreciate the offer, but, well, no thank you. I can’t accept this.”

He removed the medal from around his neck, and held it out towards them, along with the bag of gold. “I’m a Guardian. I don’t need nor do I take reward for doing my job. The only reward I need is to see people happy, and there’s more than enough of that outside. Nor do I have any use for gold, and well, a heavy medal like that would only weigh me down in the air. My simple staff is enough for me.”  His grip tightened around the familiar smooth wood, as his other hand held out their gifts. He caught each of their eyes in turn, and smiled to show no hard feelings. But he also held his breath as he waited on their reactions.


Anna took the items from him. They understood. Where would he put them anyway? Elsa walked up to him. "Thats okay Jack, we understand, just please take this.” With one quick motion Elsa leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. Anna stood there in shock. She couldn't believe it! Elsa had kissed Jack! She suddenly broke into a excited squeal.

Elsa smiled at Jack. “Please Jack, Can you stay in Arendelle and help us work out the mysterious magic of the crown? We love having you here.”


Jack felt himself blushing, and swore at himself. Had the Queen seriously just kissed him? How was he supposed to react!


“I-uh-thank you Elsa!” Why did he always find himself at loss for words? The Princess giggling didn’t help, though her husband, Kristoff, shot him a sympathetic glance.

“I have to um, go back and check on my children. I’ve been away long enough. But sure, I’ll be back and help you sort out the crown. As soon as I’ve checked on the children.”

Way to go, Guardian, stumbling over your words like an infant. Jack blushed again, then bowed quickly and leapt up into the air, quickly leaving Arendelle far behind.


Some time later, he landed back on the comfortingly smooth ice of his glacier. As always, the moon reflected off the glassy surface.


“Thanks, Moon,” Jack said begrudgingly. He sighed. “Guess you did give me something worthwhile to do. I suppose I should go back soon.”


But what if the queen kissed him again? . He didn’t know what to think of that. Did it mean anything, or was it just her way of saying thank you?


The wind ruffled his long white hair, as if laughing at him. She was certainly fun to be around, and extremely popular for a queen. Besides, she probably could have awesome snowball fights.


Jack found himself smiling, and eventually gave in and laughed with the wind. He rose in the air, shooting higher, higher, breath exhilaratingly cold in his lungs and on his skin. “Alright, alright! I’ll go back!” he shouted to an clear and beautiful sky.

Then he returned to the ground, to check on his children first. After all, he was, first and foremost, a Guardian.




Seriously though, that's... that's probably the most epic thing to have come out of this board.

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Seriously though, that's... that's probably the most epic thing to have come out of this board.

Literature is icy cold in Arendelle.

Thank you! Especially since you stopped joking around to make a serious comment! We are Honoured :):P

Edited by Delightful
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* Enveloped within a curtain of silence, the hall echoes; each footstep, and rustle of cloth screams with the volume of a cannon. *



"I see that I have chosen the hour of my arrival poorly. I shall cease this conversation with my shadow, and leave my card, before the gargoyles think me mad."




David Coppercloud


The Viscount of Martlet  

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* Enveloped within a curtain of silence, the hall echoes; each footstep, and rustle of cloth screams with the volume of a cannon. *



"I see that I have chosen the hour of my arrival poorly. I shall cease this conversation with my shadow, and leave my card, before the gargoyles think me mad."




David Coppercloud


The Viscount of Martlet  


Kobold King watched as the strange man dropped a card and left the building, feeling slightly disgruntled that he had been called a gargoyle.


"Poets," he mumbled irritably. "I cannot live with them, but alas, my life would be so hollow and forlorn without them."

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Why dear sir, do not be discouraged. I had not been referring to yourself as a gargoyle; I had assumed that a building of this age and architecture would have anthropomorphic gargoyles. But if I am a poet then it is just as likely that you would be a gargoyle.  


In either case please forgive a foreigner of his eccentricities.  

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* Enveloped within a curtain of silence, the hall echoes; each footstep, and rustle of cloth screams with the volume of a cannon. *

"I see that I have chosen the hour of my arrival poorly. I shall cease this conversation with my shadow, and leave my card, before the gargoyles think me mad."

David Coppercloud

The Viscount of Martlet

Queen Elsa walked into the hall of Newcago where she saw a envelope laying on the table.

She reached for it and opened it and saw the name.

"A viscount? Newcago could use one." Welcome to Newcago, David.

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My pardon, M'queen and David. I've been rather busy. I was supposed to introduce you two, but it seems that David took it upon himself, and did a rather fine job. Always nice to have a new face in the factions, especially after our round of traitors a couple of weeks ago.

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I don't want to interrupt this introduction, but I must share what happened today because it's too weird to keep to myself. 


On the way home, my car started shaking. I pulled into a turn lane to get into a parking lot, and it stalled completely. While on the phone with AAA, three people appeared and helped push my car into the nearest parking lot. I got out of my car, still talking to the rep. Just then, a guy gets out of a AAA service truck, asking me if my car stalled. I told the rep, "Someone's here," and she said she hadn't even put the call in yet. Those amazing strangers just HAPPENED to push me into a parking lot where a AAA van just HAPPENED to be waiting, and it just HAPPENED to be one specializing in battery trouble, and they just HAPPENED to have a brand-new battery for my car.


And since I'm a member, I got a discount.

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I don't want to interrupt this introduction, but I must share what happened today because it's too weird to keep to myself. 


On the way home, my car started shaking. I pulled into a turn lane to get into a parking lot, and it stalled completely. While on the phone with AAA, three people appeared and helped push my car into the nearest parking lot. I got out of my car, still talking to the rep. Just then, a guy gets out of a AAA service truck, asking me if my car stalled. I told the rep, "Someone's here," and she said she hadn't even put the call in yet. Those amazing strangers just HAPPENED to push me into a parking lot where a AAA van just HAPPENED to be waiting, and it just HAPPENED to be one specializing in battery trouble, and they just HAPPENED to have a brand-new battery for my car.


And since I'm a member, I got a discount.


This conclusively proves that TwiLyght is a Chromium Compounder.  :o

Edited by Kobold King
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or always be 






Oh. Oops.




If it helps, what I mentioned isn't specifically from a Cosmere novel as much as it is from the glossary of terms at the end of a Cosmere novel. :P

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