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Mid-Range Game 35: Final Flight

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Once again, I had less time today than I thought I would. I should post again before turnover; it I don’t, this is my just-in-case target: 2C, because it’s the last target given in the thread :P

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3 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Drake is not known for pocketing people? *cough* LG49, where he pocketed (if it can be called that) almost everyone in the Woman's Circle doc.

Okay, ya got me. I wasn't goin' to bring it up, but now that you mention it, I confess, I really do have a way with the ladies :P

Speakin' seriously though, I got no idea what an LG49 is or why I have a strangely vivid recollection of stabbing this king-like fellow in the face repeatedly, but I always figured pocketin' was referrin' to tryin' to make a single person trust you. Defusin' suspicion of the whole group is kinda just the job description for a dirty no good reb, not any kinda special tactic.

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Day 3- We Are All Holes in the Fabric
Steel flew at speed, weaving between Krell and Defense ships. Destructor blasts flew around him, but nothing came close to hitting him, with his speed. He wrapped one Krell with his Light-Lance, sending it spinning away. He watched that one get shot down by a turret from below. Well then, it appeared that the rebels had a vested interest in not letting the Krell get to the base either. But he was wary of getting too close to those turrets, lest they shoot him down out of pure opportunity. 
Steel saw one Fresa being ganged up on by several Krell. He tried to get to it, but another ship managed to shoot down one of them before they shot the harrassed Fresa down. As it was, the Fresa was forced to retreat. And they weren't the only one. Several other ships got ganged up on by Krell. None were shot down, but many took a lot of damage. 
Steel circled up above the battle, and pursed his lips. The skirmish was going better than the previous night, but not much better. He saw a lot of ships not coordinating, and thus wasting their time. It was frustrating to watch, but Steel wasn't in charge of all of them. 
Finally, he watched 4 remaining Krell ships disengage and flee away. All the ships began heading back to the hangars. All of them. None of them had been shot down? Well then, perhaps it had been a good fight after all. Especially as this time everyone had actually gotten up in the air. He flew back in, and didn't see Ironsides lying in wait to yell at anyone. Climbing out of his Fresa, he saw several ships that were barely held together at all. The pilots all seemed ok though. He was relieved, though the mechanics were panicking. His Fresa was fine, as always. His shield had even held up this time. 
"I swear I saw an odd ship, one that didn't show up on my radar or nothing. I tried to shoot at it, but then it was gone! It moved faster than even the Krell did! Have the Krell made some sort of new weapon or something?" a pilot was whispering to another, as they walked out of the hangar. 
"What was that, Storm? What did you see?"
Storm turned around. "Oh hey, Steel. I saw some sort of ship flying around in that battle. It made maneuvers that were way more than any Grav-caps would be able to handle. It didn't much look like our tech, or much like the Krell either. It was really odd."
"Hm, I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time. We'll have to assess whether it's hostile or not." Steel mused. "Anyway, I'm hungry, and everyone survived, so lets get some grub. It'll be on me."
The various pilots seemed particularly thrilled about Steel paying for their food, and there was a general rush to the cafeteria. 

Doomslug was making some progress in her journey when she got picked up. How rude. She fluted at whoever had picked her up. The person shook her about a bit, but of course Doomslug stuck to their hand. Stupid person. 
Then the person decided to try and stuff Doomslug in a gun. What in the world??? Doomslug fluted angrily in protest. She didn't fit in the tiny tube. Thankfully the individual recognized that, and took her out. And then performed the ultimate insult, and stuck one of their fingers inside one of her flutes. Doomslug promptly disconnected herself from the person's hand, fluted a rude noise, and scooted away from that horrible person. What she was looking for, that person DEFINITELY didn't have. 
No one was shot down! 
PMs are closed, and the lynch is open. 








Fresa-4: Shields down

Fresa-5: 1/4 health

Fresa-6: 1/4 health

Poco-1: 3/6 health


Poco-3: 3/6 health

Poco-4: Shields down







Remember to submit any repair actions you wish to make, and to submit your ship requests. 


1. Snipexe, "Scissors"
2. Xinoehp512, "Llerk"
3. Elandera "Bad Wolf" Brenna 
4. Mailliw73, Millis “Storm” Stromberg
5. Devotary, “Yaw(n)” Yafrion Pilot
6. Ark1002, Bard "Bastard" Dominion
7. Furamirionind, Julis "Junior" Elliot
8. Cadmium "CadCom" Compounder
9. StrikerEZ, Seth "Striker" Johnson
10. Young Bard, Rivelda "Topsy-Turvy" Kline
11. Sart, Sarah "Seraph" Potts
12. Darkness Ascendent, Noel "Skinny Ship" Miller
13. Walin, Ildem "Isekai Inbred"
14. XXGaea, Iradesca "Paradise Song" Aleh
15. A Joe in the Bush, Knowstoo "Number 4" Much
16. _Stick_, Stick "somethingcool" stick Pilot
17. Drake ":ph34r:" Marshall

This turn will be 48 hours because of my birthday/friends tomorrow. So it'll end at 8:00PM EDT, 5/31/19. Good luck. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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We gots a few rounds under our collective belt, an' a bit of extra time to suss out the rebs afore the next bunny rabbit invasion. Sounds like a perfect time to be doin' analysis.

I'll be startin' to do some analysin' right soon. In the meantime, I reckon those of us with intact ships can help out the folks what took damage, an' so I'm gonna do a bit of repairs work on Poco-1. No reason we can't work together an' get all the damaged ships fixed up afore the next attack.

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13 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

In the meantime, I reckon those of us with intact ships can help out the folks what took damage, an' so I'm gonna do a bit of repairs work on Poco-1. No reason we can't work together an' get all the damaged ships fixed up afore the next attack.

"That might be one of the better ideas you've had so far, :ph34r:." Brenna smirked as she tossed her helmet to the ground crew. "I can help out with Poco 3. Looks like they took a couple nasty hits."

She was elated at what happened in the sky. Two battles in and she'd already taken out two Krell ships. It helped everyone actually showed up that time.

But something was off. Her thoughts were pulled to the rebels. No one had turned their turrets toward the pilots.

Or had they been stopped?

Bad Wolf would find out. She could not be stopped.


As demonstrated in my RP, everyone put in actions but no one was shot down. Very curious indeed.

Did anyone use a light lance on a player last night? That might lead us to a possible elim.

The other possibility, of course, is they were worried about the Krell invasion, especially since so many ships survived from D1. They might have just focused on Krell to keep base damage at bay.

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As the ships took off Junior saw the remaining ships they had failed to shoot down, in addition with more reinforcements. In the previous skirmish, Junior was showing off, and had nearly gotten himself killed. This time he would not be so sloppy.

Unlike the previous day, comms were silent. Junior didnt think too much on it though. Perhaps these people were just more reserved than your average flight.

Finally someone spoke over comms, "I've got that ship over there." Said Skinny. I looked in that direction, and saw 3 ships all approaching. "Not by yourself you dont!" Julis said, falling into position as Skinny's wingmate... No reply. "Umm, hello?" Nothing. "You know communication keeps us alive right?"...

Ok then, let's try someone else.

Junior opened a channel with Bad Wolf... no response there either... what was going on?! Were communications jammed? His ship broken? Nothing to do about it now.

Junior Shadowed Skinny as they approached the 3 ships. Junior started to feel a strange beat in his chest as he flew forward. He knew, he could take them all by himself, he started to see red, so slowed down a little. Ok, patience. Let's take this one step at a time.

The krell tried to surround them, but they flew in opposite directions, forcing the krell to split up. 1 followed Junior, while 2 followed Skinny.

Junior turned upwards sharply, and kept turning until he was upside down, then above the krell, Junior pulled up, to go, er, down. The Krell, seeing they were flanked, started diving downwards.

Junior cut the engines, leaving his ship in a free fall. He fired the directional thrusters and aimed himself towards where he expected the ship was going, and... He saw another ship racing towards them, panicked and fired his shot too early. The Krell however, also saw the new ship and veered off in a new direction, directly into the line of fire. The Krell ship, hit, was shieldless, and the new ship, which Junior could now see was Skinny, having shaken his tails, shot the Krell out of the sky.


Landing his ship, Julis was surprised to see how poorly the battle went for many of his squadmates. Something has got to change. We arent fighting as a squad!

"Everyone!" Junior started, "we all survived today, and we deserve a break for a good job done! But there is always room for improvement! We have been fighting as individuals, we go out and target a semi-random ship with, or without help. This puts us and our squad at risk both to 1v1 confrontations where we are disadvantaged, and puts the rest of our squad at risk from an ambush with no one watching out backs."

"From this moment on, it is important we think before we make important decisions and actions!"

37 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

I'll be startin' to do some analysin' right soon. In the meantime, I reckon those of us with intact ships can help out the folks what took damage, an' so I'm gonna do a bit of repairs work on Poco-1. No reason we can't work together an' get all the damaged ships fixed up afore the next attack.


12 minutes ago, Elandera said:

That might be one of the better ideas you've had so far, :ph34r:." Brenna smirked as she tossed her helmet to the ground crew. "I can help out with Poco 3. Looks like they took a couple nasty hits."

"While it is important to repair our ships, priority should be given to fully repairing ships rather than repairing a couple ships a little bit. That way people have as great a chance as possible of surviving an attack, and people can switch ships if theirs has low health. That also means we can get the most effective use of our Mechanics as well."

Speech done, Julis looked at Steel for approval, just to see him glaring back.

Junior nodded curtly at Steel, and turned away, disapointed. He would become Admiral, and that required political favor from those important, like Steel. It would just take some more time for Steel to warm up to him...

(A full Role analysis to come)

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I destroyed 2B

2 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

So do we want to assign people to repair specific ships, or just talk about it?

Maybe... My initial thought was we can't assume rebels are going to repair the ships, as they want any ships that aren't theirs, weakened. We also don't want Mechanics to necessarily repair the ship they were assigned, as we want them to repair the most damaged ships... So idk how to assign this well.

With 17 players to start, I'll assume 3 elims + 1 SK. That sounds good to me as the Elims and SK aren't aligned and both still want each other dead. Minus the Squad leader (Who I assume for flavor purposes there is only 1) That makes at least 10 players alive that will fix ships. I assume no more than 2 mechanics. That makes 8 that we truly want to assign to ships. Each player alive has basically a 1/2 chance in being one of those 8.

So we should double however many people we need to repair the ship. To repair 1 damage, 2 people. 2 Damage, 4 people, etc.

We start with the lowest damaged ships and work our way up. For the sake of ease, lets go by the player list:

I think these players should submit an action to Repair Fresa-5: (Fresa's get priority due to the lower health and fewer ship count)

1. Snipexe, "Scissors"
2. Xinoehp512, "Llerk"
3. Elandera "Bad Wolf" Brenna 
4. Mailliw73, Millis “Storm” Stromberg
6. Ark1002, Bard "Bastard" Dominion

These players should repair Fresa-6:

7. Furamirionind, Julis "Junior" Elliot
8. Cadmium "CadCom" Compounder

9. StrikerEZ, Seth "Striker" Johnson
10. Young Bard, Rivelda "Topsy-Turvy" Kline
11. Sart, Sarah "Seraph" Potts

These players should repair Poco-1:

12. Darkness Ascendent, Noel "Skinny Ship" Miller
13. Walin, Ildem "Isekai Inbred"

14. XXGaea, Iradesca "Paradise Song" Aleh
15. A Joe in the Bush, Knowstoo "Number 4" Much
17. Drake ":ph34r:" Marshall

These players should repair Poco-3:

All Mechanics. (In the future, if there are multiple, it would be nice to be able to coordinate them, however for now, lets just go with this.)

Note: If your name is not put under the ship you were flying, you should repair the ship you were flying Except if you flew Poco-3. Let the Mechanics get that one. Your action would just be wasted.

Now I am regretting not saying all this in RP, but that would have taken forever.

Anyone have thoughts or greivances with the system I propose?


This needs to be a second post, sorry anyway for the double.

I just realized, if Fresa's take priority, the Mechanics should work on them if the same amount of damage has been done to all the ships. Therefore all players previously assigned to Fresa-5 should be assigned to Poco-3.

The new setup looks like this:

Repairing Fresa-5:

Repairing Fresa-6:
@Young Bard

Repairing Poco-1:
@Darkness Ascendant
@A Joe in the Bush

Repairing Poco-3:

There is a minor problem with this distribution, but I will get into that once we can see how effective/ineffective this was.

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1D was destroyed, too

I'll break it down so we can copy/paste as needed to keep track.



  • 1D
  • 1F
  • 2B


  • N/A


  • 1B
  • 1C
  • 1E
  • 2A
  • 2C
  • 2D
  • 2E

I like Fura's plan for repairs.

Hopefully this extended turn will help us work out a few more kinks before we fly again, but we also need to start looking into Gunner suspects. I really don't like the results of the last lynch, as it felt like several people at the end were attempting to keep the vote at a tie.

As a result, I'll go ahead and place my vote for now on Drake :ph34r: Marshall. He placed a tying vote on Stick about 20 minutes before the end of the turn, saying he didn't remember what happened when things ended on a tie. It's plausible, since he didn't appear to be around for the portion of D1 when we were talking about the lynch, but it's at least a place to start with analysis.

I'd also say that if Drake flips elim, Bard has a higher chance of flipping the same.

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I'll add that 2C was destroyed. I'll place a vote for Gaea. They've been too quiet this game. Although it could be a feint, I'm more suspicious of people with lower activity levels right now, because the Gunners forgot to submit a kill. That type of miscommunication might have happened due to a low activity player checking in to the doc, and then their teammates assumed that the player could submit a kill. That's wild speculation, but I don't have much else to go off of right now.

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I'll work on analysis probably Friday morning. I'm gonna be pretty busy for most of tomorrow, and I'm getting tired tonight (Wednesday).

Anyway, I think it's safest for me to go ahead and come out and say that I had Doomslug last night, so that's why I was not able to attack any of the Krell ships. I used my action to use Doomslug, which ultimately turned out to be useless. But, while deciding what to do with Doomslug, I asked @Steeldancer some questions. Most of them were pretty silly, like asking if I could stuff Doomslug in one of my Destructors and launch her at the Krell. :P I didn't think to ask about how Doomslug could be used if the SK got her,

Skyward spoilers:


Depending on Steel's opinion on Doomslug's relationship with Cytonics and M-Bot, I'm thinking the SK might've already received her and used her somehow to activate M-Bot.

but I did find out that each player has an equal chance of getting her each cycle. I didn't get her again this cycle, so I can use my day action to repair a ship, instead of requesting a Poco like I'd been planning. That means I would be probably be returning back to Fresa-4 next night cycle.

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2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

but I did find out that each player has an equal chance of getting her each cycle. I didn't get her again this cycle, so I can use my day action to repair a ship, instead of requesting a Poco like I'd been planning. That means I would be probably be returning back to Fresa-4 next night cycle.

You can still request a new ship. Requesting a ship is not an action

And... So it was you who was abusing Doomslug... >:|

Edited by Furamirionind
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3 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

but I did find out that each player has an equal chance of getting her each cycle. I didn't get her again this cycle, so I can use my day action to repair a ship, instead of requesting a Poco like I'd been planning. That means I would be probably be returning back to Fresa-4 next night cycle.

Requesting a ship doesn't count as an action, so you would be able to do both.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Fura.

Also, yes. How rude of you to try to shove Doomslug in your destructor. :P

Edited by Elandera
I don't know what I'm doing...
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17 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

You can still request a new ship. Requesting a ship is not an action

And... So it was you who was abusing Doomslug... >:|


17 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Requesting a ship doesn't count as an action, so you would be able to do both.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Fura.

Also, yes. How rude of you to try to shove Doomslug in your destructor. :P

Okay, glad to know I can do both.

Also, in my defense, I didn't really attempt to, I was just asking Steel if it was possible. :P

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1 hour ago, Elandera said:

As demonstrated in my RP, everyone put in actions but no one was shot down. Very curious indeed.

Did anyone use a light lance on a player last night? That might lead us to a possible elim.

The other possibility, of course, is they were worried about the Krell invasion, especially since so many ships survived from D1. They might have just focused on Krell to keep base damage at bay.

That could also be 'cause the reb attack got absorbed by shields. Pretty sure that's possible, 'less I'm missin' somethin' 'bout how their guns work (if'n the rebs had a guaranteed attack on us and we also had to deal with the Krell and potentially a rogue M-Bot in the mix, we might be up ship creek without a paddle). An' as for myself I'm kinda skeptical that the rebs'd forgo shootin' one of us. Since the reb guns hit after all the bunny attacks, an' the rebs'll destroy any ship what's already had its shields broke, that would imply the rebs must've either targeted Fresa-4 or Poco-4. Unless somebody speaks up an' says they light lanced another pilot, I'm thinkin' this is most likely what happened.

If that's what happened, we can figure out who the elims tried to kill but failed. Hey, @Young Bard, you said you was pilotin' a poco, were you pilotin' Poco-4 by any chance?


55 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

"While it is important to repair our ships, priority should be given to fully repairing ships rather than repairing a couple ships a little bit. That way people have as great a chance as possible of surviving an attack, and people can switch ships if theirs has low health. That also means we can get the most effective use of our Mechanics as well."

There isn't to my knowin' a single ship in this fleet that's damaged enought that it'll need more than a single pilot helpin' to repair it, on top of original owner also repairin' it. Should be pretty simple to get one volunteer with an undamaged ship for repairin' each of the damaged ones. 'Less I got less idea than a wreckin' ball 'bout how repairin' works (never did too well in that part of the trainin' so it's not outta the question) I think you might be overthinkin' it.

Also, does anybody know how in the heckin' heck the radiators on Poco-1 got twisted up in this shape? Looks about as if a drunk dragon tried makin' it into a nest an' then gave up halfway.


34 minutes ago, Elandera said:

As a result, I'll go ahead and place my vote for now on Drake :ph34r: Marshall. He placed a tying vote on Stick about 20 minutes before the end of the turn, saying he didn't remember what happened when things ended on a tie. It's plausible, since he didn't appear to be around for the portion of D1 when we were talking about the lynch, but it's at least a place to start with analysis.

Mate, yous readin' a lot into my memory loss ('specially since it was obvious at this point from folks yellin' at Stick that causin' another round of nobody bein' court martialed would be 'bout as popular as a cheese steak sandwich at a vegan convention), but settin' that aside, I was certain enough 'bout Rivelda not bein' a reb that I would've preferred nobody to be court martialed than it be her (although that was still not a favorable state of affairs, which is why when I tied things up I went outta my way to say "I'm tyin' this up, somebody please reconsider your votin' against Rivelda an' break this tie, in light of the evidences I brought up").


So I made this color-coded thingy to use for findin' rebs:


Young Bard
Darkness Ascendent

A Joe in the Bush*

Neutral Read: Colorless
Elim Read: Mild Moderate Strong
Village Read: Mild Strong
* denotes lower activity preventing a solid read

I'm suspectin' that some of the rebs is flyin' under the radar an' not bein' super talky. Maybe in the vicinity 2 of 'em, but that's just me guessin'.

So far as connections go, the only potentially significant instance of distancin' I was able to spot was between Brenna an' Julis. An' as you can see from the color-thingy I drew, I was already a wee bit suspicious of each of 'em individually, so I'm gonna keep on eye on that.

So, I'm thinkin' our best bet is to court martial Julis (Furamirionind). He seems like a pretty nice chap, but I noticed him keepin' out of the way o' the main two choices for court martialing last time, an' I'm pretty sure both of 'em were loyal pilots. Maybe tryin' to keep his hands clean. I'm also a bit wonderin' a bit why he's talkin' so much 'bout repairs when 'e clearly said last night he was suspicious of Sarah, for similar reasons. There's also the fact that many of the other pilots what are decently active I'm pretty sure aren't rebs, which doesn't leave so many options.

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19 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

There isn't to my knowin' a single ship in this fleet that's damaged enought that it'll need more than a single pilot helpin' to repair it, on top of original owner also repairin' it. Should be pretty simple to get one volunteer with an undamaged ship for repairin' each of the damaged ones. 'Less I got less idea than a wreckin' ball 'bout how repairin' works (never did too well in that part of the trainin' so it's not outta the question) I think you might be overthinkin' it.

Also, does anybody know how in the heckin' heck the radiators on Poco-1 got twisted up in this shape? Looks about as if a drunk dragon tried makin' it into a nest an' then gave up halfway.

The problem is, if you are able to help repair a ship, you aren't a Squad Leader. The SK wants the Squad Leader dead. @Squad Leader. Please scan Drake this turn? Thx!

Because of this, to hide the squad leader's identity, we can't have people volunteering. Or if they do volunteer, we have to assume some of them will break that promise.

I kind of want to cast my vote on you for saying this, but I also don't want you to start killing us all next time you get in M-Bot. So I will refrain.

19 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

So I made this color-coded thingy to use for findin' rebs:

  Hide contents

Young Bard
Darkness Ascendent

A Joe in the Bush*

Neutral Read: Colorless
Elim Read: Mild Moderate Strong
Village Read: Mild Strong
* denotes lower activity preventing a solid read

I'm suspectin' that some of the rebs is flyin' under the radar an' not bein' super talky. Maybe in the vicinity 2 of 'em, but that's just me guessin'.

So far as connections go, the only potentially significant instance of distancin' I was able to spot was between Brenna an' Julis. An' as you can see from the color-thingy I drew, I was already a wee bit suspicious of each of 'em individually, so I'm gonna keep on eye on that.

So, I'm thinkin' our best bet is to court martial Julis (Furamirionind). He seems like a pretty nice chap, but I noticed him keepin' out of the way o' the main two choices for court martialing last time, an' I'm pretty sure both of 'em were loyal pilots. Maybe tryin' to keep his hands clean. I'm also a bit wonderin' a bit why he's talkin' so much 'bout repairs when 'e clearly said last night he was suspicious of Sarah, for similar reasons. There's also the fact that many of the other pilots what are decently active I'm pretty sure aren't rebs, which doesn't leave so many options.

Unfortunately, I can't read your colour thing as the colours are too similar to my eyes. But thanks to your text, I understand the part about me. : )

You suspect Rebels are flying under the radar due to low post counts? Well, Elandera and I both have been posting. I admit I didn't much over the weekend, but that's cause I am in the production crew of a show, and my theater has no data connection. : / I know I already went into detail about this in past turns.

Also, flying under the radar, is just not something I do. It's no fun.
Look... 10 posts above. I literally orchestrated an entire system on how we can repair our ships effectively, and not give any info to you on who the Squad Leader is. I tagged every living player in the game, and asked them to give their thoughts. If anything, that is sticking myself in the center of the conversation, not avoiding it.

Your thing about me not voting on a main lynch... Honestly, I don't remember why i was voting on Sart. I think it was mainly as I trust Bard, and didn't feel like lynching Stick. But That's about as good as I can remember.

Also, what distancing between Elandera and me?  we have generally been agreeing on a lot of stuff? I have a village lean towards her right now just because of how much we have been mindmelding. Hmm, if my life depended on making a town core right now, I would unabashedly put Bard and Elandera in it. Hows that for distancing? : P

Edited by Furamirionind
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16 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

Mate, yous readin' a lot into my memory loss ('specially since it was obvious at this point from folks yellin' at Stick that causin' another round of nobody bein' court martialed would be 'bout as popular as a cheese steak sandwich at a vegan convention)

"Too many knocks to the head in flight training, eh? Well, can't be helped. I'm not super certain you should be kicked out of the DDF, but it's where I'm starting. Why was it you were certain Rivelda isn't a rebel gunner?"

19 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

That could also be 'cause the reb attack got absorbed by shields. Pretty sure that's possible, 'less I'm missin' somethin' 'bout how their guns work (if'n the rebs had a guaranteed attack on us and we also had to deal with the Krell and potentially a rogue M-Bot in the mix, we might be up ship creek without a paddle). An' as for myself I'm kinda skeptical that the rebs'd forgo shootin' one of us. Since the reb guns hit after all the bunny attacks, an' the rebs'll destroy any ship what's already had its shields broke, that would imply the rebs must've either targeted Fresa-4 or Poco-4. Unless somebody speaks up an' says they light lanced another pilot, I'm thinkin' this is most likely what happened.

"Gunner turrets can do 10 damage, more than enough to take down a whole one of our ships, shield and all. That's what happened to Yaw(n), after all. But I think the gunners are staying safe, only attacking one of us at a time. Any more, and it'd be too easy to see where the shots are coming from."

Rules-wise, elims are only allowed to target one pilot a night, but that attack will go through unless roleblocked by a light lance, as far as I understand. So I'm under the impression the person who submitted the action was roleblocked, or they didn't submit a kill at all. I find the latter most unusual, seeing as everyone submitted at least one action.

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