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Mid-Range Game 35: Final Flight

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25 minutes ago, Sart said:

Question. Where is Poco-2? It's not in the list.

what are you talking about? Clearly, there is no Poco-12 and I didn't do my math wrong. Poco-12 is right there. 
That should be all the role PMs. If you didn't get one, please PM me and I'll amend that. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Rivelda looked around. Around her, the faces were grim. Many eyes scanned the horizon, waiting for the next attack to come.

Rivelda walked up to a random stranger - they had a funny nickname - she couldn't remember what right now. "Hey, do you think the Krell might actually be giant bunnies? The lifebusters are egg shaped because they want to plant their giant bunny egg on our base and hatch their new grand overlord! It makes so much sense!"

Rivelda paused for a moment.

"Hey, if there's a Lifebuster, why do we gun it down?"

A few of the other pilots, who had been doing their best to ignore her, turned towards her and opened their mouths to try and court marshall her.

"Wait, wait! So, the Rebels are planning on attacking us, right? But they also don't want the Base to go kaplooey any more than we do? So if we say 'Uhhh, hey Rebels, we're feeling kinda lazy today - if you want the Base to be here tomorrow you need to deal with the giant bunny egg over there', then we can go and get on with things, and they have less opportunity to, you know, start killing us all and all that."

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Bad Wolf Brenna couldn't stop her knee from bouncing as she sat. She wasn't sure if it was from nerves or excitement. Or both. All she knew is that she wanted to be in a ship already, flying into the expanse above Detritus. 

People talked around her, mentioning the apparent problems inside the DDF. So many problems on top of the constant Krell attacks. 

Bad Wolf would bring them all to an end.

Picturing herself shooting them from the sky, she began muttering to herself. 

"You are tiny. I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence, and I divide them. Everything must come to dust."

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Hey guys, just popping in to say that I am here but won't be contributing much right now. Things happened today and I am emotionally and physically drained. I will get on tomorrow for sure to put in an action, as per the rules, but I have another 9 hour shift tomorrow and don't know how bad it is going to be.

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3 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

“Are the colons supposed to be pronounced somehow?” Millis added.

"It's prouounced :ph34r:, silly. On account o' my being a ninja. A flying ninja. In a spaceship.

'course, my squad leader had hisself a bad spot of coughin' when they was givin' out my callsign, but ya learn to roll with it. Give it a few days 'n you'll have the pronunciation down right cold."


1 hour ago, Young Bard said:

Rivelda looked around. Around her, the faces were grim. Many eyes scanned the horizon, waiting for the next attack to come.

Rivelda walked up to a random stranger - they had a funny nickname - she couldn't remember what right now. "Hey, do you think the Krell might actually be giant bunnies? The lifebusters are egg shaped because they want to plant their giant bunny egg on our base and hatch their new grand overlord! It makes so much sense!"

Rivelda paused for a moment.

"Hey, if there's a Lifebuster, why do we gun it down?"

A few of the other pilots, who had been doing their best to ignore her, turned towards her and opened their mouths to try and court marshall her.

"Wait, wait! So, the Rebels are planning on attacking us, right? But they also don't want the Base to go kaplooey any more than we do? So if we say 'Uhhh, hey Rebels, we're feeling kinda lazy today - if you want the Base to be here tomorrow you need to deal with the giant bunny egg over there', then we can go and get on with things, and they have less opportunity to, you know, start killing us all and all that."

"Heya, whatta you go by? I've not been 'round hereabouts in a while. Yous can call me Drake, though some call me :ph34r:. Maybe we'll meet again up yonder to fight the Krells. Anyways, to answer your question, I reckon you're right, the Krells is definitely giant bunny rabbits. They're as numerous as bunnies to be sure, and about as good at ruinin' my vegetable garden too. It all makes sense, 'cept that bunnies don't be layin' eggs. 'Tis a real chin scratcher, that.

Anyways, I reckon the rebels don't fancy goin' kaplooey any more than we do, which isn't much t'all let me tell you. None of us wants to get hit by the bunny rabbit doom egg. Like my grandma always told me (and she was a very wise woman), you can't make an omelet in peace without breaking all the Lifebuster eggs. So if'n you think the rebels would bite, I wouldn't half mind a day off to repair my poor vegetable garden. How abouts we says some of us (not me, I gots my vegetable garden to mind) 'll shoot up all the other Krells, but the rebels are left on their own to deal with the lifebustin' egg? That should keep 'em tied up without puttin' our neck on the line too much. Or do ya reckon the rebels got enough firepower squirreled away to take on the entire Krell if'n we leave 'em to it?"

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Julis walked into the room. After a disastrous previous mission, almost his entire previous squad had been shot down. Out of the two survivors, he was the only one to wish to continue his training. However, no other cadet flight would take him in.  I mean, it wasnt like accidentally light lancing a krell ship behind his flightmate had been his fault after all, and they kept holding it against him!

Anyway, Julis was a bit intimidated. He had apperantly talked up the right people, and somehow was added to a flight of mostly actual pilots! Not just Cadets. This was his chance to shine!

Julis stopped grinning at himself, and looked around the room. He saw two people having a conversation about... the Krell being small furry animals? He decided to ignore this fact, as he was obviously missing context, as he approached them. "I'm Julis, Callsign: Junior. Nice to meet you." He looked around again, "who's squad leader?"

After all, he had a reputation to maintain!

Edited by Furamirionind
Spelling and formatting fixes
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3 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Julis walked into the room. After a disastrous previous mission, almost his entire previous squad had been shot down. Out of the two survivors, be was the only one to wish to continue his training. However, no other cadet flight would take him in.  I mean, it wasnt like accidentally light lancing a krell ship behind his flightmate had been his fault after all, and they kept holding it against him!

Anyway, Julis was a bit intimidated. He had apperantly talked up the right people, and somehow was added to a flight of mostly actual pilots! Not just Cadets. This was his chance to shine!

Julis stopped grinning at himself, and looked around the room. He saw two people having a conversation about... the Krell being small furry animals? He decided to ignore this fact, as he was obviously missing context, as he approached them. "I'm Julis, Callsign: Junior. Nice to meet you." He looked around again, "who's squad leader?"

After all, he had a reputation to maintain!



Or reputation to gain! *plus ones

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5 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Julis walked into the room. After a disastrous previous mission, almost his entire previous squad had been shot down. Out of the two survivors, be was the only one to wish to continue his training. However, no other cadet flight would take him in.  I mean, it wasnt like accidentally light lancing a krell ship behind his flightmate had been his fault after all, and they kept holding it against him!

Anyway, Julis was a bit intimidated. He had apperantly talked up the right people, and somehow was added to a flight of mostly actual pilots! Not just Cadets. This was his chance to shine!

Julis stopped grinning at himself, and looked around the room. He saw two people having a conversation about... the Krell being small abnormally large furry animals? He decided to ignore this fact, as he was obviously missing context, as he approached them. "I'm Julis, Callsign: Junior. Nice to meet you." He looked around again, "who's squad leader?"

After all, he had a reputation to maintain!

"Hiya Julis. I go by Drake, callsign: :ph34r:. Pleased to be of your aquaintance, you seem like a decent chap. I gots transfered here so I haven't a ruddy clue who the SL is, although I 'spect we'll know by tonight. It's not like they'll be expectin' us to fly without even knowin' who's in charge, or like we've somehow unknowingly wound up as part of a bizarre game where it is traditional for the few members of a community with specialized jobs to keep their profession a closely guarded secret, right? That'd be silly."

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1 hour ago, MrakeDarshall said:

"Hiya Julis. I go by Drake, callsign: :ph34r:. Pleased to be of your aquaintance, you seem like a decent chap. I gots transfered here so I haven't a ruddy clue who the SL is, although I 'spect we'll know by tonight. It's not like they'll be expectin' us to fly without even knowin' who's in charge, or like we've somehow unknowingly wound up as part of a bizarre game where it is traditional for the few members of a community with specialized jobs to keep their profession a closely guarded secret, right? That'd be silly."

"That would be silly. I hope we learn soon, as I dont know if I should fly without a squad leader agaaaiiii..." Julis cleared his throat nervously, "nevermind about that. You... didn't happen to hear about what happened to Lyra squad by any chance did you?"

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Julis saw Steel walking down the hall behind him. "Be right back" he said to :ph34r:, and raced after Steel. He would be a good person to talk to. Not only because he was a legend, known for the fastest flying in the history of the DDF, but also because he might actually have some answers to the confusing speech Ironsides had made.

Steel was... he was really fast on the ground too. With steel just strolling toward the bunker, Julis had to sprint to catch up.

"Sir Steel! I wanted to say, I am really a big fan of yours. Your story was inspiring to me, and part of the reason I joined the DDF! Though, I was wondering if you could answer a question... these Rebels I keep hearing about, there are rumors that they have an ability to deal massive amounts of damage to our ships. I was wondering if you know if our shields are strong enough to keep that out? I mean, the handbook says that they are strong enough to repel 1 attack, no matter the firepower in said attack."



I'm not going to force you to read that for a single question. : P

Basically, are the shields able to repel the night kill?


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1 hour ago, Furamirionind said:

I'm not going to force you to read that for a single question. : P

Basically, are the shields able to repel the night kill?

Yes, if they have not already been attacked. In the order of actions, the elim kill follows the krell attack. In other words, if you get attacked by even a single krell ship and the elim kill, you're dead. However, who the krell target is entirely random. 

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let's see how this colour blue turns out. On mobile. I'm mostly just using blue as I am trying to RP more this game, being skyward and all.

So, I should probably cast a vote, but idk who to vote on. So I'll pick a random inactive.

I will probably be able to read the thread, but my theater is outdoors so my data connection is mostly non-existant, will come for a couple seconds and go away.

The show ends right before rollover, but between cleaning up and walking back to wifi, idk if I will be truly on again until N1.

Idk why I am writing so much about this. I could literally just say, "wont be on again this cycle". Idk.[/colour]


Edited by Furamirionind
I will be online before D2 lol.
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We've got less than 12 hours left. Time to ping people who've yet to arrive.

@Snipexe, @xinoehp512, @Devotary of Spontaneity, @Cadmium Compounder, @StrikerEZ, @Walin (For some reason I can't find Ark. Anyone know his current username?)

I have found little information thus far in the mostly RP posts, so here goes a random vote. And the die came up CadCom.

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Just now, Elandera said:

We've got less than 12 hours left. Time to ping people who've yet to arrive.

@Snipexe, @xinoehp512, @Devotary of Spontaneity, @Cadmium Compounder, @StrikerEZ, @Walin (For some reason I can't find Ark. Anyone know his current username?)

I have found little information thus far in the mostly RP posts, so here goes a random vote. And the die came up CadCom.

Ark's current username is @ApatheticTeenager

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12 hours ago, MrakeDarshall said:

How abouts we says some of us (not me, I gots my vegetable garden to mind) 'll shoot up all the other Krells, but the rebels are left on their own to deal with the lifebustin' egg? That should keep 'em tied up without puttin' our neck on the line too much. Or do ya reckon the rebels got enough firepower squirreled away to take on the entire Krell if'n we leave 'em to it?"

It takes a minimum of two gunners to take out the Lifebuster, though we will want to be careful since a traitor will interfere. Still, I don't think Light-Lances can roleblock turrets, so two gunners firing at the Lifebuster should guarantee its destruction until/unless M-Bot shows up. Gunners sadly go before defense ships, so it won't work to have a defense ship and a gunner take out the Lifebuster. Fresa Light-Lance+Gunner or IMP+Gunner might work though, unless the traitor roleblocks the defense ship.

@Steeldancer, what is the exact firing order for destructors? Gunner->M-Bot>Fresa->Poco->Largo>Krell->Gunner at defense ship?

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19 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Mbot>Fresa>Poco/Gunner>Krell>Elim Kill>Largo.

So if a Poco and a Gunner fire at a Lifebuster, will the Poco drop the shields doing 5 damage, then the Gunner destroys the ship, or the Gunner drops the shields doing 5 damage, then the Poco inflicts a mere 2 damage before the Lifebuster kills everyone?

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1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

So if a Poco and a Gunner fire at a Lifebuster, will the Poco drop the shields doing 5 damage, then the Gunner destroys the ship, or the Gunner drops the shields doing 5 damage, then the Poco inflicts a mere 2 damage before the Lifebuster kills everyone?

If only a single poco and gunner fire at the lifebuster, yeah, everyone would die. Instead, if the Poco used its IMP on the Lifebuster, that would drop it to 10, and then the Turret attack would kill it. In your scenario, the lifebuster would be left with 3 health after both of those attacks, and yeah, everyone would die. The shields of the Krell work differently than the shields of Defense ships. Defense ship shields have no health, they just absorb the first attack dealt against them. Krell shields carry health, but regenerate if the specific Krell ship comes back the next turn. Hope that makes more sense @Devotary of Spontaneity
Here's the master OoA: M-Bot action, Fresa Light-lance, Fresa IMP/Largo IMP missile, Fresa Destructors, Poco Light-Lance, Poco IMP, Turret attack on Krell, Poco Destructors, Krell attack, Turret attack on Pilot, Largo lightlance, Largo Destructors, Lifebuster drop.
There are about 4 hours left in the turn. Get your ship requests in. 

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Seth stood in the corner, away from everyone else. He'd gotten tired listening to those people talking about the Krell being some sort of bunny, whatever that was. So, he'd decided to come here and sulk for a bit.

Hey, I just wanted to say I probably won't be able to post again this cycle because I'm leaving for a grad party soon, and that'll be over after this cycle is over. Sorry I couldn't RP more either, I couldn't come up with anything else to say. Feel free to have your characters interact with Seth in any way you want!

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Reread and understood the rules. Let's do this.

There's 1 vote on Ark and 1 on CadCom, so currently there's no lynch. I'm fine with keeping it that way for now.

And unless I'm missing something, there are no vote manip roles that we know of.:D 

@Steeldancer when lynched, a player is out of the game completely, right?

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1 minute ago, _Stick_ said:

Reread and understood the rules. Let's do this.

There's 1 vote on Ark and 1 on CadCom, so currently there's no lynch. I'm fine with keeping it that way for now.

And unless I'm missing something, there are no vote manip roles that we know of.:D 

@Steeldancer when lynched, a player is out of the game completely, right?

Yes, unless they're the Traitor. If they're the traitor, they then gain the SK win condition. 

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21 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Reread and understood the rules. Let's do this.

There's 1 vote on Ark and 1 on CadCom, so currently there's no lynch. I'm fine with keeping it that way for now.

And unless I'm missing something, there are no vote manip roles that we know of.:D 

@Steeldancer when lynched, a player is out of the game completely, right?

I'm not. Cadmium Compounder. We always need to generate lynch discussion. Yes, we want to prevent the all lose scenario of the Krell winning, but we can't afford to ignore the Gunners.

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