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6 hours ago, Sorana said:


Shana dove to the ground in a role, relieved that her repositioning had worked, now it depended on Edwin's reaction if the rest of her plan would work as well. The rapier grazed her shoulder and she hissed in pain when it drew blood, while Edwin missed her completely. She hoped that with her gone, his weapon would hit Nym in her place. She finished her role and got back to her feet, faced them again, blood dripping on the bare skin of her arm.

A part of her brain danced happily when it realized that she was still holding her weapon in her hand, and a crazy idea crossed her mind. She had trained with Rob, why not use what she had learned while fighting him. Carefully she inhaled more stromlight, concentrated and then slicked her chest, to take the brunt of the two blows she planned to take.


Nym caught Edwin's blade in her chest.  And, storms, it hurt.  She used a bit of stormlight to dull the pain, Shana was doing something odd, Nym decided she should stop doing it, and promptly tried to trip Shana by grabbing her leg in both hands and pulling.  @Eluvianii @Sorana

Edited by Aragorn
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8 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

Nym caught Edwin's blade in her chest.  And, storms, it hurt.  She used a bit of stormlight to dull the pain, Shana was doing something odd, Nym decided she should stop doing it, and promptly tried to trip Shana.


Could you specify how? It's vital to see if what I wanted to do, will work or if I have to change plans.

(And I can ooc explain of course.)


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1 minute ago, Aragorn said:

Sorry 'bout that.  I just edited it.


It's fine. Where is your weapon and do you go down on your knees? Just want to make sure your headcanon and mine align ^_^


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25 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

I do go down on my knees, and my weapon, is a spren now, I guess?  this is like one of my first fighting sequences, so, yeah.


Don't worry about it. I simply want to react to what you do, and not to my interpretation, and I wasn't sure if I understood it correctly.

And I'm really sorry, but didn't you write something about picking up a practice weapon instead of using a shardblade? Or did I miss Nym changing weapons?


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On 11/9/2019 at 10:37 PM, AonEne said:

Cassie grinned. “That works great! Thanks.” Her grin dropped tiredly as the reality of the situation knocked into her yet again, as it had been doing for the past five minutes. “Thanks for helping me fight, too.” 


Sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been dealing with some stuff.

"Yeah." She smiled sadly at Cassie's expression. "Well, have you done your homework yet? A teenager's work is never done."

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Edwin lost his balance for a moment as Shana rolled on the ground evading his thrust and the naginata hit Nym who was farther than he was prepared for. Before he could apologize, Nym fell on her knees and grabbed Shana's leg. Was she trying to bring Shana down? With the two struggling he wouldn't be able to take another swing without a high risk of hitting Nym again. He positioned himself waiting, ready to strike as soon as the two got separated.

@Sorana @Aragorn

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So on the topic of how we should establish world building in this rp, I think that we should stick with the poll system. It has worked very well so far and is a simple and easy way for everyone to get their opinion in without clogging the thread with discussion rather than actual rping. The poll also lets everyone have an equal vote, preventing someone or a group of people from having too much control over things.

Additionally, this rp was made to be fun, and I feel like it’s hard for things to stay fun when people have to deal with fighting over something like how a Voidbringer looks. The more rigid and unchangeable our worldbuilding is, we have less freedom to write whatever fun and crazy things we want to. This might just be me, but it seems like the more we have to argue, the less we actually write. The growth of the rp seems to have slowed considerably once we stared having these huge discussions about things that affect plans that weren’t approved by or shared with anyone else. We shouldn’t have to be digging up things said once sometime in April to prove a point. We should at least have a clear list of a few key points that everyone should know. Other than that list, I feel that we don’t need anymore worldbuilding or plot planning unless it is approved by the majority of members using something like a poll. This rp wasn’t made to be complicated, and if we want it to survive until TKNG we need to commit to a poll system. I know that sounds harsh, but I’ve had worries about how slow our progress has become since we started these massive quote box fights.

TLDR; We need to commit to a poll system, establish an easy to access list of simple worldbuilding points, and quit having these extended arguments as they hurt the fun and growth of this rp.


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Nym surprised Shana, when she discarded her weapon and got to her knees, pulled on her leg. With a yelp Shana lost her balance and started to fall. She used her other leg to kick at Nym's shoulder, hoping that she would hit something, and accepted that she had no way to stop from falling to the ground. The ground. Her last spar had ended on the ground as well.

She gasped when she hit the hard floor with her back, and her breath was forced from her lungs. Pain shot through her backside and she bit her teeth to stop herself from groaning. She had fallen to the ground. Nothing more. She needed to get back to her feet. Slickening her leg, she pulled it from Nym's grasp.


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7 hours ago, BookishOcelot said:

Sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been dealing with some stuff. 

"Yeah." She smiled sadly at Cassie's expression. "Well, have you done your homework yet? A teenager's work is never done."


You’re totally fine! Take as long as you need, and if you ever wanna talk to someone my metaphorical PM doors are open :) 

Thanks for all the feedback and input people have given so far, I agree with basically all of it. I don’t like this endless rules lawyering either. 

(Imagine if by some statistical impossibility we’d chosen Christmas and we had to deal with it being that, today :P I’m glad we all want to keep our sanity intact. Or whatever passes for sanity, in some of us :ph34r:

“It’s done when they graduate,” Cassie said, returning the grim grin, “and I did that last year. Class of 2018, woo.” The cheer was said in the same tone and volume as the rest of it. “But I remember just how much it sucked. Not looking forward to college. Do you need any help with homework? I can give it my best shot.” 

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7 hours ago, Sorana said:

Nym surprised Shana, when she discarded her weapon and got to her knees, pulled on her leg. With a yelp Shana lost her balance and started to fall. She used her other leg to kick at Nym's shoulder, hoping that she would hit something, and accepted that she had no way to stop from falling to the ground. The ground. Her last spar had ended on the ground as well.

She gasped when she hit the hard floor with her back, and her breath was forced from her lungs. Pain shot through her backside and she bit her teeth to stop herself from groaning. She had fallen to the ground. Nothing more. She needed to get back to her feet. Slickening her leg, she pulled it from Nym's grasp.


Nym felt the pain of Shana's leg striking home.  Then, her hands loosened, Shana was pulling her leg from Nym's grasp.  Nym held on for as long as she could.  Hoping Edwin would seize this chance to get a blow on Shana.  Her shoulder ached like there was no tomorrow.  Nym seized this chance to lash Shana to the ground.  @Eluvianii @Sorana


If you ever feel like my character is doing too much, pushing the limits, please stop me.


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Don’t think anyone else is gonna vote, so I’m calling it. Today is officially March 17th, 2019! 

*anyone who sees this out of context questions my sanity* 


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13 hours ago, AonEne said:

“It’s done when they graduate,” Cassie said, returning the grim grin, “and I did that last year. Class of 2018, woo.” The cheer was said in the same tone and volume as the rest of it. “But I remember just how much it sucked. Not looking forward to college. Do you need any help with homework? I can give it my best shot.” 

“I should be good. We didn’t have too much stuff ‘cause of prom.” Leona replied. “We should probably go inside and se what the others are up to.”

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“Yeah, that’s a fair suggestion,” Cassie admitted. She glanced down at the bound Voidbringer, who hadn’t once made a move to utter a word. She took his arm, then teleported the two of them to the garage, where she deposited him carefully on the stone floor and went inside the house. 

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3 hours ago, BookishOcelot said:

Leona followed Cassie into the house. “What’s happening now that the voidbringers are gone? Like with the wedding? I worked really hard on the cake.” 

“I’m not sure,” Cassie said, then tried to turn her uncertainty into a grin for the younger girl. I have to be an example. “Why don’t we go ask the grooms?” 

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Shana felt Nym press tighter on her leg and she continued to pull, freeing her leg rather easily due to her surge. Still it took up some time and when she reached over, touched Nym's weapon lying on the ground next to them, she felt Edwin's staff connect with her arm. Pain lanced though her arm, but she still clomped her arm down on the rapier, ripped it apart. She had paid a larger price for this, than she'd expected, but at least now, the weapon was gone. Now it depended on the question wether Nym had trained without a weapon as well. She moved her leg in an arch, aimed a kick at Nym's head, unable to try to get at Edwin from her current position.

@Aragorn @Eluvianii

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9 hours ago, AonEne said:

“I’m not sure,” Cassie said, then tried to turn her uncertainty into a grin for the younger girl. I have to be an example. “Why don’t we go ask the grooms?” 

“That’s probably a logical conclusion.” Leona said, facepalming internally. “Do you know where they are?”


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