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2 minutes ago, BookishOcelot said:

There it was. A Voidbringer. On first glance, it looked like a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes. But as she looked, she could see faint tendrils of red lightning crackling around its eyes. 


You realize you're facing it on your own?


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6 minutes ago, BookishOcelot said:

"Rob? There's voidbringers and also I didn't want to do my homework so we're going to fight them grab your stuff let's go!" She half-walked half-jogged, her ankle was going to get her killed. Then she remembered she had transportation. She gasped. Stormlight rushed into her lungs, and the world darkened. She was in Shadesmar. She thought about where the Voidbringers would be, and then exhaled. The world lightened again and her feet hit solid ground, not just beads.

She looked around and saw nothing amiss. Just park benches. 

There it was. A Voidbringer. On first glance, it looked like a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes. But as she looked, she could see faint tendrils of red lightning crackling around its eyes. 

Hand fell on her shoulder. "At the right place as everytime, I see." Andrew said. I think I need not tell you how stupid this was. And predictable. There are three more behind us."

Edited by NoiseSpren
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"I... I guess?" Onyx melted back into her jacket. Always helpful. She thought. Can't tell me how to get out of this, but can stain my jacket. "I'm only second Ideal. The careful part clearly hasn't kicked in."

Clearly not.  said Onyx. Get it together. You're a figurative mess and about to be a literal one if you don't figure this out.

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Rob followed them. He didn’t understand why everyone was so excited about Voidbringers. It wasn’t really anything to be excited about. In fact, Radiants were supposed to be afraid of Voidbringers, weren’t they?

Realising he’d been staring into space, Rob looked to Doc’s place and walked in that direction, uncaring for the cold weather.

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Doc's phone rang and he picked up.

"Four more Voidbringers sighted nearby your house. One of my squires spotted them, I'm on my way there now." she paused, "And two of your Radiants are engaging. Gwen out." she hung up.

Doc jumped to his feet, running back towards the house, halfway there, he ran into a small group.

"Oh hello, Ben, Shana. Yes I know there are redeyes. Equip up, we're going after them."

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Who’s at the park right now besides Leona and Andrew?

“Yeah!” Agreed Leona, catching on to Andrew’s stalling. “Those rules really are quite stupid. I wanted to take - uh- Fluffy on a walk today but I couldn’t because of the new rules.” Some backup would be nice. She thought. Doc we need you. 


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Shana nodded inhaled stornlight and started running. She run almosr daily, kept her body in good shape, but with stormlight, with stormlight she was even faster.

Her feet slapped the ground as she found her rhythm, focused on breathing. The park wasn't far, but then it wasn't around the next corner either.

When she arrived she was sweating, her heart beating a fast rhythm, she'd gone too fast, had tried to arrive there as soon as possible. Taking a deep breath she forced her body to calm, her hand still tightly around her covered weapon. She saw Leona and Andrew and hastily jogged over to them, scanning their surroundings.



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Rob followed after, and idly as he walked he grabbed a piece of stone straight off the ground. Well, not a piece, a chunk.

As he walked, he tossed the chunk in his hands, inhaling some stormlight and shaping it, moving it in his hands like clay. He outstretched the stone, sharpened it, shaped it.

And by the time he was at the park he had a full stone sword by his side.

“Hi Leona, Andrew and Shana.” He waved, unaware of the context again. “How was your day?”

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Rob followed after, and idly as he walked he grabbed a piece of stone straight off the ground. Well, not a piece, a chunk.

As he walked, he tossed the chunk in his hands, inhaling some stormlight and shaping it, moving it in his hands like clay. He outstretched the stone, sharpened it, shaped it.

And by the time he was at the park he had a full stone sword by his side.

“Hi Leona, Andrew and Shana.” He waved, unaware of the context again. “How was your day?”

"Hey Rob."

Shana greeted him distractedly and placed herself between the Voidbringers and her friends, covering them as good as she could with her body. She noticed the red eyes, they were hidden, but they were there. She unwrapped her two-bladed staff and took a deep steadying breath, centering herself.


The woman looked at her, at all of them and then sneered, sidestepping the attack.

"Here you are, my little friends. Finished your homework?"

She teased, and started to reach into her pocket.



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Leona fell fowards, catching herself just before she hit the ground. She’d have to do some serious training later. 

Standing up, she moved to strike again, air whistling past her swords. If she could just get one hit...


The woman sidestepped again and laughed, a harsh grating sound. The foolish girl would fall. It was clear she had not trained. Was this humanity’s last hope? A joke. She drew the item out of her pocket and held it in her hand. A grim smile crossed her face as the gem began to swirl with dark violet light.


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