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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd join a revival party!

Evelyn's eyes widened as she listened. Genocide? She felt as though she'd been doused in ice water. They couldn't. Who-? Every portion of her mind rebelled at the idea, and Evelyn backed away several steps. She hardly knew what she was doing, rationality and recognition washed out by a rush of noise. Rob had been the one to bring it up? She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe any of it.

Ene squirmed in her grip, and Evelyn realized she'd been holding her too tightly. She loosened her grip, unwilling to move, unwilling to be left alone through all this, only for Ene to jump free and race around a corner in a gray blur. Evelyn couldn't even watch. She stared at Rob, eyes wide in disbelief, then at James. She'd thought Rob was nice.

@AonEne @I think I am here. @Wyndlerunner

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I’ll try responding to this. At this point though, would it be better to ‘revive’ this just by making a new thread altogether? New chars, plot etc. (like TKNG… did we ever do something with that?) and set it some years after whatever happened here? Could attract some new players that way.

He could feel the end coming.

Everything felt wrong, crooked. Cassie, shocked and staring at him. Evelyn, who was looking at him like he was some kind of monster. And of course James. James, who was the Knight in shining armour, the leader of leaders, the Radiant hero against Rob. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Not at all.

There is only one thing to do now, the sphere whispered to him. Make the wish.


Rob's heart felt like a Shardblade in his chest every time it beat. James. Wish. The Nightwatcher. Couldn't she refuse a wish?

No, whispered the sphere. She cannot refuse. There are people in this room who have felt her touch. Wishes she could not refuse. Banes she had to give.

It was too much. Too much. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben. James. Cassie. Evelyn. The Sphere. Shana. Rob. Ben - and then he just -

Rob laughed.

The sound seemed unnatural coming out of him. His stoic face contorted into a smile, and he hunched over, squeezing his eyes shut. Nothing was funny, but he laughed anyway, laughed because there was nothing else to do, laughed because everything that had been suppressed for so long was finally being set free. In the silent, tense room, his giggles echoed off the walls, and when he ran out of breath he stumbled against a shelf by the wall and hung onto it for support. He felt like he was coming unraveled, like everything he had been made to be was being inversed. Remade. Unmade.

"You... you..."

The laughs morphed into sobs seamlessly. Hot tears ran down his face and dropped to the floor, and he made no effort to hold them back. He still remained facing the ground, eyes clamped shut and face turning red from exertion. His stomach hurt from the crying. While his left hand supported him against the shelf, his right still clutched the sphere. Cracks now covered the glassy surface, and his knuckles were white as he gripped it.

He thrust his head up to look at James, Cassie and Evelyn, pushing himself further into the corner of the room away from them. Anger, sadness and glee flashed across his face interchangeably, and he felt swept up in a ocean of delirium. This was it. This was it.

"If you won't fix me," he growled at James, eyes wild and manic, voice breaking. "I'll do it myself!"

He stepped forward shakily, and whether it was the emotions or the sphere or something else, but he swore he could see the Nightwatcher herself hovering above James in a pool of emerald mist, frowning at him. He stared at her and held his sphere to the side resolutely.

"Nightwatcher," he said. "I DEMAND this wish. Give me the power to kill those who prolong this war. Give me the power to be MORE, more than this weak mind. That is my wish, and I accept any Bane."

The dark sphere in his right hand shattered in his grip, bloodying his palm and sending shards of glass falling to the floor as something dark escaped. It took the shape of dark, too dark smoke as it coiled around his arm before forcing itself into the wounds the glass had made. It was excruciating, and all Rob could hear as it raided his soul and slaughtered Cup was an incessant giggling.

Welcome to the end, it whispered to him. You made the wish. Welcome to the end.



Crazy long post. Soz. But it's the grand finale, so *shrug*


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As Rob snapped, an unearthly chill filled the room. No windows were open, nor was the drop in temperature accompanied by the tell-tale hum of the AC unit. Then, a demand was made; not a request for a boon, but a demand. In the past, James had always served as an intermediary for the Nightwatcher's powers, after all, she was a part of him in the same way the others' spren were. But this time was different. There was no consent, and the pervasive chill seemed to violate his very soul. Whatever entity existed in that black sphere had James completely stripped bare- it had a viewing of his whole pysche as a boon was torn from the Nightwatcher. While, she was unable to refuse a boon, this one felt... different, it was intensely painful and invasive. Thanks to the Connection between him and the Nightwatcher, James could feel every agonizing moment. He Screamed in pain as with one final tear, the violator tore the power free. After such an agonizing moment, the sudden lack of feeling sent James falling to his knees, eyes wide with shock, while in the back of his mind, the Nightwatcher whimpered. I'm sorry James, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry. 

As dizziness began to overtake him, James forced himself to look up at Rob, "You should be careful what you wish for." he growled, meeting the other boy's eyes. Having expended the last of his energy, James slumped to the floor as consciousness left him.

@I think I am here., @AonEne, @WrathofaShardKitten

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Not interrupting anything :D Basically we’re all in James’ room because Rob just proposed a genocide of Voidbringers (and also a few Radiants who he thinks are continuing the war). It’s all part of his angsty corruption arc :P

Anyway, he just sealed the deal and made a wish with the Nightwatcher. I have a post planned out for Rob where he’s going to become some sort of void monster, but I don’t want to post before everyone’s gotten a chance to react.

After that, I’m not really sure what the plan is. I think we might reconnect the perpendicularities? Are you on the Discord? We discuss more there. (The link is on the first post of this thread)

So, hop on into James’ room! We have cookies, drama, the Void, and plenty of trauma to go around :D 


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Evelyn wanted to scream. To run from the blackness, from the smoke that billowed out dark and thick from the sinking temperatures and Rob's unhinged laugh, from the wrongness that filled the room. But someone was already screaming, and anguished near-shout. Rob was laughing. James sank to the floor.

Evelyn set her feet, and she raised her hands. She couldn't fight him, couldn't trace those chains through the air while Rob was still standing there, hand dripping, needing help. She couldn't run. She couldn't fall. So she stood, as fear sought to tear her down. She stood, hands frozen in the air, and hoped desperately that it would be enough.

@I think I am here.@Wyndlerunner@AonEne

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/18/2023 at 8:32 AM, Argenti said:

what is this?

See the OP for most of the rules and worldbuilding and such. Also, this: 

So, for new folks; there's a second group of Radiants in Seattle, both adults and teens, which the first group has only just discovered. New characters could be a part of that second group if you wanted, as any order except a Bondsmith. You could also be from another part of the world with Investiture from there, but that might take extra time to establish and we're in the climax or this particular arc, so I'm hoping to gather everything together and push the plot to its conclusion so that we can timeskip or otherwise start over fresh after that (we planned to timeskip 20 years or so in the future after this, to Investiture being known in the world). Whatever kind of character you choose to be, I'd ask that they already be in the area or in that second group - or a Voidbringer, if you want to be on the antagonists' side! 

I think it's late 2019 at the moment? Or possibly summer? I'm gonna be honest, I did not reread the entire thread and I don't remember - if anyone else does, let me know, if not I'm gonna say it's summer or fall for our hemisphere. 

RIP Cup 2019 

Pinging Luna (Po Luna) and Per/Stick because over a year ago you guys were thinking of hearing things and coming in together? Pinging Lunamor Luna because you're back, hi! Wanna jump back into TKND? Everyone else tagged because they'd been active most recently or I hoped they'd want to be again. 

my executive started functioning again what's up 

Well, that'd gone to crap fast. 

Cassie had been wavering, trying to think of what to say to Rob, but she'd been at a loss. Was he wrong? That was what Stonewards were all about, right? She wasn't one, and apparently she'd screwed up being her own order, so what could she say? But she trusted James.

And killing everyone couldn't possibly be the answer; self-defense was one thing, but killing other Radiants? Or Voidbringers who were just...existing? (She still didn't know what to think about that. They were humans who had chosen corruption, who bonded evil spren. Why would they do that only to live their normal lives again?) 

She realized that she'd instinctively summoned a gauntlet of Shardplate when Evelyn arrived, and quickly dismissed it. Not helping the vibe there, Cass, she scolded herself. 

I demand this wish. The power to be more. Rob was making the same mistake she had, and Cassie was too busy being horrified over that and flinching away from the comparison (you killed your spren, you monster) to come up with a plan and then Rob had shattered some strange little sphere she hadn't even noticed he was holding and hurt himself, damnit does he have Light to heal flashed through her head but in rather fewer words, and there was screaming and laughing and James was falling to the floor and she'd done a hell of a job keeping this from escalating, hadn't she. 

"Get someone," she said tightly to Evelyn. "Get Ben, Shana, Doc, doesn't matter who, get people up here." 

She took a cautious step toward Rob, looking him in the eyes. Red eyes. She knew what that meant, even if she really, really didn't want to. "Rob. What was that, are you alright." It was barely a question. She knew he wasn't. She didn't want to know that either. She wanted to go to James, but didn't dare take her eyes off Rob. 

She didn't summon her Plate, and she didn't summon her Blade, but she drew a breath of Stormlight in and held it, watching him. 

@I think I am here. @Wyndlerunner @WrathofaShardKitten @Lunamor @Sorana @Lunar Blessing @overlord stick @Tesh @xinoehp512 @Eluvianii 

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On 12/30/2023 at 8:56 PM, AonEne said:

Well, that'd gone to crap fast. 

Cassie had been wavering, trying to think of what to say to Rob, but she'd been at a loss. Was he wrong? That was what Stonewards were all about, right? She wasn't one, and apparently she'd screwed up being her own order, so what could she say? But she trusted James.

And killing everyone couldn't possibly be the answer; self-defense was one thing, but killing other Radiants? Or Voidbringers who were just...existing? (She still didn't know what to think about that. They were humans who had chosen corruption, who bonded evil spren. Why would they do that only to live their normal lives again?) 

She realized that she'd instinctively summoned a gauntlet of Shardplate when Evelyn arrived, and quickly dismissed it. Not helping the vibe there, Cass, she scolded herself. 

I demand this wish. The power to be more. Rob was making the same mistake she had, and Cassie was too busy being horrified over that and flinching away from the comparison (you killed your spren, you monster) to come up with a plan and then Rob had shattered some strange little sphere she hadn't even noticed he was holding and hurt himself, damnit does he have Light to heal flashed through her head but in rather fewer words, and there was screaming and laughing and James was falling to the floor and she'd done a hell of a job keeping this from escalating, hadn't she. 

"Get someone," she said tightly to Evelyn. "Get Ben, Shana, Doc, doesn't matter who, get people up here." 

She took a cautious step toward Rob, looking him in the eyes. Red eyes. She knew what that meant, even if she really, really didn't want to. "Rob. What was that, are you alright." It was barely a question. She knew he wasn't. She didn't want to know that either. She wanted to go to James, but didn't dare take her eyes off Rob. 

She didn't summon her Plate, and she didn't summon her Blade, but she drew a breath of Stormlight in and held it, watching him. 

@I think I am here. @Wyndlerunner @WrathofaShardKitten @Lunamor @Sorana @Lunar Blessing @overlord stick @Tesh @xinoehp512 @Eluvianii 


Is this a continuation of previous plot?


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Sleeper, of course, was not expecting to be dropped 15 feet above the ground, but nonetheless, he caught himself. thats gonna leave a mark... he thought wryly. now. where is my mark? and he moved forward with an almost inhuman grace, walking in the suburbs of Seattle.

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I will probably post some info about joining this rp for those interested in a bit.

Ben strolled through the backyard, idly trailing his hand along a bush. He expended a bit of stormlight, and flowers sprouted where he trailed his hand. He picked a few for Shana. Hopefully they could help cheer her up.

Then a scream rang out from within the house. A terrifying scream of someone in pain. He immediately dashed inside and grabbed a bag of charged gemstones, using the stormlight in his system to increase his speed. Charging up the stairs, Ben thought that he heard panicked voices in James’s room and burst open the door.

He saw Cassie, Rob, and Evelyn all standing. James was on the floor, unmoving. Ben ran to his side and knelt down, quickly placing a hand on his forehead. He was breathing. But he wasn’t physically hurt. That was bad. That meant he had suffered something beyond a simple injury, something Ben didn’t know how to fix.

No, James was just tired. He was exhausted after a long couple of days. He was fine. He had to be. Ben didn’t know if that was a lie.

Frantically, he tried to transfer all of the stormlight in his system into James, not knowing what else to do. He had always avoided healing fatigue because it was harmful in the long run, so he had no idea if this could work. It had taken only a few seconds for Ben to do this after entering the room, but he had no idea if he was too late. 

He heard Glint mumbling over his shoulder and glanced his direction. His spren was focused on Rob and had turned an almost black color. “Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong…” murmured Glint. Ben had never seen him like that. Glint was supposed to be a golden patch of light, not darkness. And… had Rob been crying? Rob never cried. What had happened? Was it because James had fallen? After focusing on Rob’s face for a moment, Ben’s eyes widened in shock. Rob’s eyes were red.

Something had either replaced or impersonated his friend. He knew that Rob would never willingly give in to something like this. Rob was the strongest of them all.

@I think I am here.





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I hope that post won't be too hard a break on what Shana was doing, iirc she's still in Doc's room after they seached it for documents.

Shana stared at the letters, read them again and again and again. Her thoughts whirled in her head and she noticed Rob leave the room, but couldn't quite bring herself to follow him. He was weird - but she pushed the thought away, it was normal to be weird after what they had found out. What should she do. There were others, the Voidbringers. It was just so much. They had celebrated a wedding and now, now it all fell to pieces. If this was right, then - she lifted her head and rushed to the window, had to look at the house, at the yard, at the tree she used to climb out at night.
If these letters were right then it would all break apart, then they would all disperse, then this whole living together thing had been a failure. And she would be alone again.

She close her hand around the letters, not caring that she crumbled them and ran out of the room, Ben, she had to find Ben she always had a good idea. A scream echoed through the house and she paused, confused, tried to find out where she was.

Calm down. Her spren whispered to her. Control. Shana you need to stay in control.

She noticed the words, and thankfully there was Ben, running into James room and so she followed him in, watched him kneel down next to James, saw Cassie and someone else eyes red like burning crystals. Wordless she stepped over, placed herself between Ben and the stranger, her heart sinking when she had the time to take him in. Rob. It was Rob. Suddenly it all made sense. The way he had acted, the things he'd said, how he had judged situations, the decisions he'd made.

"Rob." she whispered her voice breaking. Red eyes. He was a Voidbringer. Maybe. Maybe he was something else. Ben was the scholar, he would know. But  Rob, he was changed somehow. He was different. Evil? Maybe. How could she know. It was Rob. He was the one who spent days laughing at her bad jokes. He was the one who would duel her in earnest. He was the one who shared her taste for movies. He would listen to her. He was Rob. Nothing else, but Rob.

"What did you do?" she asked, tears running down her cheeks, her hand still extended to the side, Ben and James behind her.

He was her best friend.

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People can join if they’d like. To join the rp, you need to make a character sheet so we can make sure your character fits with the setting. Most characters are in the 13 - 20 age range. This thread’s first post has some character sheet examples as well as worldbuilding details. Ene’s most recent post on this thread outlines some more plot context/specifications for making new characters as well. It’s worth noting that the current plot is probably going to wrap up relatively soon and a 20 year timeskip will come afterwards, so new characters made during this arc might not be present as teenagers for super long.




@WitIsTheBest (don’t know how to tag you so I’m just gonna quote you)

14 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:


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18 hours ago, Argenti said:

I'm trying to figure out how to get Hion into this world. 
You think you could get hion in a gem?


Personally I'd like to implement the new magic systems from the SPs and such in the sequel, so we can decide how to worldbuild them in, but I think bringing in too many new elements right now will distract things and delay the climax more (something I remember this RP being good at doing 😅). 

My take would be that hion exists naturally in one of the parts of the world not already taken with something else (of which there are a few), maybe somewhere in Asia considering Komashi's inspirations? 

I think I might make a map of where things are so far, an image'll be easier reference than the list for some things. 


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