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New character, second try!


Name: Maxwell "Moxy" Williamson


Gender: Male


Age: 35


Powers: He is an epic that has the abilities to never run out of bullets in specific guns and a superhuman reaction time.


Appearance: He is a man of mexican descent with darkish brown hair slicked back hair and a thick curly mustache. He is 5’ 7” and 136 pounds and looks slightly muscular. He wears a white dress shirt with a purple argyle patterned vest and he also wears a purple harmburg, tan slacks and black dress shoes.


Personality: He is usually cool headed and generally well mannered with a slight twinge of rudeness when pushed, and if he gets to his limit…...well…….it ends badly to say the least.


Weapons/Equipment: He is armed with a cattleman revolver and a carbine rifle with a scope. He usually keeps at least 15 dynamite sticks on him at all times and a remote bomb detonator that can be used from up to 200’ away.


Weakness: His powers can be nullified by eating or touching a pineapple and they will stay nullified until the pineapple leaves his system or he stops touching the pineapple.


Backstory: He grew up in Tucson, Arizona where he attended an all boys school until he graduated. He moved to Las Vegas and religiously studied books after books about charisma, cheating, and guns. He eventually got his gun license and quickly learned how to very accurately aim. He was on his way to Seattle when he saw a man flying through the sky shooting lasers, he quickly drove off to find shelter and to call for help.


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16 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

I believe we have confirmation that Forgery can altar place of birth. With the result that it modifies DNA and/or Spiritual DNA. I believe it has been stated Forgery can grant almost any Investiture if done properly, with the exception of something like KR, since you can't retroactively form a Nahel Bond. In regards to the Essence Marks that is true, but I'm unsure of how the interaction would work, since Thundershriek is the original Identity, and Laonin is the "fake". So, would applying the Thundershriek Essence Mark revert him permanently to the original Identity, or have the normal timer involved. Also, Thundershriek is aware of Laonin's existence and knows of Forging, so he would reapply the Thundershriek stamp if needed, to remain in control. The one time I've used them so far, I had another character reapply the Laonin Mark after the fight happened.

I still need to make my TUBA Rep character, which I have some ideas for. 

Forgery is an incredibly inefficient way of getting access to other Investiture, the Dor channel that most Forgers have access to would not be enough to grant Investiture to anyone, so it's highly unlikely that a Forger could make another Forger. They could maybe change an Elantrian into a Forger by changing their place of birth, that's probably the only realistic change though.

3 hours ago, Karnatheon said:

Update for Laonin:

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Name: Laonin Kungli

Age: 38

Home Planet: Sel

Appearence: A short stout man, stands about 5 feet tall. He has a long bushy beard which he cares for well. His skin is tanned and leathery, from long times spent at the forge. He wears muted colors, and can often be seen wearing a leather apron.

Investiture: Forger (+60) 

Gear: A toolkit filled with soulstamps, and other tools. Carving and inscribing devices used for creating soulstamps. A pair of Essence marks, one to transition to Thundershriek, and one to transition back(+20). An assortment of soulcasting fabrials. Spark (Fire): +30, Lucentia (Quartz, Glass, Crystal): +20, Foil (Metal): 25, Talus (Rock and Stones): 25. (These will likely need to be removed due to an excessive score)

Skill points: Expert Blacksmith (+40?), Smart Intelligence(+15).  

Personality/Weakness: Thinks people rely too heavily on Investiture to solve their problems, and isn't afraid to tell them how he feels. Stubborn like a mule. Will attempt to avoid a fight if possible, but will not run from a fight if it cannot be avoided. Will stand up for what he believes in even in the face of death, and will sacrifice himself for those he cares about. Laonin has seen hard times, and understands what it is like to fight your inner demons. 

History: Early history, see Thundershriek. The identity of Laonin comes from an Essence Mark, and thus his history before being stamped 10 years ago is not real, but still affects him. Growing up in MaiPon was difficult for Laonin. His parents were poor and struggled to provide for him and his siblings. They did the best they could to get him something of an education. At the age of 8 their family got a lucky break when he received an apprenticeship with the local blacksmith. This meant he was able to help support his family while also learning a valuable trade he could make a future out of. Several years later, once he had become able to run the forge himself, his master entrusted him with knowledge of Forgery. The most common use they had for it was having a single tool, that could be used for multiple purposes, just by changing the bit on the end with a soulstamp. This made for much more efficient storing of tools and minimized the space required for things. Eventually his parents passed away and he cared for his brother and sister himself until they were able to provide for themselves. At this point his history are his real experiences. Laonin awoke from being stamped into being confused, and unsure of himself. The Essence Mark that was placed upon him did not get rid of the knowledge of who he had been, it merely changed the perspective of it, so it didn't seem as real. His wife, or Thundershriek's wife, was unable to kill him after he went dark, so she had instead decided to save him by changing who he was. She used her own Forgery to make him who he had become, and for some time they were happy. The love Laonin felt for her had started as Thundershriek's, but eventually his own love and appreciation of her grew and became its own. Unfortunately, she did not feel the same. The man she had loved was Thundershriek, and even though she knew she had saved him somewhere deep down, she couldn't see that man anymore. So she eventually left, because she couldn't bear to live with a man so different than the one she had fallen in love with, even if she was the one who had changed him. Laonin spent many years trying to find himself, which was both easier and harder for him than normal. His entire identity lay before his very eyes, readable in the form of an Essence Mark. But that didn't mean he truly knew who he was, as he hadn't made any of the decisions that had led him to that point. After some soul searching, he decided to dedicate himself to righting the wrongs perpetuated by his past self. He did what he could for those of his new homeland, but his attempts didn't feel worthwhile enough, so he began travelling. He eventually made his way to the Alleycity, where he has since re-dedicated himself to his work, with a new outlet to work through.

I wasn't sure exactly how to rank Blacksmithing. The minimum Expert skill points listed was 40, and Blacksmithing is probably comparable to Scholarship and Poison-mixing from a usefulness standpoint. 

Thundershriek: @Voidus can you judge his powers for me, so I know how to implement his scoring please?

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Name: Thundershriek

Real name: Robert West

Home Planet: Earth(Reckoners)

Appearance: Thundershriek is a stout, but well built man, standing at about 5 feet tall. He maintains a professional appearance, a habit that transferred over from his days as an accountant before Calamity struck. He keeps a well trimmed beard, that while using his powers, arc electricity occasionally. While using his powers electricity crackles from his eyes as well.

Investiture: Epic. He has the ability of flight, with his average speed being that of a fast run, and if exerting himself he can push himself faster, to about 30 mph. Doing so drains him, and it is not maintainable over long distances. His body generates electricity, which he can manipulate and blast out of his own body. From shooting it out of his palms, to having it grow and arc all over his body, to sending out a shockwave of it. He can drain electricity from nearby sources. His body is immune to his own powers, and electricity in general, but is otherwise no more durable than a normal human.

Weakness: Thundershriek's Epic weakness is water. He can drink water to stay alive, and be around small quantities of it, but any amount of water the size of a bucket or larger will trigger his weakness. If he gets a cup of water thrown on him, or gets caught in the rain, he cannot use his powers until dry. If he is in the same room as a bucket of water, he cannot use his powers until he leaves the room. If he is in the same room as a swimming pool, he loses his powers for several hours. If he sees a large body of water such as a lake, or the ocean, he loses his powers for the rest of the day.

Skills: Intelligence, Smart(+15). Scholarship, Skilled(+30)

History: Robert West was an intelligent, and proud man. He knew he was good at his job, and he knew what he was doing in life. When Calamity struck and he became Thundershriek, his pride intensified, as did his shrewdness. After some time with his powers, he knew what he was capable of, and reveled in it. He enjoyed bringing people to their knees, when it served a purpose. He didn't casually go murdering people for fun, but lost the value of life. He knew not to mess with people who he couldn't take down head on, but would work in the shadows if needed to bring them down without knowing. He eventually marked his territory, and kept it by staying off the radar of any stronger Epics. He was eventually run out of town by a more powerful Epic, and while escaping through an Alley, he ended up on Sel. It took him some time to get his bearings on Sel, but he eventually he established himself once more, though now instead of worrying about Epics, he had to avoid the attention of the Rose Throne. He took over a small village, which he ruled with fairness, as crushing his subjects would only drive them away, and killing them would mean he needed to find somewhere else to rule. Over time, he began using his powers less and less, because the village became more accepting of him once he treated them fairly. He eventually fell in love with one the the villagers, a Forger, who he dedicated his life to. They married, and had a family. One day, their child was being watched by a villager so he and his wife could travel to a nearby town. When they returned, they discovered their son had drowned, and in his grief Thundershriek killed the villager, and went on a rampage destroying the village and everyone in it, besides his wife. In her fear, she exploited his weakness to subdue him, and keeping him weakened, she created a soulstamp to change him, and remove his inner darkness. She decided things would be easier if he were more like her, and changed his history to one very close to her own. When he awoke after being changed, he was no longer Thundershriek, but Laonin, and his history continued from there.

Again, not sure if these should be considered separate characters like Mac suggested, or how to score it exactly. I leave that up to your recommendations, and Archer's judgement. Also, Laonin will only use the mark that transitions him to Thundershriek in life or death situations, because he knows Thundershriek will resist being changed back, and doesn't want to unnecessarily risk him being set loose again.

Flight at those speeds is pretty low ranking, only around a 20, but the lightning powers seem pretty extensive so they'd be around a 50.

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Ok, here's another character (if that's allowed) for affiliation with other guilds.  


Name:  Darkness (had eccentric parents, prefers to be called Dark)

Age:  23 earth year

Gender:  Male

Appearance:  About average height average build, dark hair, brown eyes, nothing striking about his appearance.

Investiture: He's an epic of middling power.  He can manipulate kinetic energy, leeching it out of objects and storing it in himself.  He can only leech objects that are touching him.  He can only store kinetic energy for twelve hours at best, when there's great amounts of it he can only store it for a few minutes.  He can leech it out of anything inorganic, but has trouble with smaller objects, like bullets.  He can stop a bullet as soon as it hits him, but it takes immense focuse and he can't do it with rapid fire.  When he releases the kinetic energy, he can move with extreme speed and power.  Sometimes he can move with such speed as to literally snatch bullets from the air.  He can't take away vibration on the atomic level, such as transforming a liquid to a solid.  He uses the movement of the Earth as a frame of reference for null movement.  He can also sit extremely still and store a small amount of kinetic energy that way, and usually does this when he sleeps.

Weaknesses:  Has trouble leeching kinetic energy out of smaller, fast moving objects.  Is very impulsive, and doesn't always realize the consequences of his actions.  His epic weakness is green light, only the purest frequency of green can completely negate his powers.  Hates stoplights.

Abilities:  Very skilled in hand to hand combat, and mildly skilled in projectile weapons, not guns.  His powers allow him to propel knives and other throwable projectiles at immense speeds.  

Personality:  Very unpredictable, kind of obnoxious, and a little insensitive.  Very impulsive, and loves doing his own thing.  Most people hate him. 

Backstory:  Was born on Earth (reckoners)  and had a traumatic experience underneath a stoplight, which lead to his epic weakness.  Calamity came, and he was in the service of one of the more powerful epics.  He learned everything there is to know about hand-to-hand combat, and learned a little about projectile weapons.  He decided that he didn't like the epic he was serving, so he left.  His travels eventually landed him in the alleyverse, which he thought was a cool place.  

Guild Affiliation:  Ghostbloods

Tell me what you think!

Edited by King Taravangian
Just clearing up a few things.
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2 minutes ago, King Taravangian said:

Ok, here's another character (if that's allowed) for affiliation with other guilds.  

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Name:  Darkness (had eccentric parents, prefers to be called Dark)

Age:  23 earth year

Gender:  Male

Appearance:  About average height average build, dark hair, brown eyes, nothing striking about his appearance.

Investiture:  Is a telekinetic epic of middling power.  He can manipulate kinetic energy, leeching it out of objects and storing it in himself.  He can only store kinetic energy for twelve hours at best, when there's great amounts of it he can only store it for a few minutes.  He can leech it out of anything, but has trouble with smaller objects, like bullets.  He can stop a bullet as soon as it hits him, but it takes immense focuse and he can't do it with rapid fire.  When he releases the kinetic energy, he can move with extreme speed and power.  Sometimes he can move with such speed as to literally snatch bullets from the air.  He can also sit extremely still and store a small amount of kinetic energy that way, and usually does this when he sleeps.

Weaknesses:  Has trouble leeching kinetic energy out of smaller, fast moving objects.  Is very impulsive, and doesn't always realize the consequences of his actions.  His epic weakness is green light, only the purest frequency of green can completely negate his powers.  Hates stoplights.

Abilities:  Very skilled in hand to hand combat, and mildly skilled in projectile weapons, not guns.  His powers allow him to propel knives and other throwable projectiles at immense speeds.  

Personality:  Very unpredictable, kind of obnoxious, and a little insensitive.  Very impulsive, and loves doing his own thing.  Most people hate him. 

Backstory:  Was born on Earth (reckoners)  and had a traumatic experience underneath a stoplight, which lead to his epic weakness.  Calamity came, and he was in the service of one of the more powerful epics.  He learned everything there is to know about hand-to-hand combat, and learned a little about projectile weapons.  He decided that he didn't like the epic he was serving, so he left.  His travels eventually landed him in the alleyverse, which he thought was a cool place.  

Guild Affiliation:  Ghostbloods

Tell me what you think!

That seems pretty powerful, generic telekinesis alone is pretty powerful, being able to store kinetic energy on top of that is even more so. That's essentially speed, defense and offense in one, enough to classify as a High Epic.
I'd put it in over 100, probably around 110.

Assumptions: Can't manipulate things inside other peoples body, can't steal kinetic energy from other people.

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It doesn't seem like he can actually manipulate other objects though, except for leaching their energy.

Also, what's considered a state of null kinetic energy? Is it when the object moves at the same speed as the surface of the earth? Also, what is the purest frequency of green?

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Updated assumptions list: Can't manipulate things inside other peoples body, can't steal kinetic energy from other people, uses surface of the earth for a reference frame for null movement, removing kinetic energy does not apply at an atomic scale so can't steal vibrational energy and freeze things to 0K, range on what kinetic energy can be manipulated is within a few hundred feet.

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6 hours ago, Voidus said:

That seems pretty powerful, generic telekinesis alone is pretty powerful, being able to store kinetic energy on top of that is even more so. That's essentially speed, defense and offense in one, enough to classify as a High Epic.
I'd put it in over 100, probably around 110.

Assumptions: Can't manipulate things inside other peoples body, can't steal kinetic energy from other people.

Oh, I'm sorry, but he doesn't possess telekinesis.  Just kinetic manipulation.  I think I was trying to say kinetic of middling power, but the computer must have autocorrected it, or I typed it wrong.  


5 hours ago, Voidus said:

Updated assumptions list: Can't manipulate things inside other peoples body, can't steal kinetic energy from other people, uses surface of the earth for a reference frame for null movement, removing kinetic energy does not apply at an atomic scale so can't steal vibrational energy and freeze things to 0K, range on what kinetic energy can be manipulated is within a few hundred feet.

He can actually only leech kinetic energy by touching something.  That's why it's harder to leech bullets because he has to do it  at the exact moment it hits him.  Other than that, your assumptions are correct.

Edited by King Taravangian
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18 hours ago, Voidus said:

Forgery is an incredibly inefficient way of getting access to other Investiture, the Dor channel that most Forgers have access to would not be enough to grant Investiture to anyone, so it's highly unlikely that a Forger could make another Forger. They could maybe change an Elantrian into a Forger by changing their place of birth, that's probably the only realistic change though.

Flight at those speeds is pretty low ranking, only around a 20, but the lightning powers seem pretty extensive so they'd be around a 50.

So would I not be able to have an Essence Mark that had made him into a Forger, or would it simply have to have been a more complex process to create it? Somehow involving someone with more Investiture? 

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1 minute ago, Karnatheon said:

So would I not be able to have an Essence Mark that had made him into a Forger, or would it simply have to have been a more complex process to create it? Somehow involving someone with more Investiture? 

Perhaps Nicrobursting the Essence Mark would allow for more Dor to travel through the stamp, giving enough Investiture to power the transformation.

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Just now, Karnatheon said:

So would I not be able to have an Essence Mark that had made him into a Forger, or would it simply have to have been a more complex process to create it? Somehow involving someone with more Investiture? 

I doubt that it would be something that could be used multiple times or very easy to acquire. Brandon has said on multiple occasions that Forgery is technically able to grant people other Investitures, but he's also dropped some very heavy hints that this would be very difficult. He compared it to trying to make gold using nuclear fusion. Sure it's technically possible but it's just about the most difficult way you could possibly go to get that and would waste a huge amount of energy.

3 hours ago, King Taravangian said:

Oh, I'm sorry, but he doesn't possess telekinesis.  Just kinetic manipulation.  I think I was trying to say kinetic of middling power, but the computer must have autocorrected it, or I typed it wrong.  


He can actually only leech kinetic energy by touching something.  That's why it's harder to leech bullets because he has to do it  at the exact moment it hits him.  Other than that, your assumptions are correct.

Ok without telekinesis that'd bring it down to around 80. @Archer

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30 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I doubt that it would be something that could be used multiple times or very easy to acquire. Brandon has said on multiple occasions that Forgery is technically able to grant people other Investitures, but he's also dropped some very heavy hints that this would be very difficult. He compared it to trying to make gold using nuclear fusion. Sure it's technically possible but it's just about the most difficult way you could possibly go to get that and would waste a huge amount of energy.

Ok without telekinesis that'd bring it down to around 80. @Archer

So is there a different method he could have been changed from an Epic to a Forger? And possibly the Essence Mark would simply undo the change temporarily? Or should I just scrap the concept and keep him as only a Forger and get today off Thundershriek?

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So, this is my new Epic character.


Name: Arpad Szabó

Epic Name: Windhunter

Weakness: Anything magenta, especially magenta paint.

Epic Powers

  • Tracing: he can trace anything, whether it be every card individually in a deck of cards, a pebble beneath coconuts, or someone on the run. He cannot trace anything painted magenta.
  • Summoning: he can summon an unbreakable stave that appears to be made out of pine wood and wrapped with a wire handle. This includes no Shardblade being able to cut or even scratch anything, and no one can Push or Pull on the wire wrapping. Both are negated when the stave is covered in magenta paint. However, even if the stave is broken after being coated with magenta paint, it will soon regenerate and appear in Arpad's pocket. Even if the stave is stolen, he can pull it through a pocket dimension and into his hand.
  • Wind blades: when he slices with the stave, the path of the stave creates a blade that moves forward for about five and a a half feet. It can barely cut through something like a foot of cement before it stops, however.
  • Slight regeneration: if he were wounded mortally he would slowly fade into his pocket dimension, which he cannot enter unless he is mortally wounded, and when he is mortally wounded he goes comatose until the regeneration cycle is completed.


  • Stave.
  • Bow and quiver with arrows.
  • Leather armor.


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12 minutes ago, JacobClaessen said:

So, this is my new Epic character.

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Name: Arpad Szabó

Epic Name: Windhunter

Weakness: Anything magenta, especially magenta paint.

Epic Powers

  • Tracing: he can trace anything, whether it be every card individually in a deck of cards, a pebble beneath coconuts, or someone on the run. He cannot trace anything painted magenta.
  • Summoning: he can summon an unbreakable stave that appears to be made out of pine wood and wrapped with a wire handle. This includes no Shardblade being able to cut or even scratch anything, and no one can Push or Pull on the wire wrapping. Both are negated when the stave is covered in magenta paint. However, even if the stave is broken after being coated with magenta paint, it will soon regenerate and appear in Arpad's pocket. Even if the stave is stolen, he can pull it through a pocket dimension and into his hand.
  • Wind blades: when he slices with the stave, the path of the stave creates a blade that moves forward for about five and a a half feet. It can barely cut through something like a foot of cement before it stops, however.
  • Slight regeneration: if he were wounded mortally he would slowly fade into his pocket dimension, which he cannot enter unless he is mortally wounded, and when he is mortally wounded he goes comatose until the regeneration cycle is completed.


  • Stave.
  • Bow and quiver with arrows.
  • Leather armor.


Summoning and Wind Blades abilities are essentially the same thing as Shardblades so I'd suggest scoring it as such. The Tracing ability isn't particularly useful in combat but is a pretty hard counter to some things, probably worth around 40 points for that.

The Slight Regeneration I'm a little unclear on, can he actually die? Or will the healing be enough to start healing him from any wound?

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3 minutes ago, JacobClaessen said:

He can die. If you can wound his heart and his brain, or just wound one and paint int magenta, he will die. And when I said the stave was industructible, it will only regenerate after being broken if he is still alive.


Ok, so closer to a gold compounder than a gold ferring but with the downside that it takes time to heal so still possible to take them out of the fight for a while.

Tally: 40 points (Tracing), 30 points (Summoning / Wind Blades), 50 points (Healing)
Total: 120 points


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Final character! Promise:)


Name: Samantha Howls.

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

Special Skills/ Powers: Is an Epic that can channel powers from one person to another. (For instance: If you had a coinshot and a aluminum burner you could take the power from the aluminum burner and use it to fuel the coinshot. Assuming they were of equal strengths, you would double the strength of the coinshot.) Needs physical contact to transfer and maintain the power transfer. (She will eventually grow out of the need for physical contact.) She can also transform one type of investiture to another. (For instance: Transforming Stormlight into Breaths.) She can forcefully extract investiture from people. The more powerful they are, the harder it is for her to take it by force. She has a knife tucked up each sleeve and she knows how to use them.(Expert.)

Weakness: Epic Weakness: Physical contact with males. She hates feeling like she's being used and will react irrationally if she's suspicions of your intentions. She is often naïve. Easily manipulated.  

Appearance: Tall(6ft) black hair that hangs in a braid half-way down her back. Blue eyes. Bold nose. 

Family: Mother and younger brother died when she was young. She hated her father who was an alcoholic and abusive.

Backstory: Was abused by her father while growing up. When she gained her powers, she joined with other more powerful Epics who protected her and used her. She moved around a lot.(Alliances with other Epics were often short lived). She was always afraid that a more powerful Epic would kill or imprison her. Eventually She gave up and left the planet all-together. She met some worldhoppers who guided her to Allycity where she has become very wealthy by using her powers to transfer easy investiture into more rare forms.

Guild: TUBA 


@Archer @Voidus

Edited by Steel Inquisitive
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Wait, so if she needs physical contact to transfer powers, but physical contact with males is her weakness, does that mean she can only transfer powers between females?

Also while converting Breaths to Stormlight isn’t too overpowered, the reverse is. Particularly because there’s a lot of stormlight and Breaths have large benefits the more you have.

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55 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Wait, so if she needs physical contact to transfer powers, but physical contact with males is her weakness, does that mean she can only transfer powers between females?

For the time being, yes! In time as she becomes better with her powers she will be able to transfer powers with a bit of range(something like 5ft)

55 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Also while converting Breaths to Stormlight isn’t too overpowered, the reverse is. Particularly because there’s a lot of stormlight and Breaths have large benefits the more you have.

Exactly! That particular transfer would be hard..... My thought being stormlight being the easiest to transform into.... with breath being the hardest. We still don't know the exact ratios between magic systems, but I like to think that a single breath would equal a LOT of stormlight.  

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4 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

For the time being, yes! In time as she becomes better with her powers she will be able to transfer powers with a bit of range(something like 5ft)

Exactly! That particular transfer would be hard..... My thought being stormlight being the easiest to transform into.... with breath being the hardest. We still don't know the exact ratios between magic systems, but I like to think that a single breath would equal a LOT of stormlight.  

*hesitantly raises hand*

Umm... what about during High/alleystorms?

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9 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Final character! Promise:)

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Name: Samantha Howls.

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

Special Skills/ Powers: Is an Epic that can channel powers from one person to another. (For instance: If you had a coinshot and a aluminum burner you could take the power from the aluminum burner and use it to fuel the coinshot. Assuming they were of equal strengths, you would double the strength of the coinshot.) Needs physical contact to transfer and maintain the power transfer. (She will eventually grow out of the need for physical contact.) She can also transform one type of investiture to another. (For instance: Transforming Stormlight into Breaths.) She can forcefully extract investiture from people. The more powerful they are, the harder it is for her to take it by force. She has a knife tucked up each sleeve and she knows how to use them.(Expert.)

Weakness: Epic Weakness: Physical contact with males. She hates feeling like she's being used and will react irrationally if she's suspicions of your intentions. She is often naïve. Easily manipulated.  

Appearance: Tall(6ft) black hair that hangs in a braid half-way down her back. Blue eyes. Bold nose. 

Family: Mother and younger brother died when she was young. She hated her father who was an alcoholic and abusive.

Backstory: Was abused by her father while growing up. When she gained her powers, she joined with other more powerful Epics who protected her and used her. She moved around a lot.(Alliances with other Epics were often short lived). She was always afraid that a more powerful Epic would kill or imprison her. Eventually She gave up and left the planet all-together. She met some worldhoppers who guided her to Allycity where she has become very wealthy by using her powers to transfer easy investiture into more rare forms.

Guild: TUBA 


@Archer @Voidus

First concern before we get to scoring this: Reckonersverse isn't part of the cosmere, the Alleyverse allows characters from both to meet each other but I find it unlikely that Calamity would give someone powers that are functionally useless unless they travel to another universe.

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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

First concern before we get to scoring this: Reckonersverse isn't part of the cosmere, the Alleyverse allows characters from both to meet each other but I find it unlikely that Calamity would give someone powers that are functionally useless unless they travel to another universe.

Her powers work with other Epics as well. It was just easier to make examples with cosmere magic! Say you had Meg and Prof, Sam would be able to take Prof's considerable strength and add it to Meg so that she could maybe summon an entire city........ Best example I could think of... I'm trying hard to make sense...

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Thank you for all your submissions. Thank you Voidus for judging the Epics. Those of you who were tagged, please open the spoiler tags to see my comments.

@King Taravangian:


Name:  Darkness (had eccentric parents, prefers to be called Dark)

Age:  23 earth year

Gender:  Male

Appearance:  About average height average build, dark hair, brown eyes, nothing striking about his appearance.

Investiture: He's an epic of middling power.  He can manipulate kinetic energy, leeching it out of objects and storing it in himself.  He can only leech objects that are touching him.  He can only store kinetic energy for twelve hours at best, when there's great amounts of it he can only store it for a few minutes.  He can leech it out of anything inorganic, but has trouble with smaller objects, like bullets.  He can stop a bullet as soon as it hits him, but it takes immense focuse and he can't do it with rapid fire.  When he releases the kinetic energy, he can move with extreme speed and power.  Sometimes he can move with such speed as to literally snatch bullets from the air.  He can't take away vibration on the atomic level, such as transforming a liquid to a solid.  He uses the movement of the Earth as a frame of reference for null movement.  He can also sit extremely still and store a small amount of kinetic energy that way, and usually does this when he sleeps.

Weaknesses:  Has trouble leeching kinetic energy out of smaller, fast moving objects.  Is very impulsive, and doesn't always realize the consequences of his actions.  His epic weakness is green light, only the purest frequency of green can completely negate his powers.  Hates stoplights.

Abilities:  Very skilled in hand to hand combat [+40], and mildly skilled in projectile weapons, not guns. [+35] His powers allow him to propel knives and other throwable projectiles at immense speeds.  

Personality:  Very unpredictable, kind of obnoxious, and a little insensitive.  Very impulsive, and loves doing his own thing. [-5] Most people hate him. 

Backstory:  Was born on Earth (reckoners)  and had a traumatic experience underneath a stoplight, which lead to his epic weakness.  Calamity came, and he was in the service of one of the more powerful epics.  He learned everything there is to know about hand-to-hand combat, and learned a little about projectile weapons.  He decided that he didn't like the epic he was serving, so he left.  His travels eventually landed him in the alleyverse, which he thought was a cool place.  

Guild Affiliation:  Ghostbloods

Power: 80 Points

Looks good. I'll add it. 



Name: Arpad Szabó

Epic Name: Windhunter

Weakness: Anything magenta, especially magenta paint. 

Epic Powers

  • Tracing: he can trace anything, whether it be every card individually in a deck of cards, a pebble beneath coconuts, or someone on the run. He cannot trace anything painted magenta.
  • Summoning: he can summon an unbreakable stave that appears to be made out of pine wood and wrapped with a wire handle. This includes no Shardblade being able to cut or even scratch anything, and no one can Push or Pull on the wire wrapping. Both are negated when the stave is covered in magenta paint. However, even if the stave is broken after being coated with magenta paint, it will soon regenerate and appear in Arpad's pocket. Even if the stave is stolen, he can pull it through a pocket dimension and into his hand.
  • Wind blades: when he slices with the stave, the path of the stave creates a blade that moves forward for about five and a a half feet. It can barely cut through something like a foot of cement before it stops, however.
  • Slight regeneration: if he were wounded mortally he would slowly fade into his pocket dimension, which he cannot enter unless he is mortally wounded, and when he is mortally wounded he goes comatose until the regeneration cycle is completed.


  • Staff.
  • Bow and quiver with arrows.
  • Leather armor.

Tally: 40 points (Tracing), 30 points (Summoning / Wind Blades), 50 points (Healing)
Total: 120 points

I'd like to see a non-Epic weakness, listing of their level of skill with the weapons they have, and a backstory please.  

@Steel Inquisitive:

Spoiler5Name: Samantha Howls.

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

Special Skills/ Powers: Is an Epic that can channel powers from one person to another. (For instance: If you had a coinshot and a aluminum burner you could take the power from the aluminum burner and use it to fuel the coinshot. Assuming they were of equal strengths, you would double the strength of the coinshot.) Needs physical contact to transfer and maintain the power transfer. (She will eventually grow out of the need for physical contact.) She can also transform one type of investiture to another. (For instance: Transforming Stormlight into Breaths.) She can forcefully extract investiture from people. [That is very powerfulThe more powerful they are, the harder it is for her to take it by force. [Having some numbers to work with would be useful. How many breaths are made from a particular action etc. The Index is a good reference for cosmere magics.] She has a knife tucked up each sleeve and she knows how to use them.(Expert.) [75s unless it's only knives, in which case ~55]

Weakness: Epic Weakness: Physical contact with males. She hates feeling like she's being used and will react irrationally if she's suspicions of your intentions. [-5She is often naïve. Easily manipulated. [-20]  

Appearance: Tall (6ft) black hair that hangs in a braid half-way down her back. Blue eyes. Bold nose. 

Family: Mother and younger brother died when she was young. She hated her father who was an alcoholic and abusive.

Backstory: Was abused by her father while growing up. When she gained her powers, she joined with other more powerful Epics who protected her and used her. She moved around a lot.(Alliances with other Epics were often short lived). She was always afraid that a more powerful Epic would kill or imprison her. Eventually She gave up and left the planet all-together. She met some worldhoppers who guided her to Allycity where she has become very wealthy by using her powers to transfer easy investiture into more rare forms.

Guild: TUBA 

I think what Voidus may be getting at is that Calamity doesn't know what investiture is. He'd have an understanding of Epic powers and how to change them, but the magics of the cosmere work using a different system that is has no knowledge of. 

@Darth Woodrack 


Walker Drown

Investitures: Double Steel [+140M]

Build: 6 ½ feet tall, and of normal build.

Age: 23

Skills: Good with duel [Check spelling. Did you mean dual?] swords, Knives [+50S because of amount of time mentioned in backstory], and hand to hand combat [+30S]. He can also read [Sorry, that's too OP. Picture books only.] and is a skilled strategist. [+10-15S]

Equipment: Two katanas strapped to his back and keeps the speed that he uses in a ring in the back of his mouth. He also keep emergency steel reserves in his wrists, and an emergency knife strapped to the side of his leg under his pant leg, but over the metal plate.

Clothes: Sentinel Jacket [What does this one do? I've seen different versions, some with upgrades worth applying points to] over chain link and brown leather pants with metal plates strapped under them. Combat boots and leather gloves. Keeps his hair above his ears and about an inch above his shoulders, but that’s it.

Personality: Very loyal, mildly cheerful, Kind of deceptive, doesn’t really trust himself to make his own judgements. He is very untrusting to someone he doesn’t know, but suffers from the delusion that if someone is part of a group they are as trustworthy as that group. [-10]

Weakness: He is psychologically incapable of breaking a promise and won’t kill somebody without giving them a chance to fight back. [-10-15]

History: He was abandoned by his parents because they couldn’t take care of him and was adopted by a world hopper. The world hopper found that he was twinborn and started training on Tavalin. When he was twelve he was told to store as much speed as he could in a small nugget of steel for a week, and when he was done, he was told to swallow it. He was than given another nugget and filled it with the investiture from the first nugget and swallowed it. He then repeated the process until he could barely extract all of the speed from the swallowed nugget in 5 minutes. He then had his ring engraved in the back of his mouth and stored all of his speed in it. He continued training in his swords, his knife and his hands, until he was 17. Than a sandling killed his master while they were training and sent him out alone. He had a fair amount of money and went to scadrial where he continued to train in the use of feruchemy with his terrisien ancestors for 2 years. He then moved to border land and trained in combat their as a mercenary for 2½ years before joining  TUBA and becoming a soldier for them. He then met Dusk who joined TUBA a year after him and became incredibly close with him. He spent the extra half year filling his knowledge gaps about the cosmere and basic sciences. He still operated as a mercenary as long as the contract doesn’t threaten TUBA, which he treats as a new family.

I believe that this character is OP for E3. Would you like Dusk, Zack, and Thel scored as well?

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OK. I see the problem and will try to edit before going to bed.

Just to be absolutely sure before making a bunch of edits: I should cut out the Investiture transformer part and leave her with the ability to add people's power to one another? That would also cut out the forcefully taking investiture from people.... I added it mainly to give her a weapon. (and because I thought it was a cool concept to be able to explore various cosmere magical interactions!) 

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