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New Reputation Levels!


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People tend to log into the forums in cycles, and that means delayed voting windfalls. No offense, but this is what I've got on your recent downvote history:


"I:f a human and spren falls in liove can they have half-srpen babeis? "


I'd recommend picking more intellectual and less poorly-written posts in the future :/

On a less awkward note, I'd like to add a second witness to 550 as the hard barrier for Lord Prelan.

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Question: Will there ever be any ranks beyond Mistborn? I know it's kind of stupid, since that's a rank pretty much only Brandon has, but I feel it's worth asking.


Brandon does not have the highest possible rank.  Chaos specifically redesigned the rankings so that they would go significantly higher than they did in the past so that in the years to come there is still variation (as opposed to all of us having the same ranking).

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I just Upvoted Brandon Sanderson 61 times (All of his Posts) but he didn't change from a Steel Inquisitor.

He's a Steel Inquisitor?! Well dang it, I've added it now, does anyone know when he reached it?


Slightly embarrassed that I didn't see that earlier.

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Awesomeness Summoned has finally left the ranks of Svrakiss and joined the legions of Originator at 700.

Thanks, is this a hard boundary?


I need to check. Sorry : P

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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I believe it is.  My partner upvoted him and told me his rank changed at 700 but cant be 100% sure.


Edit: Just downvoted Awesome and he changed back to Svrakiss at 699, so yes it is hard boundary.

Edited by Alvron
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@Awesomeness & Alvron

Confirmed, thanks :)


IM on 255 As arbiter. You're welcome to upvote me once or twice to find the hard barrier :)


Now now, I don't upvote people just to discover levels. So instead I upvoted you in advance for your assistance, coincidentally making you a misting and finding the hard boundary ;)


It seems logical to me anyway.

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@Awesomeness & Alvron

Confirmed, thanks :)



Now now, I don't upvote people just to discover levels. So instead I upvoted you in advance for your assistance, coincidentally making you a misting and finding the hard boundary ;)


It seems logical to me anyway.

Always happy to be of assistance! And don't worry, if you have any remaining doubts I can just Soothe those away for you :).

Is there a particular reason you like hidden text? Always another secret?

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