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New Reputation Levels!


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Is there an updated list around here of the ranks? I know some boards (some others I moderate) have nice lists of all currently discovered rankings, but as we're left to discover them here, I'd be interested if anyone is keeping up a table.

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Or maybe Brandon's most ancient because he's been Atium Compounding.


That is correct, bartbug. Brandon Sanderson has lived through the centuries, writing novels and taking pseudonyms. All the great writers of history have been one man... and now he's ready to hint at the truth in his largest-scale project yet.

So you thought White Sand and Dragonsteel were BranSan's earliest projects? Think again... and re-read the Epic of Gilgamesh for the hidden Hoid cameo.

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I volunteer as tribute.

If people would like me to, I could create a separate profile with another email address (so as not to hoodwink the readers of my theories into believing me) to accrue reputation points and report on exactly when the boundaries occur between reps.

This could be much more entertaining than simply asking (pfft! Who does that?!) And, I'd even let the esteemed 17th sharders pick my profile name ;)

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I'm in! I already went and up-voted the two posts Stick has made. Imagine Peter and Brandon's reactions when the Stick is the highest reputed poster on the forum!


EDIT: On an unrelated note, I seem to have switched from Shardbearer to Full Shardbearer on 860 Reputation Points.

Edited by Aether
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At 1146 and Returned, though I didn't see the transition. I'm fairly sure 1144 was still the Waffle Cook.


I am moving through the last few points (at 1140 now) of the waffle cook, I'll keep an eye on the transition point.

Edited by Argent
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I think a lot of these ranks are really innovative and fun, but there seems to be a dead-zone between Svrakiss and Sentient Awakened Object. Worldbringer is kinda cool, I guess? And while (Full) Shardbearer is powerfull, 'tis rather bland. I am REALLY looking forward to Scadrian Waffle Cook and Tarachin Superstar, though.

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