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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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So, guys, I've been wanting to do a little art project with TLT. I'm planning on having "The Longest Thread" in block letters in the center and then having the characters around and on top of the letters. It'll take like a month and a half or more because I'm always super slow with that kind of thing and school is super duper busy at the moment, but it'll be awesome. I'd love it if you'd help me make a list of our characters and stuff so I can have an idea of what I'm working with. I've got Uncle Brandy, Butt, Mr. Chullblessed, Lift, Hoid, Arnold. Definitely a ghanderflaffle and a breadmunk somewhere. Probably someone saying, "irrelevant." If there's anything you want me to be sure I add, I'd love your help!

Shard of Thought mentioned that this was the last post that we were required to end with "ot". She was really impressed with all your attempts to rhyme and whatnot.

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