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JordanCon 10


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April is coming...

And with April (20-22) comes JordanCon. This year, Dragonsteel will be putting in a strong showing, including the attendance of Brandon himself! Obviously, it will be a while before recordings start rolling in, but congoers, please feel free to use this thread to coordinate meetups, ride buddies, and whatever else might serve your convention socialization needs.

My plane is scheduled to come into Atlanta on Thursday, April 19 at 2:50pm. Anyone who's also coming in around that time is welcome to meet up with me at the airport and travel together to the hotel via MARTA. I'm more than happy to guide folks unfamiliar with the area and its public transit!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am coming (as all three of you already know)! Not only will this be my first con, but that Sunday is also my birthday (which is a big part of the reason why I am going)!

I am flying in on Thursday, landing... some time in the afternoon, and flying back out Monday morning. Unfortunately I was too lazy to book my hotel & flight early, so I am in the spillover hotel, but looks like to be less than a mile away, and with shuttle buses running between the two, so I think I'll be fine.

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I'll be bringing House War and my copies of the RPG books. I've only had one chance to play House War, and I'd like to get some mileage out of it, so I'll be setting up shop in the Open Gaming room for pretty much all of Friday. Saturday Night, I'll only have them out if I miss the boat on the MTG draft. But I'm down for a Sunday afternoon session, as well, whether more House War or a MAG adventure. I'll try and have a mission ready to run.

As far as recording goes, I'll be at most of Brandon's events, so I'll have the recorder running for everything but Brandon's 4:00 Friday panel (Writing Sequels and Series) and his 11:30 Sunday panel (Learn From My Mistakes). But if anyone's planning on going to those, and wants to take my recorder, just hit me up in PMs or Discord. Or track me down in person.

You'll be able to recognize me by my profile pic - I'll have a 2-inch physical version of it hanging from my lanyard. By all means, feel free to interrupt and introduce yourself if you see me, no matter what I may be doing at the time.

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So, good news, I am no longer in the overflow hotel! I land in Atlanta around 12:30 PM on Thursday, so I imagine I'll be at the hotel no later than 2 PM (though check-in is technically not until 4 PM, we'll see if I can check in early). I think the con is the only thing on my schedule, so I can meet & greet anyone who pings me (I'd recommend Discord, for instant notifications). 

Until then, feel free to look over my list of questions (link in my signature) and offer thoughts and prayers suggestions. This the same list as the one I used for the Oathbringer tour, so (depending on when you read it) it might be a little out of date, but most of the questions are probably okay.


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On 4/14/2018 at 8:29 PM, Pagerunner said:

You'll be able to recognize me by my profile pic - I'll have a 2-inch physical version of it hanging from my lanyard. By all means, feel free to interrupt and introduce yourself if you see me, no matter what I may be doing at the time.

Heh. I printed and laminated a copy of my profile pic to stick to my table tent at panels.

On 4/15/2018 at 9:19 AM, yulerule said:

I'll be there. And also staying in the spillover hotel. Ooh, 17th shard badges. How can I get one, please?

I will be passing out ribbons at con! Find me and I will give you one!

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Two questions, with preference on the first:

How is Ascension defined, since what happened to Dalinar seems a lot different than what happened to previous who Ascended like Rashek or Vin.

How is it possible for aluminum to be invested by feruchemy and hemalurgy, since it seems to otherwise prevent magic from affecting it or its surroundings?

Edited by Spoolofwhool
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Here's my list of questions if anyone has the time to ask them!

Some OB spoilers, so behind a spoiler tag


Does a region's cultural identity ever have anything to do with their sDNA?  Example, people expect Alethi to be tall, so they are more likely to be tall?
How many times did a Herald break and allow the Fused to return to Roshar between the beginning of the Oathpact and Aharietiam?
Where the Fused looking for Elhokar/Hoid's Cryptic when they were breaking down the walls of the Kholinar palace, or were they looking for something else?
Do different gemstone cuts affect how much stormlight they can hold?
Hoid's stories about the Girl Who Looked Up and the moons/Queen Tsa--are they metaphorical, or referencing actual historical events?
Does a person need to die before they can become a Cognitive Shadow, or can they create one while they're still alive?  And is a Cognitive Shadow a copy of the Cognitive Aspect or the Spiritual Aspect (because you've said both, and we weren't sure which one is canon).


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I posted my questions in another thread. Here they are, maybe someboty will be interested :)
Oathbringer spoilers
Dalinar also had two non-Stormfather visions.One at the end of WoR, in which he sees light for the first time.And second with Nohadon in Oathbringer.I'm curious if they are related?
Does "Unite them" ultimate purpose have something to do with Cosmere? Or it's Roshar wide?
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I already sent these question suggestions to Jof in a PM. I'll add them here.

On 3/26/2018 at 7:31 PM, ccstat said:


  1. During the time that Syl was "dead" in WoR, did she manifest as a deadeye in the CR? Or is that only for spren that have already become blades?
  2. You've suggested that Radiants in general, and Kaladin specifically, are immune to / protected from the Thrill, but that is not at all Dalinar's experience in OB. Is he an exception due to his past, or have we misconstrued those earlier hints? Similarly, is Shallan's apparent susceptibility to Ashertmarn and affinity to Re-Shephir a function more of her personal history or her Radiance as a Lightweaver?
  3. Did Taln actually break at the same time as the Everstorm's arrival? Is there a causal relationship there? Could each event have happened without the other?
  4. Can a detector fabrial be tuned to detect aluminum?
  5. Would the emotions of a cognitive shadow attract spren in Shadesmar?

Other / Cosmere

  1. Miles Hundredlives had access to unlimited healing, which works by matching your physical self to your spiritual self (as filtered by the cognitive). But through allomantic gold he also has access to at least one alternate version of himself. If he wanted to, could he use that "healing" process to fully become those other selves?
  2. You've used the term spiritual DNA. Every cell in our body has a complete copy of our physical DNA, and With the right tools a small sample of DNA can tell you a ton about the person it came from. Is the same true of sDNA? Could a forensic analysis of a piece of identity (e.g. left in a metalmind or an awakened object) paint a complete picture of the user's origins and/or spiritweb? Do such tools exist in the Cosmere?
  3. Suppose a kandra wears the body of Ferring A, then gains feruchemical ability by spiking Ferring B. If both of those people left behind metalminds when they died, which ones will she be able to use?
  4. A person has their arm cut by a shardblade, making it a dead limb. Eventually they die and an awakener tries to make a Lifeless from their body. Will the Lifeless have a functional arm, or will it remain cognitively/spiritually separate? Followup: If the awakener met the person while they were still alive, would they be able to awaken the limb, making a partial Lifeless? Would the arm be able to obey instructions (from someone with the command phrase) like a regular lifeless would?
  5. If I measure a spren, and then instead of writing the measurement down I store the memory in a coppermind, would that have the same "recording" effect?


Have an awesome time at the con!

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4 hours ago, ccstat said:

Did Taln actually break at the same time as the Everstorm's arrival? Is there a causal relationship there? Could each event have happened without the other?



Didn't Taln break a full book before the Everstorm?


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