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4 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

Well... tying the vote when we weren't sure that I would be able to survive would not have been good. As I would have died, and we would have lost vote advantage. 

We tie the vote, an Elim dies instead, we kill you, then we end up with me being next up for the lynch.

Also, day 11, I think it was, I didn't have internet to try and swing the lynch :/

(If any of this makes sense) 

Day 12 Zebra didn't vote, so you guys could have ended it right then with Kangaroo's vote, although I guess you guys couldn't have known that he wouldn't arrive at the last second.

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AG4/AN1 - Aftermath: Ashes


The sun rose red the following morning, bloody pools of sunlight spilling through a cloud of ash. Houses gutted by fire creaked and groaned a lament to the dead of Rennan. The village, a lone dark stain on the hillside, was still, the mountain as if holding a wake to the dead. A torn flag fluttered defiantly on a broken flagpole before being torn away, snatched by an angry wind, and lost.


Embers died with the passing of the sun, and a new dawn broke over Rennan. Rain fell, and rivulets of water, dark with ash and blood, ran through the streets, the motion all that would separate the scene from a painting. Rennan remained a tomb and a monument to the dead, a macabre tableau of the last moments of life.


Storms came, with time, but Rennan’s buildings stood guard, unaware that their charges lay sundered, strewn through them as discarded ragdolls, torn and broken. Seasons passed, and the quiet watch continued, the sentinels of the dead unmoving. Crem fell, and gathered, testimony to the solitude of the guardsmen. Unknown, unloved, now unnamed, they stood. The tomb on the mountain was to be eternal. Storms came, and seasons passed. It was a quiet day, with no rain or wind disturbing the silence, when the first one broke. The stillness, unwary, complacent, was shattered without a chance to retreat. It collapsed with the building, splintering, tearing, and twisting.


Almost as if shocked, or broken in spirit, the rest fell over the coming months, beating a solemn rhythm to the passing of an age.



AG4/AN1 is over. Fuchsia Ostrich was killed, and Odium’s Sympathisers have won. I very much hope you all enjoyed playing. I certainly enjoyed watching the impact of anonymity, but would love to hear about how it was for players. I’ll give my full thoughts on the game after voting for awards has concluded, both to give me time to formulate them, and to allow me to speak without concern.


Voting: There are three Non-Sanderson game passes available to the winners of the vote. Both players and spectators are eligible to vote, and may list as many people as they’d like (but at least five) in order of preference for receiving an award. The STV voting method will be used to decide the three winners. Please use the PM you used to sign up for the game to vote. Voting will remain open for a week, or until every player has voted.


Anonymity: Please do not give any indication of which Anonymous Account you were using until the results of the activity voting have been announced. This rule will be waived for those players on the evil team, allowing them to speak about the game from their perspective, and because I’m not going to trawl through 157 pages of evil doc to remove their references to their identities.


Anonymous Accounts: Anonymous Account passwords have been changed, and you no longer have access to your accounts. Before the next Anonymous Game, all accounts will have had their PMs cleared, and so will not share personal information with future holders of the account.



I’d like to thank Stink for helping with the game, and his excellent writeups in the initial cycles.

Mint Heron deserves a great deal of credit for stepping in to help with writeups towards the end of the game. I wouldn’t have managed without them.

I'd like to thank Wilson for helping with the balance calls we had to make at points in the game, and for her excellent judgement.

Most of all, though, Elbereth deserves recognition for the massive investment she’s put into helping. Anonymous games take a great deal of effort to run, but her writeups and fantastic spreadsheet took a huge amount of stress out of GMing.




Doc Links

Servants of Odium


The Watchers and the Weary


Master Spreadsheet


Final Player List
1. Amethyst Scorpion - Villager-turned-Bondsmith
2. Azure Mouse - Sympathiser Worldhopper
3. Amber Vulture - Villager
4. Charcoal Hyena - Cannoc - Villager
5. Chartreuse Penguin - Villager
6. Coral Swan - Elyle - Village Lightweaver
7. Cream Tuatara - Villager
8. Emerald Falcon - Aldrick - Villager
9. Fuschia Ostrich - Villager
10. Indigo Weasel - Village Elsecaller
11. Ivory Dragonfly - Nolan - Village Bondsmith
12. Magenta Albatross - Sympathiser Windrunner
13. Mauve Crocodile - Sympathiser Bondsmith
14. Melon Dingo - Quentisan - Village Edgedancer
15. Mint Heron - Kharsis - Villager
16. Onyx Flamingo - Squawk - Village Lightweaver
17. Opal Lion - Villager
18. Oxblood Beagle - Jai - Village Willshaper
19. Pearl Chameleon - Village Elsecaller
20. Plum Rhinoceros - Villager
21. Quartz Zebra - Villager
22. Saffron Iguana - Emalia - Village Lightweaver
23. Sage Kangaroo - Sympathiser Elsecaller
24. Salmon Meerkat - Village Bondsmith
25. Sapphire Elephant - Sympathiser Skybreaker
26. Scarlet Octopus - Village Edgedancer 
27. Sunburst Toucan - Vanna - Village Windrunner
28. Taupe Gecko - Villager
29. Turquoise Gorilla - Village Dustbringer
30. Violet Axolotl - Villager

Voting will close in seven days time, at 10pm GMT on the 1st March.


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Thanks heaps for running this game Orlok. Really appreciate it. And my apologies if my PMs or messages in the dead doc came off as demanding in any way. It was not the intent, and I'm sorry if I made anything harder for you than it already was.

Going to have to go through the thread to pick out who to vote for. I already know a few players that I'd vote for, but not 5. Here's the wiki page on Single Transferable Voting if anyone is interested. 

Heh. At the start of the game, I thought that I'd be really into guessing who was playing the game, but after an initial attempt at taking down some notes and having some guesses, it didn't end up being something of concern. I'll be interested to find out who was playing the game. It was nice to actually be able to change one's play style without garnering suspicion for it. I didn't necessarily make great use of it, but I could see it being quite useful to experiment with a new style, and then once the game ends and all is revealed, you can then tell everyone that this is your new playstyle that you'll be taking back to play other games with. 

Edit: And thanks everyone for the very tense game!

Edited by Haelbarde
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Agree with @randuir on this. Well played to each of the Elims, each one of which had me completely fooled. 

Thank you very much to both Orlok and STINK (and Wilson and Elbereth later on) for running this AG, especially to Orlok who did so while suffering from an illness. This was a great intro to SE for me, and I very much look forward to future games with all of you. 

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3 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

What criteria are we giving out the passes for? Last year it was for cosmetic roles, but this year it hasn't ben specified...

From the signup post:


Unfortunately, 2017 also saw changes in our forum that have been less positive, with an increasing tendency towards inactivity. In the spirit of Cosmetic Roles last year, there will be a competition this game for three non-Sanderson game passes, allowing you to run a game not set in one of Sanderson’s works. This year, however, the competition will be based on activity, with a vote amongst players at the end of the game on which players have been the most active, and have done the most to encourage activity.

Last year, Meta mentioned we had a secret challenge for three more non-Sanderson game passes. That challenge was also based on activity. We will be awarding those after this game ends as well.


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I will point out, because it wasn’t specified, that the writeups have been done by me/Mint/Stink except for this one, which Orlok did and deserves the credit for. 

This was a fantastic game to GM, and absolutely fascinating to watch the interplay of anonymous accounts with the standard ruleset. Also, it taught me a lot about spreadsheets, so that’s a plus. :P 

More thoughts may or may not come after the voting finishes, but for now I’ll just comment that this was a great game and I hugely enjoyed it. 

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On 2/23/2018 at 0:09 PM, MonsterMetroid said:

Is there any reward for RP this game?

The rewards for this game were based on participation and driving discussion.  I know I didn't win one (or at least I'm assuming), but I'm curious who will.

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Yeah, I think Heron was Wyrmhero?

Anyway, I've got a pass for being very active over the last year? Well, I'd like to thank my family and friends, as well as Amanuensis for running the first game I took part in.

Also, congratulations and well done to everyone else who won passes. Activity is the life-blood of these games, so those who go above and beyond to keep that lifeblood flowing... I think I lost my metaphor somewhere. Anyway, very well done people!

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This was a really cool game to watch from the spec doc. For those wondering, I was the ever-so-mysterious lime green. :) I was super impressed with how close it was at the end, since it looked like it was going to be a complete sweep for a while.

...I feel really bad about how Day 2 went. I should have been a lot more calm and logical in how I responded. That, and I had a lot of other stuff stressing me out at the time. It definitely wasn't how I wanted to go out of the game, but I learned from the experience. Hopefully I can do better in upcoming games.

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