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8 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

As for Alv, he could very easily be an elim. I want to make it clear that I don't have any sort of read on him(and probably never will :P), I was just pointing out that what he did wasn't something I'd consider an eliminator tell.

Eh, if I was an Elim, I wouldn't care if Road was lynched or not.  As he revealed, we are in the same House.  Keeping him alive helps get us a little closer to the House Win.  Plus I'm very confident that he is Village.  It's very unlikely he would reveal himself as a Thug so early in House if he wasn't.


1 minute ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Phatt :P

Yay.  Love you.  :wub:

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Ok I went over Rae's post about the voting tally and I see what people mean about phatt now. Let's keep it a tie though, shall we?

Oh and I would look at some of the people that are reading Lopen village. 

Edited by Megasif
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Darium whistled tunelessly as he walked jauntily down the street. Skaa shoved ash out of the way with large shovels. Working mindlessly, the skaa dug into the ash again and again, shiny with sweat. Foul creatures, Darium thought as he kicked one off the street. The skaa grunted, and continued working. Spineless too. Why did they not ever fight back?

Darium continued to stroll down the street, towards the River Channerel. His initial batch of Mewfern had arrived two weeks ago. The Skaa had bought it all up like chickens eating feed. Darium supposed they needed something to distract themselves from their cold and harsh lives. No matter. They were only Skaa, Darium thought as he reached the dock.

Darium walked along the river, looking, looking for-there! In front of Darium was a massive boat, slowly being pulled into the dock by dirty skaa. And on the boat, there were boxes and boxes of Mewfern. Darium laughed. He would be richer than some of the Great Houses by the end of the month. He could already see the piles of boxings just pile up around him. He laughed loudly into the air. Although people stared at him, he didn’t care. He would be too important to need to care by the next shipment of Mewfern.


Ok so basically I do not think that going for a tie is a very good idea. If there is a rioter or soother somewhere out there, they can use this to turn this to great advantage to themselves or their house (there's probably been someone who already said this (I did not read the thread very well as you may be able to tell)). Although I, like many others, am curious to see what a tie turns out to be, I do not think that it is worth the risk of having the vote influenced and changed by someone who will use it for their own purposes. I will vote for phatt to get rid of a tie. 

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Disowned by his parents, Darium had fought to climb the ladder of wealth using whatever it took. He had quickly made a name for himself in the illicit circles he was a part of. Some of the nobles he worked with said that he was more skaa than noble now. But he had shown them. They were all in the ash now, in the dust under his feet. It didn’t matter if he had to grovel in the ash like a skaa before. Now he had as much fame as a Great House, and soon he would be as rich as one too. As Darium strolled towards the boat, an obligator walking the other direction locked eyes with him and moved to intercept him.

“Excuse me, are you the man who owns this boat?” the obligator asked abruptly as he reached about ten feet away from Darium.

“I am,” Darium replied.

“I have received orders to confiscate this boat and it’s contents.” the obligator said.

“What for?”, Darium asked.

“The Lord Ruler needs not explain his actions to the likes of you, does he?” the obligator said imperiously.

“I see.” Darium responded. He bowed shortly, then turned away and began walking away.

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The crowd shifted, targeting a new person, following the loudest voice of the crowd. They were out for blood, and they would get it. "Warren Hasting!" one voice shouted, while the crowd turned to face him. They prepared to attack him, but, before they could, another voice shouted "Lawrence Arthur" and the crowd turned to him. As if in response a third voice shouted "Lutha Erikell!"

Warren hasting had been forgotten, while the crowd switched between trying to lynch Arthur and Erikell. Each second the crowd grew more frenzied, and more blood hungry, searching for either of their targets. 

"Enough!" A voice shouted, louder than any of the other voices, loud enough to shock the entire crowd into silence, even before the powerful waves of soothing washed over them.

The Lord Ruler stood, waves of soothing rolling off of him, silencing the crowd below him. "You." he said, pointing to one of the people who had been loud, and directing the crowd. "You have created a riot, setting my city into chaos. You shall be punished."

Darium stood there, the full force of The Lord Rulers soothing baring down upon him, making him feel completely numb. 

The Lord Ruler reached out, and, with of flick of his finger, separated Darium's body from his head.

The Lord Ruler turned to leave, and a small letter flopped to the ground after him.

Dearest Lord Ruler,
Today I wrote this letter, but I'm not sure I can ever send it. Because I've always called you Lord Ruler. And that's obviously not your name. So I asked around.
What a beautiful name.
As much as I love you, I fear your retribution.
Even if your retribution would be the sweetest thing, no matter if it came to death
-Your secret admirer,


Asterion (1): Mega
Road (4): Manukos, Asterion, Ari, Phatt
Phatt (4): Sami, Alv, Lopen, Cloud

A random tied voter has been lynched! It was Cloudjumper! He was a Noble with no role!

Time until N2 ends: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20171126T20&p0=4975&msg=LG%3A40+Night+2+end&font=cursive

Player list:


1. Variel - StrikerEZ Noble Seeker

2. Dorvan Tekiel - Randuir

3. Thirmul Haht - Megasif

4. Lawrence Arthur - Roadwalker

5. Selina Khrom - Lemonelon

6.Dawn - Steeldancer Noble Aluminium Gnat

7. Adela - Brightness Radiant

8. Jax Sangrin Lekal - Darkness Ascendant

9. Ray Karats - Straw

10. Darium - Cloudjumper Noble

11. Alizarin Kenandera - Sami

12. Manukos

13. Belmark Entrone - Drake Marshal Skaa Soother

14. Darquez - ShaneysRus

15. Bugsy -  Noble Seeker

16. Asterion137

17. Cassandra Bane - Rebecca

18. Rhiannon Aurette - Arraenae

19. Lady Noodlington - A Budgie

20. Faron Elverein - Arinian

21. Stephan - Shqueeves

22. Lutha Erikell - Phattemer

23. Jonas - LivingLegend

24. Doc

25. Lopen

26. Joxter the Mighty - Alvron

27. Jerol - Young Bard


Edited by DroughtBringer
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37 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

A random tied voter has been lynched! It was Cloudjumper! He was a Noble with no role!

Ooh, I like.  I like a lot!

Let's do it again.  Let us flip the coin, roll the dice and take our chances on the wings of Fortune.

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So. A tied lynch is obviously not a good idea. It just puts the voters in danger of being lynched themselves. 

Also, I’ve got some more RP for you guys. I don’t think it’s quite as bad as last time.



The mist was part of their world, yet it seemed so alien. 

It swirled around Cassandra, as if trying to grab her with intangible fingers. Her soft, red nightgown brushed her skin lightly as she stood on the balcony outside her bedroom, staring out into the night. Cassandra had been sleeping fitfully all night, and had finally decided to try easing her mind by standing out here. It wasn’t working very well.

That uneasy feeling in her stomach hadn’t completely gone away since it had come. Since then, one skaa spy had been killed, so that was good news. But four nobles had also been killed. Hopefully this whole affair wouldn’t turn out the way she feared it would.

No, Cassandra told herself forcefully, not hopefully. I have to do something. I have to make sure this all turns out the way I want it too. The way it needs to. The skaa must not succeed.

Cassandra walked back inside, her mind suddenly clearer than it had been in awhile. She knew what she needed to do. She would stop worrying, and start acting.

As Cassandra now climbed into her bed, she swiftly fell asleep. And this time, she slept soundly. 

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I agree. Randomly killing people is not going to help us in the slightest, since the eliminators are in the minority. We might get one or two from it, but it's really not worth it. I would think that Alv is an elim if it wasn't for the fact that the action seems more annoying/fun than sinister, plus it seems too obvious.
Though I haven't played a game with them before, so I have no clue how they act as an elim vs villager.

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@Sami here, I'll rp with you. Hope I got your character right.

Lady Noodlington was sitting in her house, drinking a cup of tea, when an almighty thud sounded.
She cocked an eyebrow.
Assassins, perhaps?
She didn’t move from her seat.
After a moment, a guard ran into the room.
“There appears to be a girl on the roof, ma’am,” he said, bowing briefly. “She doesn’t appear to be making any moves.”
“Then what, exactly, is she doing?”
“Uh, brooding, ma’am.”
Brooding, you say? Very well. In that case, I shall meet with her in a moment.”
“Are- are you sure that’s wise, ma’am?”
Again, Lady Noodlington cocked her eyebrow. Perfectly plucked, it could kill a man.
Probably. She had never actually tried killing someone with her eyebrow, but she had no doubts that if she tried, she could do it.
“Ah, right you are, ma’am.”
The guard made another little bow, and scuttled out the door.
After a moment, the lady finished her tea, and stood up.

“It’s Elizabeth, is it not?”
The girl turned to see Lady Noodlington ascending the stairs to the rooftop. She was wearing a dress that could be best described as either ‘fancy’ or ‘poofy,’ and held up a parasol to deflect the slowly falling ash.
“Uh, yes.”
The woman had recognised her- that was surprising. The entire point of wearing a simple shirt and trouser was, after all, to prevent that from happening.
“Lady Noodlington,” she said. She went to proffer a hand, saw the griminess of Liz’s, and visibly recoiled. “Charmed to meet you.”

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@A Budgie lol it's actually Alizarin :D but yeah you got it mostly right

oh snap, just remembered it's Ookla season. What's the SE policy for this? Are we allowed to change our names? 


Liz smiled a polite smile a little at Lady Noodlington. She wondered a little how she had recognised Liz, as Liz had tried to steer as clear from "noble" events as she could. 

She hastily retracted her hand, seeing Lady Noodlington visibly recoil from the dirt that had accumulated from climbing around. 

"Um," she said stepping back a little as wel. "Pleased to meet you as well." She wasn't exactly, but this lady was better to talk to than herself. "Uh, sorry I invaded your rooftop."

She glanced again at the poofy dress and wondered how anyone could stand wearing such an uncomfortable and inconvenient looking thing. Then she glanced at the umbrella and then at her ash covered shoulders. 

"Er, yeah so...." Liz trailed off, obviously wondering if she was imposing on the lady's property.


Also, I think a tie is a really bad idea (as do we all, I think) as we could easily end up killing innocent players, not to mention active ones :ph34r:. I'm also still casting my vote on  phatt

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I’d remind everyone that prior to the game, as moderators we ruled that players should not change their profile picture if they change their username mid game. Players that do change their profile picture and username mid game will receive an SE subforum warning.

@Mesa the Ookla would you please return your profile picture to that which it was as Darkness_?

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15 hours ago, Alvron said:

Ooh, I like.  I like a lot!

Let's do it again.  Let us flip the coin, roll the dice and take our chances on the wings of Fortune.

Well I'm glad we did have a tied lynch so we know what happens, but Alv...please don't force any more ties. The wings of Fortune don't seem to like me with these sorts of things. :P

10 hours ago, Ookla the Wofl said:



Also, I think a tie is a really bad idea (as do we all, I think) as we could easily end up killing innocent players, not to mention active ones :ph34r:. I'm also still casting my vote on  phatt

While I agree with it, the vote won't count, since it's the Night Turn.

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Riri stared blankly at the wall ahead, with Variel's suitjacket draped around her shoulders. Mountains of half-filled out ledgers surrounded her, like mute old friends. They spoke in terms of yards of cloth and profit margins and labor costs and imported dyes, just words on paper, yet somehow real.

Not real enough to let Riri escape the reality that Variel was dead. Kyrain too.

Riri dipped her pen in ink.

Plop. Ink dripped down onto the paper below. Plop. Plop.  Black ink mingled and spread to form a splotchy, illegible mess. Plop. Riri would have to fix it.

Later. She couldn't bring herself to care.


She fumbled for a sweet in the bowl next to her and stuffed it into her mouth. It tasted of saccharine ashes in her mouth. She reached for another piece anyways.

In the distance, a door creaked open then closed. Galen, off to party at the ball. He had ample reason to celebrate the death of Riri's boyfriend and ex-boyfriend. She could just imagine him laughing with Lady Adela on his arm, dancing at the ball with a smug smile on his face. Screw Galen, what right did he have to be happy now that Variel and Kyrain were dead?

Riri picked up a ledger and tore it in half. Then again, and again, and again.

It didn't make her feel any better. It didn't make her feel any worse, either. Riri grabbed the next piece of ledger. Rip, rip, rip. Soon the whole stack for this month lay before her in pieces. Rip, rip. There went the previous moth's stack too. Meticulous records of yards of cloth and profit margins and labor costs and imported dyes gone in a single moment.

Like Variel and Kyrain.

Riri laid her head down in her arms, wrapped in Variel's suitjacket, and sobbed. 

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15 hours ago, Rebecca said:

So. A tied lynch is obviously not a good idea. It just puts the voters in danger of being lynched themselves. 


13 hours ago, A Budgie said:

I agree. Randomly killing people is not going to help us in the slightest, since the eliminators are in the minority. We might get one or two from it, but it's really not worth it.


12 hours ago, Manukos said:

and yeah having random deaths is almost like a second elim kill each day , so lets not do that again 


10 hours ago, Ookla the Wofl said:

Also, I think a tie is a really bad idea (as do we all, I think) as we could easily end up killing innocent players, not to mention active ones :ph34r:.


19 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Well I'm glad we did have a tied lynch so we know what happens, but Alv...please don't force any more ties. The wings of Fortune don't seem to like me with these sorts of things. :P

You lot are no fun at all.  :( 

Edit: Just to be clear, I meant that sarcastically.

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