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Realistically it will take me at least a few days to a week if I get distracted enough. My friend will have it done in a day and a half and it freaks me out. Another friend's mother claimed she could read War and Peace in a sitting, and she wasn't one for idle boasting. As QuiGon would say, "there's always a bigger fish."

Iirc Kindle estimated my WoR read time around 13-14 hours. It's been a few years since so I'm not confident in my margin of error.

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3 minutes ago, ZenBossanova said:

I just started a new job and the commute is 2 hours each way, so I am going to have to limit myself to a few chapters a night, as much as I would love to binge. 

@ZenBossanova AUDIOBOOK! Go to Audible and start a free trial, you get 2 free books! If you've already done the free trial, become a member for a month, buy Oathbringer for $14.95, then cancel your membership, and enjoy!

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I'll probably get Oathbringer on Thursday, 16th, since I accidentally preordered the British and not the US version (before covers were released). Since I have Friday off, this will enable me to read through the night. Rereading part one will be quick, then I will slow down and expect to have finished somewhen between Friday evening and Saturday morning. Sleep is a random factor. If I fall asleep while reading, it might be for an hour or six.

The Audible trial would be a nice idea to get some hearing done before the 16th. 

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Im hoping to get 2 readthroughs done in the first week. The first within a day or two, and then much slower and picking apart the details on my second readthrough. Im going to the signing on the 21st and want to have everything in place in my mind before that! 


That said, i plan on ghosting the forums until after several readthroughs. Possibly 4 or more. Im loathe to let everyone's theories taint my own perspective till i can sort through it on my own! You guys are great and catch stuff i'll surely miss, but half the fun is trying to find it for yourself! 


Journey before destination. 

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I'd read it significantly faster if it wasn't coming out in the middle of my exam period :P

Unfortunately quantum theory exam is higher priority for a few days after it's released.  Come that weekend though, I'll probably finish it in a single sitting

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Probably going to finish the first read-through in 2 days or so, then take my time with a reread soon after. It just so happens that I'm almost completely free of responsibilities this coming week, so I'll be able to dedicate all my time to the book.

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I'm going to go through it slow with a friend as a bit of a challenge. probably 6-15 chapters a day depending on the day, with time for discussing and taking observations down like we have been for the pre-release stuff. We get more out of it that way, so we figured we'd try it out. The sad part is I'll have to stay off the Shard for up to two weeks :mellow:

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Fast enough.  I could do warbreaker or mistborn era 1 books in around a day or a little longer (on the weekend) if it's what I did in my free time, and Oathbringer is a little over double the length of any of those.  I expect I'll finish Oathbringer sometime on the weekend after release (since I read the part 1 chapters and I'll re-read them this weekend so I can start at part 2 Tuesday).

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Well, I'm stopping at the end of the different sections to discuss with one of my friends... we've done it with Way of Kings and WoR, and it's a great way of doing it. That said, we're both reasonably fast, so it'll probably be about a week. 

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If I have enough uninterrupted time, then very fast. If I don’t, then much longer.

When WoR came out my son was a few months old and I finished in two days. Now he’s nearing four, has a sister, and Thanksgiving is coming, so it’ll probably take through Saturday.

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