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Quick Fix Game 26: Stop the Madness


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QF26: Cycle 11

Shivering in the cold, he wondered how the kitchen had caught fire. Everyone had clearly gone to bed, since they were all in their sleep wear, and while it was possible that someone was faking he didn't think it was possible. Everyone look too worn out.

"Hey, has anyone seen Horatio?" Someone asked. Glancing at each other, and then at the Inn his heart sank to the proximity of his stomach.

When it was safe to re-enter he wasn't surprised to see Horatio huddled in his room as though the door refused to open.

"Did anyone hold this door shut?" he asked.

"No. In fact, I made sure to open it before I went down and couldn't see him."

Haelbarde was killed!

Player List
1. Haelbarde - Horatio Heatherlocke
2. Darkness Ascendant - Necrosis Jones
3. Sami - Aleta Nebrask
4. Straw - Straw
5. Lemonelon - Adelaide
6. Flash - SteelDancer
7. Eternum - Nero
8. Julio - Taklon Nalkot
9. Roadwalker - Lawrence "Silver" Arthur
10. _Stick_ - Stick
11. King Cole - Turtle
12. Megasif - Shaa Locke Haums
13. Droughtbringer -
14. Sony - Sony
15. Majestic - Lion Shadow
16. A Budgie - Budge
17. Seonid - Erodaan Qadri
18. Alvron - Jace Blood-Axe
19. Little Wilson - Temperance Owen
20. Arinian -  Irvin Thyme
21. Mark IV - Mark
22. Herowannabe - The Heron
23. Jondesu - Remart
24. The Young Bard - Shadow
25. BrightnessRadiant - Rani
26. Dani - Yiferian
27. RippleGylf - Ripple
28. TheMightyLopen - Usopp
29. Ecthelion III - Cyrus
30. Rebecca - Jayne
31. Amanuensis
32. Rubix

Edited by Elbereth
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I apologise for not being active this game ;_; School and stuff started and I barely get time to sleep nowadays. I'm going to try and read through the cycles I haven't read properly as soon as I can. Though I would appreciate it if someone could give me a short summary of everything that's happened in the past ~5 cycles. I'll try to be active now :] 

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19 minutes ago, Sony said:

It seems like one of the Lovers is killed now, correct? 

Yes. But the other Lover is still alive? Possibly turned SK? Let's see who dies this round. If we get more than 1 killed then probably safe to say we'd be dealing with another elim. Aman, it would be great to hear from you now to shed some light. Don't want to start an unnecessary witch hunt <3

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Hmm, yes, Haelbarde died but @Amanuensis didn't. I don't know what to make of that- I promise that those two were the ones I picked to be lovers. I don't have any way to prove it but I don't have any reason to lie about it either. Genuinely perplexed here. :huh:


I wonder if perhaps Haelbarde's death triggered Aman's moment of clarity?

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I'm currently wondering if the 'kitchen catching fire' could be a hint to somthing...
Anyway, we really need Aman to tell us what's going on with them.
Also, do we know why Hael died? He didn't mention having the doll...so it looks like he might have been eliminated to kill off two people at once? But in that case, why not kill off Aman when they mentioned they were a lover way back?

Edited by A Budgie
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18 hours ago, Sony said:

 I think Bard has a long forum post on his impressions of the game so far on page 12 of the entire game thread :) 

Thank you.

I still think there's one specific owner of the doll that we need to lynch. By 'owner' i don't mean the players 'holding' the doll -lynching seonid didnt do anything. What I mean by that is someone who's controlling it, or 'triggering' it, I suppose. By the looks of how getting a tied lynch went, I'm a little suspicious of Hero. Alv died by accident. Or did he? Unless the requirement for a lynch is more than one vote or something, this is suspicious. Now we have hael dead but his apparent lover still lives which is odd. This makes people suspicious of hero. Buuttt he probably isnt the doll owner, assuming there is one, because I dont see why he'd make the doll kill hael and make players suspicious of him. It's probably the doll owner trying to frame him? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and hero really is evil. As for why Aman isn't dead, i dunno...Maybe there's a protect role or something that we arent aware of? Cant think of any other explanations at the moment. 

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Well, I don't know what to say in my defense. Like I said earlier, I can't actually prove any of my claims since apparently killing one lover doesn't kill the other. Even my death won't reveal anything to you. 

10 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Alv died by accident. Or did he?

He most certainly did not die by accident. I voted for him and got him lynched because at the time he was pushing for a tie vote in order to get Aman- the scapegoat- killed along with (as far as we knew at the time) Haelbarde- his lover. 

So yeah, sure, lynch me. I'm curious what the dead doc has figured out about this game anyway. herowannabe  

Edit: PS. If there is anyone out there with a corpse-scanning role, don't bother wasting an action on my corpse if you have any other targets. I haven't been lying about anything I've said this game. 

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QF26: Cycle 12

"The Heron" frowned when he saw Horatio's mangled body. He knew that meant a second death was soon to follow. Looking down at the body, he was surprised to see cut marks around the neck.

When the second death didn't happen, his frown deepened. "But why," he asked himself.

He watched as the mob started casting him glances, and by the time the crowd came for him he was resigned to his fate.

Herowannabe was lynched!

Vote Count
Hero (2): Hero, DA


Player List
1. Haelbarde - Horatio Heatherlocke
2. Darkness Ascendant - Necrosis Jones
3. Sami - Aleta Nebrask
4. Straw - Straw
5. Lemonelon - Adelaide
6. Flash - SteelDancer
7. Eternum - Nero
8. Julio - Taklon Nalkot
9. Roadwalker - Lawrence "Silver" Arthur
10. _Stick_ - Stick
11. King Cole - Turtle
12. Megasif - Shaa Locke Haums
13. Droughtbringer -
14. Sony - Sony
15. Majestic - Lion Shadow
16. A Budgie - Budge
17. Seonid - Erodaan Qadri
18. Alvron - Jace Blood-Axe
19. Little Wilson - Temperance Owen
20. Arinian -  Irvin Thyme
21. Mark IV - Mark
22. Herowannabe - The Heron
23. Jondesu - Remart
24. The Young Bard - Shadow
25. BrightnessRadiant - Rani
26. Dani - Yiferian
27. RippleGylf - Ripple
28. TheMightyLopen - Usopp
29. Ecthelion III - Cyrus
30. Rebecca - Jayne
31. Amanuensis 
32. Rubix

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2 minutes ago, Sami said:

Is it something we're doing that's causing it?

We have tried lynching, we have tried not lynching, we have tried to kill the doll holder and a doll holder has tried various actions with the doll.

The random kills are every other cycle (unless I've missed a cycle somewhere) which kind of looks like a "day/night" thing going on but we are getting extra lynches. 

There has been a claim for a magistrate which implies there should be someone worthy of detaining. There may be an elim team, but I think it will be very small, or we are dealing with a lone SK.

Of course, I could be completely wrong :) 

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Well we've had a role scanner and a detainer role, so I agree with lemonelon that that implies someone among us is working against the village. I don't have any strong suspects, but back at the start of the game, I pm'd Rebecca and she never responded to me. I guess I'm mildly suspicious of Stick's last couple of posts. But...not really. xD

I can't vote, but if I could, I'd vote on one of them I suppose.

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After reading some of the earlier cycles, I'm a little suspicious of Aman. 

He votes to lynch himself in the first cycle, but doesn't really give a reason besides "just because." 

Then he doesn't die when there was no lynch, even though that's supposedly how the scapegoat role dies. (Yes, I know Wilson could have just said the wrong information or was lying about the role.... but that still doesn't make Aman not suspicious.) 

Finally, nothing happens to him when his lover dies? I assume something would happen... 

Although, Rebecca not answering Lopen's PM is interesting...

I'm not voting yet, just spouting out some of my opinions. I want to hear what others think. 


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8 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I guess I'm mildly suspicious of Stick's last couple of posts. But...not really. xD

Were you like waiting for me to start posting again just so you could say that? XD 

@Amanuensis do you have any clue why you're still alive? Do you know if you were protected last turn?

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10 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Were you like waiting for me to start posting again just so you could say that? XD 

@Amanuensis do you have any clue why you're still alive? Do you know if you were protected last turn?

At this point I'm reaching for anything that might remotely be suspicious, so I got a little paranoid of one of your last posts, but then I looked over it again when I was making my post, and I really didn't think there was anything there, but I just left it in cause why not? :P

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