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[OB] Oathbringer 4-6


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3 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

What gives you the impression of Dalinar being dead? 

Nothing in particular. It's just an impression that I get. There's certainly nothing explicit in what we have seen so far:


I’m certain some will feel threatened by this record. Some few may feel liberated. Most will simply feel that it should not exist. I needed to write it anyway. I know that many women who read this will see it only as further proof that I am the godless heretic everyone claims. I can point to the moment when I decided for certain this record had to be written. I hung between realms, seeing into Shadesmar—the realm of the spren—and beyond. I thought that I was surely dead. Certainly, some who saw further than I did thought I had fallen.


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10 minutes ago, Khyrindor said:

Other factors could include the lower gravity and higher oxygen content, as well as measurements being different on Roshar.

 Dang, thanks. I always remember the Roshar alien landscape, the different seasons, years, days and hours but always forget different oxygen and gravity.

Some points from before:

Red wedding dress, just yesterday I passed an Indian bride with a red and gold sari as wedding dress. Keep in mind different cultures, and Alethkar specially been almost Asian orientated. Edit, the sari was gorgeous :P.

On someone that asked glyphs significance, Shash was dangerous, Kaladin got that after an escape attempt. Is pointed out several times most slaves who earn that are killed on the spot.

Edited by WhiteLeeopard
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4 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Thats actually very likely a slavery offense. In TWoK they say Leyten was sent to the bridges because the strap of the breastplate of a lighteyes broke and he died, so they sent the blacksmith apprentice to certain death (who hadn't even done the breastplate). Even mentions the blacksmith likely kept extra apprentinces just for those cases.

That was also supposed to illustrate the brutality of Sadeas' camp; and even then, bridgemen were not (technically) slaves. Slaves like Kaladin could be sent into a bridge crew, but so could ordinary but unfortunate soldiers, like Moash. Neither Leyten nor Moash were branded.

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1 hour ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

This is actually quite impressive. 90 miles (144 km), would be roughly 30 miles (48 km) per day. Without Stormlight. You can walk that in the first day maybe, but for 3 days in a row... Makes me wonder if KR are stronger than normal men due to the Nahel bond, even without stormlight. He doesn't look tired enough to not have slept in 3 days, just depressed (nothing new there). He also had to stay still during the Everstorm. Could just be a mundane explanation such as he is in good shape, and stubborn, but could also be something more? 

One thing I noticed too is that Sanderson changed this from the earlier draft of this chapter.  It used to be:


He’d traveled hundreds of miles in half a day. And it still hadn’t been enough. This last bit—not thirty miles to walk—had been excruciating. So slow! He would have passed this distance in an eyeblink before, but he’d been walking for two days.

I always thought 30 miles in two days seemed far too slow for Kaladin, especially given his training as a bridgeman, so I'm glad this got changed!

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Finally got to read it!! I was kinda scared when I saw the Kaladin chapter from years back that we won't get to see what's going on in Hearthstone until at least next week! Thank you Brandon for not being a sadist!


Haven't read all the comments yet but:

Chapter 4- loved the wedding! Can't wait to see what will happen with Elhokar who is back on scene. And with bridge 4:) still no Shallan. Will probably get one or two of her chapters next week. 

Chapter 5&6- my current theory about the parshmen - either there weren't any before the Everstorm came (Roshone's fallen on hard times?) Or.. Do you think there is any chance they CHOSE not to attack? Maybe even save/help the people in Hearthstone? In the book description we learn that Kal will struggle with the fact that their anger might actually be justified...is it possible that the Everstorm just got them out of Slaveform but not necessarily turned them into Stormform? Maybe that's how Kal's new conflict will come about. 

Also, could indicate that he might actually try to fight for them as well..a possible path to Odium?


The Reunion- I've been waiting for this! It was beautiful! (And Syl made me laugh a few times lol)

Hesina- I believe she was going to tell Kal he has a new sibling (maybe even adopted?). Could be Lirin's new apprentice (who can't be his biological sister as that would make her about 4yrs old. No way she is already an apprentice).

Am I the only one who loved Kal's mention of Adolin while judging the Lighteyes' uniform? I adore their budding bromance! (please don't let the whole Shallan thing ruin that, Brandon!)


The Punch- EPIC! so satisfying! And I don't actually think it was that stupid. I think Kal's gonna be giving a little speech or something in his next chapter that will set things right. Also, does he have his writ of freedom (or whatever its called) that Dalinar issued him? Really hope he does.

The book- I think the author is either Jasnah or Dalinar 


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7 minutes ago, Andy92 said:

I do think Dalinar or Jasnah seem like the obvious choices for being the author, but it is Sanderson...so I'm torn lol. 

Yep. After Mistborn 1, I am through trying to read into the author and context of the chapter heading texts, just gonna sit back, take the easy bait, and enjoy the ride.



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I haven't seen any theories about The Rift/Rathalas yet, so I'll just throw mine out there: 

Based on the map of Roshar, Rathalas is in ambiguous territory. It could be part of The Eastern Crownlands, or Thanadal's Princedom, OR the Kholin princedom.  My theory is based on viewing it as part of Princedom Kholin. If it is the latter, it wouldn't make sense, in terms of Gavilar's war of unification, to have a battle there--it's already part of his princedom. But consider this WOB (copied and pasted from another thread):

Brandon: "Gavilar was 4th dahn before becoming highprince, for example.  His branch of the Kholin family wasn't considered a prime contender for the highprince throne--until he took it for himself."

Question: "His branch of the Kholin family? Does this imply there are other branches of the Kholin family? Meaning, there are other Kholins elsewhere?"

Brandon: "Well, not as many as there once were..."

I was trying to come up with something that was so terrible that it effected Kadash, a seemingly hardened and tough warrior, so strongly.  Maybe Rathalas was where Gavilar and Co. wiped out the other Kholin branches.  


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11 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

From the tone, I get the feeling that the book is written either at the end of the whole story (after all, jasnah is rather busy right now, i doubt she has the time to write a storming book), or after something particular happens. So, it does not really iimply death of dalinar; I'd say dalinar has even odds of making it to the end of the five books without croaking. in the second five, he'll probably be either dead of old age, or very old anyway.

Yeah, in-universe Oathbringer is almost definitely written during the gap between the two arcs. It has the feel of something written after momentous events but before everything is resolved (particularly because it seems that there are still lots of people who think the truth about what is going on is heretical, and I imagine that this will be more or less resolved by the time the series ends)

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13 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Thats actually very likely a slavery offense. In TWoK they say Leyten was sent to the bridges because the strap of the breastplate of a lighteyes broke and he died, so they sent the blacksmith apprentice to certain death (who hadn't even done the breastplate). Even mentions the blacksmith likely kept extra apprentices just for those cases.

It definitely sounds like a slavery-worthy offence considering how rigid the Vorin class system is, which makes Kal's subsequently flat delivery of 'Yes' and his punching Roshone HILARIOUS to picture because 1) you can bet he wasn't expcting that and 2) everyone around them is going to massively freak out. I don't expect any real consequences (though I'm hoping Kaladin won't pull a Shardblade out of thin air in one perfect moment of crowning glory because that feels... too easy, too fanfiction-y and kinda like a cop out) but the immediate aftermath is going to have a lot of screaming, definitely. I can't wait.

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4 minutes ago, Elena said:

It definitely sounds like a slavery-worthy offence considering how rigid the Vorin class system is, which makes Kal's subsequently flat delivery of 'Yes' and his punching Roshone HILARIOUS to picture because 1) you can bet he wasn't expcting that and 2) everyone around them is going to massively freak out. I don't expect any real consequences (though I'm hoping Kaladin won't pull a Shardblade out of thin air in one perfect moment of crowning glory because that feels... too easy, too fanfiction-y and kinda like a cop out) but the immediate aftermath is going to have a lot of screaming, definitely. I can't wait.

I don't think it's too easy. Not summoning his Shardblade is just stupid at this point. He has no other means to identify himself or prove anything other than that he is a dangerous escaped slave (who, by the way, is carrying enough gems to almost certainly be a major thief). I'm not saying that the next scene is going to be Kaladin immediately being all like, "Check out my sweet sword, bro!" But if he doesn't summon his Blade in pretty short order, it's going be pointless wheel-spinning, which is a major criticism of practically all epic fantasy series.

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With Kaladin striking Roshone, I expect to see the guard's at least attempt to arrest Kaladin... If they attempt to arrest him, he'll probably go "Willingly"... but if they actually attack him, I expect to see some Syl action...  Whether it's as a shield, or as a spear... (I highly doubt he'll summon her as a sword...) 

It's also possible that we might see some glowing action if there happen to be any infused gems anywhere nearby....


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SPOILER The Thrill


The Rift (Rathalas) is the place were Dalinar killed a little boy (the heir of the Princedom) to get Oathbringer.

I guess assisting to such a scene would be discomforting (to say the least) for everyone: even Dalinar was distraught at the end of the chapter.


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6 minutes ago, DSC01 said:

I don't think it's too easy. Not summoning his Shardblade is just stupid at this point. He has no other means to identify himself or prove anything other than that he is a dangerous escaped slave (who, by the way, is carrying enough gems to almost certainly be a major thief). I'm not saying that the next scene is going to be Kaladin immediately being all like, "Check out my sweet sword, bro!" But if he doesn't summon his Blade in pretty short order, it's going be pointless wheel-spinning, which is a major criticism of practically all epic fantasy series.

I agree. I do not see any other way out here. He has no other way to convince others the truth of what he is saying.

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5 minutes ago, DSC01 said:

I don't think it's too easy. Not summoning his Shardblade is just stupid at this point. He has no other means to identify himself or prove anything other than that he is a dangerous escaped slave (who, by the way, is carrying enough gems to almost certainly be a major thief). I'm not saying that the next scene is going to be Kaladin immediately being all like, "Check out my sweet sword, bro!" But if he doesn't summon his Blade in pretty short order, it's going be pointless wheel-spinning, which is a major criticism of practically all epic fantasy series.

As @scifan pointed out above, I think (hope?) he's going to get arrested and put someplace more private where he can have a conversation with Roshone, his parents, or both. That's mostly because of the social implication of carrying a Shadblade: it would immediately change him, even in the eyes of his parents. I think a moment like that shouldn't be a rushed/public spectacle, and from a writing standpoint it's easier to write (and read!) a 'big reveal' happening in front of four people rather than fifty, because it makes it easy to render more nuances. Then again it may go a completely different way, but I don't think we're at the point in the story arc where a 'big scene' is due.

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Wowww this, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call blown away! You show em Kal!


"We can rebuild, be a family again. And there’s something else you need to know about. We—”


“But our home still stands. We had to dedicate your spot to something else, Kal, but we can make space for you.”


"...With all these wounded pouring in from the villages around, Roshone will need your father’s skill. Roshone won’t go making a storm and risk Lirin’s discontent—and you won’t be taken from us again.”

Interesting how Kaladin's parents assume he's going to stay? I wonder how they would react when he says he has to go. Unless he struggles between wanting to stay with his parents and going back to do his duty.

As for summoning his Shardblade, I would rather him show off his fighting skills without it. Storms! He's defeated full Shardbearers with nothing but his spear! He can definitely disarm a couple of frightened guards without it. Not sure about how he's going to produce credentials though....

I have the feeling something is going off with Navini. Just can't imagine Brandon letting them live happily together like that. Maybe she'll die, or something.

Also, I love the fact that punch Kaladin threw at Roshone was the perfect punch. Just makes it that much more satisfying, you know?

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Unlikely that he will be arrested. He already said in WoR he won't be caged/imprisoned again. Doubt he will waste any potential stormlight on such pettiness. Besides, he didn't come home for soup, hugs and minor lighteyes squabbles. (Although I'm sure he enjoyed the first two). He came to warn all of the Everstorm, and help for what is coming. As well as make his way to Kholinar and fix whatever is going on there. 

By accepting his Radiant identity at the end of WoR, he already acknowledged the future was going to change, and he wasn't going to be regarded the same way. In chapter 6 he separated Captain Kaladin from KR Kaladin as two different men. Its true he might want to talk in private with his parents first, but he will likely not hide the truth, at least not for long. 

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12 minutes ago, vividox said:

Oh boy, I really liked 4-6. Great scenes between Dalinar and Navani; adorable wedding. Kaladin's just as miserable as ever, I see. Punching Roshone across the face was pretty awesome, though. Is Jasnah the author of Oathbringer

Oh, and way more than last week, I really wish I could turn the page and keep reading. These three chapters really sucked me in. 

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9 minutes ago, DSC01 said:

I don't think it's too easy. Not summoning his Shardblade is just stupid at this point. He has no other means to identify himself or prove anything other than that he is a dangerous escaped slave (who, by the way, is carrying enough gems to almost certainly be a major thief). I'm not saying that the next scene is going to be Kaladin immediately being all like, "Check out my sweet sword, bro!" But if he doesn't summon his Blade in pretty short order, it's going be pointless wheel-spinning, which is a major criticism of practically all epic fantasy series.


2 minutes ago, Harsh Varia said:

I agree. I do not see any other way out here. He has no other way to convince others the truth of what he is saying.

I don't get what summoning the shardblade would actually solve...

Right now he looks like a dangerous, possibly unstable, vagabond who just clocked their city lord. 

Someone explain to me how summoning what is essentially a rosharan weapon of mass destruction will result in a peaceful solution...

I get that Alethi Shardbearers are automatically of the fourth Dahn, but Kaladin sure as heck doesn't look like an 'upstanding lighteyed citizen' right now even once his eyes change color...

So even if he summons Syl they're not going to believe he has any actual authority unless he has some documentation to back him up. And if that documentation exists, I don't think he needs a shardblade to subdue a couple of inexperienced guards.

and I fully expect that Kaladin WILL have some form of writ since it specifically said at the end of WoR that Dalinar's scribes were going to draw up paperwork for Kal to requisition the Gemstones, and that he wanted Kal to continue on to Kholinar after Hearthstone... Surely they didn't expect him to be capable of doing much good there if he was unable to prove his legitimacy.

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32 minutes ago, DSC01 said:

I don't think it's too easy. Not summoning his Shardblade is just stupid at this point. He has no other means to identify himself or prove anything other than that he is a dangerous escaped slave (who, by the way, is carrying enough gems to almost certainly be a major thief). I'm not saying that the next scene is going to be Kaladin immediately being all like, "Check out my sweet sword, bro!" But if he doesn't summon his Blade in pretty short order, it's going be pointless wheel-spinning, which is a major criticism of practically all epic fantasy series.

Showing a shardblade together with all the rest points to an even greater thief.

I doubt people in earthstone know enough of shardblades to realize the oddities, and even if roshone realizes the eye color change and shape change don't fit with a regular blade, he's not likely to buy the knight radiant as an explanation, nor is anybody else. I mean, nobody knows anything solid about the KR, so showing something assumed impossible and justifying it that way will definitely look like a trick. Especially if they are already suspicious of you; say, for example, that you have a shash brand and just punched a brightlord in the face.


EDIT: ninja

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1 hour ago, axcellence said:

Err... well red wedding dresses are common on planet earth for some cultures, and white is a mourning colour for some.

So, it didn't strike me as much as others



I'm pretty sure it's common in Asian cultures, which are a heavy influence on the Alethi. See: the resemblance between the havah and quipao/cheongsam.

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1 hour ago, Toaster Retribution said:

What gives you the impression of Dalinar being dead? 

Also, @axcellence the WoB didn't say that Dalinar would survive. It was something in the vein of this:

Questioner: I love Dalinar, dont kill him!

Brandon: You will enjoy Oathbringer (evil grin).

Mind, this is not the WoB, it is how I remember it, so take it with three spoons of salt and a cup of orange. But its late, and I won't WoB hunt now, but I think my memory is pretty on point this time. In either case, Brandon never outright said: Dalinar survives book 3. He did imply it, but he didn't say it outright.

@Extesian master of WoBs, can you find the WoB, if you have time?

Here :) from Sydney this year


Q: Please don’t kill Dalinar! No questions, just please don’t kill Dalinar.

A: (Very seriously) You will enjoy this next book! (Added after) But… ehhh… it’s gonna be painful

I take the painful as simply meaning D was a dark, bad man and it's painful to see how horrible he was as a younger man. 

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