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Mid-Range Game 24: Baleful Eye


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20 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

I know....but my force fields glow :P. Also, that's why it's hard for us to see everyone...plus the rain heh. (Dark and raining? Where's the T-Rex?)

Your force fields glow, even though Outblack is actively sucking the light from every source within the field of darkness? Only Epics with some sort of non-light-based form of vision (such as echolocation, infrared, vibration) are essentially unaffected by the darkness. I will allow the lightning to act as a sort of dull flash, because it comes so quickly that it evades Outblack's absorption.

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Thing is, we're not neccesarily near Outblack.

Sure, he does stretch for a mile in every direction starting from the city centre, but we might not even be near the city centre

Unless something happened that I don't know of and stuff

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7 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Elithanathile naw don't change anything, it's fine. :P 

@Drake Marshall @Sami @Eternum @Ecthelion III (and anyone else who wants to rp)

Scotty ran alongside Robin, as fast as she could move. Rain!? Perfect! Maybe it would provide a bit of visual cover while they made their getaway. Slipping past a nearby figure, she hoped they'd go unnoticed. 

"Hey you!" The figure's voice called out behind them. "Where do you think you're going?" Sparks! They noticed. Scotty ignored the voice and kept running. Have to get to safety! There's no WAY I'm getting caught by Balelight's lackeys! 

Continuing to run at top speed, Scotty heard a loud crash to her left, followed a short time later by a loud flash of lightning and a noise, so ear splitting, that she knew the lightning must have struck nearby. Shouts came from behind her and Robin and she knew they were being followed. No use in hiding my powers if I'm already outed. 

"Robin!" She called over the sound of pouring rain and thunder. "You have to keep going! I'll hold them off! Please go!" She hurriedly planted a kiss on his cheek and took off at a run back the way they'd come, before he had a chance to argue.

The girl stops to hurriedly plant a kiss on her companion's cheek. Sanda grimaced. "Oh, cut it out with the romance already." she mutters to herself. As the girl turns back, presumably to fight them, she grins at Aaliyah beside her, still shouting obscenities about Balelight. "Call me Sandra, by the way!" she yells, and seconds later a wall of mist snaps in front of the running girl (by which I mean @BrightnessRadiant, not @Drake Marshall)

Edited by Sami
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4 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Thing is, we're not neccesarily near Outblack.

Sure, he does stretch for a mile in every direction starting from the city centre, but we might not even be near the city centre

Unless something happened that I don't know of and stuff

I guess so. I'm really not sure where the hospital is, really. So... yeah. I suppose you're fine. If you want to.

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19 hours ago, King Cole said:

Shockwave begins to sing, at first no one noticed, but soon a police man heard him. Soon he was on the ground rolling in pain. 

"Uncultured swine, doesn't even recognize good music" He thinks with annoyance.

Tbh even I thought you got hit by the police and got knocked down to the ground.

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Holy cow. I know I haven't been around considering how fast time flies in an SE game but that's way more RP then I was expecting.

Don't have anything to add, just posting to say that I'm here and will post something more substantive tomorrow.


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6 minutes ago, Frozen Mint said:

Holy cow. I know I haven't been around considering how fast time flies in an SE game but that's way more RP then I was expecting.

Don't have anything to add, just posting to say that I'm here and will post something more substantive tomorrow.


This game is absurdly roleplay heavy, actually. 

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Blushing slightly, Robin turned back to face Scotty. "I'm not going anywhere! You know the consequences of using your powers!"

She ignored him, continuing to run back toward their pursuers. As Robin watched, a wall of solid mist appeared in the air in front of Scotty. She slid to a halt before it and stretched out her arms, a sphere of dimly glowing energy beginning to form...

"No!" Robin screamed. He ran to her, to the mist wall, to their attackers. "Please, I can fight them! I cannot let you do this! Don't make me..."

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Scotty turned to look at Robin running towards her, the glow of her force field reflecting off of the tears in her eyes, making them appear to glow as well. "I'm sorry.", she whispered.

Forming a large sphere around the area of misty wall, she cut a large portion of the wall with the force field and threw it to the side. She charged through the hole, the epic rage beginning to flow through her as she unleashed her powers on the approaching figures. Large glowing orbs flew towards the attackers, causing them to leap to either side.

"If you work for Balelight, you can tell her I'm NOT interested!" Scotty whirled on the epic to her right, who was regaining her footing. "I don't want to fight you! Don't make me do this!" She formed a large force field around the girl, trapping her inside. It was hard to form the orbs, when she'd not used her powers in years, but even harder to control the rage that was stealing away her former self. 

Noticing movement from her left, she turned and saw the other epic coming at her. She formed a second field around this epic, grimacing at the effort it took to hold both orbs in place. She stood, trying to think of what to do next. She couldn't hold both fields around the epics forever. "Please! Just....listen....to me!" She struggled to push through the strained effort of holding such a large force and form the words. "I can't....join Balelight! I won't! Please.....just let me leave!"

Tears flowed down her cheeks, mingling with the sweat and rain. Fight the rage Scotty! Push through the pain! You can't give in and become what every epic does eventually, a monster. Oddly, she heard the words in her head as Robin's voice. Robin. If anyone could help her now....it was him. 

@Ecthelion III kk :P

@Drake Marshall @Sami (y'all might want to explain to Scotty that you don't work for Balelight, unless you want to risk her losing herself to the rage and shrinking her force fields in until you're crushed into oblivion. XD) Why can't we be friends? lol...Also I hope you don't mind that I moved your characters around a bit. <3

Also @Hemalurgic_Headshot let's just pretend that the darkness in encroaching towards our position lol

As far as a lynch and other game involved things....it should probably get discussed lol. I'm a true neutral, in that my win con doesn't affect anyone negatively, but if you want help just let me know. You can contact me via mobile (pm but yeah they're called mobiles in the reckoners xD)

I'm not sure I wanna give analysis seeing how I would be helping the village, and if I gave fake analysis I'd be helping the elims so...y'all should probably start talking though cuz it's turning into solely rp.

Oh and @Eternum the T-Rex mention was because in every Jurassic Park movie it starts raining at night and then Bam! dino attack lol.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
Spelling mistake...probably more lol
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Urge... to ship... growing...

Wait, I'm supposed to be the third member here! And I just got my character taken out for the next week or two.

*Thumps head on desk repeatedly.*

I will return!


Please don't do too much without me.

I'm lonely...

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Sandra's head jerked up in fury as a glowing force field appeared around her. She summoned the mist to brace it from crushing her into pulp. "Balelight!?" she roared back "How you dare accuse me of being one of her pitiful little minions!!!"

With a supreme effort she broke  the force field around her and prepared to cast a mistwall around  the girl and her pitiful sidekick.



A little background on Sandra:

She used to work for Balelight but turned rebel (why? maybe you'll find out!) Since then she has been killing Balelight's minions and she believes that Scotty will eventually become another one and wants to kill her before that happens. She's a little irrational and as an  enraged Calamity-induced Epic, will do anything and will have no qualms about doing what is needed to see Balelight bleed. And that includes killing the nicest of people. Just sayin.

side note: that's not to say we can't be friends later - it just means better look sharp for a bit until she's a bit more.... friendly....

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Boris watched as a group of Epics began to fight, throwing lightning, fire, drugs, and who knows what else. It was interesting sport, but not altogether safe: Boris was just a merchant caught in the middle of the recent turmoil. He had no epic powers of his own. If one of them decided to come after him, he was toast.

Then, suddenly, Boris' lights went out. Nobody had knocked his lights out; he just suddenly couldn't see anything but black. And for a merchant like Boris, that was very bad for business.

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Well, thought I'd drop by real quick. I don't have much time so my RP may not be up to crack, but yeah.

2 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Scotty turned to look at Robin running towards her, the glow of her force field reflecting off of the tears in her eyes, making them appear to glow as well. "I'm sorry.", she whispered.

Forming a large sphere around the area of misty wall, she cut a large portion of the wall with the force field and threw it to the side. She charged through the hole, the epic rage beginning to flow through her as she unleashed her powers on the approaching figures. Large glowing orbs flew towards the attackers, causing them to leap to either side.

"If you work for Balelight, you can tell her I'm NOT interested!" Scotty whirled on the epic to her right, who was regaining her footing. "I don't want to fight you! Don't make me do this!" She formed a large force field around the girl, trapping her inside. It was hard to form the orbs, when she'd not used her powers in years, but even harder to control the rage that was stealing away her former self. 

Noticing movement from her left, she turned and saw the other epic coming at her. She formed a second field around this epic, grimacing at the effort it took to hold both orbs in place. She stood, trying to think of what to do next. She couldn't hold both fields around the epics forever. "Please! Just....listen....to me!" She struggled to push through the strained effort of holding such a large force and form the words. "I can't....join Balelight! I won't! Please.....just let me leave!"

Tears flowed down her cheeks, mingling with the sweat and rain. Fight the rage Scotty! Push through the pain! You can't give in and become what every epic does eventually, a monster. Oddly, she heard the words in her head as Robin's voice. Robin. If anyone could help her now....it was him. 

I'm very sorry, but you're going to have to do more than that to get through to Aaliyah in her current state. On the bright side, know that Aaliyah will certainly recover, given enough time, and so long as neither of us is dead, then you could always try to be her friend at that point.

Well, you can either take that route, or give in to the rage. :rolleyes: Calamity-induced evil has a way of perpetuating itself, and you're bound to recover from it eventually. Join the dark side. You know you want to. :ph34r:

Why did you guys make it rain... Aaliyah is normally a pretty decent person, I swear.

And not nearly this powerful normally. But in these conditions, with raindrops rebounding off every surface, her scrying could temporarily be reclassified as a full invulnerability prime ability, where normally it's only about as effective as the Aviar danger sense.


"If... If I work for Balelight?? How dare you!!!!!"

Aaliyah dodged and wove around the pair, avoiding crushing walls of energy. Those forcefields may be enough to catch a normal person, no problem, but her opponent could only manipulate those fields in real time. And time was a strange beast, wasn't it?

Aaliyah feinted to one side, as the forcefields closed in where she had been moments before, and hurled her knife at the epic. It spun once around as it arced through the air, it's point seeking out the forcefield epic.

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As Aaliyah's knife spun through the air, Sol stepped forward into the fighters' lines of sight, seemingly uncaring of the danger, his black hair plastered to his head by the rain. Then, as the knife flew past him, time stopped. Raindrops froze in mid-air, Aaliyah's knife stopped tumbling end over end, and Sol was the only person still moving, turning his head to look at both sides of the fight. Except everyone saw time stopping, knew it was happening. Their brains still worked.

Time was a strange beast, wasn't it?

"I think this has gone on long enough. Don't you? I don't like pointless fights, and the direction this is going, it'll also be a waste of life and potential. I would rather not waste either of those. Can't you all just... I'unno, talk about your problems like normal people?"

He sighed. "Powers are at play in this city, and you all wanna be really far away from ground zero when the conflict is resolved, if you catch my drift.." Sol shrugged. "I'd suggest making better decisions this time around." He took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, time lurched backwards, like putting a tape on rewind, back to the point when Aaliyah drew her arm back to throw the knife. Amidst the chaos and disorientation, Sol's voice rang hollowly. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Sol, but for all intents and purposes... Call me Tachyon."

Edited by Eternum
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Well, Winter, I'd vote and offer analysis and stuff...

But we literally have nothing to go on. We don't even know which faction the elims are, for Pete's sake. (By that, I mean I'm not sure yet.)

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1 hour ago, Eternum said:

Well, Winter, I'd vote and offer analysis and stuff...

But we literally have nothing to go on. We don't even know which faction the elims are, for Pete's sake. (By that, I mean I'm not sure yet.)

Well, the Reckoners are clearly in red and that seems to indicate that's what they are.

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MR24: Cycle 4 - In Which Balelight Suffocates Someone

The sky was dark above Balelight’s city. Above the clouds, though, the sky was bright and blue. Balelight allowed herself a rare smile. 

On a whim, she cast her gaze downward, burning a hole through the clouds and anything that happened to be beneath them. Lasers pierced the clouds and struck the ground beneath, which Balelight recognised as near the hospital. 

She descended slowly through the clouds in the shaft of sunlight she’d created, like a goddess from the heavens. Her eyes were met with chaos. Indistinctly, through the rain, she could see fighting and the glow of what looked like a forcefield, although most of it was obscured by mist. 

“What is this,” she said, voice amplified by the air around her. She began to gesture a wave of air to push away the rain obscuring her way, but was stopped by a voice. 

“Balelight! Balelight,” gasped Stormwarden. “I didn’t do this, it isn’t my fault, I don’t know what’s going on, I came and found you as soon as I could-” She tried to continue talking, but no sound came out. 

Balelight brought down the fist she’d made, holding the air in Annabelle’s lungs. “Hush,” she said, entirely unnecessarily. “Blathering irritates me. And as far as I can tell, the enemies to my rule have still not been found,” she said, amplifying her voice again. “Let this be a lesson to you all. Every time that you do not bring me a suspect or kill them yourselves, someone in this city will die. Perhaps many people. Do not test me.”

Stormwarden fell to the ground. Balelight ignored her, stalking toward the commotion that had occurred earlier and pushing away the rain in an expanding wave as she did so. “Now, would anyone care to tell me what, exactly, is going on here?”

Hissss. This is the sound of water superheating. 

Plop. This is the sound of a girl falling into a puddle of lava. 

Aieeeeeee. This is the sound of Altea Meza’s scream as she burns to death in said puddle. 

Lemonelon was killed by Balelight’s wrath! She was the Epic Stormwarden, with powers of Chain Lightning and Windform, and part of the Epic Cabal! 
Crimsn has died!

Vote Count:
No one voted on anyone. 

Cycle 4 has begun. You have 47 hours to vote and send in actions. 


Player List:

  1. [REDACTED] - Paranoid King, person who specializes in collecting relics.
  2. Starshatter and Birdrider - Winter Devotion, star crossed Australian runaways. 
  3. Jon - Jondesu, amazing with computers but absolutely useless when it comes to talking to peopleReckoners Demolitions Expert
  4. Mark - Mark IV
  5. Biff - Elenion, a street salesman in the wrong place at the wrong time
  6. Sandra Kensington - Sami, weapons manufacturer with dark secret
  7. Rashers - Majestic, a bacon-summoning Epic Hydroplane
  8. Impulse - The Flash
  9. Shockwave - King Cole, Epic with a terrible singing voice
  10. Matt - Shqueeves, orphan who never knew anything better
  11. Anonymous - Alvron, The Collective will ensure you never know anything about him
  12. Silver Feather - Roadwalker Malcontent
  13. Tammy - Rebecca, the accidental daughter of Obliteration (:o)
  14. Amy Scott - Brightness Radiant, out of place punster
  15. Nameless Character I - Drake Marshall
  16. Annabelle - Lemonelon, an "engineer" Epic Stormwarden
  17. Sol - Eternum
  18. Lightwood - RippleGylf
  19. Outblack - Hemalurgic_Headshot
  20. Falchion - Elithanathile
  21. Cranium - Frozen Mint
  22. Annoan - Megasif
  23. Nameless Character II - Ecthelion III
  24. Pickle - asterion137, a small - time thief
  25. Altea Meza - Crimsn_Wolf, a petite young drifter
  26. Fess - Arinian


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Ok, so now there's an Epic Cabal. A cabal is a secret political faction/alliance, so it looks like this game is more than just Reckoners v Epics or Malcontents v Loyal Citizens. I'd guess that the Reckoners, the Cabal, and Malcontents all sound like they want Balelight dead, but may or may not need to target the others as well.

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