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My personal translation.


Of fires that burned and yet they were gone.(Hi i'm out of Damnation horayyy!)

Of heat he could feel when others felt not.(But man that others nine dudes sure let me roast a little)

Of screams his own that nobody heard.( I mean 4500 burning and screaming without anyone to help is harshman very harsh)

Of torture sublime, for life it meant. ( But this are my duty with the almighty and with manking, better that one man suffer than all the mankind)

Edited by Natans
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My first reaction upon reading this Glimpse was that it was from a Herald. I think the Szeth argument has some merit, but based on what we know about the Heralds' experience, it sounds like one of them is remembering this. So I would say this could be Taln, or this could be a "revelation" for a different Herald, as he remembers what used to happen to them before they abandoned the Oathpact. I like the idea that this is a "corrupted" Herald sort of having an internal battle about what his life used to be about and what it is now. Certainly wild speculation, but I thought it would be a cool way to show Nalan/Darkness or Jezrien or someone debating whether or not they should try to go back to how they used to be.

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arranging this glimpse like a poem reminded me of the Listener song epigraph we have from the last WOR excerpt chapter. I know the tone of the glimpse is much darker, but the released epigraph was for mateform, you expect that to be lovey. what if this glimpse is another Listener song, but for stormform or another more dreadful form?

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My first thought was this is literally from Words of Radiance. A book about light weavers. The first 3 lines seem to describe illusions of a sort. For the last line I don't know how it would fit in, other than it seems very cryptic. :)

For Taln I don't think it is him directly, he'd be speaking in the third person and on the final page of WOK it mentions he speaks perfect Alethi with no hint of an accent. (He also says I have failed). I would accept it being a poem someone writes about Taln. It also would seem odd if it was just exposition in a Talon POV Chapter. Though I really would love one and hope for his POV.

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My first thought was this is literally from Words of Radiance. A book about light weavers. The first 3 lines seem to describe illusions of a sort. For the last line I don't know how it would fit in, other than it seems very cryptic. :)

For Taln I don't think it is him directly, he'd be speaking in the third person and on the final page of WOK it mentions he speaks perfect Alethi with no hint of an accent. (He also says I have failed). I would accept it being a poem someone writes about Taln. It also would seem odd if it was just exposition in a Talon POV Chapter. Though I really would love one and hope for his POV.

I assume the pun was intended on the note about this being cryptic. ;)

I don't see how this doesn't have to be interior monologue. If it is Taln then it is him thinking to himself.

You will he pleased that there will be a Taln interlude in WoR.

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Guessing Glimpses are Mon-Fri only?




"Have you given up on the gemstone, now that it is dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master?"


Absolutely no idea what to do with this one, guys.




edit: ninja'd. poop.

Edited by edgedancermd
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Ahh ...    this one I think is more Cosmere related?   a reply to Hoids letter?

Since Hoid is his masters name that he "stole"


The gemstone being dead though, I have no idea..


My only ideas are that this refers to either the black sphere that Szeth hid,  or whatever it was that Hoid had that he was keeping? though that is referred to as an element,  not a gem. really no clue on a dead gemstone.

et me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.


Edited by FollowYourMuse
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If someone found out about the black stone Gavilar gave Szeth, it could be talking about him...no clue as to which old master it is refering to though.

Sizil also has an old master...but I wouldn't say he is hiding behind him. Rather seemed to be hiding from him.

Other than that, I don't know about this glipmse

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Ahh ...    this one I think is more Cosmere related?   a reply to Hoids letter?

Since Hoid is his masters name that he "stole"


The gemstone being dead though, I have no idea..


This is what I'm thinking too.


Gemstone being dead? A reference to Honor maybe?

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Ahh ...    this one I think is more Cosmere related?   a reply to Hoids letter?

Since Hoid is his masters name that he "stole"


The gemstone being dead though, I have no idea..

Ah, yea. That sounds better

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So, we've been having that discussion about the Body of Honor right? And this discusses the gemstone being dead(much like the black sphere Szeth had could be considered) What if that gem, that Gavilar had was Honor's body and Gavilar was trying to become a shard... The new Honor?

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Oh it was a little late is all. They've been so timely that once I didn't get it by 5 after, I assumed wrong. Cool to know they are truly daily.

Fwiw, I'm in the someone-addressing-Hoid camp on this one, possibly as a reply to the letter. It would be cool if everyone book contains a letter between Hoid and the other-possibly-dragon.

Edited by masaru
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Have you given up on the gemstone, now that it is dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master?



Like others, my first thought was that it is directed toward Szeth (who has an oathstone, and has done whatever his masters have commanded), but now I'm leaning toward it being written to Hoid.

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