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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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I had a very funny but also very impractical idea.

Now that the Cosmere has been optioned for film, what if Stan Lee did Hoid's cameos?

I know it wouldn't work because Hoid doesn't look like Stan Lee and has a significant role in the Stormlight books and changes appearances often and so on, but just think how hilarious it would be to have the king of cameos popping up in all the Cosmere films!

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7 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

So my italian teacher said that we needed a name for this project we're doing...
And I said 'Bob' in a dead-pan voice...
And she actually considered it for a few seconds...

I wish all teachers did stuff like this.

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Oh my gosh. I just found an bunch of art of gryphons created from unusual cat/bird combos and it's awesome!

You can see the whole collection here, but here are some of my favorites:

Cheetah/Peregrine Falcon:






Potoo/Pallas Cat:



I seriously cannot stop laughing at the Pallas-Potoo.

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2 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Oh my gosh. I just found an bunch of art of gryphons created from unusual cat/bird combos and it's awesome!

You can see the whole collection here, but here are some of my favorites:

Cheetah/Peregrine Falcon:

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Potoo/Pallas Cat:

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I seriously cannot stop laughing at the Pallas-Potoo.


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6 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Oh my gosh. I just found an bunch of art of gryphons created from unusual cat/bird combos and it's awesome!

You can see the whole collection here, but here are some of my favorites:

Cheetah/Peregrine Falcon:

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Potoo/Pallas Cat:

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I seriously cannot stop laughing at the Pallas-Potoo.

Pallas Cats are the best!

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10 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Daylight Savings is inhumane.

Time should not be under the jurisdiction of the government.

Yeah, it can be... annoying. I'm so glad I wasn't working it last year, since they meant having to do an extra hour of wo-

I'm gonna write a manifesto and start a cult. :ph34r: 


@Sunbird Those are amazing, and I might just steal one or two of them that cool with you kay thanks. 


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10 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Daylight Savings is inhumane.

Time should not be under the jurisdiction of the government.

I'm gonna write a manifesto and start a cult. :ph34r: 

Count me in.

10 hours ago, A Budgie said:

So my italian teacher said that we needed a name for this project we're doing...
And I said 'Bob' in a dead-pan voice...
And she actually considered it for a few seconds...

Oh, Budgie, how you amuse me so. I feel like we'd get along famously.

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3 hours ago, bleeder said:

Count me in.

Oh, good. What should we call it, do you think? 

4 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

A lack of DST is one of the few things I miss about Arizona. 

Except for that one time when we were all starving but lunch was delayed because we forgot about DST. :P 

Edited by Slowswift
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So, in a status update I made a while ago, I said...


I'm normally not one to say "before it was cool", but...

I had a playlist called Awesome Mix before it was cool. :P

Well, it's actually called Awesome Songs, but the titles're similar enough that I thought it amusing.

Well, that playlist is at 108 songs and counting. :rolleyes: 

What I'm interested to find out is, when I've finish curating, would y'all like to see it? The link's probably gonna end up in my sig regardless, but I'm curious to see if people trust me enough to give them music recommendations. :P 

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4 hours ago, Slowswift said:

So, in a status update I made a while ago, I said...

Well, that playlist is at 108 songs and counting. :rolleyes: 

What I'm interested to find out is, when I've finish curating, would y'all like to see it? The link's probably gonna end up in my sig regardless, but I'm curious to see if people trust me enough to give them music recommendations. :P 

Count me in!

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4 hours ago, Slowswift said:

So, in a status update I made a while ago, I said...

Well, that playlist is at 108 songs and counting. :rolleyes: 

What I'm interested to find out is, when I've finish curating, would y'all like to see it? The link's probably gonna end up in my sig regardless, but I'm curious to see if people trust me enough to give them music recommendations. :P 

Make it a Spotify or Youtube list and I'll give it a try :)

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13 hours ago, Sunbird said:

@Quiver they're not my art (I just found them via Google), so I'm the wrong one to ask. The artist goes by the name iguanamouth on Tumblr.

Speaking of which, I should credit them in my sig.

Eh, I was mostly snakring. Though I do think that Cheetah hybrid is kind of awesome :ph34r:

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