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6 hours ago, harambe said:

First of all @Alvron you are a 100% correct I am a person from sel in love with my land  sry but I did this when I noticed that @DroughtBringer was bandwagoning while I was out and my phone died so now at 5 in the morning I return to find that no one else voted him in and I kinda ruined the vote so I am fine taking the blame . Ruin do your best, show me what you can do.

odium you may come too but my shard is not that important.

Doesn't Odium need to shatter all of the shards?

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12 hours ago, Master Elodin said:

EDIT: By the way, Stick, you kinda enabled this.

Enabled what?

7 hours ago, harambe said:

First of all @Alvron you are a 100% correct I am a person from sel in love with my land  sry but I did this when I noticed that @DroughtBringer was bandwagoning while I was out and my phone died so now at 5 in the morning I return to find that no one else voted him in and I kinda ruined the vote so I am fine taking the blame . Ruin do your best, show me what you can do.

odium you may come too but my shard is not that important.

You know, you could've just told us that you were an Elantrian last turn :-P That way, we could've lynched someone else or would've put four votes on you 'cause at this point, I think any lynch would give us some information on what to do next.

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37 minutes ago, harambe said:

What do you mean? 

Letting Odium shatter your shard helps complete their win condition as well as removes a useful tool that the village could use to help win. By letting Odium shatter your shard you're hurting the village's chances of winning. 

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1 hour ago, AliasSheep said:

Letting Odium shatter your shard helps complete their win condition as well as removes a useful tool that the village could use to help win. By letting Odium shatter your shard you're hurting the village's chances of winning. 

:PDon't worry I will kill him first


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I acquired ruin last turn , I am pretty  sure who odium is and I will kill him tonight . 

I don't think that I will be converted there are other more important shards for hoid to prioritize( like cultivation and endowment to take them away from the village). I am but a glorified mistborn .


P.S. Think before you act my friends 

Edited by harambe
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Now: for my RP 

It's been a day since the incident that threatened to throw the world into turmoil and would destroy everything he ever new and loved  . And the only way to stop it was to find Hoid . Last night he had thought long and hard about what he could do and he didn't have many options . The options became even fewer when the bloodthirsty mob started turning against him. He managed to escape by the skin of his teeth but he had to use most of his power to do so . He felt the Aon Dor weaker and much more fleeting than back in sel (or any of the other worlds he had traveled) .  things got even worse when just after night fall  someone named Lornas confronted him and in his attempt to flee his shirt got ripped . The shirt that kept his illusion active and made him look like a herdazian . After that his fate was sealed he had to hideaway from everyone . But as the hours passed by he realized that he had to do something . From what he saw of the rest by using his aons There was still an air of confusion, people either disagreed or stayed to themselves . The situation was dire , things couldn't keep on like this if someone didn't take the initiative then the world was doomed . None of them seemed like they would do anything so .... that left only one option . The plan that he came up with , but hoped to never have to use . There was nothing he could do to fight the shard but as for that dark thing that killed quietus he had a little surprise in for him .He would face death with a smile and he would succeed . plus he didn't have the chance to use that thing that he found during the day . He grinned , well if you are gonna do something do it with style ....

-he got a pen and started writing 

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7 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Enabled what?

You know, you could've just told us that you were an Elantrian last turn :-P That way, we could've lynched someone else or would've put four votes on you 'cause at this point, I think any lynch would give us some information on what to do next.

Oh, wait, never mind. Sorry, I though your vote greening out enabled the tied lynch.

Oh, also, I'm pretty sure harambe is going to kill me tonight. Have fun guys, it was nice playing with you all.

Edited by Master Elodin
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So to sum up what is going on:
@harambe Didn't die cause vote change
@harambe Claims to have ruin
@harambe Claims to know who Odium is

@EveryoneElseInThisGame oh and nothing else...

So we can either assume that Harambe is not lying about having Ruin then:
     A)He knows who Odium is and thusly will kill him tonight
    B)He does not know who Odium is and is just trying to go out in style
Or he is lying about having Ruin, then:
     A)He is trying to get us to protect him through the night, so that he can survive
     B)Actually I can think of no other reason to pretend to have Ruin..."
So whether or not Harambe has Ruin, and/or knows who Odium is, it seems like a giant survival play for him, but if he does have a shard then that changes things slightly, because we want the shard...but he also strait up taunted Odium... @harambe mind explaining your thoughts here?

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2 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

So to sum up what is going on:
@harambe Didn't die cause vote change
@harambe Claims to have ruin
@harambe Claims to know who Odium is

@EveryoneElseInThisGame oh and nothing else...

So we can either assume that Harambe is not lying about having Ruin then:
     A)He knows who Odium is and thusly will kill him tonight
    B)He does not know who Odium is and is just trying to go out in style
Or he is lying about having Ruin, then:
     A)He is trying to get us to protect him through the night, so that he can survive
     B)Actually I can think of no other reason to pretend to have Ruin..."
So whether or not Harambe has Ruin, and/or knows who Odium is, it seems like a giant survival play for him, but if he does have a shard then that changes things slightly, because we want the shard...but he also strait up taunted Odium... @harambe mind explaining your thoughts here?

To sum up what is going on here:

You just mentioned the same person, four times in a row!  :blink:  Why would you do such a thing?

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2 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

So to sum up what is going on:
@harambe Didn't die cause vote change
@harambe Claims to have ruin
@harambe Claims to know who Odium is

@EveryoneElseInThisGame oh and nothing else...

So we can either assume that Harambe is not lying about having Ruin then:
     A)He knows who Odium is and thusly will kill him tonight
    B)He does not know who Odium is and is just trying to go out in style
Or he is lying about having Ruin, then:
     A)He is trying to get us to protect him through the night, so that he can survive
     B)Actually I can think of no other reason to pretend to have Ruin..."
So whether or not Harambe has Ruin, and/or knows who Odium is, it seems like a giant survival play for him, but if he does have a shard then that changes things slightly, because we want the shard...but he also strait up taunted Odium... @harambe mind explaining your thoughts here?


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do not protect me 

I've got this 


if i am wrong about odium(unlikely) i dont want your blood on my hands and if i am right there is no reason to do it


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7 minutes ago, harambe said:

do not protect me 

I've got this 


if i am wrong about odium(unlikely) i dont want your blood on my hands and if i am right there is no reason to do it


Well...if we do protect you the worst we get is that we lose a protection action from Honor...whereas if we don't the worse we get is you dead, a shard shattered, and Odium closer to his win condition...

Edited by DroughtBringer
Said Ruin not Odium
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I agree with Harambe not having protection.  Assuming they are telling the truth then they are a very, very tempting target for Hoids Conversion as it gives the Hoities a kill and I for one would really rather they not get one.

If there is known protection on Harambe then there is little reason for Hoid not to Convert them.  While if there isn't then Hoid has to worry about wasting a Conversion on a deadman.

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14 minutes ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

If Harambe really does hold Ruin, it's probably a good idea to have honor protecting him. Also, what happens if Odium and Ruin attack each other in the same turn? Do both die?

Okay and also he is Elantrian and Mistborn... okay.

5 hours ago, harambe said:

I acquired ruin last turn , I am pretty  sure who odium is and I will kill him tonight . 

I don't think that I will be converted there are other more important shards for hoid to prioritize( like cultivation and endowment to take them away from the village). I am but a glorified mistborn .


P.S. Think before you act my friends 


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6 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I agree with Harambe not having protection.  Assuming they are telling the truth then they are a very, very tempting target for Hoids Conversion as it gives the Hoities a kill and I for one would really rather they not get one.

If there is known protection on Harambe then there is little reason for Hoid not to Convert them.  While if there isn't then Hoid has to worry about wasting a Conversion on a deadman.

Fair enough.

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14 minutes ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

If Harambe really does hold Ruin, it's probably a good idea to have honor protecting him. Also, what happens if Odium and Ruin attack each other in the same turn? Do both die?

Presumably. Neither kill has priority, so if both are attacked without protection, both die. @Seonid Should probably confirm though.

I'm calling it at about 75% that Harambe isn't Ruin. If he is a Shard, 50-50 on him being Dominion (in this scenario he's lying about being an Elantrian) or Honour (slip up with "Glorified Mistborn"?). See here, (claims Elantrian and Shard) and here (either completely misunderstands how Ruin works or indirectly claims Honour via the "glorified Mistborn" comment). Even if he is though, I'm agreeing with Alvron that he shouldn't be protected. Better for him to be Shattered than end up with the 17th. 

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