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2016-11-22 [Arcanum Unbounded] BYU Bookstore - Provo, UT


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4 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

*Mod hat*

Merging over from General forum, per policy.

Lovely. (Like I said, I really didn't know where to put that anyway XD)

Also, sorry that I apparently repeated things people have already heard from the general Q&A session but I'm too lazy to change it.

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15 hours ago, Ookla the Insipid said:

As a matter of fact, we already have an official term for spren that aren't emotionspren or voidspren. In WoR, Jasnah used "naturespren".

Maybe "elementalspren" is supposed to include voidish naturespren or something. Well, it is just a paraphrased WoB, after all.

Ah, yes, I remember now. Poop.

Also, the myth Hoid references in Words of Radiance? I don't remember it, can someone jog my memory?

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27 minutes ago, Argent said:

Ah, yes, I remember now. Poop.

Also, the myth Hoid references in Words of Radiance? I don't remember it, can someone jog my memory?

The only one I can think of is Fleet, which doesn't appear to involve Worldhopping at all.  But that's a myth he tells and not one he references, so I'm not sure.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Orange said:

The myth Hoid tells in Words of Radiance is referencing how worldhopping works.

Fleet is the only one I could think of as well, and it didn't make much sense to me either. Was it Hoid who spoke of the Iriali Long Trail?

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31 minutes ago, Landis963 said:

The only one I can think of is Fleet, which doesn't appear to involve Worldhopping at all.  But that's a myth he tells and not one he references, so I'm not sure.

The wording of the paraphrased WoB says that in the myth he tells he refrences world hopping, not that he refrences a story aboit worldhopping. Someone will have to go through and read the Fleet chapter to see what he's talking about.

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2 hours ago, Argent said:

Fleet is the only one I could think of as well, and it didn't make much sense to me either. Was it Hoid who spoke of the Iriali Long Trail?

The way I understood it was that the myth was a story he told that was somehow a metaphor or parable or something for how worldhopping works. I first thought of the Uvara people (where adventurers build an awesome ship then land on an island where nobody can do anything wrong because they're killed and stuff), but then realized that was the story in WoK... so I don't know which he's talking about, actually.

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Ookla the Orange,

My impression of Brandon's answer to "will we see time travel" was not a confirmation, but a clever non-answer.  He only said nobody has figured it out yet, which doesn't necessarily imply that it can be figured out.

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He also told the story about two blind men. Not sure how does this apply. I think it may even be something like Hoid telling someone "there's a myth that..." or "some people believe that..." and that would be it. We need to sift through any word Hoid says or is said to have said.

There's also Rock telling about the man coming out from the Peaks, but this would be a myth about Hoid as Horneater god.

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12 hours ago, Ookla the Sunrise Watcher said:

There's also Rock telling about the man coming out from the Peaks, but this would be a myth about Hoid as Horneater god.

Yeah, but I think that might be it. Brandon's meaning could've been lost in the report.

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So combined with the WoB I got from the Fort Collins signing, Isaac's strange wording:

On 11/25/2016 at 8:52 PM, Ookla the Indefinite said:

There was some wonkiness in the response though – Isaac said something like as it was “imagined” from Silverlight, and I tried to get clarification for what that meant (is that because Silverlight is mobile?), but stayed pretty vague (got the impression he was maybe saying there was some sort of artistic license taken?). I consider it confirmed that it is from the perspective of Silverlight, but that that there is more going on there.

makes sense. It's not a literal depiction because Silverlight is in the Cognitive Realm.

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On 12/2/2016 at 3:37 PM, Ookla the Invisible said:

I was at the signing, and I'm pretty sure the worldhopping story that Brandon was talking about was Rock's story of "Lunu'anaki" (Hoid) coming through the shardpool in the Horneater mountains.

This. I was about to post this; I'm glad someone beat me to it. Brandon didn't say Hoid was the one the myth came from, just that worldhopping was shown in WoR, but hidden in a myth.

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On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Viridian said:

I agree, and that makes sense....But


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unless there has been a shift in character (which is possible, I suppose), why would Kel not want to take credit for his achievements? His arrogance has been predominant, as far as we've seen from Kelsier. Why would he let people think someone else is responsible for what he's done?

That's the part I can't reconcile. Not that there aren't good reasons for keeping this secret - there are - but they require a lot of deliberate action and caution, and, well, modesty, none of which are this particular character's strengths. 

Also don't forget, as far as we know and speculate he's


Come back from the dead and become Fullborn and Immortal through Hemalurgy

And Kel has learned from Fuzz and his time in Secret History how dangerous secrets and powers like this can be. I'd imagine he doesn't want unscrupulous people *coughcoughThe Setcough* finding out that it's possible to do the kind of things he has and start harvesting people with spikes to experiment. It would probably remind him quite a bit of that nobleman's laboratory in The Eleventh Metal, for a start....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Elantris Spoilers:

SO a bit late with this, and i don't know if this is already accepted as general knowledge, but at the signing i asked about the number of people who died to give Dilaf the power to resist Aon's the text says it took something like 50 (don't have the book with me).

I asked if the number of deaths was essential to make Dhakor work or if a single person with say 50+ breaths or a surgebinder with an equivalent amount of stormlight would work.

ANSWER: "The amount of investiture is what is important not the number of people." He also said that different types of investiture would work, but turned to sign another book so i missed if there was any caveats on using other types of investiture. 

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This makes sense. It looks like life itself can be considered to be investiture, or at least closely tied to investiture, so magics that drain life really drain investiture. It's the source of all magic, after all. I just wonder if a Dhakor monk will be able to utilize the Breaths of someone with more than one - the might just get lost in the process. 

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