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2016-11-22 [Arcanum Unbounded] BYU Bookstore - Provo, UT


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3 hours ago, firstRainbowRose said:

For any sharders who come, we'll (hopefully, if I remember to finish up tomorrow) have a game going in the game room. We'll also have our usual stickers to help identify each other.

Do you mean a game of Magic, or a game of Cards Against the Cosmere, or some other game...? Also, where is the game room? Within the bookstore? Somewhere else in the Wilk?

54 minutes ago, Elenion said:

What is this with games and stickers? Sorry, I'm new to this signing business.

No need to apologize. ;) Someone somewhere has a bunch of stickers with "17th Shard" and the site logo on them. I'm assuming the game firstRainbowRose was referring to is either Magic: The Gathering or Cards Against the Cosmere. @lyssie95, are you going to be at this signing with the Cosmere deck of CAH?

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7 hours ago, Nightbird said:

Someone somewhere has a bunch of stickers with "17th Shard" and the site logo on them.

That's a really good idea, I think I would like to get something like this going for the Chicago signings too.

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14 hours ago, Nightbird said:

Do you mean a game of Magic, or a game of Cards Against the Cosmere, or some other game...? Also, where is the game room? Within the bookstore? Somewhere else in the Wilk?

It appears we are meeting in room 3228 in the Wilk.  Normally they don't have a Magic game, but I'm bringing a couple of my commander decks, and will play with anyone that wants to.

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Nah, you're good. Brandon's team typically have games set up for people to play while waiting for the main event (in this case it will be things like Cards Against the Cosmere, Pictionary (I think...) and one I'm running that I want to keep a surprise). There's also a running tradition that I have stickers that have the 17S logo on them at our location for sharder to come and pick up. It helps everyone identify each other.

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10 hours ago, firstRainbowRose said:

There's also a running tradition that I have stickers that have the 17S logo on them at our location for sharder to come and pick up. It helps everyone identify each other.

Did you get those custom-made?

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5 hours ago, Argent said:

Did you get those custom-made?

Kind of. I had some label stickers that let me download a template so it would download right, and I just pulled the 17th Shard logo and printed out a couple sheets. Since each one give about 50, they've kept us going for quite a few signings.

I'm not quite sure if we'll be able to play Cosmere against Humanity, since I'm not sure if the person who has it printed out is coming or not. I really should print a copy of it....

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5 minutes ago, zas678 said:

Kind of. I had some label stickers that let me download a template so it would download right, and I just pulled the 17th Shard logo and printed out a couple sheets. Since each one give about 50, they've kept us going for quite a few signings.

Did you print them at a store though? I think it would be cool to get some "Hello, my name is ..." stickers with a 17S theme for the AU Chicago signing.

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That was amazing. The reading, everything. :D

Anyways, I do in fact have some WoB's to report! 

First, and I think we already knew this, but I wanted to confirm, as it's of great interest to me: we will be seeing the actual Ghostbloods symbol at some point. He said that they actually had a draft at one point, but that it wasn't true enough to the book, so they're working on it some more. Also, he said there're a few really good interpretations around the internet, so there's that. 

Second, I asked: if a person with an eidetic memory were to store in a coppermind, would their memories degrade upon tapping? He said, paraphrased: True perfect memories are disputed by science, but if one did exist (or a magical one as we have seen already) then no, their memories would not degrade, as it's the brain's own failings that cause degradation, not magic.

Also, his favorite flavor of gelato is lemon. 

Edited by Slowswift
Added a bit for clarity and stuff
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7 minutes ago, Slowswift said:

That was amazing. The reading, everything. :D

Anyways, I do in fact have some WoB's to report! 

First, and I think we already knew this, but I wanted to confirm, as it's of great interest to me: we will be seeing the actual Ghostbloods symbol at some point. He said that they actually had a draft at one point, but that it wasn't true enough to the book. 

Second, I asked: if a person with an eidetic memory were to store in a coppermind, would their memories degrade upon tapping? He said, paraphrased: True perfect memories are disputed by science, but if one did exist (or a magical one as we have seen already) then no, their memories would not degrade, as it's the brain's own failings that cause degradation, not magic.

Also, his favorite flavor of gelato is lemon. 

What's Hoid's favorite flavor of gelato?

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12 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Second, I asked: if a person with an eidetic memory were to store in a coppermind, would their memories degrade upon tapping? He said, paraphrased: True perfect memories are disputed by science, but if one did exist (or a magical one as we have seen already) then no, their memories would not degrade, as it's the brain's own failings that cause degradation, not magic. 

This is pretty awesome to know, so the reason is a faulty "biological function", probably some other weirdnesses with feruchemy are caused by the same reason (Hunger when you use F-Zinc for example and the accelerate sugar consume of the body)

Edited by Yata
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I had a front row seat! #score


I've got a couple of new WoB's (and an AU spoiler) that I heard while there (all paraphrased):


1. AU SPOILER!!!! (read this at your own risk/spoilage)


There is a Shard on Threnody called Ambition.

(credit goes to @Ecthelion III for catching this one; but he's asleep right now so I posted it)


2. In one of the Allomancer Jak broadsheets, there is a mention of a white-haired man who asks if the woman wants to hear a story. This man is now confirmed to be Hoid!


3. Fun fact: Lopen was actually considered to be the king of Alethkar for about 15 minutes. When his family was hiding Elhokar, his family did not want to lie about harboring the king, so they convinced Elhokar to renounce his kingship for about 15 minutes until the search ended. During that time, Lopen was considered to be the king.

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30 minutes ago, Elenion said:

3. Fun fact: Lopen was actually considered to be the king of Alethkar for about 15 minutes. When his family was hiding Elhokar, his family did not want to lie about harboring the king, so they convinced Elhokar to renounce his kingship for about 15 minutes until the search ended. During that time, Lopen was considered to be the king.

Nice, I know Brandon's been teasing writing a short story about this for a while, so I'm glad to see the rationale behind it all.

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Alright, I have a few interesting tidbits concerning Hoid...

1- I asked if Hoid would call himself a good person, and I specified that I was not talking his cause but actually him as a person, and he said, "No."

2- I asked about the age Wit appears to be, and he kind of mentioned the obvious that he appears to be different ages depending on his disguise, but when I specifically asked about him as Wit in the SA, he said mid-30's.

3- Without spoiling anything the scene where Drifter punches a certain "dead person" in Secret History is important because he normally can't hurt people.

(Also sidebar, are we allowed to discuss Dragonsteel in the public forums?)

4- And lastly I asked him if Hoid had to describe Khriss, as in what he thought about her, what would be say. And Brandon mentioned that it was good because Hoid had actually met Khriss, and then he wrote in my book verbatim, "Hoid thinks well of Khriss." Which I find particularly interesting, especially considering his opinion of the 17th Shard, as expressed in the First Letter.

Stormlight Archive Letters

Also non-Hoid related info:

1- He mentioned that if he could he would love to have open auditions for the Cosmere movies, and will post them if possible.

2- The Broadsheets, particularly the one in BoM, may have missing info in the Jak' s assistant story, because of the nature of newspapers.

I'm still so excited from the event, I don't know if it's been mentioned but he read a Kaladin flashback scene from Oathbringer that was characteristically tragic! I am perhaps most intrigued by why Hoid might think he's not a good person... :)


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44 minutes ago, Windrunner Savant said:

I'm still so excited from the event, I don't know if it's been mentioned but he read a Kaladin flashback scene from Oathbringer that was characteristically tragic! I am perhaps most intrigued by why Hoid might think he's not a good person... :)

I am bit confused, I didn't think we have Kaladin's flashbacks in Oathbringer...only the Dalinar's one. Probably I missed something from the structure of the book

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3 minutes ago, Yata said:

I am bit confused, I didn't think we have Kaladin's flashbacks in Oathbringer...only the Dalinar's one. Probably I missed something from the structure of the book

He mentioned that for the most part it will be Dalinar flashbacks, with I think he said 12 of them, but he mentioned he couldn't help but "stealthily sneaking" in other characters' flashbacks, with 3 flashback segments for Kaladin, to which the audience cheered! ;)

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6 hours ago, Windrunner Savant said:

He mentioned that for the most part it will be Dalinar flashbacks, with I think he said 12 of them, but he mentioned he couldn't help but "stealthily sneaking" in other characters' flashbacks, with 3 flashback segments for Kaladin, to which the audience cheered! ;)

I suspect those non-Dalinar flashbacks are more like Kaladin's flashback from The Way of Kings where he remembers Tien's death - not a flashback chapter, but an in-chapter sequence. 


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8 hours ago, Elenion said:

1. AU SPOILER!!!! (read this at your own risk/spoilage)

  Reveal hidden contents

There is a Shard on Threnody called Ambition.

(credit goes to @Ecthelion III for catching this one; but he's asleep right now so I posted it)

Oh, you are going to feel so silly when you find out this information is available in plain text in the collection itself :P

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Okay, so I took video of the speech, Q&A, and reading. I will post the first two, and wait for admin okay on the third. It's on my phone, but I'm not sure how to upload them. They are over 5 gig total with just the first two, and it was uploading really slowly from my phone. After an hour, it is maybe 1/20th done. Any advice on how to get it to finish sometime this week?

In other news, during the Q&A, I asked if it would be possible to recall Breaths from an object that you had not placed there if the Awakener who did place them there had no Identity at the time. He semi-dodged the question by saying that for many powers this would work, and for almost all powers it would work if you also had no Identity at the time.

Here is the verbatim for the signing WoB from me:

Dj: So, say you have a gold/gold Twinborn and they worldhop to Roshar and they study the magic and do the whole Khriss and Nazh thing for a while so that they know a lot about the magic, but they've also left themselves a lot of options with what they can do. So then they manage to pull up a gold shadow of them having actually become a Surgebinder and then kind of meld themselves with that shadow a bunch, could they change their Cognitive Identity enough so that they could, like, tap a lot of Gold and grow the spren and actually be a Surgebinder?

B: Unfortunately, no. It's a good question, but no. That won't work for a couple of reasons. One of which is simply creating Investiture is not something that can happen, right?

Dj: They are a gold Twinborn, so they can tap a lot of gold...

B: They can tap a whole bunch, that's true, they can do that, but simply having it is not gonna create a spren because the spren is from a different god, right, a different Shard.

Dj: So if they had Regrowth cast on them, would that do it?

B: hems and haws for a second.

Dj: A really, really big Regrowth like in the middle of a Highstorm.

B: Hmmm, this, you are getting to the realm of plausibility at that point. I still don't think gold is the way to do it. I think you just get all that Investiture. It would become sapient by you sticking a whole bunch of Investiture, and then you can bond to that. But it's not like people gain what you would have done. Does that make sense? That's just what's going to happen, is you're gonna, you can create a, potentially create a spren that way, but you are more likely to end up with something like Nightblood. But you could potentially create a spren, but I mean you're just gonna end up...

Dj: So there are more optimal ways to do that?

B: Yes, go bond a spren. (evil grin of course)

Dj: But you can't easily bond multiple, and if you did this you could maybe get multiple.

B: Nyeaaahhh... The spren still has to choose. If you want to be a Surgebinder, the choice is being made. You can't fake your way into it. Decision and Honor are too much a part of Surgebinding for you to be able to fake your way into that. Other magics you might be able to do that. Other magics that don't require, like, Surgebinding works because a piece of Honor or Cultivation or a mix has chosen you specifically. There is will from the actual Investiture involved in it in Roshar.

Dj: Okay.

B: So it's not something you can cheat your way into, right. But cheating your way into Breath might be easier, right.


I'm wigging out! This one was sweet. This is a virtual confirmation of how gold shadows work. Also, the idea that this would potentially work to create more spren... wow! Even if they don't bond to you, there is potential for more Surgebinders! Then the last bit about how much choice is involved for the spren was interesting, but the idea that you could fairly easily hack your way into Breaths this way was fascinating.

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