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Long Game 26: Cognitive Dissonance


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Night 8 - The Quiet Ones

"Let's kill him!" a voice shouted from the crowd. "He's a hater! The last of the haters! Let's kill him and end all this!" Cries of agreement arose from every corner of the room. "Down with Odium!" "Death to Odium's allies!" "We hate hatred!"

One of the mob raised their hand. "Wait, are we sure that Ecthelion is an ally of Odium?" she asked, uncertain.

"Of course we are!" came the retort.

"But why?" The crowd shuffled their feet, uncertain how to respond to the question.

"Hey, what about him?" the protester asked, pointing at Kaloo. "He's been stealing all of our stuff!"

"And trying to kill Reginald!" shouted Reginald.

"And trying to kill Reginald," the protester agreed. The crowd murmured, considering it.

A new voice spoke up. "But he's active and entertaining! I'm all for killing people, but how about we kill someone who's being boring!" Dr. Idem pointed directly at Lorien, who had been staring at a wall for the past few days.

The mob considered this. "Well, we came here to kill someone. We might as well kill the quiet ones - they scream less in any case."

After searching a short while for a high enough building, the crowd settled on the roof of the Idrian palace. Lorien fell and fell and hit the bottom without ever making a sound.


Vote Tally

  • Conquestor (8): Wonko, Paranoid King, Silverblade, Lopen, Clanky, Frozen Mint, Burnt Spaghetti, Haelbarde

  • Ecthelion (4): The Young Bard, Amanuensis, Araris, Living Legend

  • Lopen (3): Dalinar, Darkness, Stick


Conquestor has been lynched!


Night 8 has begun and will last 47.5 hours.



Player List

Magestar (Magestar)

The Healer (Doctor12)

Daniyah (Daniyah)

Lorien the Rithmatist (Conquestor)

Stick (I_am_a_Stick)

Jonly the Terrisman (The Only Joe)

NeLaar (Arraenae)

Spike (Paranoid King)

Ryth (Silverblade5)

Riza (Frozen Mint)

Ecthelion (Ecthelion III)

Kyla (Little Wilson)

The Young Bard (The Young Bard)

Ashton & Ashlyn (Burnt Spaghetti)

Brandon Sanderson (Darkness Ascendant)

Aralis (Araris Valerian)

Dr. Idem Occulta (Wonko the Sane)

Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)

Gladium Paleas (Straw)

Victor (Amanuensis)

Bugsy (Bugsy6912)

Locke (OrlokTsubodai)

Dowanx (Dowanx)

Tom (Sart)

Kaloo (TheMightyLopen)

Unknown (Mark IV)

mmhmmnmhmm (LivingLegend)

Cy Lon (Clanky)

Emrys Morge (Bridge Boy)

Reginald Canuck (Dalinar Kholin)

Orik Ironfist (Haelbarde)

Lily (Luckat)

Odin (Stink)

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

@The Young Bard, are you capable of scanning either Dow or Conq?

Also sorry for not retracting my vote from Ecth. I honestly meant to, but I was busy with my own turnover.

I scanned Dow a little while back, IIRC, and they were Galladon of the Children (unless I'm thinking of someone else. I'm scanning Orlok tonight. What's Conq's planet so I can hop there tonight?

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Why do the GoH always do this? They're under suspicion, so they reveal themselves. Every single time. It makes me a bit confused, honestly. And it seems a bit too much to be a coincidence.

Ecthelion, we're going to kill you, so you might as well tell us. Why are all the GoH revealing themselves? Why? WHY??? What purpose does it serve to make people know that killing you will let them win?

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I'm pretty sure I said a few cycles ago that it was clear with Joe's suicide that GOH didn't have a chance. They're revealing themselves because they don't see any point in not. They've given up. But they might as well let the Independents know that if they die, the Children are closer to getting their win and ending the game, which means that the independents can't get their own win cons. GOH can't win, but they can at least try to make it so the Children don't win either.

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Trolling is fun when your opponents actually made the game fun. The Children had a very distinct advantage in this game, though, and they played with vicious competitiveness that made it obvious to anyone watching the fight between the Children and GOH who was going to win. Who was always going to win, without a miracle every cycle. Just look at the player count. Hardly anyone is dead and 75% of those who are are evil. The game is horrendously broken, so Ecth doesn't owe any of us anything. "Trolling is always fun" is not the case if you've just watched your entire team get slaughtered and you never stood a chance. I honestly can't fault him at all for not wanting to invest any more time in the game. That's what vicious competitiveness does. Winning for the sake of winning and nothing else. It's not so fun when you suck the fight out of your enemies, is it?

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Day 9 - Duel's End

Reginald wandered the halls of the building, empty since the attack last night. The events of that night were a blur - he still couldn't figure out how Kaloo is still alive. He remembered drawing his weapon and Kaloo moving and a clang, but that's all. There were holes in his memory, but he didn't like to think about them. Well, that was hardly the first time he tried to kill Kaloo - maybe it was time to stop. The man seemed to be surprisingly, and annoyingly, unkillable.

"And so here we are again," said a voice from behind him. Reginald whirled to see a familiar face - Kaloo, of course, come back for another round.

"I tire of this, Kaloo," Reginald said, holding his hands to the side to show they were empty. "Can we simply go our separate ways? Enough is enough, and our enmity is only drawing attention away from the real issue here - the Cognitive Knot and those who maintain it." They was ridiculous, the words he was saying, but he just had to buy some more time. He just needed ten heartbeats.

"It is too late for that, don't you think?" Kaloo said, slowly advancing on him. He needed time, just a little bit of time...

No, you don't, a voice said in the back of his mind. You don't need to wait, you can do this right now. Admit the truth, at least to yourself, and you can be saved. "No," he murmured to himself, "I need to wait just another five heartbeats, before I summon my blade. He's on the other side of the room, I'm fine, I'll be fine, and there's nothing strange about my blade. I need to wait." He tried one more time at delaying Kaloo. "We were friends once, Kaloo. I only tried to kill you because you tried to kill me. Please, let us partner with each other again - think of what we could do, together."

Kaloo considers this a moment. "No," he says a moment later, a moment too soon for Reginald, and a crack fills the air. Reginald's shardblade materialized in his hand as he slumped to the ground, dead. Shaking his head, Kaloo left the scene before others could arrive.



Dalinar has been killed!


Two independents have accomplished all of their goals!

Day 9 has begun and will last 46.8 hours.



Player List


  1. Magestar (Magestar)
  2. The Healer (Doctor12)
  3. Daniyah (Daniyah)
  4. Lorien the Rithmatist (Conquestor)
  5. Stick (I_am_a_Stick)
  6. Jonly the Terrisman (The Only Joe)
  7. NeLaar (Arraenae)
  8. Spike (Paranoid King)
  9. Ryth (Silverblade5)
  10. Riza (Frozen Mint)
  11. Ecthelion (Ecthelion III)
  12. Kyla (Little Wilson)
  13. The Young Bard (The Young Bard)
  14. Ashton & Ashlyn (Burnt Spaghetti)
  15. Brandon Sanderson (Darkness Ascendant)
  16. Aralis (Araris Valerian)
  17. Dr. Idem Occulta (Wonko the Sane)
  18. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)
  19. Gladium Paleas (Straw)
  20. Victor (Amanuensis)
  21. Bugsy (Bugsy6912)
  22. Locke (OrlokTsubodai)
  23. Dowanx (Dowanx)
  24. Tom (Sart)
  25. Kaloo (TheMightyLopen)
  26. Unknown (Mark IV)
  27. mmhmmnmhmm (LivingLegend)
  28. Cy Lon (Clanky)
  29. Emrys Morge (Bridge Boy)
  30. Reginald Canuck (Dalinar Kholin)
  31. Orik Ironfist (Haelbarde)
  32. Lily (Luckat)
  33. Odin (Stink)


Edited by Nyali
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