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Sanderson "Would you Rather"

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14 hours ago, Elenion said:

Young Sadeas. Young Daliner would beat the chull droppings out of you, while young Sadeas needs the chull droppings beaten out of him. (Not literally, but you get my point)

Would you rather have as your girlfriend Shallan or Vin? (note that this is, of course, assuming they're both single)

Vin ;)

Would you rather go on a cross-country road trip with Kaladin or Kelsier.

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1 hour ago, Figberts said:

Vin for sure! Otherwise I might get asked how I poop in my armor. That would lead to some awkward conversations. 

Would you rather live on Ashyn or Braize?

Ashyn! That way, I'm not stuck on Literal Damnation. 

50 minutes ago, Windrunner19 said:

Vin ;)

Would you rather go on a cross-country road trip with Kaladin or Kelsier.

Kelsier, because he may be a bit sociopathic, but he's a lot more fun than grumpy Kal. 

If you Worldhopped to Roshar, would you rather appear at the Horneater Peaks or Honor's Magical Moving Perpendicularity?

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Horneater Peaks. 

Dude, I don't want to die before doing any actual sightseeing on Roshar. 

Would you rather own a portable Transportation fabrial or a Regrowth fabrial? (You can use either of them indefinitely, and without stormlight) 

Edited by Zennix
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3 hours ago, Elenion said:

A Crasher. Iron Feruchemy to make yourself lighter would be super useful, and a bit of extra weight now and then wouldn't hurt. Either choice, you get flight.

Would you rather be an Iron Ferring or a Tin Allomancer?

Tin, My parents say I need to listen better, :P. also I could taste food better. (I like eating :P) 

Would you rather be an elantrian, (Before Raoden fixes everything, No spoilers :P) or be a skaa in the pits of hathsin 100 years before Kelsier is born.

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On 12 april 2017 at 4:00 AM, spideyguy123 said:

Tin, My parents say I need to listen better, :P. also I could taste food better. (I like eating :P) 

Would you rather be an elantrian, (Before Raoden fixes everything, No spoilers :P) or be a skaa in the pits of hathsin 100 years before Kelsier is born.

Skaa. Rather a slave for fifty years than eternal suffering.

Whose boots would you steal, Kaladins or Kelsiers?

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Steelheart. I'd be super buff, have invulnerable skin, throw energy blasts, fly and turn garbage to steel. 

Who you rather be the God king (with your tongue intact) or the Lord Ruler? 

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8 hours ago, Chull #445 said:

Would you rather buy drinks for Tanavast or Bavadin?

Tanavast, Bavadins suspected aquaintances are nothing i want to come to close to


Would you rather listen to a Conversation between Wayne and Hoid in his Wit role or Kaladin and Raoden as an imperfect elantrian

Edited by Excelsius
misspelling of a name
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Wayne and Hoid. Listening to their conversation will probably drive me crazy. Though, I would prefer to watch Kaladin and Raoden in action. Those guys are so awesome! 

Would you rather be a Herdazian or a Horneater? 

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2 hours ago, KnightRadiant said:

Horneater. I have a thing for red hair.

Would you rather see Shallan and Kaladin try to perform the waltz together, or watch a duel between Kelsier and Adolin?

The waltz. Kaladin's expression alone would be priceless. :lol:

Would you rather be strung up in a highstorm or be dangled out an airship? 

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On 4/19/2017 at 7:45 PM, Slowswift said:

Would you rather be strung up in a highstorm or be dangled out an airship?

Dangled out of an airship, because if I end up dying, death by a fall is much nicer than death by being crushed by a boulder.

Would you rather be a bridgeman or Sadeas' mother/father? *evil laugh*

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/21/2017 at 1:20 AM, Elenion said:

Dangled out of an airship, because if I end up dying, death by a fall is much nicer than death by being crushed by a boulder.

Would you rather be a bridgeman or Sadeas' mother/father? *evil laugh*

Bridgeman, less painful death.
Though getting to kill Sadeas easily...

Would you rather become Hoid or a Shard?

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