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Sorry DC for killing you, but someone had to die. To bad we lost a police on the first cycle.


Now that you mention that I can't help but wonder if he was killed for his role and now regret not asking Lopen for more information in our PM. I had asked him who he was talking to in PM's and he gave me a list of seven players he was talking with consistently, as well as mentioned that he sent a PM to most players but not everyone had responded. If I could turn back time I would have asked which, if any of them, he claimed to because it's possible that person is Ryuk or the Holder. I think we can all learn from this, however. I recommend that every time you reveal a role to someone that you make sure to inform a third party who you told just in case you die. It's possible that it could be blind luck (Lopen is a notoriously proficient Villager so I could see that being the reason he was killed) but I think it's always best to set up contingencies, as a lead that might end up nowhere is better than no lead at all. So, If any of you have claimed to someone this game so far, I suggest you let someone you trust know who they are before the turn ends. Considering that there are 19 living players and only two should be evil, the odds should be in your favor that you don't tell two enemies. That being said, @Alvron, are there any secret roles? I saw in the rule clarification that people asked about secret rules and the answer was no, but roles are a bit different and I figure I should ask as it's better to be safe then sorry.


And for everyone's reference the players Lopen mentioned in our PM by name are as follows: Arraenae, AliasSheep, Mark IV, Elbereth, Mailliw73, Haelbarde and Burnt Spaghetti (EDIT: oh and don't forget the Only Joe). He sent that PM at 0125 so that would have given him another 5 and a half hours to talk more to other players and potentially reveal his role. But for now I suspect that one among them is either Ryuk or the Holder. I suppose you all should include me on this list as well, but for any players who have PMs with me you should all agree that I'm being tight lipped about my own role and have not asked any questions pertaining to other players roles because frankly I'm not interested in knowing. I've decided to depend on wits alone for this game.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Oh, and Amanuensis, I was in a lot of contact with Lopen as well.


Ah, we kinda already had a discussion about you prior since we were talking about how you PM'd everyone, so that's likely why he didn't mention you later on when I asked who all he was talking to. Guess I'll go ahead and edit you in there as well, though I personally don't think you're evil.


Oh, and since I didn't respond to the whole double-Ls-that-are-actually-just-one thing in thread I guess I'll put my two cents in now. I don't think L revealing to anyone on Day One was wise, let alone to two people, but it's very likely at this point that whoever he is isn't lying. If I were him I would personally not scan anyone and just self-protect for a while since him dying is, at the moment, a lot more concerning then us potentially confirming Ryuk/the Holder. I would rather him live long enough to use the scan ability later on in the game when the player pool is smaller and more info is available so that we can coordinate our resources better. Ultimately it's up to you to do what you want L, but that's just what I would recommend.

Edited by Amanuensis
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@Aman: Lopen made a PM with me, 10 messages back and forth. Briefly discussed when we properly start forming opinions on other players. Lopen asked if I wanted to share if I had a role (I chose to channel Kas, and not lightly roleclaim in PM's). Briefly discussed my wariness of Joe, and if I thought I'd be able to spot evil!Burnt. 

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Lopen did indeed pm me. Summary of our pm goes:

He says hi then goes to make more pms. I say hi. He asks after my role. I tell him. He claims roleless, ish. As in, a 'i may or may not be roleless'. He asks me if I can read Hael at all. I've never played with good!Hael(with being the operative word. Everytime I've played with Hael I've been evil. I've played against good Hael, but never with.). Asks my opinion on strawman. I give it to him. He asks if I'm L. I'm not. Then he talks about sitting on chairs like L. Turns out he and Alv both sit like that at times.


@Aman: Lopen made a PM with me, 10 messages back and forth. Briefly discussed when we properly start forming opinions on other players. Lopen asked if I wanted to share if I had a role (I chose to channel Kas, and not lightly roleclaim in PM's). Briefly discussed my wariness of Joe, and if I thought I'd be able to spot evil!Burnt. 

Ha. I see a similarity in our conversations there :P  I have a feeling we would both be bad at reading each other, considering our track record... Considering, as i said, we've never been good together. We've always been evil. 'xcept for LG12, but that hardly counts. I jumped in right at the end so... And otherwise, you died too fast for us to really play together.


Edit: My grammar committed seppuku. Necromancy was required.

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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  • Lopen: Says hi, asks for opinions on players and why I voted for him

  • Aman: Say I don't have many opinions formed but will conduct analysis as soon as I get the chance. I explain that I had no real reason other than his back-and-forth poke votes, and that I wanted to see how he'd react to the pressure as well as how Elby would respond.

Lopen: Says he hasn't gathered many thoughts either. Figured it had to do with adding a second vote to create a real threat and that he was thankful Elby removed her vote.

Aman: I ask who all he has talked to so far and mention that other than him I've only talked to Joe as I haven't bothered to start any PMs myself.

Lopen: Lists those seven players I mentioned before and says he'll tell me more in a moment.

Aman: Told him I was about to take a nap before physical training but that I should be on before turn over in case I have to change my vote for some reason.

Lopen: Says he was eating so that's why his response was delayed. Mentions that he PM'd nearly every player but not all had replied. Asks if I'm L.

Aman: I say something along the lines of "Do you expect me to tell the truth either way?"

Lopen: Mentions that L has already claimed to two people, and that he expected L would claim to people soon but not that early. Says I'm "bold enough" to attempt something like that.

I never ended up responding because I was asleep, and when I finally got to my tablet he was already dead.

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Finally Trelagist was last online at 0700 which also happens to be changeover. Therefore it is very possible that he could have put the order in to kill Lopen



I just saw this and their is truth in it, Hellscythe don't take my vote the wrong way. Trelagist, however does look very suspicious. 


EDIT : Messed up with the quote.

Edited by Conquestor
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Yeah, I also had a PM with Lopen. We discussed (from memory as I can't access the PM as I'm writing this) mostly out of game stuff and him being evil. He didn't want to claim to me, so I left it at that. The only other game-relevant stuff, I think, was talking about how Ryuk's unique position makes catching him different this game from normal eliminators.

About the L thing, not totally sure what's going on there, but I'd agree that L seems a bit less likely to be the Holder. In which case, L, I'll add my voice to the don't claim to anyone else please group. Don't trust unscanned people with your life, particularly when you should now have scanned someone who you can trust (hopefully Joe or Sheep, since you already claimed to them and all).

Also, random things:

So many brackets in this post. Writting M with fancy formatting over and over is painful on a phone.

I eventually just copy-pasted the whole string. Doesn't help that technically the M is in Georgia, not normal font. :rolleyes: Suppose it looks nice, though.

Alternate emote: skeptical2.png

I liked the first one better. Which I saved, and will likely be using soon. :D

Also, Joe, I believe it's your turn to RP. :)

Edited by Elbereth
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Lopen just thought that I claimed L to Sheep or Joe. Also, Aman, I appreciate that you are talking a lot, but in my experience suspicion lists have almost never been useful.

State testing started yesterday, so I'll be a little busy for the next few days.

Edited by Master Elodin
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"Does anyone want to look through their records before Sumiko burns them?" A few people raised their hands. Joseph bent over, picking the folder up from where the emissary had tossed it. He pulled out their files and passed them out, then handed the remainder to Sumiko. As he did, he whispered to her, softly enough that no one else could hear, "Once she leaves, we're going to follow her and find M. How quickly can you set up a building to burn down?"


L has confirmed to me that I am innocent. He has also told me something that makes me believe completely he is L. We're going to start scanning the few Police officers that have claimed, so that we can find L a better spokesperson than I. Do we have any police who want to volunteer to go first, or any murderers who want to volunteer to not go? You can reveal in here, or in the PM with me, or not as all, as you so choose. I won't hold not revealing against you, but if you are leading the protection detail today, please get in touch. (Or the murder detail. We don't have anyone to kill yet, but we like having our options open.)

Edited by The Only Joe
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she's mildly curious about them and the words inside. perhaps more of a case of burn them now or later :P And what if they knew about her small set explosives around the city that she'll detonate one day when she's bored enough or something :ph34r:

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