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How do we know you aren't lying, Stink? You could be trying to take suspicion off of your eliminator buddy Luna, or trying to shut down discussion by having everybody bandwagon on me. After all, poke votes don't have any power if a lynchee is already predetermined, right?


After I'm dead, take a closer look at Stink and his "alignment seeker". It's possible that Stink has had no such claim and only says that he was contacted so he can brush off the inevitable fallout when you find I'm innocent.

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Hi! I'm back and basically well again. I have been for a while, actually, but I haven't had access to my tablet for a while because there was no charger available and I'd run it down to 0% (oops). So it was a good thing I said I'd be sick longer than I actually was, because I was still gone.

I'm reading through the thread slowly (and I wasn't caught up even before I got sick, so there's a lot to go through), but I also have a lot of homework to catch up on, so I don't know if I'll be able to make a relevant post before turnover. I will certainly try!

I'm glad to be back. :)

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Vote tally:


Arraenae(3): STINK, Lopen, Araris


STINK(1): Arraenae


A vote manipulator could still change things up.


Edit: So quiet...


STINK's reveal time - 4:30pm for me. Players reactions:


1. Anamaximder - posted after the reveal, but didn't vote

2. Kynedath - hasn't posted at all this Cycle, but has been online recently, so he's probably seen the reveal

3. Elbereth - posted after the reveal stating she was catching up

4. Ripple - has been online since the reveal, but no posts about it

5. Elkanah - has been online since the reveal, but no posts about it

6. BB - has been online since the reveal, but no posts about it

7. Clanky - has been online since the reveal, but no posts about it

8. Adavantos - has not been online since the reveal

9. luckat - has not been online since the reveal

10. Hellscythe - has not been online since the reveal

11. LUNA - has not been online since the reveal

12. SilverDragon - has not been online since the reveal

13 and 14. phattemer and Shallan - inactive still  :mellow:

15. Araris - voted on Arraenae

16. Lopen - voted on Arraenae

17 and 18 are STINK and Arraenae

(I'm gonna double check these facts real quick.)


Just because some players haven't been online doesn't mean they haven't seen the reveal.  :ph34r:

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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The lack of a response from Arraenae makes me think that STINK is telling the truth, so I'll switch my vote over. LUNA(I'd still like a response) Arraenae



LUNA. The way Rae responded there makes me suspect that STINK is telling the truth.


So, not responding is suspicious, but responding is also suspicious?


Assuming results come at the end of the Night turn:


N1: seeker puts in order to scan

D2: gets result #1

N2: puts in order

D3: gets result #2


Let's assume that the alignment seeker is real and doesn't want to court death by giving their results to an unconfirmed proxy. That's not an issue, because they can simply scan someone and use them as a proxy once they've been scanned. However, this could not have happened.


The only time that the alignment seeker could have given results to Stink is N2, because results come at the beginning of the Day turn when there are no PMs. Obviously, they couldn't have given results N1, because they don't get results until the end of the Night turn. This means that they only knew the alignment of one person, me. (We shall assume that the "alignment seeker" has scanned me, not anyone else. Otherwise, they would be completely falsifying an eliminator result on me.) In order for Stink to have gotten the information by D3, the alignment seeker must have PMed Stink on N2 saying that I am an eliminator, and not known the alignment of anybody else.


Why would they give information like that to an unconfirmed person? The alignment seeker would have to reveal that one, they are an alignment seeker, and two, they have found an eliminator to the unconfirmed person. If this unconfirmed person is an eliminator, then congratulations, the eliminators have a new target! The alignment seeker will end up dead, and the information the have will die with them.


However, an alignment seeker can easily avoid this trap by waiting anther turn and scanning whoever they want to turn into a proxy. This way, they can send the confirmed village proxy any information that they get without fear that they are sending information straight into the hands of an eliminator.


This could not have happened here. As shown above, the seeker gets result #2 on D3, and can only communicate it N3. Stink revealed this information D3, so the alignment seeker could not have scanned both me and Stink.


Stink, why did your alignment seeker decide to trust you? Why wouldn't they wait until they scanned you before using you as a proxy? Are you sure that your alignment seeker is really an alignment seeker?

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I edited my last post, just in case no one saw it. The facts are correct.


Arraenae, the fact that you waited for 2 and a half hours to say anything about it makes me think that you were trying to think of a good angle to defend yourself, or maybe you went in your doc and asked advice. I feel like if you were a villager, you would have immediately denied it, and then tried to think of what's going on.


I don't have time to respond to your big post up above, but I still think you're a Traitor, sorry. I can think of some legitimate reasons for how STINK could be privy to said information though.

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Don't worry Rae, if you are good then I'll tell everyone who my alignment scanner is, you're just checking if she actually is one and not an eliminator.

Edit: You were asking for this Rae!

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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Sorry I haven’t posted yet this cycle. The weekend was busy. I’ll just go over the main things for this cycle, I guess.

The Kills

Orlok seems like a similar choice as Burnt in that killing him doesn’t give much information. I don’t really think it points to anyone in particular.

As other have pointed out, it is interesting that Maill was killed by an assassin. It could be that they decided to go after Maill because they suspected he had a good role because he didn’t want to go on a mission. Maybe they didn’t know what that role was, but thought he was a good choice to get rid of. I was never in a PM with Maill, so I don’t know if he said anything that would make the eliminators want to kill him. I’d be interested in knowing all that he did say in PMs. Claiming false trails doesn’t seem like it would attract traitor attention. I almost wonder if the eliminators weren’t in PMs with him and so they didn’t believe he didn’t want to go on a mission to keep PMs.

The fact that he was assassinated so early instead of killed with the regular kill is also telling. Perhaps the assassin thought they might not get a chance to use their power, either because people are on to them or because they expect to go on missions. I wonder if Maill was more the assassin’s choice than the traitors’ choice as a whole. I don’t know if that tells us anything though.


I agree that Luna seems to be behaving oddly. It is strange that she never explained her choices for the mission herself and that she hasn’t really been saying much. I also think the fact that she apparently was looking at PMs but not responding is weird. Not wanting to use PMs is fine. However, not responding to direct questions in them, but also apparently looking at them and taking ideas from them (according to Maill about the mission) is strange. I think most of this can be chalked up to her being new (and I almost think an eliminator would get better advice about how to use PMs), but that’s not a great excuse. I think she would be a reasonable lynch if she doesn’t respond and there are no better options. However, we do have a better option this cycle.

The Scan

As for Stink’s reveal about Arraenae, there’s three reasonable possibilities I can see:

1. A loyal hacker actually scanned Arraenae as a traitor the first night and revealed their result to Stink. This means we have found a traitor pretty early. That is lucky of the hacker, especially with false trails out there, but it is certainly possible.

2. A traitor claimed hacker to Stink to get Arraenae lynched, and possibly to put suspicion on Stink and stall discussion. This seems a bit odd to do, especially since the fake hacker’s name would be revealed by Stink as soon as Arraenae is revealed to be good. Even if we chose to go after Stink next instead of the false hacker, they would be a goner at least by cycle 5. That seems pretty risky for an eliminator plan. It could be done though, especially if the claimed hacker has a lot of suspicion on them.

3. Stink made up a hacker to get Arraenae lynched and then will blame someone else when she turns up loyal. Like with the previous option, it seems pretty risky. They are giving up a member by cycle 5 at the latest. It could be a valid traitor plan to lessen discussion for the next cycle or two, cast suspicion on whoever Stink claims is the hacker, and keep other traitors (possibly Luna?) out of the spotlight for now.

Right now I think our best course of action is to lynch Arraenae. It will give us information about whether to trust Stink and his hacker and it is a better lead than anything else we have right now. Also, I think her responses were a bit odd. She accused Stink of stalling discussion by bringing up the scan, but he really did the opposite of that by waiting until midway through the day turn for the reveal--he let discussion arise around Luna, and he also gave enough notice for the votes to actually change in response to the new information.

Also, I don’t know how to explain this, but Arraenae’s longer post seems more like it is trying to keep us from trusting Stink and/or the hacker than to find an explanation for an incorrect read. I don’t know why the hacker would have chosen to trust Stink, but maybe it was for the same reason Stink is at the top of Ada’s trust list. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to reveal to one player they sort of trust to get the info out there. Waiting around for another cycle when we might not find a good lynch target and they could be in danger of dying might seem like a waste of time to them. If they revealed the info at the end of the night so the eliminators wouldn’t have time to change the kills around, it wouldn’t be too risky. Also, they could be seeing what Stink will do with the information. If they die, we know to look at Stink closely. Also, with false trails out there they can’t exactly trust a loyal scan 100%, so there would be risk even with someone they scanned.

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Yeah, I saw that people were starting to bandwagon on LUNA (possible trying to draw attention away from other votes?) and waited until that was kinda just the 'thing'. 


Also Rae, It is possible for me to have been scanned then you, I just wouldn't have got the info via PMs. Who's checking white text?

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Now I feel like responding is just going to make me look suspicious because I only respond when "called out" but also not responding makes me look suspicious so....? Oh well haha


1. Last time y'all were talking about me, y'all were suspicious of me and Maill being pals. Also, I was against him being lynched, so why in the name of rocky road ice cream would I want him dead? 


2. I am still new to this game, but I'm starting to understand that in order for this game to work, I need to dive in head first. Expect more from me. 


3. As for votes, I am stuck somewhere between STINK and Ada because both of them jumped on my for no reason at all. Because of Lopen's fierce attack, they might also be on my list... ((sorry guys, I don't know pronouns of each of you haha))


4. I really stink at this whole answering PM's because I am never sure how much to tell y'all and then I'm always like "I'll figure out an answer later" and ya..... *sheepishly shrugs* I will for sure work on that haha.


5. I guess do what you want, but this was my little soap box speech.


EDIT: ((Also, Lopen in response to your inquiry, I would not like to reveal that to you at this time, but I am a little curious as to where your suspicions came from. I can wait until Night for a PM if needs be))

Edited by LUNA
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I'll have you know I did not jump on you for no reason.


I understand that you were mad that I put you on the mission, but I still don't understand why, because I thought you had claimed no specialization? 

Also just so you know, because of your posts during this cycle, I have become slightly less suspicious of you.

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I was not mad that I was on the mission, disgruntled would be more accurate. 


My specific complaints were that even though many people were saying that the leader should post in thread who they were going to put on the mission etc, you ended up just going with what Mailliw said (you are new though, this is more of a lead-in) so when I voted for you, it was Mailliw that came in 'defending' you. 


Now I just want to kill Arraenae though, would you mind voting for her?

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Also Rae, It is possible for me to have been scanned then you, I just wouldn't have got the info via PMs. Who's checking white text?


That's not actually possible. You were on a mission the first night, so you can't have been scanned then. If the scanner claimed they scanned you night 1, they lied. It's possible the information was conveyed with a code, but no matter what they were taking a risk in trusting you if they are legit.



Thanks for responding, Luna. That sounds reasonable. I wish you luck with getting more involved in the game.  :)

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Alright.nI'm1abhacker,bandvthat'siwhylIlthoughtaofgtheewhole scan-unconfirmed-before-using-as-proxy situation. I think what happened is that an eliminator found my role and then tried to get me killed as early as possible, but were already killing Mailliw because they knew he was a medical specialist.


That'snthe2onlysreasoncthataIncanlthinkuofnasatovwhyitheylwouldlbeatryinggtoeget me killed in such a risky way. I know that this situation would be a lot easier if I just died, but I'm sick of dying in the first three cycles of my village games. In MR11, I died because I was tied for the lynch, and thought that I, a confirmed villager, would be less valuable to the village than an unconfirmed, probably evil "sori". Guess what? The "sori" was evil. I don't want to make that same mistake again.

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My initial thoughts are that Rae is guilty, but something about her last post seems village to me. It seems pretty much assured that Rae is going to die anyways, but I have to wonder who is Stink's informant.


You're going to know pretty soon.

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Night 3: The Silent Killer

It was a muted evening in the bar, as day turned to night and thoughts once again turned to the their losses. Many of the Mistrunners were lamenting the loss of the DocWashington medical service. All could remember a time or two when they had been patched up in a quiet back alley with no questions asked, or indeed answers given. His Archivists were a gift from Harmony, and now they would have to rely on their own limited medical knowledge; his surgeons had withdrawn from the mission with the death of their leader.

Elsewhere in the bar, another group of Mistrunners attempted to avenge the death of Locke Tekiel, and were making good headway there, judging from the number of glasses on the table. Locke Tekiel, brought down in his prime so cruelly. They remembered him well, and drank to his health in the world beyond.

In a corner, Niter sat, texting away on his tablet. He had found a comfortable corner in which to hide, and was almost invisible to the rest of the room. The only noise he made was the constant click-clack as his fingers danced across the tactile surface, followed by a whooshing noise as they were dispersed into the aether, bytes of information sent flying through the Cognitive Matrix.

“To Locke!” Lopen shouted. “The brother I never 'ad!”

“Didn't you say...” Clanky blinked and tried again. “Didn't you say you had like... four dozen brothers? Or something?”

“Yeah, well, I liked Locke, which is more than I can say for the rest of them!” Lopen replied, raising his pint again. “To Locke!” he tried again, raising his voice as Niter received a string of messages in response. “The brother I never-” The tablet started ringing, and Niter jumped a little as he tried to find the right buttons. “Sod that blasted thing!” Lopen shouted, slamming his hands on the table as he stood up and rounded on the man. “Rusting thing makes more noise than you do!”

Niter looked up at him and then back down at his tablet, and started to type quickly, fear in his eyes. Lopen grabbed the tablet off him. “What the hell's so important on here anyway?” He looked at it, before frowning. “Unrecognised thumbprint? This thing's bloody locked tighter than Heron's purse. Here,” he said, shoving it into Sam Flynn's surprised arms and away from Niter's outstretched hand as he tried to make a grab for it. “You're a tech guy, right? Get into it.”

“Uh, I can't,” Sam responded. “Not quickly, anyway. These things have pretty good security on them. I've got my tools with me, but I'm really more of a hobbyist than an actual hacker.”

“Well, get to it already!” Lopen's eyes narrowed at him, and Sam had little choice but to disappear, or else face the wrath of the swaying, red-faced man. “And as for you...” He turned back around to Niter, grabbing him around the arms to stop him fleeing. “You're jumpy, ain't ya? You know, I been thinking. It's just someone like you that I think has ta be reporting us all. Quiet and unassuming and all that rust. Got anything to say about that?”

“Lopen,” Clanky began, placing an arm on Lopen's to try to get his attention, “he's unable to speak. You just took away his way of speaking.”

“Really?” Lopen asked. “Look at him, smug bastard.” Niter frowned, unsure of how he was looking, and tried to reassemble his face into anything other than how it looked at this moment. “Laughing at us, I can see it in his eyes. And how do we know, eh? Probably just puts it on.” He cracked his knuckles as he dragged Niter out of his corner. “My guys have ways of making people like him talk.”

Sam sighed as he twisted the screwdriver, trying to drown out the thumps and groans from outside. The rain was helpful at least, it covered up the sound. But he wished it was heavier. It was still too quiet.

A few seconds later, and that wish was granted for a brief moment. Lopen closed the door behind him as he entered the bar again, slipping a pair of bloody knuckledusters into his coat pocket. Sam looked up at him as he pried the casing off and pierced a wire inside with a small nail-shaped chip. He started to replace the covering. “Did you kill him?” He asked.

“Well, had to,” Lopen nodded. “Bastard as good as admitted it to me, but then wouldn't give up any names!”

“He spoke?” Sam asked as he shook the tablet a little, listening to hear if anything was still loose. Pleased that nothing was rattling around, he put it on the table and pressed the power button. The tablet whirred to life.

“Well, no,” Lopen admitted. “He really was mute. But he admitted it, I swear.”

“Hopefully there'll be something on this that can incriminate him then,” Sam replied, shaking his head. “Not that I'm doubting your word, of course.” Lopen gave a short laugh. “Hmm...” He tapped the screen. “This is taking longer than expected.”

“Give it 'ere,” Lopen snatched the tablet off the table, and lifted it up so that he could see. “...What's this? Initiating cadmium defences? 'Time has stopped'? The hell?”

“A time-slowing bubble?” Sam asked, perplexed. “Why would it have one of those built into it?”

“Slowing? I thought it sped it up?”

“Nevermind. I suggest putting it down,” Sam continued, stepping away.

“Why?” Lopen asked.”What's the worst it can do?” As he asked that, the world outside started to hurry past, and he was somewhat aware of a large number of people in the bar watching him. He dropped the tablet on the table, and it started to whir again. “Initiating iron de- steel- zinc de- bloody hell, slow down,” he muttered as he read the tablet as various metals flashed past him.

A screw shot out of the tablet and pierced his thigh, and he cried out briefly in surprise and pain. But then, a moment later, he was no longer concerned by it. The pain was there, but he wasn't angry about it. No, he was furious suddenly, and reached down to rip the screw out in a moment of rashness. A second after he did that, he realised how stupid a move it might have been without any kind of medical assistance. But after that, he no longer cared again. Then something heavy hit him on the back, and he fell over, bashing his head on the table.

The whirring increased again, and the tablet let off a brilliant series of cascading, changing lights. Lopen was somewhat glad he had been knocked over, even with the pain on his head, as seconds later, the tablet exploded, metal flying out in all directions. Time resumed.

Sam hauled him up to his feet by his arm. “I will accept that as admittance of guilt,” he said.

"Good," Lopen grinned and drained the last of the pint he had left on the table. "Now, let's get onto today's mission."

Niter was an Assassin!

Niter (4): IrulelikeSTINK, Lopen, Araris, Lucy
IrulelikeSTINK (2): Niter, Shallan
LUNA (1): Sam Flynn

Player List


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge
Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite.
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business.
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer.
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name.
TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword.
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner
Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder. (will be replaced when I have the R
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early.
LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner.
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - Mistrunner

Night 3 has begun! PMs may now be sent again. The Night will end on Thursday at 8PM GMT.

Lopen has been selected to choose people for the mission! The deadline for this choice is 8PM GMT on Wednesday (give or take, as I will technically still be working at that time >>).

Edited by Alvron
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