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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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We were originally asking around the same price as the other houses, but when it didn't sell we reduced it, and it still hasn't sold. 


I bet your realtor knows what's going on.  There's got to be something; the housing market is hot, so there must be something that's putting people off.  (Though if I had to hazard a guess, the lack of a central air conditioning system might be the problem.)

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I bet your realtor knows what's going on.  There's got to be something; the housing market is hot, so there must be something that's putting people off.  (Though if I had to hazard a guess, the lack of a central air conditioning system might be the problem.)


If she's shared what's going on with my mom, my mom hasn't said anything. 


Though on the upside, she doesn't seem to be in a sour mood, so that's nice. 


Edit: Annnnnd even though I told her Bruno and Mollie were out of dog food right  after she left the house so she'd have time to buy them more, she didn't. Instead, when I asked where their food was, she said "I'm going to give you three dollars to buy a can of Bruce's dog food off of you, which is more than his food costs. Here." And tossed me the bills. As though it's her right to use the food I buy with my own money because she's too lazy to properly care for her animals. As though I'm being unreasonable to expect compensation. 


Good feelings gone. <_< 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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@Twi: Can't the government/bank/whoever just take it back? Or something? Does somebody actually have to purchase it?


I'm no expert on real estate, but as I understand it, the bank only takes it back if the buyer gets too far behind on their mortgage payments, which is when the house goes into foreclosure. It leaves a pretty big stain on your record. 

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I'm no expert on real estate, but as I understand it, the bank only takes it back if the buyer gets too far behind on their mortgage payments, which is when the house goes into foreclosure. It leaves a pretty big stain on your record. 


Yeah, that's pretty much it.  You can't just "give" the house to the bank and expect to get any of your principal back.  The bank doesn't actually want your house - they want your payments.

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Correct, though if you dropped the price drastically, the bank may be interested ;)

It should be noted that banks are not in the business of selling or maintaining real estate. They are in the business of handing out loans and cashing in on them. Ceasing assets (including your house) is a means of minimizing loss.

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My mom, youngest sister, and brother are getting ready to head back up to Spokane. I saw her packing and, wanting to be friendly, told her I hoped she had fun in Spokane. She agreed, told me about how she was going to leave me and my other sister some food, and then….


"Have you heard back from Louisiana? If you don't hear back from them by tomorrow, I say you can write them off. I'm sorry this didn't work out. Oh! Your grandmother had a great idea! She said you should try volunteering at a library to get experience! I know it's not anybody's favorite, but experience is experience." 


And she wonders why I don't enjoy talking to her. <_< 


Also, I'm starting to worry. I emailed Metarie on Friday, but still haven't heard anything. So I'm starting to worry that my mom is right. I know, I know, it's stupid, but I can't help it. :unsure: 


Also also, neither she nor my grandmother seem to realize that library volunteers do menial work. They shelve books and DVDs and do all of the chore-type stuff, while librarians do the jobs that they earned degrees to do. I really don't think being a library volunteer would look all that impressive on my resume. 

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Also, I'm starting to worry. I emailed Metarie on Friday, but still haven't heard anything. So I'm starting to worry that my mom is right. I know, I know, it's stupid, but I can't help it. :unsure:


Also also, neither she nor my grandmother seem to realize that library volunteers do menial work. They shelve books and DVDs and do all of the chore-type stuff, while librarians do the jobs that they earned degrees to do. I really don't think being a library volunteer would look all that impressive on my resume. 


I think you're getting into your own head again. Don't expect emails over the weekend, and always allow 48 hours for a response. They'll likely get back to you today. Even if they don't, it doesn't mean they've given up on you. They told you that you'll get the job if you pass your drug test, I highly highly doubt that's going to change any time soon.


But, in the spirit of playing devil's advocate, it might not hurt to go and ask a local library if they allow volunteers to "shadow" employees when the "chore" load gets light. If the answer is yes, then it might be worth looking into should the worst happen and this job fall through.

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I think you're getting into your own head again. Don't expect emails over the weekend, and always allow 48 hours for a response. They'll likely get back to you today. Even if they don't, it doesn't mean they've given up on you. They told you that you'll get the job if you pass your drug test, I highly highly doubt that's going to change any time soon.


But, in the spirit of playing devil's advocate, it might not hurt to go and ask a local library if they allow volunteers to "shadow" employees when the "chore" load gets light. If the answer is yes, then it might be worth looking into should the worst happen and this job fall through.


If they don't email me back soon, should I email them again? Or call? I don't want to seem like I don't care about this, but I also don't want to come across as clingy. 

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If they don't email me back soon, should I email them again? Or call? I don't want to seem like I don't care about this, but I also don't want to come across as clingy. 


How important was the contents of the email? Was it things you need to know to plan the trip down, or something more mundane like job duties? If it's more mundane, then perhaps let it sit for some time, as emails that aren't high priority can often get delayed responses when other, more pressing, concerns are at hand. If it is important, though, then perhaps send them another one, making sure to not seem rude or impatient. I wouldn't send it until tomorrow though, a week after you sent the first one.

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How important was the contents of the email? Was it things you need to know to plan the trip down, or something more mundane like job duties? If it's more mundane, then perhaps let it sit for some time, as emails that aren't high priority can often get delayed responses when other, more pressing, concerns are at hand. If it is important, though, then perhaps send them another one, making sure to not seem rude or impatient. I wouldn't send it until tomorrow though, a week after you sent the first one.


It was pretty important, about the days I'd be taking my trip. I'll send it today—almost a week after the first, but I don't want to seem like this guy: 


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Exaclty. Sending a second email today shouldn't seem too pushy. Just do your best not to freak yourself out. They've offered you the job, something drastic would need to happen for them to change their minds at this point.



Thanks. :)


And she just emailed me back with instructions! They don't think I'm a loser after all. :P 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Thanks. :)


And she just emailed me back with instructions! They don't think I'm a loser after all. :P


Of course they don't. :P


I'm beginning to suspect that your brain weasels are robots.  Because they were clearly programmed and put there by your mother.

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Of course they don't. :P


I'm beginning to suspect that your brain weasels are robots.  Because they were clearly programmed and put there by your mother.


Yesterday, as I was reminiscing about sneaking out to see the last Harry Potter film (and making plans to attend the midnight premiere of Fantastic Beasts) I decided she uses Unforgivables. 


When she yells and slings vitriol at me, that's the Cruciatus Curse. Which doesn't work anymore. 

When she comes to me later, speaking gently and playing the victim, that's the Imperius Curse. Which doesn't work either. 

Yesterday, when she acted as though the people at the JPL have already moved on, she was siccing dementors on me. And you guys helped with the Patronus. 

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9 AM interview tomorrow morning, it is currently nearly 4AM.  :mellow: 
Yesterday my brain decided it would be a great time to start another cluster so now I am operating on very little sleep and have to decide whether or not to risk taking opiates to deal with the pain but risk not being as focussed in the interview.

It's for an IT position that would be absolutely awesome, pays well and has long term prospects which is ideal now that we have a growing family.

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9 AM interview tomorrow morning, it is currently nearly 4AM.  :mellow: 

Yesterday my brain decided it would be a great time to start another cluster so now I am operating on very little sleep and have to decide whether or not to risk taking opiates to deal with the pain but risk not being as focussed in the interview.

It's for an IT position that would be absolutely awesome, pays well and has long term prospects which is ideal now that we have a growing family.


How long do clusters usually last? Will it be over by the time the interview starts? 

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How long do clusters usually last? Will it be over by the time the interview starts? 

Yeah probably, they're called clusters because I get a bunch of them over a period of time, the headaches themselves don't last too long, usually only an hour or so.

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Would taking some opiates to the interview and keeping them in your pocket in case of another headache work? 

Might do, I'm more worried about just being so stressed if I don't take something now that I'll be equally unable to focus, they tend to be pretty predictable in that they happen late at night (Well, early in the morning I suppose)

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….and now I need to find someone to take care of Bruce while I'm out of town. He wouldn't do well in a doggy daycare overnight, since he's scared of the dark and needs someone to sleep close to him. My brother is talking to one of his friends, but other than that, my best option is to have my mom take him with her to Spokane and bring him back with her when she returns to finish the move. Meaning I'd be away from Bruce for about a month. And he'd be with her. 


Do. Not. Want. 

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….and now I need to find someone to take care of Bruce while I'm out of town. He wouldn't do well in a doggy daycare overnight, since he's scared of the dark and needs someone to sleep close to him. My brother is talking to one of his friends, but other than that, my best option is to have my mom take him with her to Spokane and bring him back with her when she returns to finish the move. Meaning I'd be away from Bruce for about a month. And he'd be with her. 


Do. Not. Want. 

Teleport him here so I can look after him? :P

(Sometimes I legitimately forget that you're not Funtimes, although I suppose you manage to make friends by being awesome rather than kidnapping them)

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….and now I need to find someone to take care of Bruce while I'm out of town. He wouldn't do well in a doggy daycare overnight, since he's scared of the dark and needs someone to sleep close to him. My brother is talking to one of his friends, but other than that, my best option is to have my mom take him with her to Spokane and bring him back with her when she returns to finish the move. Meaning I'd be away from Bruce for about a month. And he'd be with her. 


Do. Not. Want. 


Not to mention the fact that there's a very real possibility she'd refuse to give him back.  I wouldn't put it past her.


Really, kenneling is the best option.  I know you don't like it, but he's young, and I think he'll adapt better than you think.  Most good ones have several times a day where they get out different groups of dogs for playtime with each other.

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Teleport him here so I can look after him? :P

(Sometimes I legitimately forget that you're not Funtimes, although I suppose you manage to make friends by being awesome rather than kidnapping them)


If I could teleport him there, I'd just take him with me and save on airline fees. :P Though the fact I'm mistaken for Doctor Funtimes is one I find oddly pleasing. :ph34r: 


Not to mention the fact that there's a very real possibility she'd refuse to give him back.  I wouldn't put it past her.


Really, kenneling is the best option.  I know you don't like it, but he's young, and I think he'll adapt better than you think.  Most good ones have several times a day where they get out different groups of dogs for playtime with each other.


Me neither. Or spoiling him rotten so he doesn't want to come back. It may or may not work, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try. 


If I have to, I'll look into it. My brother's friend said she'd probably be able to do it, though, so that'd be my preferred option. He'd be able to stay at home, where everything's familiar, so he wouldn't be as nervous. 

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If I could teleport him there, I'd just take him with me and save on airline fees. :P Though the fact I'm mistaken for Doctor Funtimes is one I find oddly pleasing. :ph34r:



Me neither. Or spoiling him rotten so he doesn't want to come back. It may or may not work, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try. 


If I have to, I'll look into it. My brother's friend said she'd probably be able to do it, though, so that'd be my preferred option. He'd be able to stay at home, where everything's familiar, so he wouldn't be as nervous. 


Ever wonder if she timed the, "screw it, we're moving to Spokane RIGHT NOW!" deal specifically to try and make it more difficult to handle the New Orleans transition?  <_<

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