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...[text color=red]Hellscythe[\text color]. His vote on Jain was very strange, and I haven't seen a good explanation for it.

Put this. [ color=#ff0000] Hellscythe [ /color]. Just remove the spaces in the


Note to GM. I'm not voting here!

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Haha sorry meta I took it a little too far. Don't worry mark your first Red counts as your vote. Also Sart I don't see how my vote on Jain was weird. I had no stronger suspicions at the time and I just went for straight contribution crusade.

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Night 3: In the Fires Dying Light

Once word had arrived of Aralis’s demise, the village fell silent. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts, but the one that kept getting repeated over and over in their heads was just that this wasn’t over. Some had harbored hope that Lippen had been lying when she implied that there were others beyond herself.

While it took them a little while to get started, once they did start to pick up steam, they picked up rage as well. By noon, the room had turned into a mess of yelling and screaming and pointing of fingers. It got so warm by all the heated emotions that someone had to crack the door open to let in some of the winter’s chill.

It was because of the open door and a pause in one of the arguments that they heard it. The sound of timber popping and cracking.

They all ran outside, all thoughts of their arguments forgotten as they saw the entire village wreathed in flames.

“Is it the Koloss already?” Someone asked.

“No. we would have seen them coming. Plus, I heard that they tend to have to work themselves up into a frenzy before they attack.”

“Then what’s going on?”

A light went on inside Slart’s head and he stood up straight in horror. “The palisade….” He whispered.

He was right. The wall that they had been building to help protect them from the Koloss was going up in flames and had been for some time. If they hadn’t been arguing so loudly before, they might have been able to catch it in time, but by now the entire wall was being consumed.

All they could do is watch as a small part of their hope of surviving died along with the fires.

Sorry for the shorter write up. I had the other one almost done, so I only had about 10-15 minutes to come up with something else! :P Night 3 begins and you have roughly 24 hours to get any orders in.

No One was Lynched!

Current Player List

STINK (4): Edrab, Unknown, Kilven, Hellscythe
Hellscythe (4): Herwynbe, Wyrm, Clara, Slart
Gidomara (2): Gidomara, Vron
Edrab (1): Alexander

No Votes (14): Maill, STINK, Locke, Kassien, Bort, Wyrm, Riew, Exisa, Inor, Citona, Jain, Kane, El, Lu


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Player List:

1. Mailliw73 - Maill (The Cobbler)
2. Haelbarde - Edrab Leah (Author)
3. Seonid - Senn Conrad (Minor Nobleman) Villager Regular 
4. IrulelikeSTINK - STINK (Glitched AI in the Shape of a Horse)
5. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Terris Steward)
6. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel (Estranged Son of a Noble House)
7. Kasimir - Kassien Estvaril (Apothecary)
8. Bort - Bartholomew the Blind (Knight Awkward)
9. Wyrmhero - The Surprisingly Mediocre Amazing Wyrm (Traveling Magician)
10. Ripplegylf - Clara Lepinceau (Former Noblewoman)
11. Venture Mistborn - Alexander Venture (Mute Beggar)
12. Mark IV - Unknown (Amnesiac)
13. WeiryWriter - Riew (Skaa Courier)
14. Hellscythe - Hellscythe (Madman who thinks he's a ghost)
15. Adavantos - Gidomara Grae (Professional Procrastinator)
16. Araris Valerian - Aralis (Skeptical Elderly Grump) Village Regular
17. Phattemer - Exisa (Small and Paranoid)
18. Madashar Mistborn - Kilven (Blacksmith)
19. Creccio - Inor Haze (Mortician/Taxidermist)
20. Shallan - Citona Vinid (Bellringer)
21. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist and all around resurrected guy)
22. Lightsworn Panda - Jain (Panda, of course)
23. Sart - Slart (Quiet Hunter)
24. TheMightyLopen - Lippen (Head of the Sewing Circle) Spiked Lurcher
25. Elkanah - Kane (Florist)
26. Elbereth - El (Illusionist)
27. Luckat - Lu (Town Busybody)

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Vote Tally (Day 2)
Stink(5): Hael, Marshadar, Mark IV, Mailliw, Hellscythe
Hellscythe(4): Hero, Wyrm, Ripple, Sart
Adavantos(2): Alv, Ada
Ripple(1): Orlok 
Hael(1): Venture


Vote Tally (Night 3 Writeup)

STINK (4): Hael, Mark, Mashadar, Hellscythe

Hellscythe (4): Hero, Wyrm, Ripple, Sart

Ada (2): Ada, Alvron

Hael (1): Venture


Orlok's vote on Ripple disappeared, Sart's appeared on Hellscythe (I missed his vote), while Mail's disappeared off Stink, presuming that HS' is correct. Edit: I double checked it, and as far as I can tell, it was correct. 


Edit 2: Oh, right. Sart did vote (just the formatting was broken). Fixed.


So two Soothers this time? Or failed riots? 

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Four went back to his shelter. A place where 3 roofs met. The place made quite a cozy place for any person to live. But a door wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it?

As for the lynch, Four was happy as well as unhappy. On the bright side, no one innocent was killed. But, on the contrary, no one was killed. They were no closer to safety. Another thing that worried him was that someone was after Hellscythe. Now, why would anyone do that? Such a nice person, advocating discussion in the group.

Well, since there wasn't going to be much discussion from the looks of things, Four settled down in his 'home'. He covered himself with a bit of spare cloth he had found in an alley (I know. Not the most hygienic, but beggars can't be choosers.)

Four closed his eyes. But never stopped paying attention. If there was one thing he had learnt in Tyrian Falls, it was that one never stopped paying attention. Even around friends.


Yes. I am saying that I trust Hellscythe. I have stated it before, and I'll state it again.

As for the manipulations, you emotional allomancers just can't leave us alone, can you?

Anyways, these are my thoughts on the results.

Happy backstabbing sleeping! :P

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I'm glad I didn't die! So unless I'm mistaken (and unwilling to check) most of the votes were 'for Hellscythe'?

Edit: Also, a vote from Mark about not being on topic is hypocritical. Big word there.

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So, we should seriously discuss using the Coinshot as a secondary lynch. It's been brought up the past two night cycles but no one has actually followed through with voting. So allow me to begin.


Mailliw. I'll go through everything you've posted and analyze it, but this is mainly under the pretense that you have not yet sent me a PM trying to phish my role from me. Theory is either the player I revealed it to N1 or N2 is in cahoots with you, so you never felt the need to try. If I'm right, it's most likely the player I told N1 as you had likely started your usual information gathering sooner rather than later, but I haven't ruled out the player I told N2 yet. Will begin searching through your posts for any suspicious soon.

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Ada, just like how the plan to vote for who seekers should check doesn't work because it's likely the Spiked have a Smoker, this also doesn't work because they likely have a Lurcher as well. So, the only people who'll end up dying are villagers.

You're suspicious of me because I'm not doing something that most people think is suspicious? I don't have a PM with half the players in this game. I haven't gotten there yet, and won't for now.

Edit: I we just reminded that Lopen was a Spiked Lurcher. So it's less likely that they have one, but not impossible.

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Maill, could you please explain why you voted for STINK? I'm having trouble understanding the change of vote from Ripple to him. There was a big shift towards him during the last 2 pages, and I want to know why it happened.

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Day 3: Delayed Reaction

Many of the villagers stayed, watching the palisade burn until the last of the flames were fading and the sun was going down; almost as if they hoped that it was just some practical joke or a magic trick and if they just waited long enough, everything would return to the way it was. One by one, they realized that it wasn’t going to happen and they made their way back to their homes and to their beds. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better day.

Gidomara hadn’t even made it to the meeting in the first place, so he was already tucked away in his house. That’s how good of a procrastinator he was. The way he figured it, most everything worked itself out in the end, so it really didn’t matter if he did anything or not. It made for a very lazy existence, but an extremely relaxed one as well.

The townsfolk had, at one point in time or another, tried to urge him to be a contributing member of the village, but all their attempts had failed.

They tried to setting him up with Kilven, the blacksmith, to see if he could learn a trade. The metal cooled before he had taken more than a couple of swings.

They tried putting in charge of a soup kitchen… until even the beggars started complaining about empty stomachs.

They tried making him a trash collector. That stopped when the stench grew unbearable.

Finally, they thought, they had found something that even Gidomara’s procrastination couldn’t mess up; sweeping. They put him in charge of keeping the roads cleared of ash and snow.

Again, the same result. The roads were nigh impassable without the use of a sleigh this year.

It wasn’t as if Gidomara wasn’t without ambition though. When he had heard about the Spiked in town, he had planned to fortify his home and set up traps; in his home and also around town. He had quite a brilliant mind after all. The problem was getting the ideas out of his head and into application. It was just that when it came time to actually put forth the effort, the amount of work and time just became daunting and by the time he actually got up the gumption to do it, the problem had passed and it didn’t need doing anymore.

That’s how he found himself in his home, sitting at his dinner table, without any fortifications to keep the Spiked at bay and no traps set to capture them… and some of them were standing right in front of him.

His mind was a whirl of activity. He planned out scenario after scenario in his head. If he kicked the table towards them, threw them off balance, he could use the momentum of the kick to push himself backwards- towards the fireplace. From there, he could grab the shovel for cleaning out the ashes and use it to scatter some of the burning embers between him and the Spiked. From there, it was a simple sidestep into his bedroom, where he could use the chamber pot and the sheets from his bed to break the window and escape out of it without the fear of being cut by the glass. If there was one of them patrolling outside of his home, he could use the white sheet as camouflage, to blend in with the shadows and the snow. Once he was free, he’d be able to rouse Slart and they could track them through the snow, as the night was clear and their tracks would be apparent. He’d be able to capture them all in one fell swoop and the crowd would cheer and-

Gidomara slumped forward as they slit his throat. All of his plans slipped away just as consciousness did. In the end, he was right about one thing, situations did tend to work themselves out in the end…

“Well that was easier than I thought it would be,” said one of the Spiked as they cleaned off their blade.

“My signs! My beautiful signs!” Wyrm was in an uproar as everyone began waking for their day. He shouted and cursed and lamented and prayed and ranted. Then, when he’d done all of that, he did it all over again.

Eventually, people started leaving their homes to find out what was the matter.

There were no notes posted on the doors of the Canton of Finances. Instead, two of the huge posters attached to Wyrm’s caravan were covered in graffiti.

One read:

A Misting came up to me and said
I'd like to change your mind
By hitting it with a Sooth," he said,
"Though I am not a Spiked."
We laughed at his little joke
and then I happily walked away
and hit my head on the wall of the village
where the two of us live today.

The Amazing Wyrm was a Spiked Tineye!

...Did I get your hopes up?

Sorry, but if you hope to see that in a writeup, get used to disappointment.

The other:

Hi Wyrm. Nothing to say here really. I just had some DIY noodles and a spice bag, it was very nice. I will continue to say that Hellscythe is evil, and that those who closely defend him might be evil, especially if they are new and don't know better.

The Trusted Trinity is no more. Please welcome the FIRST ORDER. You will all come to respect the cookie.

I'm writing this because I have to, otherwise I may disappoint some people, that are:

Me or Mistborn

Evil people or Evan
Steve or Sally
Adavantos or Amy.

Can you find the password? Message it to Wyrm, and if you get it right then you get a warm feeling of satisfaction! But does Wyrm know me? Do you know me? Do I know me? I don't think I do. This space filling thing is great.


What could it mean? I am so Cryptic, like a Crypt. I'm gonna encrypt again next cycle, and the password will be in here, if I don't die. Also, Coolio. Too many hints!

“My livelihood is crushed! Ruined, I’d even say!” Wyrm continued to rant until he felt that he had drawn in enough people.

“Well, I suppose I’ll have to find my way in this cruel world somehow. Since everyone is already here, how about a show? Eh? Only two clips to see The Amazing Wyrm! Be astounded as he performs feats that would make even the sturdiest Inquisitor faint! Only two clips each! Step right up and experience the best magic show in all of Scadrial!”

Day 3 begins! You have 48 hours until the end of the turn.

Gidomara was a Village Smoker!

Current Player List


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Player List:

1. Mailliw73 - Maill (The Cobbler)
2. Haelbarde - Edrab Leah (Author)
3. Seonid - Senn Conrad (Minor Nobleman) Villager Regular 
4. IrulelikeSTINK - STINK (Glitched AI in the Shape of a Horse)
5. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Terris Steward)
6. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel (Estranged Son of a Noble House)
7. Kasimir - Kassien Estvaril (Apothecary)
8. Bort - Bartholomew the Blind (Knight Awkward)
9. Wyrmhero - The Surprisingly Mediocre Amazing Wyrm (Traveling Magician)
10. Ripplegylf - Clara Lepinceau (Former Noblewoman)
11. Venture Mistborn - Alexander Venture (Mute Beggar)
12. Mark IV - Unknown (Amnesiac)
13. WeiryWriter - Riew (Skaa Courier)
14. Hellscythe - Hellscythe (Madman who thinks he's a ghost)
15. Adavantos - Gidomara Grae (Professional Procrastinator) Village Smoker
16. Araris Valerian - Aralis (Skeptical Elderly Grump) Village Regular
17. Phattemer - Exisa (Small and Paranoid)
18. Madashar Mistborn - Kilven (Blacksmith)
19. Creccio - Inor Haze (Mortician/Taxidermist)
20. Shallan - Citona Vinid (Bellringer)
21. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist and all around resurrected guy)
22. Lightsworn Panda - Jain (Panda, of course)
23. Sart - Slart (Quiet Hunter)
24. TheMightyLopen - Lippen (Head of the Sewing Circle) Spiked Lurcher
25. Elkanah - Kane (Florist)
26. Elbereth - El (Apprentice Apothecary)
27. Luckat - Lu (Town Busybody)

See, I'm reading that second tineye message as the tineye claiming to be Spiked...

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I'm going to assume the Coinshots don't exist, are inactive, or are very indecisive/reticent to use their power.

Now, my suspicions of the remaining Spiked are 4 or 5 of the following:







ElbI know my vote will only count on Stink, but let's put some fear in you all.

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