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Still Having a Bad Day? Exchange Your Rants For Hugs Here!


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Kaymyth: Hey! Do you have Prince Albert in a can?

Lark Parent: Huh? What?

Kaymyth: Well, you better let him out! *Snickers and then hangs up*

Lark Parent:..... Lark, what the hell?!


That is...not even in the same ZIP code as where I was going with that.  :lol:



ETA:  Lark, I know you're nervous to do it, but I really encourage you to talk to someone.  Your school counselor, band director, someone.  The lack of medical attention goes straight past clueless and into the realm of parental neglect.  Helping you is part of your teachers' jobs.

Edited by Kaymyth
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I hate finals week. Just hate it. All over the place. All I want is to quit my job, finish school, and be able to spend my days with my wife and son. And writing my fantasy novels. Is that too much to ask?

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Well, you see, Prince Albert was a brand of chewing tobacco that was sold in bags and cans, so naturally stores would get inquiries as to whether or not they sold it in cans. Some delightful skamps decided to prank call a store with this query and when the store responded in the affirmative, they advised the establishment to "let him out"and hung up.

Or we're over-thinking this and there wasn't anything to "get" :P

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If a teacher could possibly grade the final product instead of the notes leading to it, that would be great, seeing as the way I take notes usually makes sense to no one but me and when they're graded I have to write (and sometimes rewrite) them in a weird standardized format that leaves me staring at a computer screen in total frustration and eventually just giving up to go post on the Shard.


Notes are personal.


Just grade the stupid essay.

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I told one teacher in high school that I could write an 'A' paper without taking any notes. She said that was impossible, so I sat at the class computer, typity-typed for about forty five minutes and turned in an awesome paper...Well...Not that awesome, but it was an 'A' paper and better than the rest of the class.

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You should draw Wayne stick figures all over them. Say they help you concentrate. :ph34r:

This idea, I like it.


Ugh, note checks. I'm sorry. Seeing as notes are to retain information, making they're done a certain way makes no sense, but some teachers couldn't care less about logic and prefer dogma.Draw glyphs that say how ridiculous note checks are around the border of the page.

Exactly. Unfortunately, the notes are on Google Docs, because this school is very into the Integration of Technology. Hey, I can add a few Google Drawings...


When the teacher wanted the notes and essay handed in together, I always just wrote the paper, went back and added a few typos and called that the rough draft, and wrote the main points of my paper by hand. :ph34r:

I do something similar. :P It's especially annoying with the start of COMMON CORE, THE SOLUTION TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS IN EDJUMACATION.  <_< Everything has to be done a certain way, and you must have the outline this way... I've written many outlines after essays just because they require you to have one.


I told one teacher in high school that I could write an 'A' paper without taking any notes. She said that was impossible, so I sat at the class computer, typity-typed for about forty five minutes and turned in an awesome paper...Well...Not that awesome, but it was an 'A' paper and better than the rest of the class.

Nice. It really just goes to show that people are not all the same when it comes to these things. Everyone talks about having diversity in everything, but in education you have to all be the same. You have to conform to what they think is the 'right' way to do things, even if it doesn't make any sense to you whatsoever.


I found a good comic on the subject.  :lol:



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This idea, I like it.I do something similar. :P It's especially annoying with the start of COMMON CORE, THE SOLUTION TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS IN EDJUMACATION.  <_< Everything has to be done a certain way, and you must have the outline this way... I've written many outlines after essays just because they require you to have one.

Common core... <_< No. Just no. It's a terrible thing.

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Common core... <_< No. Just no. It's a terrible thing.

Horrible and evil. It is what comes of people creating "problems" and trying to fix them. Which is why some genius In Tennessee came up with the perfectly logical idea of adding another month of testing to make sure we're learning.

And terms such as "selected response" and "visual text" don't magically make things no longer multiple choice or pictures.

Why? Just why?

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The water in our house is out. 


While I'm not sure exactly how it happened, I do know that it was working when I left for work, and when I came home my mom gave me the bad news. Turn on one faucet, and they all start gushing water. She turned on the kitchen sink to wash the dishes tonight, and it turned on the upstairs bathtub, which overflowed and flooded the bathroom and downstairs laundry room (since we'd plugged it up to catch the water). 


The plumber is coming tomorrow morning, early. So we're not going to church. 


And on top of that, my laptop started overheating earlier. I caught it in time, and it seems fine now, but I'll have to be more careful. 


Also, my allergies chose right now to act up, and I'd hoped to get the next chapter of my Potterfic done today, but work was too distracting. 


Today has not been fun. 

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I just realised that I haven't seen my pack of friends for a long, long time. There's six of us and I suggested gathering at home of one of us (his parents are out of town) for New Year's Eve party... We used to do that every year, but turns out everybody has their own plans and the one which was to host said that he would like to spend it alone.
And that was when I realised we haven't met in a group larger than three of us since highschool. Which we left year and half ago. We used to see each other every day back then... We were so close once! It hurts :(

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Sleep, oh thou art an elusive creature.

I've been trying to relax for an hour. Nothing is working. I'm starting to remember why my previous slew strategy was to stay up until I was exhausted, then fall asleep quickly . . . Never mind that it was 1am.

Also, there's another thing. I'm hesitant to ask it, because even if this is the Super Nice and Supportive Shard, it is still the Internet.

. . . Advice on boys?

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Sleep, oh thou art an elusive creature.

I've been trying to relax for an hour. Nothing is working. I'm starting to remember why my previous slew strategy was to stay up until I was exhausted, then fall asleep quickly . . . Never mind that it was 1am.

Also, there's another thing. I'm hesitant to ask it, because even if this is the Super Nice and Supportive Shard, it is still the Internet.

. . . Advice on boys?

I have the same problem. Can't ever get to sleep at night, and if I stay up until I'm tired, it's technically morning. It's especially bad after moving, what with the time change and all.


(Does anyone else say "what with" like that? Is that just a me thing? Family thing? Area thing? Worldwide thing I just haven't really noticed?)


As for advice, try listening to this. The sound of rain is very relaxing.

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Sleep, oh thou art an elusive creature.

I've been trying to relax for an hour. Nothing is working. I'm starting to remember why my previous slew strategy was to stay up until I was exhausted, then fall asleep quickly . . . Never mind that it was 1am.

Also, there's another thing. I'm hesitant to ask it, because even if this is the Super Nice and Supportive Shard, it is still the Internet.

. . . Advice on boys?


Hoo boy.


I have no advice for dating at the high school level.  I really didn't get into that until college.  One of the curses of going to a small town high school was that there were no boys my age into nerdy things, so I had no pool of potential dates to draw from.  Mostly, I was mocked a lot and suffered.

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